arXiv:1006.3520v1 [cs.IT] 17 Jun 2010
Information Distance∗
Charles H. Bennett†
Péter Gács‡
Paul M.B. Vitányi¶
Ming Li§
Wojciech H. Zurekk
June 18, 2010
While Kolmogorov complexity is the accepted absolute measure of information content in an individual finite object, a similarly absolute notion
is needed for the information distance between two individual objects, for
example, two pictures. We give several natural definitions of a universal
information metric, based on length of shortest programs for either ordinary computations or reversible (dissipationless) computations. It turns
out that these definitions are equivalent up to an additive logarithmic
term. We show that the information distance is a universal cognitive similarity distance. We investigate the maximal correlation of the shortest
programs involved, the maximal uncorrelation of programs (a generalization of the Slepian-Wolf theorem of classical information theory), and the
density properties of the discrete metric spaces induced by the information
distances. A related distance measures the amount of nonreversibility of a
computation. Using the physical theory of reversible computation, we give
an appropriate (universal, anti-symmetric, and transitive) measure of the
results were announced in Proc. 25th ACM Symp. Theory of Comput., 1993, 21-30.
Watson IBM Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA. Email:
[email protected].
Computer Sci. Dept., Boston University, Boston, MA 02215 USA. Email:
[email protected].
Part of this research was done during the author’s stay at IBM Watson Research Center. Partially supported by NSF grant CCR-9002614, and by NWO through NFI Project ALADDIN
under Contract number NF 62-376 and Scientific Visitor Award B 62-394.
Computer Sci. Dept., University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1 Canada.
[email protected]. Partially supported by NSERC Operating grant OGP046506.
CWI and University of Amsterdam. Address: CWI, Kruislaan 413 1098 SJ Amsterdam,
The Netherlands. Email:
[email protected]. Partially supported by NSERC International Scientific Exchange Award ISE0046203, by the European Union through NeuroCOLT ESPRIT
Working Group Nr. 8556, and by NWO through NFI Project ALADDIN under Contract
number NF 62-376.
Theor. Div., Los Alamos National Laboratories and Santa Fé Inst. Address: Los Alamos,
NM 87545, USA. Email:
[email protected]
thermodynamic work required to transform one object in another object
by the most efficient process. Information distance between individual objects is needed in pattern recognition where one wants to express effective
notions of “pattern similarity” or “cognitive similarity” between individual objects and in thermodynamics of computation where one wants to
analyse the energy dissipation of a computation from a particular input
to a particular output.
1991 Mathematics Subject Classification:
68Q30, 94A15, 94A17, 92J10, 68T10, 68T30, 80A20, 68P20, 68U10.
Keywords and Phrases: information distance, information metric, algorithmic information theory, Kolmogorov complexity, description complexity, irreversible computation, reversible computation, pattern recognition, universal cognitive distance, thermodynamics of computation, entropy, heat dissipation.
We write string to mean a finite binary string. Other finite objects can be
encoded into strings in natural ways. The set of strings is denoted by {0, 1}∗.
The Kolmogorov complexity, or algorithmic entropy, K(x) of a string x is
the length of a shortest binary program to compute x on a universal computer
(such as a universal Turing machine). Intuitively, K(x) represents the minimal amount of information required to generate x by any effective process, [9].
The conditional Kolmogorov complexity K(x|y) of x relative to y is defined
similarly as the length of a shortest program to compute x if y is furnished as
an auxiliary input to the computation. The functions K(·) and K(·|·), though
defined in terms of a particular machine model, are machine-independent up
to an additive constant and acquire an asymptotically universal and absolute
character through Church’s thesis, from the ability of universal machines to
simulate one another and execute any effective process. The Kolmogorov complexity of a string can be viewed as an absolute and objective quantification
of the amount of information in it. This leads to a theory of absolute information contents of individual objects in contrast to classical information theory
which deals with average information to communicate objects produced by a
random source. Since the former theory is much more precise, it is surprising
that analogons of theorems in classical information theory hold for Kolmogorov
complexity, be it in somewhat weaker form.
Here our goal is to study the question of an “absolute information distance
metric” between individual objects. This should be contrasted with an information metric (entropy metric) such as H(X|Y ) + H(Y |X) between stochastic
sources X and Y . Non-absolute approaches to information distance between
individual objects have been studied in a statistical setting, see for example [25]
for a notion of empirical information divergence (relative entropy) between two
individual sequences. Other approaches include various types of edit-distances
between pairs of strings: the minimal number of edit operations from a fixed
set required to transform one string in the other string. Similar distances are
defined on trees or other data structures. The huge literature on this ranges
from pattern matching and cognition to search strategies on internet and computational biology. As an example we mention nearest neighbor interchange
distance between evolutionary trees in computational biology, [24, 21]. A priori
it is not immediate what is the most appropriate universal symmetric informational distance between two strings, that is, the minimal quantity of information
sufficient to translate between x and y, generating either string effectively from
the other. We give evidence that such notions are relevant for pattern recognition, cognitive sciences in general, various application areas, and physics of
Metric. A distance function D with nonnegative real values, defined on the
Cartesian product X × X of a set X is called a metric on X if for every x, y, z ∈
• D(x, y) = 0 iff x = y (the identity axiom);
• D(x, y) + D(y, z) ≥ D(x, z) (the triangle inequality);
• D(x, y) = D(y, x) (the symmetry axiom).
A set X provided with a metric is called a metric space. For example, every set
X has the trivial discrete metric D(x, y) = 0 if x = y and D(x, y) = 1 otherwise.
All information distances in this paper are defined on the set X = {0, 1}∗ and
satisfy the metric conditions up to an additive constant or logarithmic term
while the identity axiom can be obtained by normalizing.
Algorithmic Information Distance. Define the information distance as the
length of a shortest binary program that computes x from y as well as computing
y from x. Being shortest, such a program should take advantage of any redundancy between the information required to go from x to y and the information
required to go from y to x. The program functions in a catalytic capacity in
the sense that it is required to transform the input into the output, but itself
remains present and unchanged throughout the computation. We would like
to know to what extent the information required to compute y from x can be
made to overlap with that required to compute x from y. In some simple cases,
complete overlap can be achieved, so that the same minimal program suffices to
compute x from y as to compute y from x. For example if x and y are independent random binary strings of the same length n (up to additive contants
K(x|y) = K(y|x) = n), then their bitwise exclusive-or x ⊕ y serves as a minimal
program for both computations. Similarly, if x = uv and y = vw where u, v,
and w are independent random strings of the same length, then u ⊕ w plus a
way to distinguish x from y is a minimal program to compute either string from
the other.
Maximal Correlation. Now suppose that more information is required for
one of these computations than for the other, say,
K(y|x) > K(x|y).
Then the minimal programs cannot be made identical because they must be of
different sizes. In some cases it is easy to see that the overlap can still be made
complete, in the sense that the larger program (for y given x) can be made to
contain all the information in the shorter program, as well as some additional
information. This is so when x and y are independent random strings of unequal
length, for example u and vw above. Then u ⊕ v serves as a minimal program
for u from vw, and (u ⊕ v)w serves as one for vw from u.
A principal result of this paper in Section 3 shows that, up to an additive
logarithmic error term, the information required to translate between two strings
can be represented in this maximally overlapping way in every case. Namely,
k1 = K(x|y), k2 = K(y|x),
l = k2 − k1
where we assume k1 ≤ k2 . Then there is a string q of length k1 + K(k1 , k2 )
and a string d of length l such that q serves as the minimal program both to
compute from xd to y and from y to xd. The term K(k1 , k2 ) has magnitude
O(log k2 ). This means that the information to pass from x to y can always be
maximally correlated with the information to get from y to x. It is therefore
never the case that a large amount of information is required to get from x to
y and a large but independent amount of information is required to get from y
to x. This demonstrates that
E1 (x, y) = max{K(y|x), K(x|y)}
equals the length of a shortest program p := qd to compute x from y and y from
x, up to a logarithmic additive term.1 (It is very important here that the time
of computation is completely ignored: this is why this result does not contradict
the idea of one-way functions.)
The process of going from x to y may be broken into two stages. First,
add the string d; second, use the difference program q between xd and y. In
the reverse direction, first use q to go from y to xd; second, erase d. Thus the
computation from x to y needs both q and d, that is, the program p = qd, while
the computation from y to x needs only q as program.
Minimal Correlation. The converse of maximal correlation is that in the
special case of the shortest programs for going between independent random
x and y, they can be choosen completely independent. For example use y to
go from x to y and x to go from y to x. This turns out to hold also in the
general case for arbitrary pairs x, y, as will be shown in Theorem 3.11, but only
with respect to an “oracle”: a certain constant string that must be in all the
conditions. This theorem can be considered a generalization of the Slepian-Wolf
Theorem of classical information theory [8].
Universal Cognitive Distance. Section 4 develops an axiomatic theory of
“pattern distance” or more generally a “cognitive similarity metric” and argues
that the function E1 (x, y) is the most natural way of formalizing a universal
1 The situation is analogous to the inverse function theorem of multidimensional analysis.
This theorem says that under certain conditions, if we have a vector function f (x, p) then it
has an inverse g(y, p) such that in a certain domain, f (x, p) = y holds if and only if g(y, p) = x.
In the function going from y to x, the parameter p remains the same as in the function going
from x to y.
cognitive distance between x and y. This nonnegative function is 0 iff x = y
(rather, its normalized version in Theorem 4.2 satifies this), it is symmetric,
obeys the triangle inequality to within an additive constant, and is minimal
among the class of distance functions that are computable in a weak sense
and satisfy a normalization constraint limiting the number of distinct strings y
within a given distance of any x. It uncovers all effective similarities between
two individual objects.
