Semantic Paradoxes
Recent papers in Semantic Paradoxes
This is the second of a series of three lectures given at Peking University. Haack explores correspondence theories, the semantic theory, and the Laconicist theory (also known as the "redundancy" theory). After showing the [problems... more
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This article introduces, studies, and applies a new system of logic which is called 'HYPE'. In HYPE, formulas are evaluated at states that may exhibit truth value gaps (partiality) and truth value gluts (overdeterminedness). Simple and... more
«Esiste negli esseri un principio rispetto al quale è necessario che si sia sempre nel vero: è questo il principio che afferma che non è possibile che la medesima cosa in un unico e medesimo tempo sia e non sia»: così, nella Metafisica di... more
A dialetheia is a sentence, A, such that both it and its negation, ¬A, are true (we shall talk of sentences throughout this entry; but one could run the definition in terms of propositions, statements, or whatever one takes as her... more
This article introduces, studies, and applies a new system of logic which is called 'HYPE'. In HYPE, formulas are evaluated at states that may exhibit truth value gaps (partiality) and truth value gluts (overdeterminedness). Simple and... more
"Paradox and perspectivism in the philosophy of language of Bhartrhari : language, thought and reality" The way the Indian grammarian-philosopher Bhartrhari (5th century CE.) deals with the liar paradox and some other paradoxes is... more
Since Saul Kripke's influential work in the 70's, the revisionary approach to semantic paradox, the idea that semantic paradoxes must be solved by weakening classical logic, has been increasingly popular. In this paper, we present a new... more
Oświadczam, że niniejsza praca została przygotowana pod moim kierunkiem i stwierdzam, że spełnia ona warunki do przedstawienia jej w postępowaniu o nadanie tytułu zawodowego.
Il presente saggio si propone di caratterizzare per approssimazioni successive alcune delle questioni fondamentali di una teoria della verità per il linguaggio naturale: segnatamente, i problemi posti dai paradossi semantici ad ogni... more
The Spanish edition of PHILOSOPHY OF LOGICS (1978). Covers almost every topic in philosophy of logic.
In this paper we take a closer look at Penrose's New Argument for the claim that the human mind cannot be mechanized and investigate whether the argument can be formalized in a sound and coherent way using a theory of truth and absolute... more
Une introduction logique et philosophique au problème de la définition de la vérité. Le chapitre contient une présentation du travail de Tarski sur la vérité. Une présentation du travail de Kripke. Un aperçu sur quelques théories... more
I will use paradox as a guide to metaphysical grounding, a kind of non-causal explanation that has recently shown itself to play a pivotal role in philosophical inquiry. Specifically, I will analyze the grounding structure of the... more
To show that the set theoretic and semantic paradoxes have the same structure, Graham Priest has formulated his Inclosure Schema and shown that it characterizes the paradoxes of both groups. I will argue that the failure of the Inclosure... more
Understandably absorbed in technical details, discussion of the semantic paradoxes risks losing sight of broad methodological principles. This essay sketches a general approach to the comparison of rival logics, and applies it to argue... more
In recent editions of this journal, Jean-Yves Beziau [8] and Marcin Tkaczyk [42] have criticised a prominent dialetheic logic and common arguments for dialetheism, respectively. While Beziau argues that Priest's logic LP commits the... more
T-biconditionals have often been regarded as insufficient as axioms for truth. This verdict is based on Tarski’s observation that the typed T-sentences suffer from deductive weakness. As indicated by McGee, the situation might change... more
We axiomatize Leitgeb's (2005) theory of truth and show that this theory proves all arithmetical sentences of the system of ramified analysis up to \epsilon_0. We also give alternative axiomatizations of Kripke's (1975) theory of... more
The Knower paradox purports to place surprising a priori limitations on what we can know. According to orthodoxy, it shows that we need to abandon one of three plausible and widely-held ideas: that knowledge is factive, that we can know... more
In this article, we will show that uncomputability is a relative property not only of oracle Turing machines, but also of subrecursive classes. We will define the concept of a Turing submachine, and a recursive... more
