Recent papers in Asatru
A review published on The Wild Hunt website.
A review published on The Wild Hunt website.
A review published on The Wild Hunt website.
A review published on The Wild Hunt website.
This essay was a presentation delivered at the Midgard Maker's Faire in Arnold, MO, August 18, 2024. The focus of this presentation was the history of the Asa tribe, concerning Odin, who plays the role of psychopomp, shaman, and seer in... more
Paperback-February 2023 Kindle eBook-February 2023 87 pages Only a handful of authors wrote or write about the idea that there have been initiations in Northern pre-Christian Europe and that elements of these initiations have survived in... more
'. The seven articles, three in the first of the two issues and four in the second, are revised and expanded versions of the papers presented during those two conference sessions. We also include several book reviews that complement,... more
Magické rituály, různí bohové a bohyně, život v souladu s přírodou, ale i krvavé oběti a uctívání ďábla. Nejen to se člověku vybaví, když se řekne pohanství. Pro křesťany bylo po staletí předmětem teologických disputací a synonymem... more
If you like this paper, please donate anything you can to support my scientific research of an independent author at:
Dimitar Alekseev Dimitrov, United Bulgarian Bank, Bulgaria
IBAN: BG76UBBS81551013950726
Dimitar Alekseev Dimitrov, United Bulgarian Bank, Bulgaria
IBAN: BG76UBBS81551013950726
If you like this paper, please support my scientific research of an independent author, by donating anything you can at: or: Dimitar Alekseev Dimitrov, United Bulgarian Bank, Bulgaria IBAN:... more
La tierra gira alrededor del sol y asimismo la luna por la tierra. Nuestro planeta está bajo la fuerza de atracción de la luna y el Sol. En determinados momentos esta fuerza se eleva y este
The Norse-Germanic branch of medievalism in Britain during the First World War has been strangely neglected in both literary-cultural and historical scholarship. 1 Several studies have addressed that period's rampant "military... more
- by Grace Khuri
When living your life like an arrow in flight you must always accept that the end is in sight, be grateful at least for the fact that you knew you came to death-he did not come for you. You are like targets who sit and awaitpatiently... more
Exploration of ancestral dreams, recovery of indigenous mind and renewing tradition, and meditative statements that help coming-to-presence.
As Mark Turner claims in his work Reading Minds, "the human person is a patter of activity in the mind and in its brain" (Turner 13). This would imply that the human being is constantly "cognitively active", since he or she is steadily... more
Gútiská Rúnós (Gothic Runes) are mysterious abstract symbols for real entities and primal powers. These Runes are arguably foundational – thus the Ur-Runen – perhaps being a complete array as early as circa 100 AD. My book relates this... more
Brevísima compilación sobre los protodioses Búri, Borr y Bestla en las eddas.
Un breve estudio sobre el protodios Ymir en la espiritualidad nórdica con todas las menciones en las Eddas y añadidos explicativos de los seres mencionados además de unas breves reseñas de Vyktor Rydberg y Enrique Bernárdez.
A presente escrita delineia considerações acerca do Paganismo Piaga e da Vila Pagã no Piauí. Olhando para os aspectos da cosmologia e da paisagem, faço uma reflexão sobre como a organização dos mundos físico, espiritual e divino do... more
Divine love and wisdom take innumerable forms. A religious fact I am deeply aware of as a (Gnostic) priest of the Goddess Nerthus, and partially explaining the resurgence of Northern Mysteries within twenty first century Britain. After... more
Most modern neopagans of any tradition refer to their practices as ‘earth-based religion.’ Circle Sanctuary, a Wiccan organization founded in 1974, defines this as practices that “[honor] the spiritual interconnectedness of life on planet... more
Hávamál (Palavras do Altíssimo) é o segundo poema da Edda Poética.Este tesouro foi preservado apenas no Codex Regius e acredita-se que sua composição original seja datada do início do século 10 d.c. e derivado da antiga tradição oral.O... more
According to the established interpretation, the pagan Great Midwinter Sacrifice at Old Uppsala, in Uppland province, took place every ninth year. In our modern way of counting, this means every eighth year. The starting date was... more
Heimdall, su nombre puede significar "Guardián de los Dioses", " Guardián de la Esfera Celestial" o "Guardián del Arco Iris" y es conocido por todos como vigilante del Bifrost (arco iris). Es el primer dios nombrado en la Völuspá, la... more
Muitos deuses e deusas são mencionados na mitologia nórdica. Você vai encontrar vários deles nestas páginas. Contudo, a maioria das histórias que conhecemos trata de dois deuses-Odin e seu filho, Thor-e daquele que foi feito irmão de Odin... more
- by Gelson Silva
Kissing her Godhead Away: The Proto-Feminist Individuation of the Hero Brünnhilde”) remind us that texts thought to be the bread and butter of the mythic canon often lend themselves readily to “marginal” readings that buck “mainstream”... more
A close reading of the Havamal putting into context the treatment of women.