Information Distance for Reversible Computation. Up till now we have
considered ordinary computations, but if one insists that the computation be
performed reversibly, that is by a machine whose transition function is oneto-one [18, 3], then the full program p = qd above is needed to perform the
computation in either direction. This is because reversible computers cannot
get rid of unwanted information simply by erasing it as ordinary irreversible
computers do. If they are to get rid of unwanted information at all, they must
cancel it against equivalent information already present elsewhere in the computer. Reversible computations are discussed in Section 5 where we define a
reversible distance E2 (x, y) = KR(x|y) = KR(y|x), representing the amount of
information required to program a reversible computation from x to y (which
by definition is the reverse of the computation from y to x). The E2 distance
is equal within an additive constant to the length of the conversion program
p = qd considered above, and so is at most greater by an additive logarithmic
term than the optimal distance E1 . It is also a metric. The reversible program
functions again in a catalytic manner.
Hence, three very different definitions arising from different backgrounds
identify up to logarithmic additive terms the same notion of information distance
and corresponding metric. It is compelling to believe that our intuitive notions
are adequately formalized by this universal and absolute notion of information
Minimal Number of Irreversible Operations. Section 6 considers reversible computations where the program is not catalytic but in which additional information p (like a program) besides x is consumed, and additional
information q (like garbage) besides y is generated and irreversibly erased. The
sum of these amounts of information, defined as distance E3 (x, y), represents
the minimal number of irreversible bit operations in an otherwise reversible
computation from x to y in which the program is not retained. It is shown to
be equal to within a logarithmic term to Zurek’s sum metric K(y|x) + K(x|y),
which is typically larger than our proposed optimal metric E1 because of the
redundancy between p and q. But using the program involved in E1 we both
consume it and are left with it at the end of the computation, accounting for
2E1 (x, y) irreversible bit operations, which is typically larger than E3 (x, y). Up
to additive logarithmic terms E1 (x, y) ≤ E3 (x, y) ≤ 2E1 (x, y). If the total com-
putation time is limited then the total number of irreversible bit operations will
rise. Resource-bounded versions of E3 (·, ·) are studied in [20].
Thermodynamic Work. Section 8 considers the problem of defining a thermodynamic entropy cost of transforming x into y, and argues that it ought to
be an anti-symmetric, transitive function, in contrast to the informational metrics which are symmetric. Landauer’s principle connecting logical and physical
irreversibility is invoked to argue in favor of K(x) − K(y) as the appropriate
(universal, anti-symmetric, and transitive) measure of the thermodynamic work
required to transform x into y by the most efficient process.
Density in Information Metric Spaces. Section 9 investigates the densities induced by the optimal and sum information metrics. That is, how many
objects are there within a given distance of a given object. Such properties
can also be viewed as “dimensional” properties. They will govern many future
applications of information distances.
Kolmogorov Complexity
Let l(p) denote the length of the binary string p. Let #S denote the number of
elements of set S. We give some definitions and basic properties of Kolmogorov
complexity. For all details and attributions we refer to [22]. There one can
also find the basic notions of computability theory and Turing machines. The
“symmetry of information” property in Equation 2.11 is from [13]. It refines an
earlier version in [28] relating to the original Kolmogorov complexity of [9].
(2.1) Definition We say that a real-valued function f (x, y) over strings or
natural numbers x, y is upper-semicomputable if the set of triples
{ (x, y, d) : f (x, y) < d, with d rational }
is recursively enumerable. A function f is lower semicomputable if −f is uppersemicomputable.
(2.2) Definition A prefix set, or prefix-free code, or prefix code, is a set of
strings such that no member is a prefix of any other member. A prefix set which
is the domain of a partial recursive function (set of halting programs for a Turing
machine) is a special type of prefix code called a self-delimiting code because
there is an effective procedure which reading left-to-right determines where a
code word ends without reading past the last symbol. A one-to-one function
with a range that is a self-delimiting code will also be called a self-delimiting
We can map {0, 1}∗ one-to-one onto the natural numbers by associating each
string with its index in the length-increasing lexicographical ordering
(ǫ, 0), (0, 1), (1, 2), (00, 3), (01, 4), (10, 5), (11, 6), . . .,
where ǫ denotes the empty word, that is, l(ǫ) = 0. This way we have a binary
representation for the natural numbers that is different from the standard binary
representation. It is convenient not to distinguish between the first and second
element of the same pair, and call them “string” or “number” arbitrarily. As an
example, we have l(7) = 00. A simple self-delimiting code we use throughout is
obtained by reserving one symbol, say 0, as a stop sign and encoding a natural
number x as 1x 0. We can prefix an object with its length and iterate this idea
to obtain ever shorter codes:
1 0
for i = 0,
λi (x) =
λi−1 (l(x))x for i > 0.
Thus, λ1 (x) = 1l(x) 0x and has length l(λ1 (x)) = 2l(x) + 1; λ2 (x) = λ1 (l(x))x
and has length l(λ2 (x)) = l(x) + 2l(l(x)) + 1. From now on, we will denote by
< an inequality to within an additive constant, and by = the situation when
both < and > hold. We will also use < to denote an inequality to within an
additive logarithmic term, and = to denote the situation when both < and >
hold. Using this notation we have for example
l(λ3 (x)) < l(x) + log l(x) + 2 log log l(x).
Define the pairing function
hx, yi = λ2 (x)y
with inverses h·i1 , h·i2 . A partial recursive function F (p, x) is called selfdelimiting if for each x, { p : F (p, x) < ∞ } is a self-delimiting code. (“F (p, x) <
∞” is shorthand for “there is a y such that F (p, x) = y.”) The argument p is
called a self-delimiting program for y := F (p, x) from x, because, owing to the
self-delimiting property, no punctuation is required to tell the machine where p
ends and the input to the machine can be simply the concatenation px.
(2.6) Remark Our results do not depend substantially on the use of selfdelimiting programs but for our purpose this form of the theory of Kolmogorov
complexity is cleaner and easier to use. For example, the simplicity of the
normalization property in Section 4 depends on the self-delimiting property. ✸
(2.7) Remark Consider a multi-tape Turing machine M with a distinguished
semi-infinite tape called the program tape. The program tape’s head begins
scanning the leftmost square of the program. There is also an input tape and,
possibly, a separate output tape and work tapes. We say that M computes the
partial function F (p, x) by a self-delimiting computation if for all p and x for
which F (p, x) is defined:
• M with program p and input x halts with output F (p, x) written on the
output tape.
• The program tape head scans all of p but not beyond p.
A partial recursive function is self-delimiting if and only if there is a selfdelimiting computation for it. A Turing machine performing a self-delimiting
computation is called a self-delimiting Turing machine.
In what follows, informally, we will often call a self-delimiting partial recursive function F a prefix machine or self-delimiting machine even though it is
only the function computed by such a machine.
(2.8) Definition The conditional descriptional complexity, (the “selfdelimiting” version) KF (y|x) of y with condition x, with respect to the machine
F is defined by
KF (y|x) := min{l(p) : F (p, x) = y},
or ∞ if such p do not exist. There is a prefix machine U (the universal selfdelimiting Turing machine) with the property that for every other prefix machine
F there is an additive constant cF such that for all x, y
KU (y|x) ≤ KF (y|x) + cF .
(A stronger property that is satisfied by many universal machines U is that for
all F there is a string sF such that for all x, y, p we have U (sF p, x) = F (p, x),
from which the stated property follows immediately.) Since cF depends on F
but not on x, y such a prefix machine U will be called optimal or universal. We
fix such an optimal machine U as reference, write
K(y|x) := KU (y|x)
and call K(y|x) the conditional Kolmogorov complexity of y with respect to x.
The unconditional Kolmogorov complexity of y is defined as K(y) := K(y|ǫ)
where ǫ is the empty word.
We give a useful characterization of K(y|x). It is easy to see that K(y|x) is
an upper-semicomputable function with the property that for each x we have
2−K(y|x) ≤ 1.
Namely, for each x the set of K(y|x)’s is a subset of the length set of a prefixcode. Therefore property 2.9 is a consequence of the so-called Kraft inequality.
It is an important fact that the function K(y|x) is minimal with respect to the
normalization property 2.9:
(2.10) Lemma For every upper-semicomputable function f (x, y) satisfying
P −f (x,y)
≤ 1 we have K(y|x) < f (x, y).
A prominent example of such a function is the algorithmic entropy
2−l(p) .
H(y|x) := − log
Since K(y|x) is the length of the shortest program p such that U (p, x) = y
we have K(y|x) ≥ H(y|x), and because H(y|x) is upper-semicomputable and
satisfies y 2−H(y|x) ≤ 1 (by the Kraft inequality) we have K(y|x) < H(y|x).
Together this shows that H(y|x) = K(y|x) (almost all the entropy is concentrated in the shortest program).
The functions hx, y, zi, etc. are defined with the help of hx, yi in any of the
usual ways. We introduce the notation
K(x, y) = K(hx, yi), K(x|y, z) = K(x|hy, zi),
etc. Kolmogorov complexity has the following addition property:
K(x, y) = K(x) + K(y|x, K(x)).
Ignoring for a moment the term K(x) in the condition of the second term of the
right-hand side, this property says, analogously to the corresponding property
of information-theoretic entropy, that the information content of the pair (x, y)
is equal to the information content of x plus the information needed to restore
y from x.
The mutual information between x and y is the quantity
I(x : y) = K(x) + K(y) − K(x, y).
This is the algorithmic counterpart of the mutual information between two random variables I(X : Y ) = H(X) + H(Y ) − H(X, Y ). Because of the conditional K(x) term in Equation 2.11, the usual relation between conditional and
mutual information holds only to within a logarithmic error term (denoting
x∗ := hx, K(x)i):
I(x : y) = K(x) − K(x|y ∗ ) = K(y) − K(y|x∗ )
= K(x) − K(x|y) + O(log(K(y)) = K(y) − K(y|x) + O(log(K(x)).
Thus, within logarithmic error, I(x : y) represents both the information in y
about x and that in x about y. We consider x and y to be “independent”
whenever I(x : y) is (nearly) zero.
Mutual information should not be confused with “common information.”
