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Recent papers in Asteroides
In response to the current interest in CubeSats and potential applications for planetary exploration, this work studies the feasibility of using autonomous CubeSats to flyby near-Earth asteroids. Considering the limited performance of... more
Fast development of CubeSat technology now enables the first interplanetary missions. The potential application of CubeSats to flyby near-Earth asteroids is explored in this paper in consideration of CubeSats' limited propulsive... more
A crucial topic in planetology research is establishing links between primitive meteorites and their parent asteroids. In this study we investigate the feasibility of a connection between asteroids similar to 21 Lutetia, fly-bied by the... more
Context. The discovery that the Centaur (10199) Chariklo possesses a ring system opens questions about their origin. Aims. We here asses the plausibility of different scenarios for the origin of the observed ring system. Methods. We first... more
In response to the current interest in CubeSats and potential applications for planetary exploration, this work studies the feasibility of using autonomous CubeSats to flyby near-Earth asteroids. Considering the limited performance of... more
Enviado el 7 de abril de 2024 El texto explora las ideas de Charles Fourier sobre la atracción sexual y el amor como fuerzas motrices de los planetas, contrastándolas con las concepciones actuales del universo. Reflexiona sobre la... more
The aim of this paper is to study the capture of small Near Earth Objects (NEOs) into the Sun-Earth L2 using low-thrust propulsion for mining or science purposes. As it is well known, the vicinity of these points is inside a net of... more
In response to the current interest in CubeSats and potential applications for planetary exploration, this work studies the feasibility of using autonomous CubeSats to flyby near-Earth asteroids. Considering the limited performance of... more
Fast development of CubeSat technology now enables the first interplanetary missions. The potential application of CubeSats to flyby near-Earth asteroids is explored in this paper in consideration of CubeSats' limited propulsive... more
In response to the current interest in CubeSats and potential applications for planetary exploration, this work studies the feasibility of using autonomous CubeSats to flyby near-Earth asteroids. Considering the limited performance of... more
Fast development of CubeSat technology now enables the first interplanetary missions. The potential application of CubeSats to flyby near-Earth asteroids is explored in this paper in consideration of CubeSats' limited propulsive... more
Osservazioni satellitari ad alta risoluzione hanno evidenziato un intenso cambiamento del campo magnetico terrestre ad alte latitudini. Gli autori di un articolo recentemente pubblicato sulla rivista Nature spiegano questo fenomeno con la... more
A crucial topic in planetology research is establishing links between primitive meteorites and their parent asteroids. In this study we investigate the feasibility of a connection between asteroids similar to 21 Lutetia, encountered by... more
The fall of the Berduc meteorite took place on April 7, 2008, at 01 h 02 min 28 s ± 1 s UTC. A daylight fireball was witnessed by hundreds of people from Argentina and Uruguay, and also recorded by an infrasound array in Paraguay. From... more
Fast development of CubeSat technology now enables the first interplanetary missions. The potential application of CubeSats to flyby near-Earth asteroids is explored in this paper in consideration of CubeSats' limited propulsive... more
Parigi un importante Congresso monotematico (negli anni passati il tema era un pianeta per anno). Recentemente ha curato la traduzione del Tetrabyblos dal greco in francese. È tra i soci fondatori dell'Agapè (Association Générale des... more
The aim of this paper is to study the capture of small Near Earth Objects (NEOs) into the Sun-Earth L2 using low-thrust propulsion for mining or science purposes. As it is well known, the vicinity of these points is inside a net of... more
Em primeiro lugar, quero agradecer à minha família, em especial aos meus pais, que através de sacrifícios pessoais e profissionais possibilitaram o meu estudo nesta universidade e que me apoiaram economicamente durante todo o meu percurso... more
The purpose of this work is to illustrate the operational phases that allow to realize the curve of rotation of the Milky Way, to map the spiral structure of the Galaxy in the I and II quadrant with a thin division and to determine the... more
- by Mario Sandri
El Sistema Solar, dentro de las muchas partes que lo componen, alberga en su mayoría asteroides de pequeño tamaño y poco estudio a profundidad, que dentro de su composición u órbitas, pueden revelar pistas sobre cómo es que nuestro... more
We observed asteroid (596) Scheila and its ejecta cloud using the Swift UV-optical telescope. We obtained photometry of the nucleus and the ejecta, and for the first time measured the asteroid's reflection spectrum between 290 - 500... more
Introduction: Asteroid (596) Scheila is a middle size asteroid (about 115-120 km) having very dark surface with an albedo of 0.037 [1, 2]. It was classified as a PD-type object [3], that is rather rare type for main belt asteroids but... more
Extraterrestres na Caixa D'Água é um texto de apoio primeiramente distribuído em versão mimeo em cursos em nível de pós-graduação sobre recursos hídricos e educação ambiental no Oeste Paulista, desenvolvidos no biênio 2014-2015 no... more
For decades the evolutionary biology has made efforts to understand the meaning of "species" and explain the training process. Currently, there are over twenty different concepts of species. The use of different concepts leads to improper... more
Presentazione delle caratteristiche principali del sistema solare con l'aggiunta di altri argomenti di interesse.
In this paper we present results from photometric observations of (596) Scheila during its recent outburst. This one was the first time to observe the main-belt comet or a possible collision of two asteroids at the Skalnaté Pleso... more
Twenty-three solar system minor bodies were measured photometrically between 2005 February and 2011 July using robotic telescopes in North America, Europe, and Australia. From the data obtained we determine for these objects their basic... more