Most downloaded papers in Asatru
This essay is an attempt to construct an annual calendrical model that would have existed among the heathen peoples of Scandinavia and Northern Europe prior to the advent of the Christian “Julian“ calendar. The evidence suggests that... more
The meaning of animal sacrifice has fascinated historians of religion for decades.
The modern English word heathen has long been the favorite label used in academic circles to identify the nonchristian peoples of western and northern Europe during the Middle Ages. Among Medieval historians it is used more precisely to... more
O presente texto é uma introdução à religião Ásatrú. Busca debater aspectos iniciais para aqueles que estão tendo seus primeiros contatos com o paganismo nórdico.
In 2008, in Iceland, the Germanic Contemporary Pagan (Heathen) organisation Ásatrúarfélagið purchased land to begin building a partly state-funded temple in Reykjavik. It was covered by international media variously as ‘first Viking... more
Sonne Heljarskinn " O meio ambiente e a paisagem perderam sua inocência e misticismo. A racionalidade do homem moderno e sua constante exigência de entendimento e explicação constituem os maiores obstáculos para nossa compreensão do mundo... more
Amidst the many exotic mantic techniques, that are fashionable today, like the tarot, I Ching, and astrology, the runic oracle is, as part of our European cultural heritage, very popular. As with many others, if not all techniques of... more
Richard Wagner’s tetralogy Der Ring des Nibelungen (the Ring) is a romantic work that utilises medieval narrative and thematic concerns (e.g., Poetic Edda, Völsunga Saga, and Nibelungenlied). For the scholar of religion, Wagner’s cycle... more
An Epicurean commentary on the Havamal, which celebrates friendship, hospitality, wisdom, self-sufficiency, moderation, and cheerfulness, and also provides a shamanic tradition that satisfies the Dionysian / non-linear hemisphere of the... more
O Paganismo Nórdico Contemporâneo trata-se de uma categoria religiosa ampla, em que são incluídas diversas vertentes religiosas que buscam resgatar, reconstruir e ressignificar as religiões nórdicas pré-cristãs no mundo contemporâneo. O... more
To illustrate how the treatment of gender roles in literature and in post funeral veneration imply pre-christian heathens understood male and females to be different after death; examining parallels in social and biological function of... more
“Asatru”, the modern worship of the Heathen deities of Scandinavia and Northern Europe, is a relatively young, internationally developing religious phenomenon. Since the 1990’s researchers have gradually built a body of academic... more
An issue of concern that reconstructed Germanic pagan congregations face lies in their chosen label, reconstruction. While there are historic sources to draw from sources to draw from, a fair number are second hand and thus cannot truly... more
Uma análise do uso das runas através da história, e sua possível aplicação hoje no dia a dia.
Asatrú as a religious movement in Scandinavia, particularly in Iceland, shows a continuing line of dialogue dating back at least to the 16th Century. At its core, the practice of Asatrú and its place within society reflects the push... more
Our famous translator Helgi Hálfdánarson discovered the underlying origin of Edda poem Völuspá, to the great annoyance of our scholars. Helgi stripped the Edda poem Völuspá off all later additions and clumsy misunderstandings. Einar... more
Now is the time, to understand anew our forefathers’ profound wisdom and pure theosophy. Note, that theocracy, (“god-power”, a tool for dominance) is not the same as theosophy, divine wisdom for man’s spiritual evolution. See here... more
Óðsmál can teach thee how to lay the bridge Bifröst. The material is free of charge for every human being. We only have to know where to find it. The bridge leads to Valhöll, the enlightenment of a man fully alive. This is the purpose... more
Como existe muita controvérsia sobre " o que " é o reconstrucionismo e muitas pessoas o criticam sem sequer entender, vamos tentar apresentar o que ele é, e o que ele não é, do nosso ponto de vista enquanto reconstrucionistas (já que... more
Some initial thoughts on the polytheism of the Asatru religion.
Sound has the capability to construct worlds and identities, particularly when mobilized in a charged space embodying what Heidegger calls the fourfold, the meeting between mortals, gods/the dead, earth, and sky. Places exuding or... more
In Óðsmál, we re-discover amazing hard-core science and physics, of which we have not perceived during the dark ages of ignorance. We will be amazed to find out.
In the last two months there were reports in the internet regarding two of China's Inter-mediatory Range Ballistic Missiles (IRBMs). One of these was on the new image of a Chinese IRBM believed to be the DF-25. i The other one was on a... more
We are not aware of that we, involuntarily, are tossed about in a vicious cycle of action and the incentive thereof. This is why a vicious cycle is so vicious. God Ullur (fire) can roast the seeds of memory. Would you like to understand... more
Urður Verðandi Skuld are not weaving, they are a law of nature. Do we understand what that means? Can man have free will when there is a pre-determined cosmic plan. Yes we can. Learn how.
Cycles in Norse Mythology are not mere circles, they are evolutionary cycles. It is interesting to see how many cycles we live in.
A primavera chegou, e a Sol já voltou a dar sinais de seu humor fervente em suas caminhadas pelo céu de Tiw. Na internet, entretanto, nada de novo: esta continua sendo o local onde doutores na própria opinião querem formar seitas. No... more
Völuspá (Profecia da Vidente) é o primeiro e mais conhecido poema da Velha Edda.Esse poema narra a origem da criação e vai até a sua destruição.Muitos o consideram como umas das melhores fontes para o estudo da mitologia nórdica.A Völuspá... more
Fast-growing Fenrisúlfur named Frythology, and "really shitty of it". We should invoke Týr in us to fetter a bit this Frythology-Fenrisúlfur (fenris-úlfur). My new word "Frythology" means Fraud Mythology, Fake Mythology, Fabricated Myths,... more
Published in the heathen journal Ringhorn in the winter of 2020. The article appeared in German, however I also added an English and Hungarian version. In this article I continue my investigations of heathen lovephilosophy (and... more
HÁVAMÁL : Archaic Basic Edition
Wisdom by ODIN + Translation by OLIVE BRAY
Edited by Fritz Maes
Corrected Facing Transcription-Translation
Old Norse + Victorian English
Non-Profit Educational Usage Only
Wisdom by ODIN + Translation by OLIVE BRAY
Edited by Fritz Maes
Corrected Facing Transcription-Translation
Old Norse + Victorian English
Non-Profit Educational Usage Only
The thought of René Guénon et al combined with the prechristian religion of Northwestern Europe. An older text of mine.