Informally, we can say that a string z contains information common in x and
y if both K(z|x) and K(z|y) are small. If this notion is made precise it turns
out that common information is can be very low even if mutual information is
large [12].
Max Distance
In line with the identification of the Kolmogorov complexity K(x) as the information content of x, [9], we define the information distance between x and
y as the length of the shortest program that converts x to y and y to x. The
program itself is retained before, during, and after the computation. This can
be made formal as follows. For a partial recursive function F computed by a
prefix (self-delimiting) Turing machine, let
EF (x, y) := min{l(p) : F (p, x) = y, F (p, y) = x}.
There is a universal prefix machine U (for example the reference machine in
Definition 2.8) such that for every partial recursive prefix function F and all
x, y
EU (x, y) ≤ EF (x, y) + cF ,
where cF is a constant that depends on F but not on x and y. For each
two universal prefix machines U and U ′ , we have for all x, y that |EU (x, y) −
EU ′ (x, y)| ≤ c, with c a constant depending on U and U ′ but not on x and y.
Therefore, with U the reference universal prefix machine U of Definition 2.8 we
E0 (x, y) := min{l(p) : U (p, x) = y, U (p, y) = x}.
Then E0 (·, ·) is the universal effective information distance which is clearly optimal and symmetric, and will be shown to satisfy the triangle inequality. We
are interested in the precise expression for E0 .
Maximum overlap
The conditional complexity K(y|x) itself is unsuitable as information distance
because it is unsymmetric: K(ǫ|x), where ǫ is the empty string, is small for
all x, yet intuitively a long random string x is not close to the empty string.
The asymmetry of the conditional complexity K(x|y) can be remedied by defining the informational distance between x and y to be the sum of the relative
complexities, K(y|x) + K(x|y). The resulting metric will overestimate the information required to translate between x and y in case there is some redundancy
between the information required to get from x to y and the information required
to get from y to x.
This suggests investigating to what extent the information required to compute x from y can be made to overlap with that required to compute y from x.
In some simple cases, it is easy to see how complete overlap can be achieved, so
that the same minimal program suffices to compute x from y as to compute y
from x. A brief discussion of this and an outline of the results to follow were
given in Section 1.
(3.1) Definition The max distance E1 between x and y is defined by
E1 (x, y) := max{K(x|y), K(y|x)}.
By definition of Kolmogorov complexity, every program p that computes y
from x and also computes x from y satisfies l(p) ≥ E1 (x, y), that is,
E0 (x, y) ≥ E1 (x, y).
In Theorem 3.3 we show that this relation also holds the other way: E0 (x, y) ≤
E1 (x, y) up to an additive logarithmic term. Moreover, the information to
compute from x to y can always be maximally correlated with the information
to compute from y to x. It is therefore never the case that a large amount of
information is required to get from x to y and a large but independent amount
of information is required to get from y to x.
(3.3) Conversion Theorem Let K(x|y) = k1 and K(y|x) = k2 , and l =
k2 − k1 ≥ 0. There is a string d of length l and a string q of length
k1 + K(k1 , k2 ) + O(1)
such that U (q, xd) = y and U (q, y) = xd.
Proof. Given k1 , k2 , we can enumerate the set S = {(x, y) : K(x|y) ≤
k1 , K(y|x) ≤ k2 }. Without loss of generality, assume that S is enumerated
without repetition, and with witnesses of length exactly k1 and k2 . Now consider
a dynamic graph G = (V, E) where V is the set of binary strings, and E is a
dynamically growing set of edges that starts out empty.
Whenever a pair (x, y) is enumerated, we add an edge e = {xd, y} to E.
Here, d is chosen to be the (i2−k1 )th binary string of length l, where i is the
number of times we have enumerated a pair with x as the first element. So the
first 2k1 times we enumerate a pair (x, ·) we choose d = 0l , for the next 2k1
times we choose d = 0l−1 1, etc. The condition K(y|x) ≤ k2 implies that i < 2k2
hence i2−k1 < 2l , so this choice is well-defined.
In addition, we “color” edge e with a binary string of length k1 + 3. Call
two edges adjacent if they have a common endpoint. If c is the minimum color
not yet appearing on any edge adjacent to either xd, x, yd or y, then e is colored
c. Since the degree of every node is bounded by 2k1 (when acting as an xd)
plus 2k1 (when acting as a y), a color is always available. (This particular color
assignment is needed in the proof of Theorem 3.4.)
A matching is a maximal set of nonadjacent edges. Note that the colors
partition E into at most 2k1 +3 matchings, since no edges of the same color are
ever adjacent. Since the pair (x, y) in the statement of the theorem is necessarily
enumerated, there is some d of length l and color c such that the edge {xd, y}
is added to E with color c.
Knowing k1 , k2 , c and either of the nodes xd or y, one can dynamically
reconstruct G, find the unique c-colored edge adjacent to this node, and output
the neighbour. Therefore, a self-delimiting program q of size K(k1 , k2 ) + k1 +
O(1) suffices to compute in either direction between xd and y.
The theorem states that K(y|xd, q), K(xd|y, q) = 0. It may be called the
Conversion Theorem since it asserts the existence of a difference string q that
converts both ways between xd and y and at least one of these conversions is
optimal. If k1 = k2 , then d = ǫ and the conversion is optimal in both directions.
(3.4) Theorem Assume the notation above. Then, with = denoting equality
up to additive logarithmic terms:
E0 (xd, y)
E0 (x, y)
E1 (xd, y) ( = l(q))
E1 (x, y) ( = l(qd)).
Proof. (First displayed equation) Assume the notation and proof of Theolog
rem 3.3. First note that l(q) = E1 (xd, y). Moreover, q computes between xd
and y in both directions and therefore l(q) ≥ E0 (xd, y) by the minimality of
E0 (·, ·). Hence E1 (xd, y) > E0 (xd, y). Together with Equation 3.2 this shows
the first displayed equation holds.
(Second displayed equation) This requires an extra argument to show that
the program p := qd is a program to compute between x and y in both directions.
Namely, knowing k1 , k2 , c, d and string x one can dynamically reconstruct G and
find the first enumerated c-colored edge adjacent to either node x or node xd
and output the neighbour (yd or y respectively). By a similar argument as in
the previous case we now obtain the second displayed equation.
(3.5) Remark The same proofs work for the non-self-delimiting Kolmogorov
complexity as in [9] and would also give rise to a logarithmic correction term in
the theorem.
(3.6) Remark The difference program p = qd in the above theorem is independent of x in the sense that the mutual information I(p : x) as defined in Equation 2.12 is nearly 0. This follows from K(x) + K(p) = K(x, y) + O(log K(x))
(use Equation 2.11 with K(y|x) = K(p)). The program p is at the same time
completely dependent on the pair (x, y).
If k1 = k2 then d = ǫ and p = q. Then p = q is a conversion program from
x to y and from y to x and it is both independent of x and independent of y,
that is, I(p : x), I(p : y) are both nearly 0. The program p is at the same time
completely dependent on the pair (x, y).
(3.7) Remark (Mutual Information Formulation) Let us reformulate
the result of this section in terms of mutual information as defined in Equation 2.12. Let p be a shortest program transforming x to y and let q be a
shortest program transforming y to x. We have shown that p and q can depend on each other as much as possible: the mutual information in p and q is
maximal: I(p : q) = min{l(p), l(q)} up to an additive O(log I(p : q)) term. ✸
Minimum overlap
This section can be skipped at first reading; the material is difficult and it is
not used in the remainder of the paper. For a pair x, y of strings, we found that
shortest program p converting x into y and q converting y into x can be made to
overlap maximally. In Remark 3.7 this result is formulated in terms of mutual
information. The opposite question is whether p and q can always be made
completely independent, that is, can we choose p and q such that I(p : q) = 0?
hat is, is it true that for every x, y there are p, q such that K(p) = K(y|x),
K(q) = K(x|y), I(p : q) = 0, U (p, x) = y, U (q, y) = x, where the first three
equalities hold up to an additive O(log I(p : q)) term. This is evidently true in
case x and y are random with respect to one another, that is, K(x|y) ≥ l(x) and
K(y|x) ≥ l(y). Namely, without loss of generality let y = uv with l(u) = l(x).
We can choose p := (x ⊕ u)v as a shortest program that computes from x to y
and q := x ⊕ u as a shortest program that computes from y to x, and therefore
obtain maximum overlap I(p : q) = min{l(p), l(q)}. However, we can also choose
shortest programs p := y and q := x to realize minimum overlap I(p : q) = 0.
The question arises whether we can always choose p, q with I(p : q) = 0 even
when x and y are not random with respect to one another.
(3.8) Remark N.K. Vereshchagin suggested replacing “I(p : q) = 0” (that
is, K(p, q) = K(p) + K(q)) by “K(q|x) = 0, K(p|y) = 0,” everything up to an
additive O(log I(p : q)) term. Then an affirmative answer to the latter question
would imply an affirmative answer to the former question.
Here we study a related but formally different question: replace the condition
“I(p : q) = 0” by “p is a function of only y” and “q is a function of only x.” Note
that when this new condition is satisfied it can still happen that I(p : q) > 0.
We may choose to ignore the latter type of mutual information.
We show that for every pair of integers k1 , k2 ≥ 0 there exists a function f
with K(f ) = k1 + k2 + O(log(k1 + k2 )) such that for every x, y such that K(x) ≤
k1 , K(y|x) ≤ k2 we have K(y|x, f (y), f ) = O(log(k1 +k2 )) and l(f (y)) ≈ k2 , that
is, f (y) has about k2 bits and suffices together with a description of f itself to
restore y from every x from which this is possible using this many bits. Moreover,
there is no significantly simpler function f , say K(f |y) ≪ min{k1 , k2 }, with this
Let us amplify the meaning of this for the question of the conversion programs having low mutual information. First we need some terminology. When
we say that f is a simple function of y we mean that K(f |y) is small.
