Ancient Chinese History
Recent papers in Ancient Chinese History
《史籀篇》乃籀文之所由出 ,其编定年代一直存在争议。认为《史籀篇》是西周宣王时史官所作或晚周秦人所作 ,均有难以解释之处。通过籀文与出土古文字形体比较 ,推论《史籀篇》应是东周王室史官编定之书。
《史籀篇》乃籀文之所由出 ,其编定年代一直存在争议。认为《史籀篇》是西周宣王时史官所作或晚周秦人所作 ,均有难以解释之处。通过籀文与出土古文字形体比较 ,推论《史籀篇》应是东周王室史官编定之书。
Channel state information is crucial to achieving the capacity of multiantenna (MIMO) wireless communication systems. It requires estimating the channel matrix. This estimation task is studied, considering a sparse physical channel model,... more
A primeira versão da Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), anunciada em setembro de 2015 e publicada em 2016, objetivava padronizar o ensino no Brasil, apontando temas que deveriam corresponder a 60% da carga horária do Ensino... more
摘要:本文是就《左傳》的史纂修辭展開的研究,重點在於围绕“君子曰”評論部分進行細緻分析。這些評論在《左傳》敘事所覆蓋的255年間呈現不均衡的分佈,又共享一些鮮明的特征:它們代表著《左傳》最顯要的後設文本解釋層;統計數據亦向我們揭示,它們也穿插進其他同類解釋層中,尤其與“禮也/非禮也”的指涉及大量引《詩》相關聯。通過全面回顧《左傳》“君子”評論及用《詩》的既有研究,詳細呈現不同解釋層及其相互關聯的數據統計,並對《左傳》中的故事進行一系列個案分析,本文論證表明:“君子”評論往往與... more
Jin Yinxi Esta obra contiene una serie de ensayos sobre la historia de China
desde sus orígenes hasta principios de la dinastía Tang.
desde sus orígenes hasta principios de la dinastía Tang.
Aquest capítol traduit aquí forma part del projecte « Mozi en català », emmarcat en la sèrie « Pensament xinès en català », que el Prof. Ferran Berenguer va poder iniciar, en el marc dels seus estudis de doctorat, amb el suport continuat... more
Esta obra em português de Philippe Sionneau, um dos melhores autores contemporâneos, chega até nós em uma nova fase de crescimento e amadurecimento da acupuntura. Justamente quando vivenciamos o resgate da Medicina Clássica Chinesa e o... more
In this paper, we propose a deep learning aided list approximate message passing (AMP) algorithm to further improve the user identification performance in massive machine type communications. A neural network is employed to identify a... more
Abstract: The Ten Suns of Fusang is not just a beautiful mythological story. It expresses the divine right regulations and temple law of a political alliance. Each Noble family participating in the alliance believed that its ancestor was... more
This is a separate paper which attempts to find an astronomical solution for the solar observation platform at Taosi by analysing the lengths of the days where sunrise is aligned with the slots of the observatory in 2075 BC. This will be... more
《宋史全文》《中兴两朝圣政》等书征引的《龟鉴》,与何俌《中兴龟鉴》实为两书。《龟鉴》成书于度宗咸淳二年之后、南宋亡国以前,是一部由场屋众举子编著的评议两宋史事的“讲义”。关于此书的流传过程,《中兴两朝圣政》、元刊《续资治通鉴》等书所征引《龟鉴》文本均不重叠,而明代中期以后著述所引《龟鉴》多为转引《宋史全文》,表明此书主要流行于宋元书坊。作为评议两宋史事的“诸儒讲义”之一,《宋史全文》等书注下《龟鉴》被系统性散入《永乐大典》所收《续资治通鉴长编》注下。四库馆臣辑录《续资治通鉴长... more
既有研究认为宋代的“金字牌”由入内内侍省颁下,其与实封章奏共同构成了中央与地方间君主专属的诏奏传递渠道。其中“金字牌”不经通进司、进奏院等官僚掌控的信息通进机构,是宋代君主独裁政治的象征。本文通过梳理制度渊源,发现“金字牌”是挂缀在邮筒之外,便于传递机构分检邮件的标志物。所谓传递诏奏的过程,应当分解为封装递筒、发递、传递递筒、开拆递筒等多个环节。根据宋代制度的规定,“金字牌”及实封章奏应由入内内侍省于禁中开拆、封装,参与传递递筒的通进司等机构不应与闻筒中文书内容。这才是宋代君... more
An overview of the jade-working tradition in ancient China from the Neolithic period to the Han dynasty with examples from the Sam and Myrna Myers collection.
The findings of ancient Chinese coins, cut in two (Clipped coins), as well as coins of the Qing dynasty, turned on the outside, bored on the inside and clipped off at the edges, are considered. A classification of such coins is given.
北宋徽宗朝官修史書集中編纂於南宋高、孝兩朝,分“紹興舊史”和“淳熙新史”兩個文獻系統:“紹興舊史”以紹興二十八年成書的《徽宗實録》爲中心,包括乾道二年成書的徽宗國史《紀草》、淳熙十三年成書的《四朝國史·徽宗帝紀》及《宋史·徽宗本紀》;“淳熙新史”以淳熙四年成書的《徽宗實録》爲核心,包括《四朝國史》與《宋史》兩書的徽宗朝諸臣列傳。李燾是主持重修《徽録》的關鍵人物。《續資治通鑑長編》注文引述了紹興《徽録》、徽宗國史《紀草》等“紹興舊史”,而李燾的修正意見爲《宋史》徽宗朝諸臣列傳等... more
This paper examines the earliest textual layers of the ancient Chinese Classics Shujing 書經. Analyzing the form and content of its chapters we determine their functions in the context of socio-political communication between different... more
This is a partial compilation of references of Duke Xian of Jin, the ruler of Jin from 676-651 BC found in extant Chinese texts from the Han and pre-Qin periods. This listing is not exhaustive, and I will update this report as I enter... more
Esse artigo é um estudo sobre o conceito de Coração XĪN 心 no livro de medicina chinesa HUÁNG DÌ NÈI JĪNG LÍNG SHŪ黃帝內經靈樞 que tem apresentado um importante papel na história da medicina chinesa há mais de dois mil anos até os dias de hoje.... more
This article offers a critical overview of the philosophical debates on ‘practical materialism’ from 1978 to the present in contemporary China after Deng Xiaoping’s policy of reformation and opening-up. For a long time in China an... more
Pyeongsaeng-do (平生圖), the Painting of a Person’s Life, is a series of paintings depicting the ideal life of a yangban aristocrat who enjoyed a successful career as a high official. The painting emerged in the second half of the 18th... more
포털은 한국 언론산업에서 매우 짧은 시간에 매우 불평등하고 불공정한 언론 공론장의 병목구조로 자리잡고 있다. 이 병목구조는 기존의 언론과 공중을 하나의 체계로 묶으면서 뉴스산업복합체라는 병목구조를 완성하고 있는데, 이 병목구조에 들어오는 – 포털 시스템에 들어오는 뉴스 생산자와 이용자 모두는 – 다양한 공론장의 공유지에서 황폐화되고 독점적인 파퓰리스트적 공론장에 갇히게 되는 효과를 낳는다. 샹탈 무페는 포퓰리즘을 대체하기... more
As in many other pre-modern civilisations, inscriptions in ancient China did not generally contain any sentential or phrasal punctuation. This was in stark contrast to manuscripts of the same period which often display a variety of... more
The Shanghai Museum’s collection of Warring States bamboo slips contains a manuscript on pyromantic divination, which is named as Bushu. The hermeneutic of the text is complicated not only because it is a paleographic material, but due... more
Since its discovery in 2010, the Eastern Han wooden- and bamboo-slip documents excavated from storage Pit no. 1 in Wuyi Square in the city of Changsha have attracted wide attention among scholars. Until now, about 1,700 of slips or... more
Abstract: This article analyzes the remains of the Qujialing era at The Dengjiawan Altar the explore pits T11-T10, and concludes that smelting was carried out here in middle to late fourth millennium BC, and the smelting activities at... more
In this essay, we will find out what kind of information do the remains of human sacrifices, ritual bronze vessels and oracle bones provide us about the religion of the Shang Dynasty. At the same time, various theories and debates will... more
In this essay, I will analyze Tianxia from a diachronic point of view in four chapters: geography, politics, religion, and philosophy. At the same time, I will also cover some of the most important debates on Tianxia.
Abstract The Origin of Hospital(byung-won) in East Asia Lee Hyun-sook* This paper aims to research for the origin of byung-won(病院, Ch. bìngyuàn) in East Asia. Hospital or Infirmary used to be a place of curing sick people in medieval... more
北魏《真人代歌》内容并不限于鲜卑拓跋一部,甚至不局限于鲜卑一族,而兼有当时其他北方游牧民族事迹。其中《企喻》一章系鲜卑语,历来无题解,根据蒙古语可考知其为“军歌”“战歌”“武歌”之义。联类考察,可知梁横吹曲《慕容家自鲁企由谷》亦杂汉文、鲜卑语成题,涉及慕容鲜卑起源地问题。《真人代歌》中尚保存有与佛教信仰密切相关的作品,其宗教色彩不可忽视。此外,《旧唐书》《新唐书》对《真人代歌》记载的分歧与错舛,有助于确定《真人代歌》湮没的下限年代,亦可资管窥《新唐书》的史料来源与编撰情况,并... more
Abstract: In the orthodox history of China, the legend of Great Yu’s reigning in of the waters is shown as the background for the establishment of the first imperial dynasty of China (Xia). Therefore, in the later legends, the identity of... more
Hoy, aunque las inscripciones de plastrones y huesos fueron descubiertas hace 120 años, todavía hay muchas palabras que no están descifradas debido a la falta de recursos, incluida la palabra “” que, en este texto, trataremos de... more
This article investigates the process of the Chinese character fan 反being differentiated from fan 返in their bronze and oracle inscription forms. It also examines other Chinese characters related to these two characters. This sort of study... more
Error in the editors' note: The editors' statement "Upon his request, Tay Jeong was given an opportunity to contribute to the forum" is a misrepresentation. Rather, I [Tay Jeong] was invited to contribute an article without ever having... more
Este trabalho tem por objetivo problematizar o debate acerca do ensino de História Antiga na Educação Básica, seja nas tentativas de reduzi-lo, seja em sua defesa, na medida em que se faz necessária uma busca por um denominador comum... more