Epicurean ethics
Recent papers in Epicurean ethics
Resumo: O presente trabalho analisa a sociedade de consumo sob a perspectiva do seriado televisivo de 1964, A Feiticeira, marco de um projeto político, social e econômico de vida, disseminado pelos Estados Unidos da América por meio de... more
An essay looking phenomenologically at the notion of ataraxia in Epicurean ethics. The core point of discussion focuses on the notion of pleasure qua ataraxia as a two-fold phenomenon, and what this implies for Epicurean ethics. - This... more
This post appeared on the blog Nota Bene in November 2018. Discusses the debate in Vancouver between Sam Harris and Jordan Peterson.
ART OF LIVING: Pierre Hadot and Michel Foucault promoted the idea that ancient philosophy is essentially an art of living. In particular, this thesis is usually applied to the big philosophical schools deriving from the Hellenistic... more
In un poema tormentato come il De rerum natura, la cui angoscia sottesa ma palpabile, a dispetto dell'asserito ottimismo epicureo, ha fatto così a lungo discutere e spesso ha condotto a conclusioni estreme e inesatte, non è molto lo... more
El sabio camino hacia la felicidad. Diógenes de Enoanda y el gran mural epicúreo.
In chapter XXV of the Prince, Machiavelli deals thoroughly with the concept of Fortune. We are at the end of the discussion about the qualities that a prince should possess in order to acquire a state and to be able to keep it. At this... more
Μία λέξη η οποία χαρακτηρίζει τον αρχαίο ΄Ελληνα φιλόσ οφο Επίκουρο είναι σ ίγουρα η λέξη "παρεξηγημένος". Πολλοί πολέμιοι του ίδιου του Επίκουρου και της φιλοσ οφίας του τον έχουν χαρακτηρίσ ει ως "άθεο" και "χυδαίο ηδονισ τή". ΄ Αλλοι... more
Una de las razones fundamentales por las cuales la muerte causa dolor se debe a una comprensión equívoca acerca del sentido último de la vida humana. Además, la Modernidad se desliga, en ocasiones, de la dimensión emotiva y afectiva del... more
Comparisons of Montaigne’s Essays and Shakespeare’s Hamlet tend to focus on Montaigne’s skepticism, as laid out in his longest and best-known essay, “An Apology for Raymond Sebond.” Hamlet’s doubts resemble Montaigne’s, and critics have... more
Dans une lettre adressée à son ami médecin Giovanni Bianchi da Reggio, l'astronome italien Matteo Garimberti da Parma s'interroge sur la nature du bonheur humain. Dans ce texte notre auteur propose un panorama des grandes écoles... more
An appreciation of Lucretius and Epicureanism. How his science and ethics are related; how he has non-materialist values in a materialist world. Takes issue with some current interpreters. A book chapter (2011).
Among the Epicureans the most testified use of their founders' quite similar portraits can be explained by an ideal twin friendship between Epicurus and Metrodorus, which is the first link in the chain of the Kepos' friends, connected to... more
Prompted by the thesis that an organism’s umwelt possesses not just a descriptive dimension, but a normative one as well, some have sought to annex semiotics with ethics. Yet the pronouncements made in this vein have consisted mainly in... more
A short presentation I was invited to give to students of British Literature at Saarland University, 22.11.16. It is a very simply and by no means complete introduction ot the ethics of Epicurus, designed for people with no background in... more
Анализируется философская полемика между стоиками и эпикурейцами. Анализ философской дискуссии стоиков и эпикурейцев по вопросам необходимости и случайности показал, что данная тема не была центральной в межшкольной полемике эпохи... more
Fanzine del Taller: "Movimientos Contraculturales en la Filosofía Helenística" Este proyecto es el resultado de un esfuerzo colectivo. Somos una célula nacida del Taller “Movimientos Contraculturales en la Filosofía Helenística”. Usted,... more
L’importance et la diversité de l’œuvre de Marcel Conche suffisent à justifier qu’on lui con- sacre cette journée d’étude : une œuvre qui est à la fois celle d’un savant universitaire avec l’édition des Lettres et maximes d’Épicure, des... more
