Papers by Roy Gangleri
Traditionalistic Asatru, 2012
The thought of René Guénon et al combined with the prechristian religion of Northwestern Europe. ... more The thought of René Guénon et al combined with the prechristian religion of Northwestern Europe. An older text of mine.
Franz Farwerck (1889-1969), 2020
A biography in Dutch of Franz Eduard Farwerck (1889-1969). In February 2023 I created a book out ... more A biography in Dutch of Franz Eduard Farwerck (1889-1969). In February 2023 I created a book out of the Farwerck website (, available from Amazon in Dutch and English, paperback and Kindle. Revised and much enlarged since this paper.
Book Reviews by Roy Gangleri
Franz Eduard Farwerck (1889-1969): His life and work, 2023
Franz Eduard Farwerck (1889-1969) is best known for his years in politics. He was a much more var... more Franz Eduard Farwerck (1889-1969) is best known for his years in politics. He was a much more varied and interesting man. Businessman, philanthropist, amateur archaeologist, Rotary Club member, Theosophist, Sufi, co-Mason, but most of all: an avid writer.
For about 20 years I have been gathering information about the man. Initially because that made me discover more writings of his, later simply because there was not a whole lot of good information about Farwerck and what was available was mostly one-sided. A biography became a website in 2019 and in 2023 I turned the website into two small books, one in English, one in Dutch.
F.E. Farwerck; Zijn Leven En Werk, 2023
Kindle eBook-Februari 2023 73 pagina's Franz Eduard Farwerck (1889-1969) is het meest gekend voor... more Kindle eBook-Februari 2023 73 pagina's Franz Eduard Farwerck (1889-1969) is het meest gekend voor zijn jaren in de politiek. Hij was echter een veel meer gevarieerde en interessante man. Zakenman, filantroop, amateur archeoloog, Rotary Club lid, Theosoof, Soefi, gemengd Vrijmetselaar, maar vooral een actief schrijver. Dit boek geeft je een kijk in het leven en het werk van deze veelzijdige Nederlander. Al zo'n 20 jaar doe ik onderzoek naar de man. Aanvankelijk omdat ik op die manier nieuwe teksten vond, maar na een tijdje had ik meer informatie verzameld dan de bestaande (en vaak eenzijdige) informatie die beschikbaar was. Een biografie werd en website en op basis van de website heb ik twee boekjes gemaakt. Een in het Engels, een in het Nederlands.
Freemasonry & Heathenry, 2023
Paperback-February 2023 Kindle eBook-February 2023 87 pages Only a handful of authors wrote or wr... more Paperback-February 2023 Kindle eBook-February 2023 87 pages Only a handful of authors wrote or write about the idea that there have been initiations in Northern pre-Christian Europe and that elements of these initiations have survived in Freemasonry. Many of these authors didn't even write in English, making even less information available for the English reading audience. This little book and the website are meant to be an introduction into this interesting hypotheses.
Symbols Of Freemasonry, 2024
This book contains over 350 symbols from the large area of Freemasonry. They are from a variety o... more This book contains over 350 symbols from the large area of Freemasonry. They are from a variety of rites and degrees, from the past and the present and from different kinds of Freemasonry. You can look for the symbols by name, category and description or of course, simply by paging through the book.
The Kirwall Scroll Dissected, 2024
Hardcover (full colour)-June 2024 Kindle eBook-June 2024 95 pages The (in)famous Kirkwall Scroll ... more Hardcover (full colour)-June 2024 Kindle eBook-June 2024 95 pages The (in)famous Kirkwall Scroll is a fascinating artifact of early modern Freemasonry. Investigators have looked into the dating and the symbolism of the scroll. This book looks into both. By dissecting the scroll and looking at the details, new information surfaces which helps with the dating of the scroll. This book looks into the questions: how did the Kirkwall lodge get the scroll; who was the supposed giver William Graeme and how accurately can we date the scroll? In order to answer these questions, the scroll is cut up in panels and from every panel, the symbols are taken out of their context. Some can be explained, some not. Enough can be explained to come to a fairly accurate dating. The book contains colour images based on the reprint of the Kirkwall Scroll published by the Masonic publishing house Lewis Masonic. compendium, 2023
An anthology of my writings on my main website since 1999. Freemasonry, heathenry, esotericism, T... more An anthology of my writings on my main website since 1999. Freemasonry, heathenry, esotericism, Traditionalism, comparative myth, a compilation of longer and shorter writings about a variety of subjects in chronological order.
Gemengde Vrijmetselarij: in Nederland en Nederlandstalig België, 2023
Paperback-Februari 2023 Kindle eBook-Februari 2023 79 pagina's Vrijmetselarij waarvan niet alleen... more Paperback-Februari 2023 Kindle eBook-Februari 2023 79 pagina's Vrijmetselarij waarvan niet alleen mannen lid kunnen worden, bestaat sinds 1893 en wordt stilletjes aan steeds bekender. Een overkoepelende term voor alle vormen is er niet. Er zijn loges waar iedereen lid kan worden. Dan is de term "gemengd" een geschikte omschrijving. Maar er zijn ook loges waarvan alleen vrouwen lid kunnen worden. Die zijn dus niet gemengd, maar komen wel voor in dit boekje. Dan hebben we ook nog de Weefsters die weliswaar vergelijkbaar zijn, maar eigenlijk geen Vrijmetselarij bedrijven, omdat ze werken met andere symboliek. Desondanks is de doel van dit boekje om je kennis te laten maken met het Maçonnieke landschap in Nederland en Nederlandstalig België voor het deel voor het deel waarin niet alleen mannen een rol spelen. Niet om deze vormen van Vrijmetselarij af te zetten tegen de meer bekende Vrijmetselarij voor mannen, maar gewoon om die andere vormen extra in het zonnetje te zetten.
co-Masonry: Mixed gender Freemasonry around the world, 2023
Mixed Gender Freemasonry, co-Masonry, co-Freemasonry. Many terms, and yet they don't cover the en... more Mixed Gender Freemasonry, co-Masonry, co-Freemasonry. Many terms, and yet they don't cover the entire content of this book. This book speaks about all forms of Freemasonry that does not involve only men. A general introduction, history, FAQ, in depth chapters, but most of all, a list of all countries where the named organisations are active.
Papers by Roy Gangleri
Book Reviews by Roy Gangleri
For about 20 years I have been gathering information about the man. Initially because that made me discover more writings of his, later simply because there was not a whole lot of good information about Farwerck and what was available was mostly one-sided. A biography became a website in 2019 and in 2023 I turned the website into two small books, one in English, one in Dutch.
For about 20 years I have been gathering information about the man. Initially because that made me discover more writings of his, later simply because there was not a whole lot of good information about Farwerck and what was available was mostly one-sided. A biography became a website in 2019 and in 2023 I turned the website into two small books, one in English, one in Dutch.