Random Sequences
Recent papers in Random Sequences
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
In this paper, we present a new, computationally efficient simulator for time-varying multi-path (fast fading) vector channels that can be used to evaluate the performance of antenna array wireless receivers at the base station. The... more
This paper presents an optimized fault diagnosing procedure applicable in Built-in Self-Test environments. Instead of the known approach based on a simple bisection of patterns in pseudorandom test sequences, we propose a novel bisection... more
We describe Syskill & Webert, a software agent that learnsto rate pages on the World Wide Web (WWW), decidingwhat pages might interest a user. The user rates exploredpages on a three point scale, and Syskill & Webert learnsa user profile... more
Feedback with carry shift registers (FCSR) were introduced by Goresky and Klapper in [3]. They are very similar to classical linear feedback shift registers (LFSR) used in many pseudorandom generators. The main difference is the fact that... more
The universal real constant pi, the ratio of the circumference of any circle and its diameter, has no exact numerical representation in a finite number of digits in any number/radix system. It has conjured up tremendous interest in... more
Current seismic codes specify design earthquake loads as single events. The structure, however, may experience multiple ground accelerations in a short period of time. The evidence from recent earthquakes confirms this scenario. For... more
The ability of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) systems to achieve higher data rates and facilitate bandwidth friendly communication [1]-[3] is impaired by the presence of Carrier Frequency Offset (CFO) in the OFDM... more
This brief presents a CMOS burst-mode optical transmitter suitable for use in 1.25-Gb/s Ethernet passive optical network applications. Based on feedback from the monitoring photodiode, in order to control consecutive burst data the... more
An integrated configuration is proposed to convert tunable slow light from signal to another frequency in a wide bandwidth by using a 70 m-long highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber (HN-PCF). A 10 GHz RZ signal is delayed by a 10 Gbit/s... more
This paper introduces simulation of performance evaluation of 40 Gb/s optical fiber communication systems using directly modulated high-speed distributed feedback (DFB) lasers. Electrical signals of return to zero (RZ) and non-return to... more
Adaptive Random Testing (ART) is a method for improving the fault-finding effectiveness of random testing. Fixed-Size Candidate Set ART is the most studied variant of this approach. However, existing implementations of FSCS-ART have had... more
In this letter we consider optimum code structure for positive optical code division multiple-access (optical CDMA) systems. Positive systems are a class of systems that operate with positive real numbers only. We consider the effect of... more
This paper and its companion (Part II) are devoted to the analysis of the application of a chaotic piecewise-linear onedimensional (PL1D) map as random number generator (RNG). Piecewise linearity of the map enables us to mathematically... more
Part I of this paper defines the class of constructive unsupervised on-line learning simplified adaptive resonance theory (SART) clustering networks. Proposed instances of class SART are the symmetric Fuzzy ART (S-Fuzzy ART) and the... more
This paper proposes a digital chaotic secure communication by introducing a concept of magnifying glass, which is used to enlarge and observe minor parameter mismatch so as to increase the sensitivity of the system. The encryption method... more
In this paper we propose a scheme for selforganizing sensor networks; the scheme allows a sensor network to adapt to topological changes, include new batches of sensors, and disregard the sensors that have depleted their power reserves,... more
In this paper, we present a new mutation operator called the Systematic Mutation (SM) operator for enhancing the performance of Basic Particle Swarm Optimization (BPSO) algorithm. The SM operator unlike most of its contemporary mutation... more
Fault coverage and test length estimation in circuits under random test is the subject of this paper. Testing by a sequence of random input patterns is viewed as sequential sampling of faults from a given fault universe. Based on this... more
Stream ciphering is an essential coding method for delay sensitive traffic such as voice and video. In this method the source sequence is combined with the output of a key stream generator using XOR. The strength and robustness of this... more
Stream ciphering is an essential coding method for delay sensitive traffic such as voice and video. In this method the source sequence is combined with the output of a key stream generator using XOR. The strength and robustness of this... more
Part I of this paper defines the class of constructive unsupervised on-line learning simplified adaptive resonance theory (SART) clustering networks. Proposed instances of class SART are the symmetric Fuzzy ART (S-Fuzzy ART) and the... more
This paper addresses the problem of generating constant-envelope wideband (CEW) signals, for which applications are emerging both in telecommunications (as information carriers) and in digital/power electronics (to aid the synthesis of... more
