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      Information SystemsInformation Theory (Mathematics)Algorithmic Information TheoryQuantum Information Theory
Artykuł opublikowany w 13 numerze czasopisma "Problemy Studiów Nauczycielskich" przedstawia podręcznik dla studentów kształcących się w kierunku nauczania informatyki, wydany nakładem Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej w Krakowie. W artykule... more
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      Computer ScienceAutomata Theory (Formal Languages)Programming LanguagesInformation Theory
This paper explores various spiritual traditions of Hinduism from the evolutionary perspective. The term evolution in its contemporary usage is closely associated with Biological Evolution (BE). However, the paper uses the term... more
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      ReligionPhilosophyPhilosophy of ScienceAlgorithmic Information Theory
Generalized Information (GI) is a measurement of the degree to which a program can be said to generalize a dataset. It is calculated by creating a program to model the data set, measuring the Active Information in the model, and... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceInformation TheoryMachine LearningStatistical machine learning
All science is founded on the assumption that the physical universe is ordered. Our aim is to challenge this hypothesis using arguments,from the algorithmic information theory.
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    • Algorithmic Information Theory
Four general approaches to the metaphysics of causation are current in Australasian philosophy. One is a development of the regularity theory (attributed to Hume) that uses counterfactuals (Lewis, 1973; 1994). A second is based in the... more
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophy of ScienceCausationLeibniz (Philosophy)
Deep learning and other similar machine learning techniques have a huge advantage over other AI methods: they do function when applied to real-world data, ideally from scratch, without human intervention. However, they have several... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceMachine LearningAlgorithmic Information TheoryContrast
A strategy for adaptive control and energetic optimization of aerobic fermentors was implemented, with both air flow and agitation speed as manipulated variables. This strategy is separable in its components: control, optimization,... more
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      Information SystemsElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringCommunication Engineering
Our aim is to experimentally study the possibility of distinguishing between quantum sources of randomness-recently proved to be theoretically incomputable-and some well-known computable sources of pseudo-randomness. Incomputability is a... more
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      Quantum PhysicsAlgorithmic Information TheoryStatistical SignificanceExperimental Study
In this article, we will show that uncomputability is a relative property not only of oracle Turing machines, but also of subrecursive classes. We will define the concept of a Turing submachine, and a recursive... more
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      Recursion TheoryTheory Of ComputationComputability TheoryComputational Complexity
The main topic of the present work are universal machines for plain and prefix-free description complexity and their domains. It is characterised when an r.e. set W is the domain of a universal plain machine in terms of the description... more
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      Theoretical Computer ScienceAlgorithmic Information TheoryMathematical SciencesSpectrum
Dear Colleagues, Classical probability theory and traditional statistics have long helped scientists to find meaningful signals amid the noise and thereby make sense of the world. However, classical approaches have proven a little... more
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      Computer SciencePhysicsComplex Systems ScienceInformation Theory
Algorithmic Information Dynamics (AID) is an algorithmic probabilistic framework for causal discovery and causal analysis. It enables a numerical solution to inverse problems based or motivated on principles of algorithmic probability.... more
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      Complex Systems ScienceInformation TheoryCyberneticsComplex Networks
International Journal of Information Science & techniques (IJIST) focuses on system modeling and information techniques in real engineering and scientific problems This journal provides a forum that impacts the development of scientific... more
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      Information Theory (Mathematics)Automata Theory (Formal Languages)Artificial IntelligenceInformation Theory
Podemos chamar o famoso “paradoxo” de Skolem de um pseudoparadoxo metalinguístico da denumerabilidade: de dentro do sistema um conjunto não é enumerável enquanto que de fora do sistema ele pode ser. O mesmo fenômeno aparece em relação à... more
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      Computability TheoryAlgorithmic Information TheorySemantic ParadoxesThe Concept of Computability
Broadly speaking, there are two approaches to quantifying information. The first, Shannon information, takes events as belonging to ensembles and quantifies the information resulting from observing the given event in terms of the number... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceInformation TheoryMachine LearningStatistical machine learning
In spite of being ubiquitous in life sciences, the concept of information is harshly criticized. Uses of the concept other than those derived from Shannon's theory are denounced as metaphoric, We perform a computational experiment to... more
