Roman Republican History
Recent papers in Roman Republican History
m a g a z i n z u r r e g i o n a l e n k u l t u r u n d g e s c h i c h t e a u s g a b e 1 -2 0 1 3 saargeschichte|n e i n z e l p r e i s 4 , -e u r o i s s n 1 8 6 6 -5 7 3 x Ein Hauch von Weltgeschichte Ältestes römisches... more
Ce livre offre un vaste panorama de l’histoire de la République romaine, saisie à l’époque de son apogée et envisagée dans son inexorable déclin. Embrassant ainsi une période qui va du milieu du IIè s. av. J.-C. à la mort de César, il ne... more
The genealogy of the Postumii Albini from the second half of the second century BCE onwards is uncertain and debated. This article attempts a new discussion of the evidence. Its main contention is that A. Postumius Albinus, cos. 99,... more
This is Gaius Stern's translation of the Roman Revolution of 509 BC when Brutus and Collatinus overthrew Tarquin II. Livy records the traditional story which historians today suspect is more legend than fact. The tradition that Rome... more
Harris explores the disagreement in the sources regarding the increase in the number of quaestors circa 267. Tacitus says the number was doubled (duplicatus numerus), whichassuming the traditional four preexisting positions -would yield a... more
Comptes rendus rédigés par Benoît Laudenbach
Le fr. 124 Wehrli d'Aristoxène sur la « barbarisation » des Poséidoniates et la fin des cultes grecs à Poséidonia renvoie à l'attraction politique et culturelle que Rome exerçait sur une partie des élites aristocratiques lucaniennes au... more
T he abundant sources that are available make it clear that the year 70 is a significant year. There was political anarchy in the 80s but by the early 70s passions had calmed, and the polarisation in domestic politics slowly (but not... more
An examination of the career of Crassus, with particular attention to conflicting evidence in the available sources regarding his early life. The paper is a revision of a paper originally written in the late 1970's. It takes note of the... more
Abstract This article examines the longstanding rivalry of Rome and Parthia, which began as an unintended consequence of Crassus’ decisive defeat at Carrhae in 53 BCE. It synthesizes the accounts and opinions of numerous Graeco-Roman... more
The main aim of the article is to draw attention to the distortion of Republican Roman soldiers' image. Some modern scholars treat the 'ideal type' as a reflection of reality and attribute to legionaries the features desired by... more
Pompey rise can be attributed to various factors which includes when Pompey aligns with Sulla against King Mithrades VI of Pontus, marriage to step daughter of Sulla,Consulship at age 35 and first triumph and the second triumph .Also... more
This paper discusses the archaeological evidence of an important Hellenistic funerary hypogeum recently discovered in Perugia (central Italy). The whole context dates from the beginning of the 3rd and the first half of the 1st century... more
When teaching students about the Government of the Roman Republic, and looking for readings to assign them, I have been frustrated by the lack of a reasonably comprehensive summary of the major institutions that was shorter than... more
Cornelia is one of the most famous women in the Roman world: she was no ordinary woman, although she reflected all of the characteristics the Romans believed a woman should have. Firstly, in contrast to what usually occurred, she is... more
Let me start with the term Enlightenment, which plays a crucial role in both Western and Eastern history.
From: G. CIFANI, L'architettura romana arcaica. Edilizia e società tra Monarchia e Repubblica, Roma: L'Erma di Bretschneider, 2008, pages 80 -109. 80 182 Sintesi schematica sul monumento, con riferimenti alle fonti letterarie, epigrafiche... more
Il testo contiene alcune considerazioni sulla figura di Spartaco e, in generale, sulla condizione degli schiavi nelle campagne e nelle città romane, scaturite in particolare dalla lettura dell'epistola 47 di Seneca a Lucilio.