Abstract| This paper o ers su cient conditions to prove global convergence of non{elitist evolutionary algorithms. If these conditions can be applied they yield bounds of the convergence rate as a by{product. This is demonstrated by an... more
In this paper a fully automatic scheme for embedding visually recognizable watermark patterns to video objects is proposed. The architecture consists of 3 main modules. During the first module unsupervised video object extraction is... more
Chaotic maps represent an effective method for generating random-like sequences that combines the benefits of relying on simple, causal models with good unpredictability. Regrettably, such positive features are counterbalanced by the fact... more
A bstruct-The theoretical advantages of two-dimensional quantization over univariate quantization have been studied in the literature. However, in many cases there is no known implementation for the two-dimensional quantizer that can... more
Two adaptive FIR filter configurations are proposed for implementing the LMS algorithm with no along delay elements or multipliers. The first uses a linear feedback shift register (LFSR) to generate pseudorandom binary sequences for... more
We present a method for testing sequential circuits using weighted random sequences. The weights are stored and a weighted random sequence generator is used to produce the required test sequences during testing rather than storing the... more
We investigate a new approach in utilizing a given classification to cellular automata to search for a particular behavior cellular automaton with a genetic algorithm. This investigation leads to the formation of two new concepts. The... more
In this paper, a new technique is proposed for blind estimation of carrier frequency offset (CFO) in wireless orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) systems with constant-modulus constellations. The proposed scheme is based on... more
Solutions to decentralized stochastic optimization problems lead to recursions in which the state space enlarges with the time-horizon, thus leading to non-tractability of classical dynamic programming. A common joint information state... more
The analysis of a wavelet-based watermarking algorithm is presented, in which the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) is used for watermark embedding and detection. In the image compression field, the relationship between DWT coefficients... more
This paper presents an intermediate frequency (IF) stage of a swept time delayed cross-correlation (STDCC) channel sounder. The proposed topology employs the real-time sliding correlation technique of pseudo-random (PN) sequences,... more
This paper presents an intermediate frequency (IF) stage of a swept time delayed cross-correlation (STDCC) channel sounder. The proposed topology employs the real-time sliding correlation technique of pseudo-random (PN) sequences,... more
Multi-carrier code division multiple access (MC-CDMA) systems are under intense investigation for high bit rate wireless communication systems. Their equalization is based on the fast Fourier transform, allowing for an efficient... more
Abstract In this work, a hardware implementation of Chaotic State Sequence Generator for Secure Communication is proposed. The state of the chaotic generator is quantized by a threshold detector and fed to the 16-bit shift register which... more
In this paper, two families of digital maps derived from the Sawtooth map and from the Tent map are analyzed in terms of suitability for pseudo-random bit generation. In particular, several solutions are investigated taking into account... more
The development of exotic new materials, such as metamaterials, has created strong interest within the electromagnetics (EM) community for possible new phenomenologies and device applications, with particular attention to... more
A synthesizer-free self-starting optoelectronic oscillating-pulsator based return-to-zero (RZ) carrier, clock, and data generator is demonstrated by using an integrated distributed feedback laser diode and electroabsorption modulator... more
A nonstationary finite-alphabet information source p is noiselessly encoded first by adaptive block to variable-length codes and then by codes of this kind that are finite-state. It is shown that if p belongs to a certain class of sources... more
In this paper, we present a novel method of steganography system based on CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) approach having regard to perceptibility of stego-image. Also additional extraction algorithms were designed due to enhancing... more
An asynchronous binary DS-CDMA system using random spreading sequences is considered when communicating over various fading channels. New closed-form expressions are derived for the conditional Characteristic Function (CF) of the multiple... more
This paper discusses the linear complexity property of binary sequences generated using matrix recurrence relation defined over Z 4. Generally algorithm to generate random number is based on recursion with seed value/values. In this paper... more
# School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132, Indonesia 1Email: [email protected] 2Email: [email protected] 3Email: [email protected] ... Abstract Block cipher can be... more