Suppose we have a minimal program p, of length k2 , converting x to y and
a minimal program q of length k1 converting y to x. It is easy to see, just as
in Remark 3.6 above that y is independent of q. Also, any simple function of y
is independent of q. So, if p is a simple function of y, then it is independent of
q. The question whether p can be made a simple function of y is interesting in
itself since it would be a generalization of the Slepian-Wolf Theorem (see [8]).
And it sounds no less counterintuitive at first than that theorem. If it were
true then for each y there is a k2 -bit program p such that for every x satisfying
K(y|x) ≤ k2 , we can reconstruct y from the pair (x, p). As stated already, we
will show that p can be made a function of y independent of x; but we will also
show that p cannot be made a simple function of y.
Before proceeding with the formal statement and proof
S we introduce a combinatorial lemma. In a context where a partition V = j Vj of a set V is called
a coloring we say that two elements have the same color if they belong to the
same set Vj .
(3.9) Coloring Lemma On a set V , let us be given a set system with M
sets Si (possibly overlapping) of size
For B > 0, a B-coloring
S at most N each. T
of this system is a partition V = j Vj such that #(Si Vj ) ≤ B for every i, j,
that is, there are at most B points of the same color in a set Si . There is a
B-coloring with not more colors than
(N/B)e(M N )1/B .
(3.10) Remark Notice that N/B colors are trivially required (and suffice if
the Si ’s are pairwise disjoint).
Proof. If B = N then one color is enough, so assume B < N . Let us try
to color with nN/B colors and then see what choice of n satisfies our needs.
We choose the color of each element of V independently, with a uniform distribution among the given number of colors, with probability
T p := B/(nN ). For
each i, j, we can upperbound the probability that #(Si Vj ) > B, using the
Chernoff bound (see e.g. [8]) for large deviations in the law of large numbers.
In application to the present case, this bound says that if in an experiment of
N coin-tosses the success probability is p then for every p′ > p, the probability
that there are more than N p′ successes is at most ecN with
c = p′ ln
+ (1 − p′ ) ln
1 − p′
(The N coin tosses correspond to random coloring the elements in Si where a
success is the coloring of an element with a given color like “blue.”)
We apply this bound with p = B/(nN ) and p′ = B/N . Summing over all
sets (there are M sets) and all colors used in each set (there are at most N
colors used to color a set) we obtain that M N ecN upperbounds the probability
that the random coloring is not a B-coloring. Let us see what choice of n makes
this bound less than 1.
Estimating the second term of the right-hand side above by ln x ≤ x − 1, it
is at most p′ − p < p′ , hence c < p′ (ln(p/p′ ) + 1) = (B/N )(− ln n + 1). Now the
condition M N ecN < 1 turns into ln(M N ) + N c < 0. Substituting the above
estimate for c, we get a stronger condition ln(M N ) + B ≤ B ln n, satisfied by
ln n = (ln(M N ))/B + 1.
(3.11) Theorem (i) There is a recursive function R such that for every pair
of integers k1 , k2 > 0 there is an integer m with log m ≤ k1 + k2 and an integer
b with b < log(k1 + k2 ) + 2 log log(k1 + k2 ) such that for all x, y with K(x) ≤ k1
and K(y|x) ≤ k2
K(y|x, f (y), m) ≤ b,
where f (y) := R(k1 , k2 , m, y) with l(f (y)) < k2 .
(ii) Using the notation in (i), even allowing for much larger b we cannot
significantly eliminate the conditional information m required in (i): If b satisfies
0 ≤ b < k1 − 5 log(k1 + k2 ),
then every m satisfying the conditions in (i) also satisfies
l(m) ≥ k2 − b − 5 log(k1 + k2 ).
(3.13) Remark Thus, the extra information in y needed in addition to x to
restore y can be made a function f (y) of just y, and its minimality implies
that it will be essentially independent of x. However, there is a catch: it is
indispensible for these results that certain fixed oracle string m describing how
to compute f is also used in the transformations. The role of this oracle string is
to make the complexity function computable over the set of strings of interest.
(3.14) Remark If also K(y) ≤ k2 then the theorem holds symmetrically in
x and y. This is the sense in which the shortest programs f (y) and f (x),
converting x into y and y into x, can be made “non-overlapping”: they will be
independent of the strings they convert from.
Proof. (i) We first show the existence of R and m with the above properties.
As in the proof of Theorem 3.3, let G = (V, E) be a graph with the node
set V ⊆ {0, 1}∗ and E consisting of those edges (x, y) with K(x) ≤ k1 and
K(y|x) ≤ k2 . Let
2k1 , N = 2k2 ;
{ y : (x, y) ∈ E };
k1 + k2 ;
Then #Sx ≤ N , and the number of x′ s with nonempty Sx is at most M .
According to the Coloring Lemma 3.9, there is a B-coloring of the M sets Sx
with at most
(N/B)e(M N )1/B = 2eN/B
colors. Let R be a recursive function computing a color f (y) = R(k1 , k2 , m, y).
Using the numbers k1 , k2 , m it reconstructs the graph G. Then it finds (if there
is no better way, by exhaustive search) a B-coloring of the Sx ’s set system.
Finally, it outputs the color of y.
Let us estimate K(y|x, f (y), m). Without loss of generality we can assume
that the representation of m ≤ 2k1 +k2 is padded up to length exactly k1 + k2 .
The logarithm of the number of colors is < k2 − log(k1 + k2 ) so with padding
we can represent color f (y) by a string of precisely that length. Therefore, we
can retrieve k1 , k2 from the representations of m and f (y) in the conditional.
Now for every y ∈ Sx , if we are given k1 , k2 , m, x, and f (y) then we can list the
set of all y’s in Sx with color f (y). Since the size of this list is at most B, the
program to determine y in it needs only the number of y in the enumeration,
with a self-delimiting code of length l(λ2 (B)) < log(k1 + k2 ) + 2 log log(k1 + k2 )
with λ2 as in Definition 2.4.
(ii) Suppose that there is a number m with the desired properties with
representation length
l(m) < k2 − b − 5 log(k1 + k2 ),
and b satisfies 3.12. We will arrive from here at a contradiction. First note that
the number of y’s satisfying K(y|x) ≤ k2 for some x with K(x) ≤ k1 as required
in the theorem is
log # Sx > k1 + k2 − 2.2 log(k1 + k2 ).
Namely, concatenating an arbitrary binary string x with K(x) < k1 and an
arbitrary string v with K(v) < k2 we can form y = xv and we have K(y|x) <
K(v) < k2 . This includes every x with l(x) < k1 − 1.1 log k1 and every v with
l(v) < k2 − 1.1 log k2 . For appropriate additive constants in < it will be true
that for every such x, all such strings y will belong to Sx .
Choose an arbitrary recursive function R satisfying the statements of the
theorem and Equation 3.16. For each possible value c of f (y) (where f (y) :=
R(k1 , k2 , m, y)), let
Yc := { y : f (y) = c }.
Because the number of y’s is lower-bounded by Equation 3.17 and the size of
f (y) is upper-bounded by l(f (y)) < k2 there is a c such that
log #Yc > k1 − 2.2 log(k1 + k2 ).
Let l be the first such c found when enumerating all the sets Yc . This enumeration can be done as follows: Using k1 we enumerate all x with K(x) ≤ k1 by
running all programs of length ≤ k1 in rounds of one step per program; when a
program halts its output is the next x enumerated. For all of the enumerated
x’s, we use k2 to enumerate all y’s with K(y|x) ≤ k2 in a similar fashion. Finally, for each enumerated y compute f (y) = R(k1 , k2 , m, y) and enumerate the
Yc ’s.
Therefore, given the recursive function R, the integers k1 , k2 , m, and an
constant-length program we can enumerate the Yc ’s, determine l, and enumerate
Yl . We can describe R by a constant-length self-delimiting program and the
integers k1 , k2 , m by a self-delimiting program µ := λ3 (k1 )λ3 (k2 )λ3 (m) with λ3
as in Definition 2.4. Then, for every i such that yi is the i-th element in this
enumeration of Yl :
K(yi )
< l(µ) + log i + 1.1 log log i
< l(m) + log i + 4.4 log(k1 + k2 ).
log i < k2 − l(m) − 4.5 log(k1 + k2 )
and k1 + k2 is large enough, then for every x we have
K(yi |x) ≤ K(yi ) + O(1) ≤ k2 .
Let t = min{k1 , k2 − l(m)}. By Equations 3.18, 3.19, for every x there are at
2t−4.5 log(k1 +k2 )
values of i with K(yi |x) ≤ k2 . Then, for every x there must be at least one of
these yi ’s, say y, that satisfies
K(y|x, f (y), m) ≥ t − 4.5 log(k1 + k2 ).
This follows trivially by counting the number of programs of length less than
t − 4.5 log(k1 + k2 ). Hence, by the property b ≥ K(y|x, f (y), m) assumed in the
statement of the theorem:
b ≥ min{k1 , k2 − l(m)} − 4.5 log(k1 + k2 ).
If k1 < k2 − l(m) then this contradicts 3.12, otherwise it contradicts 3.16.
Cognitive Distance
Let us identify digitized black-and-white pictures with binary strings. There are
many distances defined for binary strings. For example, the Hamming distance
and the Euclidean distance. Such distances are sometimes appropriate. For
instance, if we take a binary picture, and change a few bits on that picture,
then the changed and unchanged pictures have small Hamming or Euclidean
distance, and they do look similar. However, this is not always the case. The
positive and negative prints of a photo have the largest possible Hamming and
Euclidean distance, yet they look similar to us. Also, if we shift a picture one
bit to the right, again the Hamming distance may increase by a lot, but the
two pictures remain similar. Many approaches to pattern recognition try to
define pattern similarities with respect to pictures, language sentences, vocal
utterances, and so on. Here we assume that similarities between objects can be
represented by effectively computable functions (or even upper-semicomputable
functions) of binary strings. This seems like a minimal prerequisite for machine
pattern recognition and physical cognitive processes in general. Let us show that
the distance E1 defined above is, in a sense, minimal among all such reasonable
similarity measures.