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      MathematicsInformation TheorySemanticsComputational Biology
When mining large datasets in order to predict new data, limitations of the principles behind statistical machine learning pose a serious challenge not only to the Big Data deluge, but also to the traditional assumptions that data... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceStatisticsInformation Theory
Transmission of information in the form of qubits much faster than the speed of light is the important aspects of quantum information theory. Quantum information processing exploits the quantum nature of information that needs to be... more
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      Information TheoryAlgorithmic Information TheoryInformation ProcessingMultiplexing
While Kolmogorov complexity is the accepted absolute measure of information content in an individual finite object, a similarly absolute notion is needed for the information distance between two individual objects, for example, two... more
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      ThermodynamicsInformation TheoryPattern RecognitionAlgorithmic Information Theory
We show that metabiology is not restricted to the study of the evolution of programs or the evolution of computable systems. Inspired by the concept of hyper-computation, that is, by the idea of programs having access to a Turing oracle,... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyComputability TheoryAlgorithmic Information TheoryHypercomputation
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      Evolutionary BiologyModel TheoryEpistemologyComplex Systems Science
Previous work has shown that perturbation analysis in software space can produce candidate computable generative models and uncover possible causal properties from the finite description of an object or system quantifying the algorithmic... more
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      Complex Systems ScienceDynamical SystemsInformation TheoryEvolutionary Computation
This article presents a theoretical investigation of computation beyond the Turing barrier from emergent behavior in distributed systems. In particular, we present an algorithmic network that is a mathematical model of a networked... more
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      Computability TheoryInformation TheoryAlgorithmic Information TheoryNetwork science
Entendendo a metabiologia como uma teoria matemática para evolução de programas ou de sistemas computáveis, inspirada pela – e voltada para – evolução biológica, esse artigo tem como objetivo discutir - e introduzir - sobre a evolução... more
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      EvolutionAlgorithmic Information TheoryHypercomputationMetabiology
We introduce a family of unsupervised, domain-free, and asymptotically optimal model-independent algorithms based on the principles of algorithmic probability and information theory designed to minimize the loss of algorithmic... more
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      Coding TheoryInformation TheoryData CompressionComplex Networks
—High-throughput technologies for biological measurements generate vast amounts of quantitative data, which necessitate the development of advanced approaches to data analysis to help understand the underlying processes and networks.... more
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      Machine LearningData MiningCytokinesMacrophages
Although information content is invariant up to an additive constant, the range of possible additive constants applicable to programming languages is so large that in practice it plays a major role in the actual evaluation of K(s), the... more
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      Algorithmic Information TheoryProbability Distribution & ApplicationsInformation ContentProgramming language
In spite of being ubiquitous in life sciences, the concept of information is harshly criticized. Uses of the concept other than those derived from Shannon's theory are denounced as pernicious metaphors. We perform a computational... more
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      Information TheoryInformation Theory and codingAlgorithmic Information TheoryInformation Theory, Entropy, Theoretical Biology
This article investigates emergence and complexity in complex systems that can share information on a network. To this end, we use a theoretical approach from information theory, computability theory, and complex networks. One key studied... more
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      Computability TheoryInformation ScienceGame TheoryInformation Theory
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      Theoretical Computer ScienceAlgorithmic Information TheoryMathematical SciencesRandom Sequences
This paper is devoted to large scale aspects of the geometry of the space of isometry classes of Riemannian metrics, with a 2-sided curvature bound, on a fixed compact smooth manifold of dimension at least five. Using a mix of tools from... more
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      Differential GeometryAlgorithmic Information TheoryLarge ScaleCritical Point
My book "Dal reale al possibile" shows the development of determinism in philosophy and in physics from XVI up to the XX century and treats also its crisis when quantum physics asserts
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    • Algorithmic Information Theory
In contrast with software-generated randomness (called pseudo-randomness), quantum randomness can be proven incomputable; that is, it is not exactly reproducible by any algorithm. We provide experimental evidence of incomputability-an... more
