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The high levels of deviant behaviour within the hospitality sector have been an ongoing concern for many mangers and academics, with a clear recognition of the reputational, human and organizational costs of such behaviour. The... more
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      SociologyDrugs And AddictionHospitalityMedicine
The purpose of this study was to isolate wild yeast strains present in different fruits (apple, orange and banana) and to determine the yeast growth and the amount of alcohol production at various glucose concentrations. Three fruits... more
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      Food ScienceFood and NutritionFood Science and TechnologyApple
This is a study on 20th century views of Muslims scholars and social workers on alcoholism and drug abuse.
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      Drugs And AddictionSmoking and Drug RehabilitationAlcoholics AnonymousAlchoholism
There are many reasons that a person will choose to stop drinking. You may have a drinking problem or a health condition that has led your doctor to advise you to stop. These tips will help you being your journey and learn how to stop... more
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      Alcholic diseaseAlcohol AbuseAlchoholismAlcohol Addiction
Resulta importante conocer qué factores de personalidad se asocian con la adicción para poder distinguir a los adictos que requieren un tratamiento especializado de quienes no llegan a necesitarlo, así como diferenciar a los que consiguen... more
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      NeuroscienceCognitive PsychologyCognitive SciencePersonality Psychology
Aims: Alcohol is the most commonly used addictive substance and alcoholic liver disease (ALD) is a major cause of chronic liver disease worldwide, responsible for 47.9% of all liver chronic deaths. Despite ALD has a significant burden on... more
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      Drugs And AddictionLiver CirrhosisLiver TransplantationAlcholic disease
The high levels of deviant behaviour within the hospitality sector have been an ongoing concern for many mangers and academics, with a clear recognition of the reputational, human and organizational costs of such behaviour. The... more
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      SociologyDrugs And AddictionEmile DurkheimSexual Deviant Behaviour
A Ludas Matyi majdnem ötven éven keresztül országszerte terjesztette sokszor a társadalmat bíráló, s gyakran felsőbb politikai akaratot közvetítő karikatúráit. Annak ellenére, hogy a Ludas Matyi profilja is az aktuális politikai befolyás... more
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      EmotionGender StudiesCaricature (Visual Studies)Censorship
Quando la vita è molto misera, l'ebbrezza è una delle ultime risorse che le rimangono. Questo è uno dei motivi per cui le Chiese non possono nulla contro l'alcolismo. L'alcolista non può essere soccorso né economicamente né moralmente; si... more
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      Drugs And AddictionErnst JüngerEdgar Allan PoeMircea Eliade
En las primeras décadas del siglo xx el consumo de alcohol aumentó y se diversificó en Argentina. Esto se dio en el marco de la lectura condenatoria que hizo de él el Estado y del avance del discurso publicitario en la configuración de... more
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      HistoryAdvertisingArgentina HistoryArgentina
Most studies of decisions to curtail alcohol consumption reflect experiences of abusing drinkers. We employ an exploratory sequential research design to explore the applicability of this research to the experience of nonabusing drinkers... more
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      Mixed MethodsHepatitis CMultidisciplinaryAlcohol Consumption
Sandra Fernández, Paula Sedrán En las primeras décadas del siglo xx el consumo de alcohol aumentó y se diversificó en Argentina. Esto se dio en el marco de la lectura... more
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      Argentina HistoryHistoria ArgentinaAlchoholismHistoria del alcoholismo
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      Drugs And AddictionDrugs And AlcoholJacques DerridaRabindranath Tagore
Background: Alcohol use and related illnesses have become a major public health problem in the south Indian state of Kerala with rising sale reported every successive year. Ours is a teaching hospital catering to patients in the northern... more
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      AlchoholismCultural History of Drug and Alchohol Abuse
So many years after independence, more importation of foreign brand of alcohol has remained a strategy of economic imperialism. Attempts to modernize African brands of alcohol such as bottled palm wine and burukutu have not received the... more
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Background: Alcohol use and related illnesses have become a major public health problem in the south Indian state of Kerala with rising sale reported every successive year. Ours is a teaching hospital catering to patients in the northern... more
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      AlchoholismCultural History of Drug and Alchohol Abuse
Las redes sociales en los dispositivos móviles son el canal más activo de comunicación entre los jóvenes para la experiencia en el consumo de drogas en general y de alcohol en particular. Las redes sociales en esta “experiencia droga”... more
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      Alcohol StudiesBeer (Alcohol Studies)Drugs And AlcoholAnthropology of Alcohol
To cite this article: Brophy, Chris and French, Lisa. AFI Conversations on Film: The Sound of One Hand Clapping [online]. Metro Magazine: Media & Education Magazine, No. 119, 1999: 76-79, 81-83. Availability:... more
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      Computer SciencePublishingFilm AdaptationAcademic research
To cite this article: Brophy, Chris and French, Lisa. AFI Conversations on Film: The Sound of One Hand Clapping [online]. Metro Magazine: Media & Education Magazine, No. 119, 1999: 76-79, 81-83. Availability:... more
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      PublishingFilm AdaptationAcademic researchAustralian Cinema
El abuso de bebidas embriagantes, o alcoholismo, es problema con rostro único pero múltiples definiciones, según la disciplina que lo aborde. Entre los primeros intentos por reconocer las causas sociales del alcoholismo se encuentra el... more
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      TotonacosSalud PúblicaAlchoholism
Social marketing tries to affect the social behavior of the target audience in a way that is beneficial to the society and has wide use in international health programs such as dealing with alcohol and substance abuse. Therefore, the... more
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      Social MarketingSubstance AbuseAlchoholismSocial Pathology
"Ajuda-me! Voltei a fazer isso Já estive neste lugar muitas vezes antes Hoje voltei-me a magoar E o pior é que não há mais ninguém para culpar" Sia in "Breathe" Aconselhamento em dependências químicas e comportamentais, Investigadora... more
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      Alcohol StudiesDrugs And AlcoholHistory of Alcohol and Drug UseAlcoholism
To cite this article: Brophy, Chris and French, Lisa. AFI Conversations on Film: The Sound of One Hand Clapping [online]. Metro Magazine: Media & Education Magazine, No. 119, 1999: 76-79, 81-83. Availability:... more
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      Film AdaptationAustralian CinemaScreen CultureAlchoholism