Alcoholics Anonymous
Recent papers in Alcoholics Anonymous
Η ιδέα της αυτοβοήθειας και αλληλοβοήθειας, που εμφανίστηκε τα τελευταία 150 χρόνια, αρχίζει να συζητείται ευρύτατα τις τελευταίες δεκαετίες τόσο στους ακαδημαϊκούς κύκλους όσο και στους κύκλους των Εθνικών Συστημάτων Υγείας. Στην αύξηση... more
Multiple studies have shown social network variables to mediate and predict drinking outcome, but, because of self-selection biases, these studies cannot reliably determine whether the influence is causal or correlational. The goal of... more
Several pilot studies have provided evidence supporting the potential of classic psychedelics like psilocybin in the treatment of substance use disorders (SUDs). If larger trials confirm efficacy, classic psychedelic-assisted psy-... more
An experience in developing a treatment program of addiction in an Arabic Muslim Society. The three major waves of knowledge and methodology are reviewed in historical perspective. General description of Al Amal Hospital, Dammam, KSA, and... more
An essay about the impact of the religious right and the "Recovered" movement upon Alcoholics Anonymous and the inherently reactionary nature of the Fellowship.... more
Background: Most formal treatment programs recommend Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) attendance during treatment and as a form of aftercare, but we know very little about treatment seekers' patterns of AA involvement over time and how these... more
Although the Minnesota Model of treatment for alcohol and drug addiction is a common treatment approach, there are few published reports of its effectiveness. This study describes the Minnesota Model treatment approach as practiced at... more
The prominence of Twelve-Step programs has led to increased attention on the putative role of spirituality in recovery from addictive disorders. We developed a 6-item Spirituality Self-Rating Scale designed to reflect a global measure of... more
This article examines the roles of gender and sexuality in the public and private debate over medicalizing inebriety in the United States from 1930-50. During this period various interest groups wrestled with two competing visions of how... more
Indigenous people in Australia and in North America have been creating innovative interventions in the addictions field for several years now-incorporating traditional healing practices and cultural values into otherwise western... more
Since self-efficacy is a positive predictor of substance use treatment outcome, we investigated whether it is associated with spirituality within a religious 12-step program. This was a cross-sectional survey (N = 91) of 10 different... more
The prominence of Twelve-Step programs has led to increased attention on the putative role of spirituality in recovery from addictive disorders. We developed a 6-item Spirituality Self-Rating Scale designed to reflect a global measure of... more
What’s best for someone’s well-being – to be spiritual OR to be religious OR both… OR neither? This seminar is aimed at provoking thought and generating discussion concerning the role of spirituality in our lives, with a view to sculpting... more
This article is a compilation of the information presented at a symposium at the 2001 RSA Meeting in Montreal, Canada. The presentations were: (1) Maintaining change after conjoint behavioral alcohol treatment for men: the role of... more
The notion of rock-bottom is widely used in the treatment of addiction and can be described in existential terms as an event of truth. Addiction is described as an attempt to technocratically alter the lived-texture of being while... more
Claims of impressive outcome figures for the Minnesota Model find some support in published studies, with as many as two thirds of admissions apparently achieving a genuinely good outcome at 1-year follow-up. However, methodological... more
This review synthesizes the philosophy, development, history, and current status of the philosophy of social or community model of recovery and of Social Model Programs (SMPs) based on an analysis of the available literature, much of it... more
Interdiszciplináris Doktori Program " …életünk minden megnyilvánulásában. " A felépülés életrendje és értékrendje 12 lépéses programokban józanodó szerfüggők körében
PhD értekezés
PhD értekezés
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En el campo académico que aborda el tratamiento del alcoholismo y la drogadicción en México, muchas investigaciones asumen que educadores avalados por el gobierno están haciendo frente a la brecha de conocimiento científico que afecta a... more
AIMS – In Russia the paradigm of alcoholism as a disease is still in contrast to the general perception of alcoholics as weak-willed. This article studies alcoholism and recovery in Russia through the case study of the Russian Alcoholics... more
"This paper will attempt to examine the interface between the contribution made by medical treatment of addiction and recovery ministries by various Churches and Christian agencies. Four contemporary models will be examined. Alcoholics... more
This is a study on 20th century views of Muslims scholars and social workers on alcoholism and drug abuse.