Epicurus situated the value of these right actions in their ability to bring about pleasure (hédoné), which he identified with the ultimate and final good (telos). His identification with pleasure has caused a great deal of... more
επιθετική εφόρμηση της ζωής σε μια μόνο σωματική διαπίστωση μπορεί να οδηγήσει : «Είναι όλα τόσο ζωντανά που δεν αντέχονται !» 1 . Σόσο ζωντανά που μάς πεθαίνουν. Μοιρασμένος μεταξύ εκπνοής και εισπνοής, ιδού ! ο καθοδηγητής στο Αδύνατο,... more
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In the spirit of the myth related by Prodicus,1 Greek and Roman philosophers often assume that human beings are confronted with a fundamental moral choice, between the narrow path of Virtue and the broad path of Pleasure, and they give... more
Amongst the Herculanean papyri there is a Philodemean work of biographical-historiographical character, which basically consists of quotations from letters of Epicurus or related persons (two copies PHerc. 1418 and 310). The work is... more
Seneca rarely quotes Horace: his relationship with this author is complex and subtle. In Ep. 60, the motivs of nurses' prayers, blamed because they wish things which are bad for us, and of an otium which has to be philosophical and not... more
Feminism and Classics conferences. Comments are welcome on the Cloelia Blog: wccaucus.org/cloeli Cloelia N.S. 2 (Fall 2012) 43 Judith Fletcher (Wilfrid Laurier University, Vice-President of the WN), Lisa Trentin (University of Toronto at... more
El amor es un elemento importante, aunque no primordial, en la poesía de Horacio. Concretamente, en la primera obra compuesta por Horacio, las Sátiras o Sermones, documentamos una postura contraria al amor y a la seducción, en línea con... more
Praxis realisieren lasse. Das Motiv spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der Kyrupädie. Aristoteles hat sich zu Beginn der Politik (Pol. 1,1. 1252a7ff) mit diesem Konzept auseinandergesetzt, und er hat sich eindeutig von jenen abgegrenzt, die... more
En nuestros días, la mención de mujeres filósofas en las grandes historias de la filosofía en poco o casi nada se las refiere al situar como colosales gestores del pensamiento occidental a los varones. Sin embargo, las continuas... more
Tal como se nos ha trasmitido a lo largo de la historia del pensamiento, la premisa sustancial de la filosofía epicúrea que dice del placer el ser fin de la vida feliz parece amparar ciertas actitudes que no son propicias a buen modo de... more
Theses are the notes for a short presentation given to students of British Literature at Saarland University, 22.11.2016. Their seminar being on three Jacobean city comedies, I was invited to give an introduction to Epicurean ethics,... more
Euthanasia, how to live well and die well Takis Panagiotopoulos, Athens 2017 translated by Rachel Forides Philosophy is an empty word, if in reality it does not lead to an enjoyable life, if it does not lead away from pain, grief and... more
[English below] Le traité "Péri Parrhêsias" (PHerc. 1471) de Philodème de Gadara représente une source majeure pour la compréhension de la "parrhêsia" épicurienne. Malgré l’état fort dégradé du papyrus, cependant contrebalancé par les... more
D’une part les riches propriétés des citoyens romains étaient remplies des images se référant dans la majorité de cas au sens non philosophique. D’autre part les hommes bien formés s’entouraient des images remplies des allusions... more
The paper starts with a hermeneutical argument for materialist ethics. Human life is short, we do not have all the time in the world for a perfect ethical theory. Materialist ethics are a group of theories that want to be profitable and... more
Es irracional temerle a la muerte. Cuando nosotros estamos, ella no está. Cuando ella llega, ya no estamos nosotros
Another paper in German. In what could be considered to be his moral philosophy, Descartes apparently drew on ancient Greek philosophers but very often he does not give them credit (as was usual back in those days). The aim of this paper... more
Epicurea is a collection of texts, fragments and testimonies by Epicurus composed by Hermann Usener in 1887.
Language: Latin
Language: Latin