Appointment of Judges
Recent papers in Appointment of Judges
Book Review of Abhinav Chandrachud's "The Informal Constitution: Unwritten Criteria in Selecting Judges for the Supreme Court of India" 57 (2) JILI 270 - 275 ISSN 0019 – 5731.
Published by Oxford University Press, 2014
Published by Oxford University Press, 2014
Article 255 du Traité sur le fonctionnement de l'Union européenne
Article 255 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union ( 255 TFEU)
Articolo 255 del Trattato sul funzionamento dell'Union europea (255 TFUE)
Article 255 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union ( 255 TFEU)
Articolo 255 del Trattato sul funzionamento dell'Union europea (255 TFUE)
Abstract (D): Die institutionelle Ausgestaltung des Richteramts steht in der Schweiz in einem Spannungsverhältnis zur richterlichen Unabhängigkeit. Dies trifft auch auf das Bundesrichteramt zu: Bundesrichterinnen und Bundesrichter werden... more
Español: En Argentina existe un mecanismo tradicional para el nombramiento de jueces de la Corte Suprema, basado en un acuerdo entre el presidente y el Senado. Cuando discurren situaciones urgentes y excepcionales, el presidente está... more
È opinione comune, presso gli studiosi moderni, che i giudici privati del processo civile romano (giudici monocratici o recuperatores) appartenessero alle classi sociali più elevate e più colte e che mantenessero, nel ricoprire il loro... more
The article is organised in three parts. The first one illustrates the historical features and the institutional and political background that have to be taken into account in order to understand how initial teacher education and training... more
In the interests of maintaining the independence of the English judiciary, it is prudent to consider whether the system of judicial recruitment is safeguarded now, when it has previously been so heavily influenced and reliant upon members... more
Dalam kehidupan manusia semenjak diturunkan Nabi Adam A.S. ke dunia ini, perbezaan fikiran dan pendapat merupakan perkara yang dapat dikatakan akan wujud apabila ada interaksi antara dua individu manusia atau lebih. Perbezaan pendapat ini... more
[PL] Sejm VIII kadencji ustanowił niespotykane wcześniej w polskim systemie prawnym procedury dla wyłonienia organów państwowych. W szczególności — jako analizy przypadków — zostaną przedstawione postępowania i faktyczne czynności... more
———————————— Challenges for judicial independence and impartiality in the member states of the Council of Europe Report prepared jointly by the Bureau of the CCJE and the Bureau of the CCPE for the attention of the Secretary General of... more
President Barack Obama’s nomination and the United States Senate’s confirmation of Sonia Sotomayor to the United States Supreme Court in the summer of 2009 had important implications for Latina and Latino identity and the meaning... more
The judicialization of politics has been described as one of the most significant phenomena of late twentieth and early twenty-first century government. While the courts have more judicial muscle than they did centuries ago, it would be a... more
The National Judicial Appointments Commission system for appointing judges is unconstitutional for four reasons. There is potential for its misuse as appointments to the higher judiciary will be controlled by the executive branch of the... more
È opinione comune, presso gli studiosi moderni, che i giudici privati del processo civile romano (giudici monocratici o recuperatores) appartenessero alle classi sociali più elevate e più colte e che mantenessero, nel ricoprire il loro... more
Although having a diverse bench is instrumental to a fair judicial system, the first Mexican American was not appointed to the federal bench until 1961. In that year, President John F. Kennedy appointed Reynaldo G. Garza, to the U.S.... more
I.- Introducción. 1.- El nuevo Tribunal Constitucional en la República Dominicana. 1.1.- Composición. 1.2.- Designación. 1.2.1.- La participación del Consejo Nacional de la Magistratura. 1.2.2. - El procedimiento... more
This article aims to place the selection process of judges to the Slovak Constitutional Court, which is most likely to determine its composition for more than a decade, into the context of the constitutional judges’ interaction with other... more
This is a review essay discussing the arguments and implications of two impressive books published in the United Kingdom in 2013 - Alan Paterson's 'Final Judgment – The Last Law Lords and the Supreme Court' and Erika Rackley's 'Women,... more
""This paper discusses the different models of appointment applied for constitutional judges in Europe, taking into consideration also the appointment procedure of the two European regional courts. It offers an account and a comparative... more
This Article presents a comparative study of the appointment process to the Supreme Court in the United States and Argentina. The study reviews the Executive Branch's role, focusing on the selection criteria of potential candidates, such... more
