Ancient Roman Religion
Recent papers in Ancient Roman Religion
Constantijn was de eerste keizer die het christendom openlijk bevoordeelde. De grote vraag voor historici is echter in hoeverre hij zich echt tot het christelijke geloof bekeerde.
Qui se propose d’accompagner l’histoire religieuse des peuples de l’Italie centro-méridionale au temps de la Deuxième Guerre Punique doit s’affranchir de préjugés encore trop répandus, tels celui qui minore les cultes italiques et... more
O cristianismo surgiu no interior do mundo social romano, que abrangia uma vasta extensão territorial, na qual a diversidade de povos estimulava constantes interações culturais. Este movimento religioso, que surge inicialmente como uma... more
Comptes rendus rédigés par Benoît Laudenbach
Sex and Terror in Ancient Rome and Roman Society by Pascal Quignard
J.Linderski, The Auspices and the Struggle of the Orders, in Walter Eder (ed.), Staat und Staatlichkeit in der frühen römischen Republik, Stuttgart 1990, 34-48 = Roman Questions, Stuttgart 1995, 560-574 + addenda 674- 675 + addenda altera... more
La madre degli dei, Cibele, compì una migrazione verso occidente nel 1°millennio a. C. passando da civiltà a civiltà. Partendo dalla Siria Settentrionale fino all'Italia centrale in questo testo tento di riportare le fasi più... more
From the Encyclopedia of Ancient History (2013): 153-156.
More than 20 years after presenting his first interpretation of the mosaic from the House of Aion in a paper entitled “Uwagi na temat mozaiki z Domu Aiona w Nea Paphos (Cypr)” (Meander 9/10, 1987, p. 421-438, in Polish, and translated to... more
quem tamen esse deum te dicam, Iane biformis? (Ov. Fast. 1.89) Janus, like so many ancient gods who lacked the grace of a story, was a messy concrescence of scraps fallen from the table of memory.1 His incoherence was the cause of some... more
Giulio Ossequente. Prodigi. Introduz. e testo Paolo Mastandrea; traduz. e note Massimo Gusso. Milano, Oscar Mondadori, 2005 Il Liber prodigiorum di Giulio Ossequente è una delle opere più curiose giunteci dalla tarda latinità. Composto... more
Following a scholarly conference given in honor of Adela Yarbro Collins, this collection of essays offers focused studies on the wide range of ways that women and gender contribute to the religious landscape of the ancient world. Experts... more
Earlier scholarship saw the worship of Silvanus in Dalmatia from two different perspectives. Firstly, as a continuance of the pre-Roman indigenous cult which became »recognized« as the italic deity Silvanus through the interpretatio... more
Over the last thirty years, a sensory turn is observed that has affected Classics and its cognate disciplines. This online conference, hosted by the University of Erfurt, will provide an intellectual platform for a new in-depth approach... more
Nel presente saggio tenterò di mettere in luce le numerose analogie rituali e simboliche esistenti tra la festa costantinopolitana della Hypapante e la veneziana «festa delle Marie». Entrambe le feste, celebrate nella medesima data... more
L'article reproduit, dans une version augmentée et savante, un précédent article de « vulgarisation » publié dans E. Winstein, M. Humm, F. Ruscher (éd.), Religion et pouvoir politique, Strasbourg, 2015, p. 25-64, sous le titre « Religion... more
ΦΩΣ ΚΑΙ ΣΚΟΤΑΔΙ: Η ΠΕΡΙΠΤΩΣΗ ΤΗΣ MATER MATVTA According to Greek mythology, the gods lived surrounded by light 1 and not by darkness (as in other mythologies): Olympus was always cloudless and bright. As for human life, it was related to... more
This article examines the motifs on the coins struck in Judaea under the auspices of local Roman governors (prefects and procurators) between the dismissal of the ethnarch, Herod Archelaus, in 6 CE and the eve of the First Jewish Revolt... more
What do we really know about Celtic religion? The aim of this paper is to explore the gravity of sociocultural change between the late Iron Age and the Roman period, and its consequences for local religions, attempting to identify... more
Mater Matuta was the Roman goddess of dawn, whose temple was in the Forum Boarium (cattle forum). She was responsible for the morning light. In the Greek tradition, she was identified with Leucothea (the divinized Ino) a goddess of the... more
More than 20 years after presenting his first interpretation of the mosaic from the House of Aion in a paper entitled “Uwagi na temat mozaiki z Domu Aiona w Nea Paphos (Cypr)” (Meander 9/10, 1987, p. 421-438, in Polish, and translated to... more
According to the rules that govern Roman religion, a white sacrificial animal is offered to a celestial or earth god, while infernal divinities receive a black one. Moreover, each deity is pleased by the immolation of an animal belonging... more
In A Cultural History of Death: Antiquity, ed. Mario Erasmo (Bloomsbury, 2024).
Una storia di contadini, soldati, mercanti, aristocratici, vescovi e qualche re Dispensa per il corso di "Storia d'Italia 1" (Università d'Islanda) Versione 0.0 Forlagið Snorri Sturluson Reykjavík AD 2012
Con il "mito", anche al livello più basso, si cercava di dare una ragione alle cose terrene, fondando realtà e miserie umane in un contesto "divino": le personificazioni sono una delle funzioni primordiali della formazione religiosa; le... more
La deidad romana del Año Nuevo Anna Perenna se presenta brumosa y esquiva en cuanto a sus orígenes y posición dentro del panteón romano. Exploramos los datos que la documentación clásica nos aporta sobre ella, estableciendo cuáles son sus... more
English Abstract p. 493-511 Подається характеристика дохристиянського релігійного світогляду, що включав полісну ідеологію і вірування населення. Релігія античного Херсонеса розглядається в соціальному вимірі, тобто першочергове значення... more
Esame della tradizione sul culto dei Dioscuri a Neapolis e rapporto con la storia di Roma tardo arcaica In questo lavoro l'autore ricostruisce il contesto archeologico completo e particolareggiato di quei luoghi di culto tipici del... more
Actes de Colloque, Augst (CH), 18.–21.09.2013