For a cognitive similarity metric the metric requirements do not suffice: a
distance measure like D(x, y) = 1 for all x 6= y must be excluded. For each x and
d, we want only finitely many elements y at a distance d from x. Exactly how
fast we want the distances of the strings y from x to go to ∞ is not important:
it is only a matter of scaling. In analogy with Hamming distance in the space
of binary sequences, it seems natural to require that there should not be more
than 2d strings y at a distance d from x. This would be a different requirement
for each d. With prefix complexity, it turns out to be more convenient to replace
this double series of requirements (a different one for each x and d) with a single
requirement for each x:
2−D(x,y) < 1.
We call this the normalization property since a certain sum is required to be
bounded by 1.
We consider only distances that are computable in some broad sense. This
condition will not be seen as unduly restrictive. As a matter of fact, only
upper-semicomputability of D(x, y) will be required. This is reasonable: as
we have more and more time to process x and y we may discover more and
more similarities among them, and thus may revise our upper bound on their
distance. The upper-semicomputability means exactly that D(x, y) is the limit
of a computable sequence of such upper bounds.
(4.1) Definition An admissible distance D(x, y) is a total nonnegative function on the pairs x, y of binary strings that is 0 if and only if x = y, is symmetric, satisfies the triangle inequality, is upper-semicomputable and normalized, that is, it is an upper-semicomputable, normalized, metric. An admissible
distance D(x, y) is universal if for every admissible distance D′ (x, y) we have
D(x, y) < D′ (x, y).
The following theorem shows that E1 is a universal (that is, optimal) admissible distance. We find it remarkable that this distance happens to also have a
“physical” interpretation as the approximate length of the conversion program
of Theorem 3.3, and, as shown in the next section, of the smallest program that
transforms x into y on a reversible machine.
(4.2) Theorem For an appropriate constant c, let E(x, y) = E1 (x, y) + c if
x 6= y and 0 otherwise. Then E(x, y) is a universal admissible metric. That is, it
is an admissible distance and it is minimal in the sense that for every admissible
distance D(x, y) we have
E(x, y) < D(x, y).
Proof. The nonnegativity and symmetry properties are immediate from
the definition. To prove the triangle inequality, let x, y, z be given and assume,
without loss of generality, that E1 (x, z) = K(z|x). Then, by the self-delimiting
property (or, the easy direction of the addition property),
E1 (x, z) =
K(z|x) < K(y, z|x) < K(y|x) + K(z|x, y)
K(y|x) + K(z|y) ≤ E1 (x, y) + E1 (y, z).
Hence there is a nonnegative integer constant c such that E1 (x, z) ≤ E1 (x, y) +
E1 (y, z) + c. Let this c be the one used in the statement of the theorem, then
E(x, y) satisfies the triangle inequality without an additive constant.
For the normalization property, we have
2−E1 (x,y) ≤
2−K(y|x) ≤ 1.
The first inequality follows from the definition of E1 , and the second one follows
from 2.9.
The minimality property follows from the characterization of K(y|x) given
after 2.9. This property says that if f (x, y) is an upper-semicomputable function
with y:y6=x 2−f (x,y) ≤ 1 then K(y|x) < f (x, y). This implies that for every ad+
missible distance D(·, ·) we have both K(y|x) < D(x, y) and K(x|y) < D(y, x).
(4.3) Remark (Universal Cognitive Distance) The universal admissible
distance E1 minorizes all admissible distances: if two pictures are d-close under
some admissible distance, then they are < d-close under this universal admissible
distance. That is, the latter discovers all effective feature similarities or cognitive
similarities between two objects: it is the universal cognitive similarity metric.
Reversible Computation Distance
Reversible models of computation in which the transition function is one-to-one
have been explored especially in connection with the question of the thermodynamic limits of computation. Reversible Turing machines were introduced by
Lecerf [18], and independently but much later by Bennett [3, 4]. Further results
concerning them can be found in [4, 5, 19, 20].
Consider the standard model of Turing machine. The elementary operations
are rules in quadruple format (p, a, b, q) meaning that a machine in state p
scanning symbol a writes a symbol or moves the scanning head one square left,
one square right, or not at all (as indicated by b) and enters state q.
Quadruples are said to overlap in domain if they cause the machine in the
same state and scanning the same symbol to perform different actions. A deterministic Turing machine is defined as a Turing machine with quadruples that
pairwise do not overlap in domain.
Now consider a special format (deterministic) Turing machines using quadruples of two types: read/write quadruples and move quadruples. A read/write
quadruple (p, a, b, q) causes the machine in state p scanning tape symbol a to
write symbol b and enter state q. A move quadruple (p, ⊥, σ, q) causes the machine in state p to move its tape head by σ ∈ {−1, 0, +1} squares and enter
state q, oblivious to the particular symbol in the currently scanned tape square.
(Here “−1” means “one square left,” “0” means “no move” and “+1” means
“one square right.”) Quadruples are said to overlap in range if they cause the
machine to enter the same state and either both write the same symbol or (at
least) one of them moves the head. Said differently, quadruples that enter the
same state overlap in range unless they write different symbols. A reversible
Turing machine is a deterministic Turing machine with quadruples that pairwise do not overlap in range. A k-tape reversible Turing machine uses (2k + 2)
tuples that for each tape separately, select a read/write or move on that tape.
Moreover, every pair of tuples having the same initial state must specify differing
scanned symbols on at least one tape (to guarantee non-overlapping domains),
and every pair of tuples having the same final state must write differing symbols
on at least one tape (to guarantee non-overlapping ranges).
To show that each partial recursive function can be computed by a reversible
Turing machine one can proceed as follows. Take the standard irreversible
Turing machine computing that function. We modify it by adding an auxiliary
storage tape called the “history tape.” The quadruple rules are extended to
6-tuples to additionally manipulate the history tape. To be able to reversibly
undo (retrace) the computation deterministically, the new 6-tuple rules have the
effect that the machine keeps a record on the auxiliary history tape consisting
of the sequence of quadruples executed on the original tape. Reversibly undoing
a computation entails also erasing the record of its execution from the history
This notion of reversible computation means that only one-to-one recursive
functions can be computed. To reversibly simulate t steps of an irreversible
computation from x to f (x) one reversibly computes from input x to output
hx, f (x)i. Say this takes t′ = O(t) time. Since this reversible simulation at some
time instant has to record the entire history of the irreversible computation, its
space use increases linearly with the number of simulated steps t. That is, if
the simulated irreversible computation uses s space, then for some constant
c > 1 the simulation uses t′ ≈ c + ct time and s′ ≈ c + c(s + t) space. After
computing from x to f (x) the machine reversibly copies f (x), reversibly undoes
the computation from x to f (x) erasing its history tape in the process, and ends
with one copy of x and one copy of f (x) in the format hx, f (x)i and otherwise
empty tapes.
Let ψi be the partial recursive function computed by the i’th such reversible
Turing machine. We let φi denote the partial recursive function computed by
the i’th ordinary (in general irreversible) Turing machine. Among the more
important properties of reversible Turing machines are the following [4, 5, 19]:
Universal reversible machine There is a universal reversible machine, i.e. an
index u such that for all k and x, ψu (hk, xi) = hk, ψk (x)i.
Irreversible to reversible Two irreversible algorithms, one for computing y
from x and the other for computing x from y, can be efficiently combined
to obtain a reversible algorithm for computing y from x. More formally,
for any two indices i and j one can effectively obtain an index k such that,
for any strings x and y, if φi (x) = y and φj (y) = x, then ψk (x) = y.
Saving input copy From any index i one may obtain an index k such that ψk
has the same domain as φi and, for every x, ψk (x) = hx, φi (x)i. In other
words, an arbitrary Turing machine can be simulated by a reversible one
which saves a copy of the irreversible machine’s input in order to assure a
global one-to-one mapping.
Efficiency The above simulation can be performed rather efficiently. In particular, for any ǫ > 0 one can find a reversible simulating machine which
runs in time O(T 1+ǫ ) and space O(S log(T /S)) compared to the time T
and space S of the irreversible machine being simulated.
One-to-one functions From any index i one may effectively obtain an index
k such that if φi is one-to-one, then ψk = φi . The reversible Turing
machines {ψk }, therefore, provide a Gödel-numbering of all one-to-one
partial recursive functions.
The connection with thermodynamics comes from the fact that in principle the
only thermodynamically costly computer operations are those that are logically
irreversible, i.e. operations that map several distinct logical states of the computer onto a common successor, thereby throwing away information about the
computer’s previous state [16, 3, 11, 4, 20]. The thermodynamics of computation is discussed further in Section 8. Here we show that the minimal program
size for a reversible computer to transform input x into output y is equal within
an additive constant to the size of the minimal conversion string p of Theorem
The theory of reversible minimal program size is conveniently developed using a reversible analog of the universal self-delimiting function (prefix machine)
U defined in Section 2.
(5.1) Definition A partial recursive function F (p, x) is called a reversible
self-delimiting function if
for each p, F (p, x) is one-to-one as a function of x;
for each x, { p : ∃y F (p, x) = y } is a prefix set;
for each y, { p : ∃x F (p, x) = y } is a prefix set.
(5.2) Remark A referee asked whether the last two of these conditions can
be replaced with the single stronger one saying that { p : ∃x, y F (p, x) = y } is a
prefix set. This does not seem to be the case.
In analogy with Remark 2.7, we can define the notion of a reversible selfdelimiting computation on a reversible Turing machine. Take a reversible multitape Turing machine M with a special semi-infinite read-only tape called the
program tape. There is now no separate input and output tape, only an inputoutput tape. At the beginning of the computation, the head of the program
tape is on the starting square.
