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      TheologyHebrew BibleBiblical StudiesBiblical Law
There are numerous gaps in our knowledge of the marriage of Peter-Ernst I von Mansfeld and Marie de Montmorency. One such gap is with regard to the financial protection of Marie in the case of the death of her spouse. The following source... more
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      Early Modern History16th Century (History)History of EconomicsHoly Roman Empire
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    • Source Criticism
Since the dawn of critical study of the Hebrew Bible, the diachronic paradigm has reigned supreme. Scholars have understood their primary task to be that of laying bare the history of the text: how many stages were there in the... more
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      Jewish StudiesHebrew LanguageHebrew BibleOld Testament Theology
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      Hebrew LiteratureTheologyHebrew LanguageLiterary Criticism
Abstract: 'On the source value of legends about church sites for the study of deserted medieval churches' It is a well-known fact, that not all churches built in the Middle Ages were upheld into the early modern period. Some were... more
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      Research MethodologyFolk legendsChurch ArchaeologySource Criticism
New: Accounts for each plus through the end of MT 1 Sam 18. Results: (1) Recovers a complete and independent second story of "David, Saul, and the Philistine" that concludes with David marrying Saul's daughter as the reward promised. (2)... more
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      Textual CriticismBooks of SamuelSource CriticismBiblical Narrative
Nova et Vetera 19, no. 3 (2021): 1000-1009.
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      ReligionAncient Egyptian ReligionHistoryAncient History
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      Historical EthnomusicologyRecording Industry HistorySound RecordingHistory of Sound Recording
Обобщены признанные отечественными источниковедами свойства периодической печати как исторического источника, сформулированы недостатки такого подхода и предложения по их преодолению. Ключевые слова: периодическая печать, исторический... more
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      PeriodicalsHistorical SourcesSource Criticismисторический источник
Лукашевич А. А. Виды документов в Российском государстве первой четверти XVIII века (на материале Генерального регламента) // Советские архивы. 1991. № 4. С. 38-46. Lukashevich, A. A., “Vidy dokumentov v Rossiiskom gosudarstve pervoi... more
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    • Source Criticism
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      TheologyHebrew BibleBiblical StudiesCovenant Theology
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      Jewish StudiesHebrew BibleOld Testament TheologyBiblical Studies
There is a helpful blend of methods between the diachronic and the synchronic approaches to the Book of Isaiah.
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      Rhetorical CriticismBook of IsaiahSource CriticismIsaiah
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      Biblical StudiesDeuteronomySource CriticismMoses
Resumen En el presente trabajo se observará un gran debate de diferentes historiadores sobre el Imperio Romano de Occidente, en el mismo emergerán el pensamiento antiguo y profano, la irrupción del cristianismo y el impacto que produjo al... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman HistoriographyLiteratureRomance philology
From the forthcoming collection: *Revisiting Aristotle's Fragments. New Essays on the Fragments of Aristotle's Lost Works*, ed. A-P. Mesquita, Brill, 2020. In this paper I argue that several passages containing arguments from design that... more
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      TheologyHellenistic PhilosophyPlatoAristotle
The death of Jamugha in the "Secret History of the Mongols" (SHM) is found in two versions, one cited in Rashid al-Din's "Compendium of Chronicles," the other in the SHM. Comparing the two versions, the SHM's version heightens the drama... more
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      Inner Asian StudiesMongolian StudiesInner Asian HistoryHistory of the Mongol Empire
Tiberias marshals cutting edge advances in the field of machine learning and computational linguistics to empower users to easily conduct their own experiments analyzing and classifying the texts of the Hebrew Bible through the measurable... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Digital HumanitiesHebrew LanguageComputational Linguistics
It is journal covering wide range of problems of history discipline
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      HistoryHistoriographySource Criticism
Dionysius bar Ṣalibi, Metropolitan of Amida in the twelfth century, was a prolific writer in Syriac, though only a fraction of his works have been critically edited and published, let alone translated. 1 His Commentary on the Apocalypse... more
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      Book of RevelationBiblical ExegesisSource CriticismHippolytus of Rome
Source- and text-critical analysis of the story of David and the Gibeonites with implications for understanding the works preserved in the book of Samuel.
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      Textual CriticismSource CriticismHistory of King DavidBook of Samuel
Although the Ecclesiastical History of Eusebius of Caesarea is our principal source of information on Papias of Hierapolis and his lost Exegesis of Dominical Oracles, it is here argued that Eusebius knew the work only at second hand.... more
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      PatristicsSource CriticismHegesippusPapias of Hierapolis
The article is devoted to the research of the source studies aspects of the theory of hermeneutics experience of H.-G. Gadamer. It has been demonstrated that philosophic hermeneutics doesn’t suggest the universal humanities method of... more
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    • Source Criticism
In Getting into the Text: New Testament Essays in Honor of David Alan Black, ed. Daniel L. Akin and Thomas W. Hudgins (Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2017), 192–211. Although the Two Document hypothesis seems to still represent the consensus... more
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      Synoptic GospelsInfancy NarrativesSource CriticismSynoptic Problem
ABSTRACT osservazioni sulla natura della disciplina cosiddetta "critica delle fonti" nel suo progressivo sovrapporsi alla teoria dell'intertestualità, attraverso un percorso storico-letterario tra fine Ottocento e Novecento che prende in... more
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      PhilologyComparative LiteratureLiterary TheoryIntertextuality
This article responds to two gaps in the scholarship on the priestly or Aaronic blessing of Num 6,24-26. First, prior research has identified the later societal mediums through which the priestly blessing was performed, whereas the author... more
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      Hebrew BibleAncient ReligionUgaritic LanguageEpistolary literature
The Pentateuch lies at the heart of the Western humanities. Yet despite nearly two centuries of scholarship, its historical origins and its literary history are still a subject of intense discussion. Critical scholarship has isolated... more
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      Historical GeographyJewish LawJewish StudiesHebrew Language
Summary: The classic source critical analysis of the flood narrative remains popular among commentators, yet it disappoints in at least two important respects. First, it fails to deliver on its promises; most of the ‘oddities’ it... more
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      Hebrew BibleBiblical StudiesBook of GenesisBiblical Exegesis
It is journal covering wide range of problems in the discipline of history
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      HistoryHistoriographyHistory of HistoriographySource Criticism
This study analyzes the use of prior authoritative literature in the Book of Watchers (BW), an ancient Jewish text written ca. 200 BCE. The authors of this text were intimately familiar with several texts that would later become part of... more
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      Literary CriticismHebrew BibleEarly Judaism (2nd Temple, Greco-Roman)Enoch literature
Academic scrutiny of scripture, a discipline prey to intellectual fashion since its inception, is today pursued by many in the service of secular liberal positions.  The essay also offers a critical intellectual history of source criticism.
