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      Cold War and CultureNuclear WeaponsCold WarThomas Pynchon
In the last few decades, so-called ‘new’ media has enabled a proliferation of writing platforms from e-books, blogging to online self-publishing. In response to the established ‘norm’ of digital writing, numerous writers have returned to... more
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      Creative WritingHistoryPhilosophyAesthetics
Editors' note: The following article singles out q real crisis that is emerging in anarchism, not only in the U.S. but in Europe aswell: the steady degeneration ofa left-libertarion radical theory and practice into a bohemian,... more
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    • Neo Luddism
-Discusses the influence of Slow philosophy, Slow Food movements, and social and environmental policy on principles and practices as they relate to media - Offers a new ethical framework, rooted in sustainability, for the production and... more
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      Literary JournalismJournalismDigital CultureMedia Activism
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      Educational TechnologyDeaf CultureNeo LuddismCyborg Anthropology
The question of how and why people adopt technologies is an area that has received great scrutiny, but less attention is given to those who willingly choose to avoid particular technologies. This article considers current models of... more
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      Information SystemsManagementHistory of Science and TechnologySociology
What do a small group of art educators who reached prominence in the 1960s, Disney and a neo-luddite have in common? On the surface they seem disconnected and dispassionate of each other. Reasons why they should have some form of... more
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      Visual SociologyInformation TechnologyVisual StudiesTechnology
The final, printed version of my paper whose first incarnation was published in CEE New Perspectives blog under the title "Between Karel Čapek and a Hard Brexit." I reflect on Trump, Brexit, and the processes through which societies... more
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      RoboticsPopulismNeo LuddismFrankenstein
Forty years after the publication of Eric Hobsbawn and George Rudé’s Captain Swing, this collection of essays takes another look at the uprising of agricultural labourers in 1830. The ten essays by leading experts on the Swing riots take... more
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      Economic HistoryViolenceBritish HistoryNineteenth Century Studies
Di fronte alle tesi di coloro che sostengono che il lavoro umano è destinato a cedere sempre più spazi ad algoritmi e robot, non è facile addurre argomentazioni fiduciose. Dobbiamo accettare di guardare in faccia alla minaccia.... more
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      History of TechnologyTrade unionismNeo LuddismGaskell, Elizabeth
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      TechnologyScience FictionNeo LuddismScience Fiction and Fantasy
Interview with Chellis Glendinning, author of 'My Name is Chellis and I'm In Recovery from Western Civilisation' for the eighth Dark Mountain anthology - Techne.
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      Information TechnologyPhilosophyPhilosophy of TechnologyTechnology
In this thesis I trace the origins, morphology, and attributes of a particular strain of anti-materialism in the Western literary and cultural imagination of the second half of the twentieth century. I demonstrate that this strain relies... more
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      IdeologyTwentieth Century LiteratureTwentieth Century History and CultureNeo Luddism
Impulsvortrag im Rahmen des Seminars „404 (not found): digitale Kunstvermittlung. Ein Experimenten-Zirkel zu digitalen und analogen Vermittlungsstrategien“. Kunst/Kunstgeschichte und ihre Didaktik, 12.02.2021, Universität Paderborn.
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      Arts EducationHybridityCultural EncountersNeo Luddism
This essay analyzes Marx’s world of monsters, machines, and magic; a motley and fascinating cast of characters which populates his 19th Century Gothic landscape. Each of these conceptual personae are entwined in a common drama but are... more
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      Critical TheoryRoboticsMarxismMachine Learning
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      LiteratureAnarchismNeo LuddismSteampunk
Dr. Ferrando (NYU) presenta da New York un contributo filosofico sulla disoccupazione tecnologica dal titolo "L'Intelligenza Artificiale Non Ci Uccidera' '"all'incontro "Robotica, Etica e Mondo del Lavoro", svoltosi all'Internet Festival... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceMarxismPosthumanismGender
In the West German printing industry, labor conflicts culminated in the nationwide strikes of 1976, 1978 and 1984. In particular the 1978 collective action was mainly about technological change: Trade unions and work councils were looking... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyIndustrial RelationsHistory of TechnologyLabour history
Primitivism is a marginal current of political thought. It is based on the concept of the return to the era of primitive past. However, primitivists view this concept as an inspiration rather than a closed vision of the future. The... more
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      AnarchismPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismAnarchist StudiesHistory of Anarchism
Przedmiotem artykułu są marginalne nurty myśli politycznej oraz ich sprzeczności i niedopowiedzenia. W artykule opisano następujące kierunki myśli politycznej: anarchizm, komunizm, nacjonalizm, monarchizm, transhumanizm, prymitywizm,... more
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      Social MovementsAnarchismPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismNationalism
Τα τελευταία χρόνια αναφερόμαστε ολοένα και συχνό-τερα σε έναν «κοινωνικά υπεύθυνο σχεδιασμό», ο οποί-ος καλείται να διορθώσει την άλλοτε δημοφιλή αντίληψη ότι το design αφορά αποκλειστικά προϊόντα της αγοράς. Παράλλη-λα, κάποιες... more
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      DesignArchitectureContemporary ArtOpen Source Software
The paper discusses the consequences of technological change for agent’s spiritual development, defined here as a form of experiencing one’s life, its meaning and relation with the key aspects of reality. The analysis revolves around the... more
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      Normative EthicsDevelopment StudiesVirtue EthicsSpirituality