Recent papers in Anti-Modernism
The concept of modernity has emerged as a major philosophical, theological and sociological category of interpretation in the aftermath of the French Revolution. It was meant to embrace fundamental changes to the fabric of Western culture... more
Este trabalho pretende aprofundar-se, mesmo que pouco, sobre uma entre tantas interpretações da cidade: trata-se das questões sobre as quais Camillo Sitte se debruçou. Seu livro, Der Städtebau (A Construção das Cidades), se acresce do... more
'הרב שך: הערצת הרוח, ביקורת הלאומיות וההכרעות הפוליטיות במדינת ישראל', נרי הורוביץ (עורך), דת ולאומיות בישראל ובמזרח התיכון, הוצאת עם עובד ומרכז יצחק רבין לחקר ישראל, תל אביב תשס"ג, עמ' 342-278.
'אהבה, שמחה תמימות ומסורתנות: קווים לשיטת המוסר של ר' משה רוזנשטיין מלומז'ה', דוד אסף ועדה רפופורט אלברט (עורכים), ישן מפני חדש, הוצאת מרכז זלמן שזר, ירושלים תשס"ט, כרך א, עמ' 279-251.
Started in 2012, the Manif pour tous (March for All) movement has inspired hundreds of thousands of anti-same-sex marriage protesters onto the streets of Paris. With chants of "do not touch our stereotypes," protesters employed the... more
'חכמי המזרח והקנאות הדתית: נקודות לקראת בחינה מחודשת', אקדמות י (כסלו תשס"א), עמ' 324-289; וכן תגובה לתגובתו של ד"ר צבי זוהר למאמר זה: 'מודרניזציה 'אירופית, תגובה אורתודוקסית והקשר הסיבתי', אקדמות יא (תשרי תשס"ב), עמ' 160-153.
In the first chapter, I assess the rejection of modern art as it was articulated beyond the narrow artistic sphere of connoisseurs. Analyzing the common rhetorical features found in a set of texts opposing modern art and aimed at a... more
Scholarship has long since demonstrated that colonialism does more than exploit a community materially. In colonial and postcolonial settings, indigenous populations lose control of what it means to be; they are challenged by what it... more
Lu Xun was claimed and canonized as a Marxist by the Chinese Communist Party, while Japanese and Western critics frequently read his work as a critique of modernity. Whereas the latter approach tends to trace the continuity in his... more
Abstract Art historians have identified a rightward turn in the artistic climate of France in the interwar period, one opposed to an avant-garde accused of being foreign to national culture, and reflective of a broader cultural and... more
'קשת התגובות האורתודוקסיות: אשכנזים וספרדים', אביעזר רביצקי (עורך), ש"ס: היבטים תרבותיים ורעיוניים, הוצאת עם עובד ומרכז יצחק רבין לחקר ישראל, תל אביב 2006, עמ' 122-41.
This study analyses the manner in which Romanian criticism chose to define and outline literary modernity. From this point of view, I have highlighted a series of deficiencies in the aforementioned endeavors, among which the reductive... more
in this essay i attempt to lay out some commonalities between Foucault's idea of Dispositifs and heterotopias in His "power/knowledge" period of work with Horkheimer and Adorno's idea of the culture industry. Both Foucault and... more
Joseph de Maistre, figura fundacional de la antimodernidad, impugna constantemente los fenómenos de la pluralidad de las lenguas y de la traducción a partir de una teoría del lenguaje de fundamentos teológicos. Este rechazo convive, sin... more
Maurice Smith, who was born in New Zealand, was an important educator and architect at MIT, teaching there between the early 1950s and into the early 1990s. He developed a unique pedagogical approach to the question of design and... more
Das Image des Terrorismus konstruiert sich aus einem komplexen Zusammenwirken von Anschlägen, Bildern, Texten und Kritik. Es bestimmt die Vorstellung, Repräsentation und Imitation politischer und religiös motivierter Gewalt, die Terror... more
In this article Ivana Dolejšová (Noble) examines how the friendship between two Roman Catholic theologians associated with the Modernist Movement, George Tyrrell and Maude Petre, helped each of them to survive the impact of the... more
Nuevos asedios antimodernistas. Relación discurso-poder en Historia crítica del modernismo de Silva Uzcátegui 1 "El risible nombre de modernista inventado para provocar hilaridad con su sola pronunciación, apareció entonces" 2 , adverbio... more
In recent years, literary criticism has shown increased interest towards the manner in which fiction depicts (neo)extractivism as a set of practices whereby large quantities of natural resources are exploited for export. However, most... more
The Dominican Order between Thomism and Modernism.
Starting with an assessment of the relations between the discourses of tradition, nation and modernization in the interwar monthly review for children Jugoslovenče, this paper reveals a link between the ideologies of ethnic nationalism... more
This is a revised text of any interview with Professor Ali Mirsepassi conducted in 2015 for a documentary about Ahmad Fardid (released in 2016). This revised interview, in a collection of interviews with people who mostly knew Fardid in... more
With the dawn of Modernity and its interest in the empirical, experimental sciences, the notion of 'experience' becomes increasingly tied to the new scientific notion of the 'experiment'. Sensory knowledge becomes the criterion for truth,... more
Reflecting on developments that have occurred in the twenty years since 9/11, this paper attempts to refine a conception of what might be called psychoanalytic secularism. It does so by addressing a specific question: How can the field do... more
Abstrakt Çalışmamızın temel kaynağı olan Charles Taylor, Hegel'i ele alırken kendi zihnindeki meseleye paralel bir inceleme ortaya koyar; bildiğimiz gibi Taylor komüniteryendir. Bu meselenin iskeletini ise modernizm ve... more
I co-edited a new edition of American Decadent poet David Park Barnitz's "The Book of Jade" (1901). This is the first comprehensive edition of the work, which has been reprinted only once. I discovered, via archival research, new essays... more