This study investigates the 10-year course and impact of AA-related helping (AAH), step-work, and meeting attendance on long-term outcomes. Data were derived from 226 treatment-seeking alcoholics recruited from an outpatient site in... more
En esta investigación, analizo las retóricas y las prácticas del exceso y la moderación en el proceso de patologización de la adicción —un fenómeno que, en antropología, suele atribuirse a la medicalización/psicologización de la vida... more
Η αντιμετώπιση του προβλήματος της εξάρτησης αποτελεί ένα από τα πλέον σύνθετα ζητήματα στο πεδίο της κοινωνικών επιστημών και των επιστημών υγείας. Η διόγκωση του προβλήματος και αδυναμία εξεύρεσης αποτελεσματικών τρόπων αντιμετώπισης... more
My dissertation frames the evolution of David Foster Wallace’s writing ethic as a function of addiction recovery. Wallace completed only two novels—the first of which is generally dismissed as the work of a young author enamored of his... more
Is the world an alcoholic system? Gregory Bateson seems to think so. And if so there may be a way out.
Is the world an alcoholic system? Gregory Bateson seems to think so. And if so there may be a way out.
En el presente trabajo, me propongo registrar un coyuntural hecho histórico: los intercambios entre Carl G. Jung y la confraternidad de Alcohólicos Anónimos (AA), fundada en 1935, en Akron, Ohio, EE. UU. La ponencia tomará como material... more
How well do you know yourself? You can learn to make healthy choices intentionally rather than to unconsciously repeat unhealthy patterns. This course is highly recommended for mental strengthening.
Alcohólicos Anónimos es una comunidad que propone un programa de recuperación de Doce Pasos. En el Doceavo Paso se establece que es necesario ayudar a otros alcohólicos, como parte de la recuperación personal. A esta actividad se le... more
Esta tesis busca reconstruir el proceso de consolidación de Alcohólicos Anónimos (AA) en México, proceso que comenzó desde 1956 cuando se crearon los primeros dos grupos hispanohablantes, hasta 1985 cuando la actual Secretaría de Salud... more
Introduction: ‘Clubs of Alcoholics in Treatment’ (CATs) are mutual-help groups of family communities following the socio-ecological method directed towards the correction of malfunction within the familial environment, involving the whole... more
This essay couples David Foster Wallace’s works (Infinite Jest, This Is Water, and non-fiction essays) with contemporary research on shame and addiction and explores how literature anticipates science as a means of understanding the human... more
El apoyo de pares, así como la recuperación, son dos pilares fundamentales en una institución que puede considerarse señera de importantísimos desarrollos en el campo de la Salud Mental. Alcohólicos Anónimos (AA) nace en 1935 de la ayuda... more
My dissertation frames the evolution of David Foster Wallace’s writing ethic as a function of addiction recovery. Wallace completed only two novels—the first of which is generally dismissed as the work of a young author enamored of his... more
Although the literature on dual diagnosis has grown considerably over the last several years, reports describing inpatient treatment models are less common. We describe some of the major treatment concerns in the dual diagnosis... more
The dominant theoretical approach to alcoholism research presumes linear, causal relationships between individual cognitions and behavioral outcomes. This approach has largely failed to account for the recovery some alcoholics achieve in... more
La oración de la serenidad es la oración más pronunciada y pensada por los miembros de los grupos de 12 pasos alrededor del mundo, grupos de recuperación espiritual que generalmente giran alrededor de una adicción o comportamiento... more
In recent decades, the considerable proliferation of the self-help groups (especially those of the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA)) has attracted the interest of those engaged in the social sciences as well as of... more