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      Hebrew BibleOld Testament TheologyOld TestamentPentateuchal Theory
In this article, the author attempts to sift out from Old Norse (ON) written sources the early Viking Age terms for ship types and to link them to actual ships and ship depictions from that period. The author argues that knǫrr, beit,... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyMaritime HistoryOld Norse LiteratureMedieval Archaeology
COMPUTER SCIENCE PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, READMORE ABOUT computer science project topics 2015, computer science project topics with abstract, computer science project topics on web design, computer science project download, computer... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer GraphicsHuman Computer InteractionDesign
It is journal covering wide range of issues in the discpline of history
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      HistoryHistoriographyHistory of HistoriographySource Criticism
The Uyghur Stone--an inscription discovered in the reign of Ogedei Khan of the Mongol empire--became one of the major monuments of a revived Uyghur historiography in the Mongol empire. "Deciphered" by Khotanese shamans, this became an... more
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      History of the Mongol EmpireCentral AsiaReligious StudiesSource Criticism
The Trial of Jesus in the Gospel of John is a particular episode. It is much longer than the Synoptic accounts and records many details that are not found otherwise. The goal of the present study is to exegetically analyse the text of Jn... more
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      Historical JesusGospel of JohnJohn and the SynopticsSource Criticism
Presented at the Salzburg Symposium, "For and Against the Priority of John," organized by Peter Hofrichter and published in his edited volume, Für und Wider die Priorität des Johannesevangeliums (Olms, 2002, 19-58), this essay lays out my... more
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      TheologyNew TestamentLiterary CriticismBiblical Studies
Özet: Kaynak çalışmaları; edebiyatta yazarın işlediği konuyla birlikte onun bütün toplumsal ve psişik özelliklerinin nereden geldiğiyle de ilgilenir. Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türk Edebiyatı şairlerinden Âsaf Hâlet Çelebi yaşamı, yazdığı eserler,... more
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      Literary CriticismBiographyBiographical MethodsModern Türk Şiiri
Ten theses on issues pertaining to the study of the origins and relations of the Synoptic Gospels with reference to concerns in evangelical Christian apologetics. Questions considered include why evangelicals differ on solutions to the... more
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      Synoptic GospelsEvangelicalismApocrypha/PseudepigraphaChristian Apologetics
A detailed study of the sources used by the historian and litterateur Abu l-Faraj al-Isfahani in compiling his unique encyclopaedic work on early Shi'i history
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      Arabic LiteratureIslamic StudiesShi'ismIslamic History
Exact days are rarely identified in Scripture. Events we might think of as highly significant--the coronation of kings, victories in battle, etc.--are not assigned to particular days. Events of particular concern to the priesthood,... more
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      Biblical StudiesBiblical InterpretationCalendarsSource Criticism
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      Hebrew BiblePentateuchal TheoryTorah/PentateuchSource Criticism
I will present a discussion relating to the methodology of source criticism, which aims to tackle two types of difficulties: the detection of the possible use of source(s) in a document and ascertaining the direction of possible literary... more
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      GospelsSynoptic GospelsSource CriticismSynoptic Problem
Source critics have long maintained that the theory of progressive revelation holds the key for the non-use of YHWH in P and E. Yet the core features of this theory are rooted in P, and they appear to be projected onto E. This finding... more
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      Source CriticismPentateuch StudiesElohimProgressive Revelation
The article traces the transformations in Arabic editorial practices from the mid-19th century through the early decades of the 20th-century. Focusing on the publishing world of Cairo, the article examines some of the major political,... more
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      PhilologyIntellectual HistoryArabic Language and LinguisticsArabic
Настоящая статья представляет собой опыт реконструкции важного события в творческой биографии композитора мирового уровня — первого авторского концерта П.И. Чайковского, состоявшегося 16/28 марта 1871 года в Москве. На основании всех... more
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      Translation of PoetryRussian MusicHistory of Everyday LifeAdvertising History
This text is an example of the Hebrew Pentateuch (a.k.a. Torah) written in the archaic (three-millennia old) script known as Paleo-Hebrew (Ketav 'Ivri), as distinct from the later block-Aramaic script (Ketav 'Ashuri) which became most... more
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      ReligionHumanitiesTextual CriticismBaruch Spinoza
The oldest news contained in Granum Catalogi praesulum Moraviae relate to the history of Great Moravia already. However, with regard to the fact that Granum was compiled only at the beginning of the l 5th century, namely on the basis of... more
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      High Middle AgesLate Middle AgesChurch HistoryMoravia