We say that M computes the partial function F (p, x) by a reversible selfdelimiting computation if for all p and x for which F (p, x) is defined:
• M halts with output y := F (p, x) written on its output tape performing
a one-to-one mapping x ↔ y on the input-output tape under the control
of the program p.
• The program tape head scans all of p but never scans beyond the end of
• At the end of the computation, the program tape head rests on the starting
square. Once it starts moving backward it never moves forward again.
• Any other work tapes used during the computation are supplied in blank
condition at the beginning of the computation and must be left blank at
the end of the computation.
It can be shown (see the references given above) that a function F is
reversible self-delimiting if and only if it can be computed by a reversible
self-delimiting computation. Informally, again, we will call a reversible selfdelimiting function also a reversible self-delimiting (prefix) machine.
A universal reversible prefix machine UR, which is optimal in the same sense
of Section 2, can be shown to exist, and the reversible Kolmogorov complexity
KR(y|x) is defined as
KR(y|x) := min{ l(p) : UR(p, x) = y }.
In Section 3, it was shown that for any strings x and y there exists a conversion program p, of length at most logarithmically greater than
E1 (x, y) = max{K(y|x), K(x|y)}
such that U (p, x) = y and U (p, y) = x. Here we show that the length of this
minimal such conversion program is equal within a constant to the length of the
minimal reversible program for transforming x into y.
(5.3) Theorem
KR(y|x) = min{ l(p) : U (p, x) = y, U (p, y) = x }.
Proof. (>) The minimal reversible program for y from x, with constant
modification, serves as a program for y from x for the ordinary irreversible
prefix machine U , because reversible prefix machines are a subset of ordinary
prefix machines. We can reverse a reversible program by adding an O(1) bit
prefix program to it saying “reverse the following program.”
(<) The proof of the other direction is an example of the general technique
for combining two irreversible programs, for y from x and for x from y, into a
single reversible program for y from x. In this case the two irreversible programs
are the same, since by Theorem 3.3 the minimal conversion program p is both a
program for y given x and a program for x given y. The computation proceeds
by several stages as shown in Figure 1. To illustrate motions of the head on the
self-delimiting program tape, the program p is represented by the string “prog”
in the table, with the head position indicated by a caret.
Each of the stages can be accomplished without using any many-to-one operations.
Stage and Action
Initial configuration
Compute y, saving history
Copy y to blank region
Undo comp. of y from x
Swap x and y
Compute x, saving history
Cancel extra x
Undo comp. of x from y
Work Tape
Figure 1: Combining irreversible computations of y from x and x from y to
achieve a reversible computation of y from x
In stage 1, the computation of y from x, which might otherwise involve
irreversible steps, is rendered reversible by saving a history, on previously blank
tape, of all the information that would have been thrown away.
In stage 2, making an extra copy of the output onto blank tape is an intrinsically reversible process, and therefore can be done without writing anything
further in the history. Stage 3 exactly undoes the work of stage 1, which is
possible because of the history generated in stage 1.
Perhaps the most critical stage is stage 5, in which x is computed from y for
the sole purpose of generating a history of that computation. Then, after the
extra copy of x is reversibly disposed of in stage 6 by cancelation (the inverse
of copying onto blank tape), stage 7 undoes stage 5, thereby disposing of the
history and the remaining copy of x, while producing only the desired output
Not only are all its operations reversible, but the computations from x to y
in stage 1 and from y to x in stage 5 take place in such a manner as to satisfy the
requirements for a reversible prefix interpreter. Hence, the minimal irreversible
conversion program p, with constant modification, can be used as a reversible
program for UR to compute y from x. This establishes the theorem.
(5.4) Definition The reversible distance E2 (x, y) between x and y is defined
E2 (x, y) := KR(y|x) = min{ l(p) : UR(p, x) = y }.
As just proved, this is within an additive constant of the size of the minimal
conversion program of Theorem 3.3. Although it may be logarithmically greater
than the optimal distance E1 , it has the intuitive advantage of being the actual
length of a concrete program for passing in either direction between x and y.
Stage and Action
Program tape
Initial configuration
Compute (y|x), transcribing pprog.
Space forward to start of qprog.
Compute (z|y).
Cancel extra pprog as head returns.
Work Tape
Figure 2: Reversible execution of concatenated programs for (y|x) and (z|y) to
transform x into z.
The optimal distance E1 on the other hand is defined only as the greater of two
one-way program sizes, and we don’t know whether it corresponds to the length
of any two-way translation program.
E2 (x, y) may indeed be legitimately called a distance because it is symmetric
and obeys the triangle inequality to within an additive constant (which can be
removed by the additive rescaling technique used in the proof of Theorem 4.2).
(5.5) Theorem
E2 (x, z) < E2 (x, y) + E2 (y, z)
Proof. We will show that, given reversible UR programs p and q, for computing (y|x) and (z|y) respectively, a program of the form spq, where s is a
constant supervisory routine, serves to compute z from x reversibly. Because
the programs are self-delimiting, no punctuation is needed between them. If
this were an ordinary irreversible U computation, the concatenated program
spq could be executed in an entirely straightforward manner, first using p to
go from x to y, then using q to go from y to z. However, with reversible UR
programs, after executing p, the head will be located at the beginning of the
program tape, and so will not be ready to begin reading q. It is therefore necessary to remember the length of the first program segment p temporarily, to
enable the program head to space forward to the beginning of q, but then cancel
this information reversibly when it is no longer needed.
A scheme for doing this is shown in Figure 2, where the program tape’s
head position is indicated by a caret. To emphasize that the programs p and
q are strings concatenated without any punctuation between them, they are
represented respectively in the table by the expressions “pprog” and “qprog”,
and their concatenation pq by “pprogqprog”.
Notice that transcribing “pprog” in stage 1 is straightforward: as long as the
program tape head moves forward such a transcription will be done; according
to our definition of reversible self-delimiting computation above, this way the
whole program will be transcribed.
Sum Distance
Only the irreversible erasures of a computation need to dissipate energy. This
raises the question of the minimal amount of irreversibility required in transforming string x into string y, that is, the number of bits we have to add to x
at the beginning of a reversible computation from x to y, and the number of
garbage bits left (apart from y) at the end of the computation that must be
irreversibly erased to obtain a “clean” y.
The reversible distance E2 defined in the previous section, is equal to the
length of a “catalytic” program, which allows the interconversion of x and
y while remaining unchanged itself. Here we consider noncatalytic reversible
computations which consume some information p besides x, and produce some
information q besides y.
Even though consuming and producing information may seem to be operations of opposite sign, we can define a distance E3 (·, ·) based on the notion of
information flow, as the minimal sum of amounts of extra information flowing
into and out of the computer in the course of the computation transforming
x into y. This quantity measures the number of irreversible bit operations in
an otherwise reversible computation. The resulting distance turns out to be
within a logarithmic additive term of the sum of the conditional complexities
K(y|x) + K(x|y). See [20] for a more direct proof than the one provided here,
and for a study of resource-limited (for example with respect to time) measures
of the number of irreversible bit operations. For our treatment here it is crucial that computations can take unlimited time and space and therefore E3 (·, ·)
represents a limiting quantity that cannot be realized by feasible computation.
For a function F computed by a reversible Turing machine, define
EF (x, y) := min{ l(p) + l(q) : F (hp, xi) = hq, yi }.
(6.1) Remark Since p will be consumed it would be too awkward and not
worth the trouble to try to extend the notion of self-delimiting for this case; so,
the computations we consider will not be self-delimiting over p.
It follows from the existence of universal reversible Turing machines mentioned in Section 5 that there is a universal reversible Turing machine UR′ (not
necessarily self-delimiting) such that for all functions F computed on a reversible
Turing machine, we have
EUR′ (x, y) ≤ EF (x, y) + cF
for all x and y, where cF is a constant which depends on F but not on x or y.
(6.2) Remark In our definitions we have pushed all bits to be irreversibly
provided to the start of the computation and all bits to be irreversibly erased
to the end of the computation. It is easy to see that this is no restriction. If we
have a computation where irreversible acts happen throughout the computation,
then we can always mark the bits to be irreversibly erased, waiting with actual
erasure until the end of the computation. Similarly, the bits to be provided
can be provided (marked) at the start of the computation while the actual
reading of them (simultaneously unmarking them) takes place throughout the
By Landauer’s principle, which we meet in Section 8, the number of irreversible bit erasures in a computation gives a lower bound on the unavoidable
energy dissipation of the computation, each bit counted as kT ln 2, where k is
Boltzmann’s constant and T the absolute temperature in degrees Kelvin. It is
easy to see (proof of Theorem 6.4) that the minimal number of garbage bits left
after a reversible computation going from x to y is about K(x|y) and in the
computation from y to x it is about K(y|x).
(6.3) Definition We fix a universal reference reversible Turing machine UR′ .
The sum distance E3 (x, y) is defined by
E3 (x, y) := EUR′ (x, y).
(6.4) Theorem
E3 (x, y) = K(x|y) + K(y|x) + O(log(K(x|y) + K(y|x))).
Proof. (≥) We first show the lower bound E3 (x, y) ≥ K(y|x) + K(x|y). Let
us use the universal prefix machine U of Section 2. Due to its universality, there
is a constant-length binary string r such that for all p, x we have
U (rλ2 (p), x) = hUR′ (hp, xi)i2
(The function λ2 in Definition 2.4 makes p self-delimiting. Recall that h·, ·i2
selects the second element of the pair.) Suppose UR′ (hp, xi) = hq, yi. Then it
follows that y = U (rλ2 (p), x), hence
K(y|x) < l(rλ2 (p)) < l(λ2 (p)) < l(p) + 2 log l(p).
Since the computation is reversible, the garbage information q at the end of
the computation yielding hy, qi serves the rôle of program when we reverse the
computation to compute x from y. Therefore, we similarly have K(x|y) <
l(q) + 2 log l(q), which finishes the proof of the lower bound.
