Alberto Giacometti
Recent papers in Alberto Giacometti
La primera retrospectiva en más de cinco décadas con mas de 200 obras del escultor suizo Alberto Giacometti (1901-1966) se exhibe en el Museo Guggenheim de Bilbao, España, hasta febrero del 2019. El crítico de arte, Juan Carlos Flores... more
Some modern western artists between both World Wars were fascinated by a "new" primitivism that was being discovered and promoted in those days: sumerian art, that was used as a source of inspirationby artists like Moore, Giacometti,... more
Jacques Dupin, qui écrit très tôt des poèmes mais ne voit ses premiers écrits publiés qu'en 1949, donne à lire la violence dans chaque poème, à chaque ligne presque : elle est au cœur même de son expression. Qu'elle soit sémantique ou... more
di incontrare qualcuno che vi abbia guardato con profondità? E che quello sguardo abbia cambiato il vostro modo di guardare le cose? Che abbia smosso quel desiderio innato di non restare sulla superficie, ma di guardare davvero? Il... more
Si propone ai ragazzi un modo di guardare all'arte contemporanea profondamente connesso con il passato e con la loro propria esperienza personale, volto perciò a permettere la lettura e l'immedesimazione con gli autori e le forme anche... more
Volume 10 of the Catalogue raisonné of the Orozco collection of artist and illustrated books as well as prints, dedicated to Francis Bacon, Giacometti, Henry Moore, Kandinsky, Marino Marini, Frans Masereel. It describes the pieces of the... more
Alberto Giacometti "a tientas" © 2009-2010 by Antonio Navas Montilla is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Este artículo aborda la cuestión del sentido del tacto en la obra de Alberto Giacometti, bajo la con-signa de profundizar en este... more
Özet: Varoluşçu sanatı betimlemek için varoluşçu modern sanatçıların ele aldıkları insan, özgürlük, seçim, başkaldırı, korku, kaygı, endişe, saçma gibi ortak konulardan yola çıkılabilir. Ne var ki eldeki yazıda varoluşçu sanat... more
The Swiss-born artist Alberto Giacometti (1901-1966) is renowned for his elongated, thin-headed sculptures engulfed in space and emitting an unsettling sense of loneliness. His practice was a cross-fertilisation of sculpture, drawing,... more
In 1939, Alberto Giacometti proposed an unusual work for the Swiss National Exhibition: a tiny head placed on a wide pedestal, which gave rise to dramatic scalar effects. This essay places this little-known episode at the origin of... more
This article is about artistic freedom of speech and censorship. It compares sadistic and misogynistic elements of (uncensored) Surrealism (from Hans Bellmer's dolls and pornographic photographs, to Giacometti's 'Woman with Her Throat... more
Après son éviction du surréalisme au milieu des années 1930, Alberto Giacometti aurait, par son retour à la figuration, abandonné ce qui faisait pour certains toute la force et l'originalité de son travail. Pourtant, au-delà d'une... more
Edwin Dickinson is an enigmatic force in the world of art, and a seminal figure in American Painting, who’s aesthetic defies classification, due to the amorphous nature of his oeuvre. His work engaged a plethora of early Twentieth Century... more
Als populäres Sujet innerhalb der Künste markiert Blindheit keinen Gegensatz, sondern eine spezifische Ausprägung visueller Wahrnehmung. Vor dem Hintergrund der von den Visual Culture Studies, der Kunst-, Theater-und Kulturwissenschaft... more
1 Da una lettera a Lefébure del 3 maggio 1868. «È soprattutto perché ero spinto dal terrore della miseria che queste statue esistono fino a questo punto (che sono in bronzo e fotografate), ma non ne sono completamente sicuro; però sono un... more
El artículo hace un recorrido por las decisivas transformaciones que experimentó la escultura en el siglo XX a partir de la crucial aportación de Auguste Rodin. Su nueva concepción del volumen, la masa, el vacío, el movimiento, el... more
Death is ironic; as the archi-semiotician and first historian, death fixes object and meaning in a semiotic complex, separates non-sensuous meaning from bare physical existence, but thereby exposes meaning to the capriciousness of... more
Recherches, 24/2020, pp. 33-44 - versione preprint (
... apokryfy, imponderabilia. Alina Szapocznikow (1926-1973); Przebiśniegi: Roman Cieślewicz, