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O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar, com base em uma pesquisa de história legislativa e história do pensamento econômico, se houve uma “revolução do antitruste” no Brasil. A tese da “revolução do antitruste” parte do pressuposto de que,... more
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      Competition LawAntitrust (Law)Economic LawHistória do Brasil
The ultimate objective of the present paper is to empirically investigate the effectiveness of competition policy in developed and developing countries. Although its importance is continuously increasing, the effectiveness of competition... more
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      Industrial OrganizationCompetition LawAntitrust (Law)Competition Policy
for very helpful comments on earlier drafts. 1 Consider the Pullman sleeper car monopoly that extended over seven decades. Chicago, St.
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      BusinessAntitrust LawSense Makingexclusive dealing
Im April 2019 ist das Gesetz zum Schutz von Geschäftsgeheimnissen („GeschGehG“) in Deutschland in Kraft getreten und hat die bisherigen Regelungen hierzu im Gesetz gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb („UWG“) abgelöst. Was Geschäftsgeheimnisse... more
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      European LawCompetition LawAntitrust (Law)German Law
Nei sei anni di operatività dello strumento di cui all’art.21bis, L. n.287del 1990, la giurisprudenza ha avuto modo di confrontarsi con diversi problemi applicativi emersi. Come identificare questa nuova forma di legittimazione? Quali... more
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      Antitrust LawCompetition Advocacy
SOMMARIO: 1. Il problema della natura della legittimazione ad agire dell'AGCM. - 2. Le principali incertezze interpretative e applicative nella fase pre-contenziosa. - 2.1. L'emanazione del parere. - 2.2. La fase successiva all'emanazione... more
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      Administrative LawAntitrust LawDiritto AmministrativoDiritto processuale amministrativo
Competition law is generally focused on competition in a market. Yet, as recent economic studies have clearly indicated, one of the main sources of competition concerns of jurisdictions around the world is the impact of high levels of... more
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      CoordinationAntitrust LawEconomic ConcentrationBargaining Power
Every day, digital platforms generate, gather, store and analyze a huge amount of data, personal data included: these data can be elaborated to cluster individuals and offer personalized prices and services. Progressively individuals are... more
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      BusinessInformation Technology LawSocial Science Research NetworkAntitrust Law
Leegin decision of the Supreme Court in 2007 affirmed that minimum RPM was to be evaluated under the rule of reason henceforth. Conversely, minimum RPM retains its position as a hard-core restraint in EU's BER 2010 and the De Minimis... more
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      LawCivil LawEuropean LawLaw and Economics
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Industrial OrganizationAntitrust Law
The following aspects are anylised in the paper: - Russian courts' practice in connection with shareholders' agreements governed by foreign law before the legislative developments of 2009; - novelties in the regulation of corporate... more
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      Corporate LawContract LawMergers & AcquisitionsIntellectual Property Law
The facilitators or informers have become important subjects in the field of Competition Law. However, just as they have served to fight against the cartels, they have also been used by the latter to facilitate and cover up their... more
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      Comparative LawCompetition LawAntitrust (Law)Competition Policy
7 ª e d ic ió n
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      Intellectual PropertyCommercial LawDERECHO PENALBankruptcy Law
The work, starting from a recent judgement of the Administrative Regional Court of Lazio, focuses on several topics related to the legitimate right of organizing the regularity rallies, with particular attention on the topics of insurance... more
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      Antitrust (Law)Sports LawInsurance LawInternational Sports Law
The topic of this dissertation is the analysis of buyer power and its treatment in EU competition law. The aim of the study and its main research question are connected to identifying, synthesizing, discussing, and evaluating the buyer... more
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      Industrial OrganizationPublic ProcurementAntitrust LawEU Competition Law
For over a century the US has conducted an experiment in commercialized journalism by treating news as both a commodity and a public service.
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      Critical TheoryAmerican HistoryIntellectual HistorySociology
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      Competition LawAntitrust LawDiritto CivileDiritto commerciale
7 Regolamento (CE) n. 773/2004 della Commissione, del 7 aprile 2004, relativo ai procedimenti svolti dalla Commissione a norma degli articoli 81 e 82 del trattato CE, GUUE L 123, 27 aprile 2004, p. 18 ss. 8 Per un esame generale dei... more
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationEuropean LawAntitrust (Law)
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      Competition PolicyDigital EconomyAntitrust LawEU Competition Law
Los autores realizan un análisis crítico del nuevo delito de abuso de poder económico a la luz de la dogmática del Derecho Penal económico y el Derecho de la Libre competencia. En ese sentido, formulan críticas que tienen como finalidad... more
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      Antitrust (Law)Antitrust LawDerecho Penal EconómicoAntitrust & Competition Law
I diritti di traduzione, di memorizzazione elettronica, di riproduzione e di adattamento totale o parziale, con qualsiasi mezzo (compresi i micro lm e le copie fotostatiche), sono riservati per tutti i Paesi. Le fotocopie per uso... more
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      Comparative LawCorporate LawCompetition LawAntitrust (Law)
Minority share acquisitions between competitors have been mistakenly considered of concern only in case they result in a change of control. First the economic theory, closely followed by courts and doctrine, explained and demonstrated... more
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      LawComparative LawEuropean LawCompetition Law
ABSTRACT This is a very brief textbook that introduces a basic explanation about the relationship between Law and Economics. In Chile, the study of Economics for Law Schools began in the middle of 20th century using the denomination “... more
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      Economical Analysis of LawLaw and EconomicsRegulationRegulatory Affairs
When an international cartel member considers self-reporting a global collusion in various jurisdictions, it is confronted with more than 60 different leniency programs applicable to a single infringement. The diversity of rules affects... more
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      WhistleblowingEuropean Union Law, Competition Law, International Trade LawCorruptionAntitrust Law
Much evidence from recent antitrust cases casts doubt on the ability of conventional remedies to restore competition in digital markets. This paper considers three untested remedies for antitrust enforcement in digital markets: mandatory... more
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      AlgorithmsCompetition LawAntitrust (Law)Competition Policy
Este Boletín, y las ediciones precedentes pueden ser obtenidas en la pagina de la DGIV en Internet, en la dirección siguiente:
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    • Antitrust Law
presentation delivered at the Federal Antimonopoly Commission  – FAS RUSSIA. Moscow, 21 September 2015
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      Antitrust (Law)Product Lifecycle ManagementAntitrust LawPharmaceutical Law
1. Introduction In what is undoubtedly the most high-profile antitrust case of this moment, tech giant Google has been hit with a string of allegations with regard to its business practices. These allegations led Europe’s highest... more
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      Competition LawEuropean Union LawEU LawGoogle
Non-compete clauses in patent license agreements can result in both anti-competitive and pro-competitive effects. In the EU and the U.S., these competitive effects of non-compete clauses are taken into account under the rules of... more
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      Competition LawCommercial LawIntellectual Property RightsAntitrust Law, Competition Law, IP Law
Considerando as problemáticas e os desafios trazidos pelos mercados digitais, importa uma análise da intersecção de seus modelos de negócios, baseado no tratamento intensivo de dados pessoais, e o direito da concorrência. Nesse sentido, é... more
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      Antitrust (Law)PERSONAL DATA PROTECTIONData ProtectionPrivacy and data protection
In a tort law regime established on the basis of corrective justice considerations, causation requirements will tend to play a predominant role in regulating the damages claims brought forward. The requirement of the causal link between... more
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      Comparative LawCompetition LawAntitrust (Law)Causation
Antitrust policy nominally plays an instrumental public interest role. The generally accepted notion is that it is a government instrument designed to intervene in relatively unregulated markets in order to preserve rivalry among... more
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      Institutional EconomicsEmerging EconomiesLaw and DevelopmentAntitrust Law
El derecho de la competencia, al que los norteamericanos llaman derecho antimonopolístico (en inglés Antitrust Law), puede describirse como el conjunto de normas jurídicas que pretenden regular el poder actual o potencial de las empresas... more
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      Mergers & AcquisitionsCompetition LawLaw and EconomicsAntitrust Law
The report examines optimal financial penalties from an economic and a comparative perspective. While emphasis is put on deterrence, we also examine some limits to the optimal enforcement theory employed by economists to design effective... more
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      Competition LawAntitrust (Law)Competition PolicyCompetition
The study first takes a normative perspective and examines the various goals that have been advanced by competition law literature on the objectives of EU competition law. A critical analysis of this literature shows the weaknesses of an... more
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      European LawCompetition LawAntitrust (Law)Competition Policy
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      Competition LawAntitrust LawEU Competition Law
The present article aims to outline the latest developments of Competition Law and Policy in Brazil. The so-called Brazilian Competition Policy System has become increasingly more active over the past decade. Since the beginning of the... more
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      Competition PolicyBrazilAntitrust Law
Lo scritto affronta la problematica del sindacato giurisdizionale sui provvedimenti dell’Antitrust cercando di ricavare una soluzione di sintesi dal sistema. Inquadramento costituzionale delle Autorità indipendenti, (limiti della)... more
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      Competition LawAntitrust (Law)Administrative LawAntitrust Law
Brazil is currently discussing the introduction of a nationwide Fixed Book Price (" FBP ") policy, thus providing context for a discussion of its welfare benefits. There is a rift between the reasons for implementing FBP regimes, and... more
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      Antitrust (Law)Law and DevelopmentBrazilFixed book price
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      Judicial reviewAntitrust LawEU Competition Law
Parity clauses, also known as most-favoured-nation clauses, are designed to address the hold-up problem in vertical relations and facilitate investment and efficiencies by the downstream platform. However, when designed too broadly, they... more
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      Competition LawWeb searchRegulationOnline Marketing
A note about the «inducement to contractual breach» in Peruvian Legal System.
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      Contract LawLaw of TortsDerecho ContractualResponsabilità Civile
A oposição entre a defesa da concorrência e os direitos de propriedade intelectual, ou a abstrata complementariedade entre essas normas jurídicas, não são suficientes para resolver os desafios da interface entre esses ramos do Direito.... more
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      Antitrust (Law)Direito EconômicoAntitrust LawDireito da União Europeia
El presente artículo tiene por objeto la revisión y descripción del panorama doctrinal, legislativo, precedentual y casuístico de una de las modalidades de prácticas anticompetitivas, cual es la colusión en compras públicas, y su más... more
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      Derecho AdministrativoAntitrust LawDERECHO DE LA COMPETENCIA
Competition policies have failed to reach mainstream status among economic policies, particularly in developing countries. The policy is mistrusted, in no small scale due to the lack of competition metrics. We contend that lack of metrics... more
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      MicroeconomicsInnovation statisticsCompetition LawAntitrust (Law)
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      Constitutional LawAntitrust (Law)Constitutional TheoryAntitrust Law
Building an effective private competition law enforcement system is no doubt dependent on its relationship with public competition law enforcement. The frailty of this relationship becomes particularly clear in the question of whether... more
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      Competition LawEU LawAdministrative LawAntitrust Law
The paper explores how EU competition law has integrated so far the concept of brands in different areas of enforcement. Although EU competition law has engaged in multiple instances with branding and product differentiation, brands do... more
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      Intellectual PropertyCompetition LawAntitrust (Law)Competition Policy