Zemle means 'in my land' in Russian, and it is the title of a fifteen minutes epic song by the Russian Pagan metal band Arkona. The song narrates about the adventures of a Slavic warrior from a bygone pagan past, who travels throughout... more
In 2007 vraagt een journalist van The New York Times onverwachts aan Obama: 'Heeft u Reinhold Niebuhr wel eens gelezen?' Barack Obama's reactie was: 'I love him. He's one of my favourite philosophers.' 1 In de daaropvolgende minuten geeft... more
Indo-European "peku" (cattle), Latin "pecu", Proto-Germanic "fehu", Old English "feoh", modern English "fee". Fehu represents wealth in both a literal and metaphorical sense.
Los libros no se escriben en el vacío. Este surgió debido a la insistencia de los fabulosos clientes de mi trabajo de joyería talismán. Terminé escribiéndolo para tener un solo lugar al que referir a las personas que tenían preguntas... more
The meaning of animal sacrifice has fascinated historians of religion for decades. In addition, it goes against trends of professed concern for animals in contemporary Western culture, although the notion of sacrifice remains important in... more
Aesthetic imaginaries in stories, paintings, film, and music, ranging from Wagnerian opera to contemporary black metal, Viking metal, Pagan metal, and neofolk music have had a strong impact on Asatru as well as on popular images of Nordic... more
The survey covers 140 clinically healthy sheep from two indigenous sheep breeds – Karakachan (KK)and Copper-Red Shumen (CRS) over one year old. Blood samples are taken from v. jugularis, and using a semi-automatic biochemical analyzer... more
Rites of passage, being significant markers in a human life time, have, due to processes of secularization been diminished in Dutch society. This artide investigates how different contemporary Pagan movements have affected modern civil... more
Asatrú as a religious movement in Scandinavia, particularly in Iceland, shows a continuing line of dialogue dating back at least to the 16th Century. At its core, the practice of Asatrú and its place within society reflects the push... more
This brief yet dynamic work explores the fascinating & intriguing Önd-Ur Kennings for Ullr and Skadhi from The Edda and recommends some extraordinary interpretations.
The survey covers 140 clinically healthy sheep from two indigenous sheep breeds - Karakachan (KK)and Copper-Red Shumen (CRS) over one year old. Blood samples are taken from v. jugularis, and using a semi-automatic biochemical analyzer... more
The representation of nature is central to Richard Wagner's Ring of the Nibelung cycle on a number of levels. The Nordic-mythic sources and setting, the role of original or partially re-invented nature deities (Erda, Donner and Froh, the... more
CityGML ist als internationaler Standard zur Repräsentation und den Austausch virtueller, geometrisch semantischer 3D-Stadtmodelle akzeptiert. Für die Version 3.0 deuten sich erhebliche Änderungen an, die sich an 19 Arbeitspaketen der... more
From the Iron Age to the modern period, authors have repeatedly restructured the ecomythology of the Siegfried saga. Fritz Lang's Weimar film production (released in 1924-1925) of Die Nibelungen presents an ascendant humanist... more
El término “Vanasatru” surgió en 2019 con la Hermandad Vanasatru Argentina.
Aquí se muestran las ideas de está corriente tradicional pagana.
Aquí se muestran las ideas de está corriente tradicional pagana.