Recent papers in Alterity
In this paper I discuss in a critical manner what I believe to be some of the more interesting contributions of Anthony Steinbock’s book Home and Beyond: Generative Phenomenology after Husserl. I will thus refer mainly to his... more
“Power is war, the continuation of war by other means”: Foucault’s reversal of Clausewitz’s formula has become a staple of critical theory — but it remains highly problematic on a conceptual level. Elaborated during Foucault’s 1976... more
La tesi presenta inizialmente il pensiero di Jacques Derrida sull'animalità. Il tema affrontato è la sovranità dell'uomo sul resto dei viventi, in particolare nei riguardi della discriminazione dell'animalità. Nei capitoli a seguire si... more
The first part of this paper presents a historical outline of how racial and cultural alterity (particularly indigeneity) has been imagined and represented by elites in Colombia since the nineteenth century. The evolution of these ideas... more
Resumo: O presente trabalho analisa a sociedade de consumo sob a perspectiva do seriado televisivo de 1964, A Feiticeira, marco de um projeto político, social e econômico de vida, disseminado pelos Estados Unidos da América por meio de... more
O tatu foi, talvez, o único animal americano a ser sistematicamente incorporado à iconografia europeia dos séculos XVI e XVII. Ele aparece, sobretudo, em representações dos gabinetes de curiosidades - como, por exemplo, no frontispício do... more
The principal legacy of the 1923 exchange is arguably its contribution to the institutionalization of the management of difference via forced migration—a form of spatial redistribution of different groups according to their backgrounds... more
In a contribution to a symposium on xenophilia, this essay—a study of Brian Friel's 1980 play Translations—raises the question of whether all xenophilia is by nature doomed to fail. Set in Ireland in 1833, the drama centers on the tension... more
Para salir del bucle de la identidad que idea fronteras personales y políticas, construye un 'otro' extraño, exótico y peligroso, es necesario deconstruir ese fantasma para encontrar la persona que se encuentra detrás con la que poder... more
E se a fotografia pertencesse a um mundo que ainda tivesse alguma sensibilidade ao mito, não deixaríamos de exultar diante da riqueza do símbolo: o corpo amado é imortalizado pela mediação de um metal precioso, a prata (monumento e luxo);... more
This paper proposes an existentialist reading of The Line Becomes a River: Dispatches from the Border (2018), a memoir by former U.S. Border Patrol agent Francisco Cantú. Drawing upon Anya Topolski's political ethics of relationality,... more
Hablar de márgenes permite imaginar las fronteras físicas o simbólicas de todo lo que este lenguaje hace posible. Se dice que la naturaleza del lenguaje es excluyente, principalmente bajo la noción de que afirmar algo implica,... more
Abstract: This article provides a relation between the problem of shame in both Levinas and Agamben, focusing, for the most part, in the development of Levinas' metaphysics and its relation to the emotional tonality of shame in three... more
Proponemos un modelo de análisis del español americano enfocado en su contacto con los idiomas y culturas indígenas con los que ha coexistido en el llamado “Nuevo Mundo”. Para ello utilizamos conceptos sociolingüísticos y semióticos, en... more
This study examines a painted combat scene on a ceramic vessel of the Moche culture (AD 100–800) of the north coast of Peru. The scene portrays a series of distinctly Moche warriors fighting adversaries who feature characteristics... more
Nota critica a: M. Bettini -G. Pucci, Il mito di Medea. Immagini e racconti dalla Grecia a oggi Nel volume Il mito di Medea. Immagini e racconti dalla Grecia a oggi (Einaudi 2017), pubblicato all'interno della prestigiosa serie... more
Ogni popolo ha sempre avuto i suoi stereotipi e le sue modalità di definizione per l'Altro, e che si possono applicare al vicino come alle popolazioni più lontane ed esotiche, purché in qualche modo conosciute. L'improvvisa ondata... more
This e-book is a collection of papers focussing on the discursive dimension of the 'eastern enlargement' of the European Union, relying on lessons from post-colonial scholarship, world-systems analysis and critical race studies. The... more
The aim of this paper is to illustrate the Ricoeurian contribution to the development of a hermeneutics of otherness. Beginning with Ricoeur's confrontation with Heideggerian thought on temporality, the paper proceeds to develop the... more
Magnus, a novel from Sylvie Germain published in 2005, is a narration made up of several marks of hybridity – structural, generic and discursive hybridity. Those marks are not simply formal but emphasize the necessity of a true presence... more
Département de santé publique, CHU de Rennes Mots clés : déviance, norme, stigmatisation Médecine et sciences humaines La définition d'une « norme » et de la déviance par rapport à cette norme aboutit de fait à un contrôle social et une... more
La investigación sobre identidad y alteridad en la historia es una línea de estudio en pleno desarrollo en la historiografía actual y es a la vez una forma inmejorable de acercarse a un debate de actualidad dentro y fuera de nuestras... more
Mémoire de Master "Migrations et Relations Interethniques" Paris 7
The aim of this thesis is to present key aspects about Yanomami dreams. This ethnography was developed from fieldwork accomplished among the Yanomami of Pya ú community, situated in the Toototopi region, TI Yanomami, during the period... more
Within the horizon of the critique of Eurocentrism, this manifesto presents methods of interpre-tation that can advance the project of decolonising human rights and creating new Third World discourses. These hermeneutical strategies... more
Für Theodor Lipps, Wilhelm Dilthey und EdmundHusserl ist die Erfahrung des Anderen eng verbunden mit dem Verstehen der Gefühle des Anderen: Ich mache die Erfahrung des Anderen, indem ich seine Gefühle verstehe. In der theoretischen... more
And what if the border was the center of the territory? And what if the origin was not a first event but a repeated and thus upcoming event? These are all issues brought up when a foreigner arrives at the border of a Berber tribe in... more
Der Hauptteil des Buches zeichnet in einem chronologischen Close-Reading die Entwicklung des Derridaschen Werkes und die Bedeutung seiner zentralen Termini – différance, Spur, Schrift – nach. Zugleich wird dabei die performative Struktur... more
Like all discourses on the 'other', Bataille's heterology is faced with the problem of conceptualizing the heterogeneous (the other of thought, reason and language), while preserving its alterity, its fundamental resistance to conceptual... more
Agnese Viola È il 1873 quando nel Corso di geologia del professore Antonio Stoppani appare il termine era antropozoica: si tratta di uno dei primi casi documentati in cui viene formalizzata l'idea dell'attività umana in quanto forza... more
Did Greeks and non-Greeks banquet together in the first half of the first millennium BCE, and if so, how does this mode of cultural contact explain the evidence of cultural exchange between Greece and the Near East? Following suggestions... more
This thesis will examine the problem of alterity that presents itself for “being” in relation to “language” in James Joyce’s Dubliners, Stephen Hero, A Portrait of the Artist, Ulysses and Finnegan’s Wake. I will argue that being in... more
Renaissance beyond the constraints of conventionally reasoned argument? Appropriateness of rebirth metaphor for Renaissance of civilization? Global surreality farming vs planned reality framing? Engaging the imagination through... more
What happens to a culture in which the death drive has been totally repressed and turned into a narcissistic desire to consume? Alexander Bove’s response to A. Kiarina Kordela’s first book, $urplus: Spinoza, Lacan (2007), puts ethics,... more
English title and abstract: Races and Degeneration. The Emergence of the Knowledge on the Abnormal Man. This Ph-D thesis develops the twofold history of the notions of “race” and “degeneration” between the XVIIth and the XIXth century.... more