[Contd. Article Series] Article 4: This is the fourth article of the series and undertakes a conceptual analysis of the concept of judicial appointments.The author has ventured to design a series of six articles on "Higher Judicial... more
Elek and Rottman argue that judicial evaluation is often biased against women and minority judges. The need to address bias is important, however often the desire for diversity seems so self-evident as to belie deeper analysis. This paper... more
The Appointment clause between politics and law: the American case. In the era of modern constitutionalism, the importance of selection and appointment of constitutional judges has become ever more crucial for democratic societies. In our... more
Judicial selection and training policies and standards must include two fundamental dimensions which reflect current realities in judicial activity: 1) Judicial ethics; which refers to (a) the good character which a judicial candidate... more
Reforms to the process for electing judges to the European Court of Human Rights have generally focused on identifying the most qualified individual candidates. This Article argues for a more holistic approach, advancing a theory of why... more
1.- Introducción. 2.- El modelo de renovación de los magistrados del Tribunal Constitucional. 3.- El retraso en la renovación de los magistrados constitucionales. 4.- El contexto de la reforma: coincidencia entre las designaciones de... more
France maintains a court system outside of the European continent in so-called overseas regions such as Martinique and New Caledonia. Held as colonies until the 1940s, these territories became part of the French state with varying degrees... more
The international legal system encompasses a variety of legal norms, but the perceived increase in "fragmentation" of these norms has recently been seen as a problem for the system as a whole. Consequently, many writers have suggested... more
The article is organised in three parts. The first one illustrates the historical features and the institutional and political background that have to be taken into account in order to understand how initial teacher education and training... more
This article discusses from the perspective of democratic theory an innovative proposal for the selection of constitutional, supreme court, or federal judges that aims at combining the values of expertise and political independence. It... more
This paper analyzes the vicariates forane and the profile of their main official, explaining the process through which the diocesan apparatus penetrated into the territory of Central-Southern Portuguese America (i.e. Minas Gerais and São... more
There is a furore in Queensland about the appointment of Judge Carmody to be Chief Justice of Queensland. This paper examines why processes such as confidential consultation with stakeholders is important. It also explains the importance... more
The debate about the tenure of judges of the Supreme Court of India is fixated somewhat unnecessarily on the retirement age than the actual time spent in the Court. Examining the length of the tenure gives some hints as to the unwritten... more
The appointment of Judges and Advocates-General to the CJEU was historically within the Member States’ discretion. The candidates were selected on the national level and on the EU level were appointed by common accord of all Member... more
Published in: Unité et diversité du droit international: Ecrits en l'honneur du professeur Pierre-Marie Dupuy / Unity and Diversity of International Law: Essays in Honour of Professor Pierre-Marie Dupuy (edité par / edited by Denis... more
This article presents statistical information about the High Court's decisionmaking for 2013 at both an institutional and individual level, with an emphasis on constitutional cases as a subset of the total. The results have been compiled... more
The Presidential assent to the Constitution (121st Amendment) Bill, 2014 has finally set the ball rolling for advent of the National Judicial Appointments Commission (NJAC). This new constitutional body seeks not only to give decent... more
Documento trabajado para la Fundacion para el Debido Proceso 'DPLF
After the decision of the Supreme Court in the NJAC case, the collegium system is back in action vis-à-vis appointment and transfer of judges to the higher judiciary in India. The noteworthy aspect of the majority judgement in the case is... more
Informe de observación del proceso de elección de magistrados de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de El Salvador elaborado en 2108 con Fusades.
Ausgrenzen oder integrieren? Verfassungs richter wahlen mit oder gegen die AfD Am 14. Juni dieses Jahres wählte der Landtag von... more
TheseguidelinesaredesignedtoexpandonandexplicatethelanguagenotedinthecurrentBy-Laws pertainingtoStandingCommittees(SCs): ByLaws4.1extract:responsibilitiesofWCCESPresidentincludingto"appointcommitteesandworkinggroupsasneeded"... more
Glærur með erindi sem flutt var á málstofu um skipun dómara á Lagadegi 27. apríl 2018.