(≤) Let us turn to the upper bound and assume k1 = K(x|y) ≤ k2 = K(y|x)
with l = k2 − k1 ≥ 0. According to Theorem 3.3, there is a string d of length l
such that K(xd|y) = k1 + K(k1 , k2 ) and K(y|xd) = k1 + K(k1 , k2 ). According
to Theorem 3.3 and Theorem 5.3 there is a self-delimiting program q of length
= k1 + K(k1 , k2 ) going reversibly between xd and y. Therefore with a constant
extra program s, the universal reversible machine will go from qxd to qy. And
by the above estimates
l(qd) + l(q) < 2k1 + l + 2K(k1 , k2 ) = k1 + k2 + O(log k2 ).
Note that all bits supplied in the beginning to the computation, apart from
input x, as well as all bits erased at the end of the computation, are random
bits. This is because we supply and delete only shortest programs, and a shortest
program q satisfies K(q) ≥ l(q), that is, it is maximally random.
(6.5) Remark It is easy to see that up to an additive logarithmic term the
function E3 (x, y) is a metric on {0, 1}∗; in fact it is an admissible (cognitive)
distance as defined in Section 4.
Relations Between Information Distances
The metrics we have considered can be arranged in increasing order. As before,
the relation < means inequality to within an additive O(log), and = means <
and > .
E1 (x, y) = max{K(y|x), K(x|y)}
= E2 (x, y) = KR(y|x)
= E0 (x, y) = min{ l(p) : U (p, x) = y, U (p, y) = x }
< K(x|y) + K(y|x) = E3 (x, y)
< 2E1 (x, y).
The sum distance E3 , is tightly bounded between the optimum distance E1 and
twice the optimal distance. The lower bound is achieved if one of the conditional
complexities K(y|x) and K(x|y) is zero, the upper bound is reached if the two
conditional complexities are equal.
It is natural to ask whether the equality E1 (x, y) = E2 (x, y) can be tightened. We have not tried to produce a counterexample but the answer is probably
Thermodynamic Cost
Thermodynamics, among other things, deals with the amounts of heat and work
ideally required, by the most efficient process, to convert one form of matter to
another. For example, at 0 C and atmospheric pressure, it takes 80 calories of
heat and no work to convert a gram of ice into water at the same temperature
and pressure. From an atomic point of view, the conversion of ice to water at
0 C is a reversible process, in which each melting water molecule gains about 3.8
bits of entropy (representing the approximately 23.8 -fold increased freedom of
motion it has in the liquid state), while the environment loses 3.8 bits. During
this ideal melting process, the entropy of the universe remains constant, because
the entropy gain by the ice is compensated by an equal entropy loss by the
environment. Perfect compensation takes place only in the limit of slow melting,
with an infinitesimal temperature difference between the ice and the water.
Rapid melting, e.g. when ice is dropped into hot water, is thermodynamically
irreversible and inefficient, with the the hot water losing less entropy than the
ice gains, resulting in a net and irredeemable entropy increase for the combined
system. (Strictly speaking, the microscopic entropy of the universe as a whole
does not increase, being a constant of motion in both classical and quantum
mechanics. Rather what happens when ice is dropped into hot water is that the
marginal entropy of the (ice + hot water) system increases, while the entropy of
the universe remains constant, due to a growth of mutual information mediated
by subtle correlations between the (ice + hot water) system and the rest of the
universe. In principle these correlations could be harnessed and redirected so as
to cause the warm water to refreeze, but in practice the melting is irreversible.)
Turning again to ideal reversible processes, the entropy change in going from
state X to state Y is an anti-symmetric function of X and Y ; thus, when water
freezes at 0 C by the most efficient process, it gives up 3.8 bits of entropy per
molecule to the environment. When more than two states are involved, the
entropy changes are transitive: thus the entropy change per molecule of going
from ice to water vapor at 0 C (+32.6 bits) plus that for going from vapor to
liquid water (−28.8 bits) sum to the entropy change for going from ice to water
directly. Because of this asymmetry and transitivity, entropy can be regarded as
a thermodynamic potential or state function: each state has an entropy, and the
entropy change in going from state X to state Y by the most efficient process
is simply the entropy difference between states X and Y .
Thermodynamic ideas were first successfully applied to computation by Landauer. According to Landauer’s principle [16, 4, 26, 27, 6] an operation that
maps an unknown state randomly chosen from among n equiprobable states
onto a known common successor state must be accompanied by an entropy increase of log2 n bits in other, non-information-bearing degrees of freedom in
the computer or its environment. At room temperature, this is equivalent to
the production of kT ln 2 (about 7 · 10−22 ) calories of waste heat per bit of
information discarded.
The point here is the change from “ignorance” to “knowledge” about the
state, that is, the gaining of information and not the erasure in itself (instead
of erasure one could consider measurement that would make the state known).
Landauer’s priniciple follows from the fact that such a logically irreversible
operation would otherwise be able to decrease the thermodynamic entropy of
the computer’s data without a compensating entropy increase elsewhere in the
universe, thereby violating the second law of thermodynamics.
Converse to Landauer’s principle is the fact that when a computer takes a
physical randomizing step, such as tossing a coin, in which a single logical state
passes stochastically into one of n equiprobable successors, that step can, if
properly harnessed, be used to remove log2 n bits of entropy from the computer’s
environment. Models have been constructed, obeying the usual conventions of
classical, quantum, and thermodynamic thought-experiments [16, 15, 3, 4] [11,
17, 23, 1, 10] showing both the ability in principle to perform logically reversible
computations in a thermodynamically reversible fashion (i.e. with arbitrarily
little entropy production), and the ability to harness entropy increases due to
data randomization within a computer to reduce correspondingly the entropy
of its environment.
In view of the above considerations, it seems reasonable to assign each string
x an effective thermodynamic entropy equal to its Kolmogorov complexity K(x).
A computation that erases an n-bit random string would then reduce its entropy
by n bits, requiring an entropy increase in the environment of at least n bits, in
agreement with Landauer’s principle.
Conversely, a randomizing computation that starts with a string of n zeros
and produces n random bits has, as its typical result, an algorithmically random
n-bit string x, i.e. one for which K(x) ≈ n. By the converse of Landauer’s
principle, this randomizing computation is capable of removing up to n bits of
entropy from the environment, again in agreement with the identification of the
thermodynamic entropy and Kolmogorov complexity.
What about computations that start with one (randomly generated or unknown) string x and end with another string y? By the transitivity of entropy
changes one is led to say that the thermodynamic cost, i.e. the minimal entropy
increase in the environment, of a transformation of x into y, should be
W (y|x) = K(x) − K(y),
because the transformation of x into y could be thought of as a two-step process in which one first erases x, then allows y to be produced by randomization.
This cost is obviously anti-symmetric and transitive, but is not even semicomputable. Because it involves the difference of two semicomputable quantities, it
is at best expressible as the non-monotone limit of a computable sequence of
approximations. Invoking the identity [13] K(x, y) = K(x) + K(y|x∗ ), where x∗
denotes the first minimal program for x in enumeration order (or equivalently,
x∗ := hx, K(x)i), the above cost measure W (y|x) can also be interpreted as a
difference in conditional complexities,
W (y|x) = K(x|y ∗ ) − K(y|x∗ ) .
Such indirect conditional complexities, in which the input string is supplied as
a minimal program rather than directly, have been advocated by Chaitin [7]
on grounds of their similarity to conditional entropy in standard information
An analogous anti-symmetric cost measure based on the difference of direct
conditional complexities
W ′ (y|x) = K(x|y) − K(y|x).
was introduced and compared with W (x|y) by Zurek [26], who noted that the
two costs are equal within a logarithmic additive term. Here we note that
W ′ (y|x) is non-transitive to a similar extent.
Clearly, W ′ (y|x) is tied to the study of distance E3 , the sum of irreversible
information flow in and out of the computation. Namely, analysis of the proof
of Theorem 6.4 shows that up to logarithmic additional terms, a necessary
and sufficient number of bits of K(y|x) (the program) needs to be supplied
at the start of the computation from x to y, while a necessary and sufficient
number of bits of K(x|y) (the garbage) needs to be irreversibly erased at the
end of the computation. The thermodynamical analysis of Landauer’s principle
at the beginning of this section says the thermodynamic cost, and hence the
attending heat dissipation, of a computation of y from x is given by the number
of irreversibly erased bits minus the number of irreversibly provided bits, that
is, W ′ (y|x).
It is known that there exist strings [13] x of each length such that K(x∗ |x) ≈
log l(x), where x∗ is the minimal program for x. According to the W ′ measure, erasing such an x via the intermediate x∗ would generate log l(x) less
entropy than erasing it directly, while for the W measure the two costs would
be equal within an additive constant. Indeed, erasing in two steps would cost
only K(x|x∗ ) − K(x∗ |x) + K(x∗ |0) − K(0|x∗ ) = K(x) − K(x∗ |x) while erasing
in one step would cost K(x|0) − K(0|x) = K(x).
Subtle differences like the one between W and W ′ pointed out above (and
resulting in a slight nontransitivity of W ′ ) depend on detailed assumptions which
must be, ultimately, motivated by physics [27]. For instance, if one were to
follow Chaitin [7] and define a Kc-complexity as Kc(x) := K(x), Kc(x, y) :=
K(x, y) but the conditional information Kc(y|x) := K(y|x∗ ) then the joint
information would be given directly by Kc(x, y) = Kc(x) + Kc(y|x), and the
Kc-analogues Wc (y|x) = Wc(y|x) would hold without logarithmic corrections
(because Kc(y|x) = Kc(y|x∗ )). This Kc notation is worth considering especially
because the joint and conditional Kc-complexities satisfy equalities which also
obtain for the statistical entropy (i.e. Gibbs-Shannon entropy defined in terms of
probabilities) without logarithmic corrections. This makes it a closer analog of
the thermodynamic entropy. Moreover—as discussed by Zurek [27], in a cyclic
process of a hypothetical Maxwell demon-operated engine involving acquisition
of information through measurement, expansion, and subsequent erasures of
the records compressed by reversible computation—the optimal efficiency of the
cycle could be assured only by assuming that the relevant minimal programs
are already available.