This paper reconsiders the political facets and purposes of Caracalla’s imitatio Alexandri and esteem for Sulla. Both emulations represented the result of a well-pondered political way of thinking and acting. On the one hand, Caracalla... more
The mid-Republican period from the fourth to the third centuries BC is one of the crucial periods in the history of Rome and Latium, but also one of the least well-known. Following the initial, and somewhat isolated, synthesis in 1973,... more
After the death of Alexander III of Macedon, the Seleucid Empire emerged as one of the most powerful Hellenistic kingdoms of Asia. His huge territorial extension and the various peoples who came under their control necessitated the... more
Documenti e iscrizioni per lo studio di Roma repubblicana Volume a cura di Simonetta Segenni e Michele Bellomo ISBN cartaceo 978-88-5526-481-5 ISBN ePub 978-88-5526-482-2 Epigrafia e politica II. Documenti e iscrizioni per lo studio di... more
In the absence of non-Roman oriented historiography, the coinage issued by the rebel socii provided the only direct evidence of their aspirations. Their coinage, while expertly integrated in the Roman monetary system from the metrological... more
The collapse of the Roman heavy bronze coinage weight standards during the 3rd century BC is a well-known fact. Between the series following the Roman libra of 288 scruples’ standard (c. 323 g), assigned by M. Crawford to the years... more
Il ruolo deglI oppIda e la dIfesa del terrItorIo In etrurIa: casI dI studIo e prospettIve dI rIcerca a cura di Franco Cambi arIstonotHos Scritti per il Mediterraneo antico Vol. 5 (2012) Il ruolo degli oppida e la difesa del territorio in... more
This examination of C. Duilius (consul in 260 BCE) and his achievements consists of a series of linked hypotheses, each suggested by direct evidence for Duilius' activities and contextualized by near-contemporary precedents (wherever... more
"This magisterial compilation personalizes and historicizes the history of religion in the city of Rome. After introductory essays on the documentary sources for the various Greek, Roman, Oriental, Jewish, and Christian cults in question,... more
ÖZET: Kuzey Afrika'da teşekkül etmiş Numidia Krallığı’nda, M.Ö. 118 yılında Kral Micipsa’nın ölümünün ardından Iugurtha ve iki üvey kardeşi olan Hiempsal ve Adherbal arasında yaşanan taht kavgası sonunda beliren iç savaşa Roma... more
Tutti i diritti riservati. È vietata la riproduzione di testi e illustrazioni senza il permesso scritto dell'Editore.
L’indagine svolta ha permesso di fare apparire come meglio condivisibile, tra le varie prospettive in tema di origine della compravendita consensuale romana, quella secondo cui essa sorse come istituto sganciato dalle radici del ius... more
تحاول هذه الدراسة تتبع دور القمح المصري في السياسة الرومانية مركزة على أواخر العصر الجمهوري و أوائل عصر الإمبراطورية، ورصد كيفية استخدام الرومان له في صراعاتهم مع بعضهم البعض و مع غيرهم من القوى الأخرى في عصر الجمهورية، ودوره... more
A CIP catalog record for this book has been applied for at the Library of Congress.
Esta Historia universal SIGLO XXI, preparada y editada inicialmente por Fischer Verlag (Alemania), sigue un nuevo concepto: exponer la totalidad de los acontecimientos del mundo, dar todo su valor a la historia de los países y pueblos de... more
Abstract: According to Livy (33.27.3-5), in 196 BCE the proconsul Lucius Stertinius set up three arches (fornices) upon his return from the victorious campaigns in Hispania Ulterior: two were built in the Forum Boarium in front of the... more
Abstract: The Roman centurion was perhaps the most important officer in the Roman army. This article argues that during the Republican period, Roman soldiers elected their own centurions, based on a confluence of literary, philological,... more
This paper focuses on how Roman commanders, while still overseas and in the field, managed the capitulation of the defeated enemy in preparation for triumph. Lucius Mummius’ deeds in Greece as consul and proconsul after the sack of... more
""Book abstract: Despite the crucial role played by both law and architecture in Roman culture, the Romans never developed a type of building that was specifically and exclusively reserved for the administration of justice: courthouses... more
This paper argues that Pompeius’ refusal to disband his army and his decision to stay with it near Rome in 77 BCE was not merely an act of disobedience toward the proconsul Catulus, but amounted to a persistent and open intervention in... more