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Healing centres (asklepieia) in ancient Greece (ca. 500-200 BC) were mainly located well outside densely populated areas such as urban centres and major sanctuaries. The question is why this should be the case. Another research question... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyHellenistic GreeceClassical Greece
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      Greek ReligionThraceBoeotiaZalmoxis
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      Athenian AgoraAncient AthensAthens and AtticaAthenian Vase Painting
This paper offers a fresh discussion of Hecataeus of Miletus’ fr. 33 EGM, usually dismissed for its opaqueness. The reference to the seer Amphiaraus, who, according to Aelian, slept away his watch and nearly suffered the consequence of... more
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      Greek MythGreek HistoriographyAncient Greek HistoriographyAmphiaraos
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      Critical TheoryPhilologyCultural StudiesClassical Archaeology
The article examines the monuments of Thebes mentioned by Pausanias and related to the story of Seven against Thebes. It is claimed that these monuments were a part of the local educational practice, which reflected the Theban mythical... more
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      ClassicsHistory of EducationEuripidesAncient Topography (Archaeology)
Conference paper presented at SABA19 (Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, 25-27 April 2019). Pages 74-79 in publication (conference proceedings).
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      Ancient Greece (History)Hellenistic sanctuariesAsklepiosAncient Health
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      Greek EpigraphyAncient Greek ReligionAsclepiusAelius Aristides
This blog-post adresses the usablity of anatomical votive reliefs (archaeological evidence) in the context of the healing landscape (geographical context).
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      Classical ArchaeologyMaterial ReligionAncient GreeceAsklepios
Edizioni Ca'Foscari Edizioni Ca'Foscari Riassunto Lastra in marmo pentelico rinvenuta nel santuario di Anfiarao a Oropo nel corso degli scavi di Leonardos con breve iscrizione dedicatoria di un paziente, Archino, guarito dal dio. La... more
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      IncubationAmphiaraosOroposAsklepios Sanctuary
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      ReligionChristianityAncient Egyptian ReligionHistory
Classicus Gil Renberg publiceerde in 2017 zijn tweedelige serie Where Dreams May Come. Incubation Sanctuaries in the Greco-Roman World, waarin hij naar tempelslaap kijkt vanuit het Nabije Oosten (Soemerië, Babylonië, Hittitische Rijk) tot... more
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      ReligionAncient Egyptian ReligionHistoryAncient History
In this blog-post, written for The Votives Project, I focus on how anatomical votive reliefs can be interpreted as 'valued things' (through time and space), rather than 'objects without value'.... more
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      Museum StudiesCultural Heritage ManagementAsclepiusAncient Greece
Guerreiro, adivinho e herói oracular, a multifacetada personagem de Anfiarau figura em diversas narrativas, dentre as quais a tragédia "Sete contra Tebas", de Ésquilo, na qual desempenha um importante papel, ainda que poucos versos lhe... more
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      Greek TragedyDivinationGreek Oracles and DivinationAeschylus
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      Greek EpigraphyGreek ReligionEretrieAmphiaraos
Résumé : Le choix d’étudier conjointement Amphiaraos et Asclépios procède d’abord de la volonté d’honorer la mémoire de Pierre Sineux qui leur a, tout au long de sa carrière, porté une attention toute particulière. Il a su mettre en... more
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      AmphiaraosCultes GuérisseursAsclepiosdivinisation
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      ArchaeologyGenderWomen in the ancient worldRitual Healing
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryArchaeology
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      Healing and ReligionAmphiaraosOropos
The article examines the didactical component of Pindar’s Pythian 8, which includes the Theban mythohistorical line — the plot of “Seven against Thebes” and the Epigoni’s march on Thebes. In this ode, Pindar instructs Aeginet Aristomenes,... more
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      ClassicsPindar and BacchylidesAncient Greek HistoryPindar
L'Incubation dans les pratiques thérapeutiques en Grèce ancienne L'immensité du sujet et la multiplicité des documents tant épigraphiques, iconographiques que littéraires nous ont éveillé sur l'importance du travail qu'il convenait pour... more
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      IncubationHistoire de la médecineOniromanziaAmphiaraos
The peoples of Apulia, by the ancients called Iapygia, were certainly interested in Greek culture and myth, something which is confirmed by the representations on Apulian red -figure pottery found in great numbers in indigenous tombs and... more
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      Greek TragedyOrphismDionysosApulian Vases
Diese Arbeit beweist, daß die in der Vita Homeri Pseudoherodotea erwähnte Amphiaraos-Ausfahrt identisch mit der homerischen Thebais ist. Der Autor erklärt auch, warum die Thebais unter diesem Titel (Amphiaraos-Ausfahrt) in der... more
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      AmphiaraosHomeric ThebaidCyclic ThebaidTebaida cíclica