These remarks lead one to consider a more general issue of entropy changes
in nonideal computations. Bennett [4] and especially Zurek [27] have considered
the thermodynamics of an intelligent demon or engine which has some capacity
to analyze and transform data x before erasing it. If the demon erases a randomlooking string, such as the digits of π, without taking the trouble to understand
it, it will commit a thermodynamically irreversible act, in which the entropy of
the data is decreased very little, while the entropy of the environment increases
by a full n bits. On the other hand, if the demon recognizes the redundancy in
π, it can transform π to an (almost) empty string by a reversible computation,
and thereby accomplish the erasure at very little thermodynamic cost. See for
a comprehensive treatment [22].
More generally, given unlimited time, a demon could approximate the semicomputable function K(x) and so compress a string x to size K(x) before erasing
it. But in limited time, the demon will not be able to compress x so much, and
will have to generate more entropy to get rid of it. This tradeoff between speed
and thermodynamic efficiency is superficially similar to the tradeoff between
speed and efficiency for physical processes such as melting, but the functional
form of the tradeoff is very different. For typical physical state changes such
as melting, the excess entropy produced per molecule goes to zero inversely in
the time t allowed for melting to occur. But the time-bounded Kolmogorov
complexity K t (x), i.e. the size of the smallest program to compute x in time
less than t, in general approaches K(x) only with uncomputable slowness as a
function of t and x. These issues have been analyzed in more detail by two of
us in [20].
Density Properties
In a discrete space with some distance function, the rate of growth of the number of elements in balls of size d can be considered as a kind of “density” or
“dimension” of the space. For all information distances one significant feature
is how many objects there are within a distance d of a given object. From the
pattern recognition viewpoint such information tells how many pictures there
are within the universal admissible (max) distance E1 (x, y) = d. For the reversible distance E2 (x, y) = d this tells us how many objects one can reach
using a reversible program of length d. For the sum distance E3 (x, y) = d this
tells us how many objects there are within d irreversible bit operations of a
given object.
Recall the distances E1 (x, y) = max{K(x|y), K(y|x)} and E3 (x, y) =
K(x|y) + K(y|x). For a binary string x of length n, a nonnegative number
d and i = 1, 3, let Bi (d,
T x) be the set of strings y 6= x with Ei (x, y) ≤ d, and
Bi (d, x, n) := Bi (d, x) {0, 1}n.
The functions Bi (d, x) behave rather simply: log #Bi (d, x) grows essen33
tially like d. The functions Bi (d, x, n) behave, however, differently. While
log #B1 (d, x, n) grows essentially like d, the function log #B3 (d, x, n) grows essentially like d/2. This follows from the somewhat more precise result in 9.3
below. First we treat the general case below that says that balls around x of
radius d with d random with respect to x contain less elements: neighborhoods
of tough radius’s contain less neighbors.
(9.1) Theorem Let x be a binary string of length n. The number of binary
strings y with E1 (x, y) ≤ d satisfies
log #B1 (d, x) = d − K(d|x);
d − K(d) < log #B1 (d, x, n) < d − K(d|x).
The last equation holds only for n ≥ d − K(d): for n < d − K(d) we have
log #B1 (d, x, n) = n.
Proof. (B1 (d, x) <) For every binary string x
#B1 (d, x)2−d−1
∞ X
∞ X
d=0 j=0
2−E1 (x,y)
y:E1 (x,y)=j&y6=x
d=0 j=0
y:E1 (x,y)=j&y6=x
2−E1 (x,y) ≤ 1,
where the last inequality follows from the properties of E1 (·, ·) proven in
Theorem 4.2. Since f (x, d) := log(2d+1 /#B1 (d, x)) is upper-semicomputable
P −f (x,d)
≤ 1, by Lemma 2.10 we have K(d|x) < f (x, d) =
and satisfies
d − log #B1 (d, x).
(B1 (d, x) >) For all i < 2d−K(d|x), consider the strings yi = λ3 (i)x where
λ3 is the self-delimiting code of Definition 2.4. The number of such strings yi
is 2d−K(d|x). Clearly, for every i, we have K(x|yi ) = 0 and K(yi |x) = K(i|x).
E1 (x, yi ) < K(i|x).
Each i can be represented by a string zi of length precisely d − K(d|x), if
necessary by padding it up to this length. Let q be a shortest self-delimiting
program computing d from x. By definition l(q) = K(d|x). The program qzi
is a self-delimiting program to compute i from x: Use q to compute d from x
and subsequently use d − l(q) = d − K(d|x) = l(zi ) to determine where zi ends.
Hence, K(i|x) < l(qzi ) = d from which E1 (x, yi ) < d follows. The implied
additive constants in < can be removed in any of the usual ways.
(B1 (d, x, n) <) Since #B1 (d, x, n) ≤ #B1 (d, x) the upper bound on the
latter is also an upper bound on the former.
(B1 (d, x, n) > and n ≥ d − K(d)) For the d − K(d) lower bound on
log #B1 (d, x, n) the proof is similar but now we consider all i < 2d−K(d) and
we choose the strings yi = x ⊕ i where ⊕ means bitwise exclusive-or (if l(i) < n
then assume that the missing bits are 0’s).
(B1 (d, x, n) and n < d − K(d)) in that case we obtain all strings in {0, 1}n
as yi ’s in the previous proof.
Note that K(d) < log d+2 log log d. It is interesting that a similar dimension
relation holds also for the larger distance E3 (x, y) = K(y|x) + K(x|y).
(9.2) Theorem Let x be a binary string. The number #B3 (d, x) of binary
strings y with E3 (x, y) ≤ d satisfies
log #B3 (d, x) = d − K(d|x).
Proof. (<) This follows from the previous theorem since E3 ≥ E1 .
( > ) Consider strings y of the form px where p is a self-delimiting program.
For all such programs, K(x|y) = 0, since x can be recovered from y by a
constant-length program. Therefore E3 (x, y) = K(y|x) = K(p|x). Now just as
in the argument of the previous proof, there are at least 2d−K(d|x) such strings
p with K(p|x) ≤ d.
The number of strings of length n within any E3 -distance of a random string
x of length n, (that is, a string with K(x) near n) turns out to be different
from the number of strings of length n within the same E1 -distance. In the
E3 -distance: “tough guys have few neighbors of their own size”.
In particular, a random string x of length n has only about 2d/2 strings of
length n within E3 -distance d while there are essentially 2d such strings within
E1 -distance d of x by Theorem 9.1. Moreover, since Theorem 9.2 showed that
every string has essentially 2d neighbors altogether in E3 -distance d, for every
random string x asymptotically almost all its neighbors within E3 -distance d
have length unequal n. The following theorem describes the general situation.
(9.3) Theorem
For each x of length n we have
log #B3 (d, x, n) =
n + d − K(x)
while n − K(x) ≤ d. (For n − K(x) > d we have log #B3 (d, x, n) = d.)
Proof. Let K(x) = n − δ(n) (for example, K(x) = n + K(n) − δ(n).
(≥) Let y = x∗ z with l(y) = n and l(z) = δ(n), and let x∗ be the first selfdelimiting program for x (l(x∗ ) = K(x)) that we find by dovetailing all computations on programs of length less than n. We can retrieve z from y using at
most O(log n) bits. There are 2δ(n) different such y’s. For each such y we have
K(x|y) = O(1), since x can be retrieved from y using x∗ . Now suppose that we
also replace the fixed first l/2 bits of y by an arbitrary u ∈ {0, 1}l/2 for some
value of l to be determined later. Then, the total number of y’s increases to
2δ(n)+l/2 .
These choices of y must satisfy E3 (x, y) ≤ d. Clearly, K(y|x) < δ(n) + l/2.
Moreover, K(x|y) < l/2 since we can retrieve x by providing l/2 bits. Therefore,
K(x|y) + K(y|x) < l/2 + δ(n) + l/2. Since the left-hand side has value at most
d, the largest l we can choose is l = d − δ(n).
This shows that the number #B3 (d, x, n) of y’s such that E3 (x, y) ≤ d
log δ(n) + d
log #B3 (d, x, n) >
(≤) Assume, to the contrary, that there are at least 2(d+δ(n))/2+c elements y
of length n such that E3 (x, y) ≤ d holds, with c some large constant to be
determined later. Then, for some y,
K(y|x) ≥
d + δ(n)
+ c.
By assumption, K(x) = n − δ(n), K(y) < n. By the addition theorem 2.11
we find n + (d − δ(n))/2 + c < n + K(x|y). But this means that
K(x|y) >
d − δ(n)
+ c,
and these two equations contradict K(x|y) + K(y|x) ≤ d for large enough c =
O(log n).
It follows from our estimates that in every set of low Kolmogorov complexity
almost all elements are far away from each other in terms of the distance E1 .
If S is a finite set of low complexity (like a finite initial segment of a recursively enumarable set) then almost all pairs of elements in the set have large
information distance. Let the Kolmogorov complexity K(S) of a set be the
length of a shortest binary program that enumerates S and then halts.
(9.4) Theorem For a constant c, let S be a set with #S = 2d and K(S) =
c log d. Almost all pairs of elements x, y ∈ S have distance E1 (x, y) ≥ d, up to
an additive logarithmic term.
The proof of this theorem is easy. A similar statement can be proved for the
distance of a string x (possibly outside S) to the majority of elements y in S.
If K(x) ≥ n, then for almost all y ∈ S we have E1 (x, y) ≥ n + d ± O(log dn).
We thank John Tromp for many useful comments and for shortening the proof
of Theorem 3.3, Zoltán Füredi for help with the proof of Lemma 3.9, Nikolai K.
Vereshchagin for his comments on maximum overlap and minimum overlap in
Section 3, and an anonymous reviewer for comments on Section 8.
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