Ttler=‘Ttler is true’ says of itself that it is true. It is a truth-teller. I argue that we have equally telling arguments (i) to the effect that all truth-tellers must have the same truth-value (ii) and the effect that truth-tellers... more
Metabiology is a mathematical theory mainly based on algorithmic information theory and allows us to study an open-ended evolution of programs, that is, to study how fast the organisms/programs become more complex or more creative without... more
2000 -Creative Commons Unported 3.0 Il binomio 'mente', 'macchina' è tanto bizzarro, quanto accattivante; accosta, infatti, esperienze di vita fra loro assai lontane: la macchina, artefatto dell'uomo, finita, ottusa nella sua limitata... more
The paper describes properties of Yablo sequences over growing domains of finite arithmetical models and over partial models of Kripke truth theory. We show that for any partial fixed-point model and for the Strong Kleene, Weak Kleene and... more
Podemos chamar o famoso “paradoxo” de Skolem de um pseudoparadoxo metalinguístico da denumerabilidade: de dentro do sistema um conjunto não é enumerável enquanto que de fora do sistema ele pode ser. O mesmo fenômeno aparece em relação à... more
In this paper I introduce Horwich's deflationary theory of truth, called 'Minimalism', and I present his proposal of how to cope with the Liar Paradox. The proposal proceeds by restricting the T-schema and, as a consequence of that, it... more
We show that any coherent complete partial order (ccpo) is obtainable as the fixed-point poset of the strong Kleene jump of a suitably chosen first-order ground model. This is a strengthening of Visser's result that any finite ccpo is... more
Zahlen standen am Beginn des mathematischen Denkens und bilden bis heute einen syste-matischen Bezugspunkt im Aufbau und Verständnis der Mathematik. Für jede logische und philosophische Untersuchung der Mathematik spielt die Idee der Zahl... more
La presente rubrica si propone di dare un'esposizione contestualizzata di un particolare problema filosofico, attraverso la rilettura di un articolo, saggio, o libro particolarmente influente e ricco di sviluppi per l'argomento in... more
The papers in this special issue investigate a range of topics that pertain to the distinction between the concept and the property of truth. The distinction between property concepts and the properties that they pick out is a mainstay... more
This chapter provides a methodological case for maintaining classical logic even in the face of the semantic paradoxes. It advocates an abductive methodology for choosing, or adjudicating, logics (or, more specifically, logical theories),... more
O Mentiroso e as intuições acerca da noção de verdade na perspectiva de Saul Kripke EDERSON SAFRA MELO O paradoxo do Mentiroso desempenhou um proeminente papel em lógica e filosofia da lógica. Tal importância remete, sobretudo, à teoria... more
This short note is about how to fit Language into the constraints of Logic. Such a move should not be always possible, but if we want to say The Liar is a logical problem, then we have to be able to fit the piece of human language it... more
The article contains a critical analysis of Wittgenstein’s theory of logical symbolism. According to an influential interpretation, Wittgenstein presented in the Tractatus a new method of solving paradoxes. This method seems a simple and... more
This paper is about The Liar Paradox, language, logic, and the differences between opposing, and negating: the truth may never be told but that does not mean one always lies.
(difficulties with the system, and updating drafts)
(difficulties with the system, and updating drafts)
The perhaps most important criticism of the nontransitive approach to semantic paradoxes is that it cannot truthfully express exactly which metarules preserve validity. I argue that this criticism overlooks that the admissibility of... more
There are a variety of reasons why we would want a paraconsistent account of logic, that is, an account of logic where an inconsistent theory does not have every sentence as a consequence. The one which will occupy our attention is... more
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2011), xiii + 158 pp. $22.95/£15.15 hardcover.
Tarski’s undefinability theorem of arithmetic truth says that any first-order language so rich that contains the arithmetic can not contain its own truth predicate satisfying the T-scheme. Its proof is based upon the idea that under the... more
The Unexpected Hanging Problem is also known as the Surprise Examination Problem. We here solve it by isolating what is logical reasoning from the rest of the human psyche. In a not-soorthodox analysis, following our tradition (The Liar,... more