Environmental ethics (Philosophy) (Philosophy)
Recent papers in Environmental ethics (Philosophy) (Philosophy)
Health care is ubiquitous in the lives of industrialized people. Yet, every medical development, technique, and procedure impact the environment. Green Bioethics synthesizes environmental ethics and biomedical ethics, thus creating an... more
Even though anthropogenic climate change is largely caused by industrialized nations, its burden is distributed unevenly with poor developing countries suffering the most. A common response to livelihood insecurities and destruction is... more
ABSTRACT: Anthropocentrism has been claimed to be the root of the global environmental crisis. Based on a multidisciplinary (e.g. environmental philosophy, animal ethics, anthro - pology, law) and multilingual (English, Spanish, French,... more
An insight to the views of religious beliefs versus a utilitarian notions on the impact of environmental issues
Kari Väyrynen, Oulun yliopisto HYVEET YMPÄRISTÖETIIKASSA (luonnos, siteerattava alkuperäisen julkaisun pohjalta) Tarkastelen artikkelissani hyveitä ympäristöetiikassa kahdella tasolla. Esittelen aluksi ympäristötietoisen hyve-etiikan... more
It's hardly news that settler culture normalizes ecocide. Those of us raised as settlers who are nevertheless ecoconscious routinely blame ourselves for our failure to live up to our own best expectations when it comes to challenging the... more
The concept of reflection is common to a range of learning theories and therefore carries various meanings and differing significance. Within theories of adult education, reflection is predominantly conceptualized as the rational... more
- by Richard Jordi
- Daoist Philosophy, Environmental ethics (Philosophy) (Philosophy), Tai Chi Chuan, Environmental justice, global sustainability, Environmental Politics and Governance, Indigenous Knowledge Systems, Education for Sustainable Development, Environmental Sustainability. Global Development and Environmental Protection
This work is Chapter 11 in the John M. Meyer and Jens M. Kersten edited volume "The Greening of Everyday Life" (Oxford University Press, 2016), pp.183-97. It builds in part upon my earlier work "Plumwood, Property, Selfhood and... more
The Flint water crisis was a preventable tragedy that has decimated an entire community. This crisis is particularly appalling because Flint is an Environmental Justice community –a community in which the majority of its residents are... more
"This paper examines what would be a fair distribution of the right to emit greenhouse gases. It distinguishes between views that treat the distribution of this right on its own (Isolationist Views) and those that treat it in conjunction... more
Z destrukcyjnego wpływu niszczenia środowiska na człowieka zaczęto sobie zdawać sprawę dopiero na początku lat 60. XX wieku (D. Brower, R. Carson, G. Hardin). Wśród myślicieli, których refleksje bezpośrednio poprzedziły powstanie etyki... more
In an article titled “Robochop,” The Economist reported a practical problem and its technological solution. The problem was that swarms of jellyfish clogged up the pipes of a Swedish nuclear power plant on the Baltic Sea coast, forcing... more
This paper argues that environmental virtue ethics requires the adoption of an ethical ideal in order to guide the identification and practice of virtues. I recommend friendship as one such ideal due to emphasis such an ideal places upon... more
Apocalyptic fictions abound in contemporary culture, multiplying end-of-the-world fantasies of environmental collapse. Meanwhile, efforts toward global sustainability extrapolate from deep-past trends to predict and manage deep-future... more
The uploaded version of the article is my PDF of the publication. One of the new constellations which, in my opinion, will be much debated on in the post-pandemic time will be the theological interpretation of Creation and of the aims of... more
Contemporary ideas of nature were largely shaped by schools of thought from Western cultural history and philosophy until the present-day concerns with environmental change and biodiversity conservation. There are many different ways of... more
This text was originally written for the tenth anniversary issue of the Journal of Environmental Thought and Education (Japan). This is an expanded and revised version (June 20, 2018). Links to several earlier versions are included.
The analysis and argument of this paper questions the binary "anthropocentric" vs. "ecocentric" conceptions of environmental ethics, in particular by examining two of its underlying assumptions: (1) an intentionalist or subject-object... more
Steven Vogel's philosophical musings in Thinking like a Mall: Environmental Philosophy after the End of Nature are a plea to his profession to recognize a " postnatural " world that he claims is forged out of the extinction of nature. He... more
This is a final draft of the article published in Environmental Ethics 11 (Fall 1989): 243-258. This assessment of the Promethean dimension of Marx's thought is accurate, but though it mentions Marx's more dialectical side and its... more
John Stuart Mill is known as the first canonical Western philosopher to espouse a stationary state of economic growth, and as such he can be seen as an important totemic figure for reformist strategies in environmental ethics. However,... more
the most extensive overview of anarchist theory and practice yet to appear. His survey of the history of ecological thought is therefore quite welcome. Nature's Web is a valuable work for anyone concerned with ecological issues, and is... more
Summary People became to be aware of the destructive influence of the environment degradation on themselves not before the early 60s of the twentieth century (D. Brower, R. Carson, G. Hardin). Among authors whose reflections directly... more
Enclosed is a philosophically oriented impassioned plea for a revolution in the way we think about the future in light of climate change. It was composed as a university and public presentation for the Institute for Culture and... more
The concepts dao and de in the Daodejing may be evoked to support a distinctive and plausible account of environmental holism. Dao refers to the totality of particulars, including the relations that hold between them, and the respective... more
A discourse on water ethics has emerged as a field linking practical water demands, social practices, and hydrological constraints to philosophic norms. The field arose parallel to growing, global understandings of the interconnected... more
Environmental unsustainability is due to both structural features and historically specific characteristics of industrial capitalism resulting in specific patterns of production and consumption, as well as population growth.... more
Humankind’s failure to relate to Nature (which I define as that which is not constructed by humankind) with respect is shown by the environmental crisis. This crisis has been manifested since the industrial revolution by the massive... more
The recent shift towards the interdisciplinary study of the human-environment relationship is largely driven by environmental justice debates. This article will distinguish four types of environmental justice and link them to questions of... more
Portrayals of the anthropocene period are often dystopian or post-apocalyptic narratives of climate crises that will leave humans in horrific science-fiction scenarios. Such narratives miss the populations of people, such as Indigenous... more
The relationship of human liberty to both external nature and human inner nature entails a complex knot of questions that have long been the subject of intense philosophical discussion. In the modern era, a strong dichotomy developed... more
Environmental hermeneutics is a relatively recent stance within environmental philosophy and environmental ethics. The starting point of an environmental hermeneutics is the idea that the world that humans inhabit is always already... more