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      Algorithmic Information TheoryMathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesCHEMICAL SCIENCES
Different and many times provably-incompatible technical definitions, all claiming to formally characterize the vague notion of randomness, have appeared in the past century. This work is a personal attempt to put a few of these related... more
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      Philosophy Of ProbabilityAlgorithmic Information TheoryRandomnessKolmogorov Complexity
In a genetic algorithm, fluctuations of the entropy of a genome over time are interpreted as fluctuations of the information that the genome's organism is storing about its environment, being this reflected in more complex organisms. The... more
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      Genetic AlgorithmAlgorithmic Information TheoryPopulation SizeEvolutionary Computing
The concept of entropy plays a major part in communication theory. The Shannon entropy is a measure of uncertainty with respect to a priori probability distribution. In algorithmic information theory the information content of a message... more
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      Applied MathematicsCommunication TheoryAlgorithmic Information TheoryProbability Distribution & Applications
The need to act in networks and to function in a society where we relate in complex fashions has fostered the use of data in accordance with distributed models. In a big data context, the individual is often overcome with the sentiment... more
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      AlgorithmsGlobal GovernanceGovernanceModeling
This article presents a theoretical investigation of generalized encoded forms of networks in a uniform multidimensional space. First, we study encoded networks with (finite) arbitrary node dimensions (or aspects), such as time instants... more
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      Information ScienceInformation TheoryGraphs TheoryGraph Theory
This work presents a theoretical investigation of incompressible multidimensional networks defined by a generalized graph representation. In particular, we study the incompressibility (i.e., algorithmic randomness) of snapshot-dynamic... more
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      Complex Systems ScienceInformation TheoryGraph TheoryComplex Networks
Recent large scale experiments have shown that the Normalized Information Distance, an algorithmic information measure, is among the best similarity metrics for melody classification. This paper proposes the use of this distance as a... more
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      Genetic AlgorithmAlgorithmic Information TheorySimple Genetic AlgorithmFitness Function
As an increasing number of protein structures become available, the need for algorithms that can quantify the similarity between protein structures increases as well. Thus, the comparison of proteins' structures, and their clustering... more
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      BioinformaticsAlgorithmsAlgorithmic Information TheoryBiological Sciences
We further deconstruct Heraclitean Quantum Systems giving a model for a universe using pregeometric notions in which the end-game problem is overcome by means of self-referential noise. The model displays self-organisation with the... more
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      Geometric ModellingAlgorithmic Information Theory
Um campo, por essência, transdisciplinar é criado quando a teoria algorítmica da informação se propõe a resolver uma questão da biologia. Possivelmente, a questão mais importante: a evolução dos seres vivos. A partir daí, velhos... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyTheoretical Computer ScienceAlgorithmic Information TheoryMetabiology
This paper explores various spiritual traditions of Hinduism from the evolutionary perspective. The term evolution in its contemporary usage is closely associated with Biological Evolution (BE). However, the paper uses the term... more
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      ReligionPhilosophyPhilosophy of ScienceAlgorithmic Information Theory
We show that Kolmogorov complexity and such its estimators as universal codes (or data compression methods) can be applied for hypothesis testing in a framework of classical mathematical statistics. The methods for identity testing and... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceTheory Of ComputationInformation Theory
Effective fractal dimension was defined by Lutz (2003) in order to quantitatively analyze the structure of complexity classes, but then interesting connections of effective dimension with information theory were also found, justifying the... more
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      Information TheoryAlgorithmic Information TheoryInformation ContentFractal Dimension
Abstract The scientific ideal is a system of deterministic laws which would, in principle, allow us to infer the entire history of the universe given a description of its initial conditions. But what is special about the "initial"... more
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      Computational PhysicsMetaphysicsFoundations of PhysicsDavid K Lewis
This work presents some outcomes of a theoretical investigation of incompressible high-order networks defined by a generalized graph representation. We study some of their network topological properties and how these may be related to... more
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      Information TheoryGraph TheoryComplex NetworksAlgorithmic Information Theory
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      BioinformaticsInformation TheoryComputational BiologyGenetic Algorithms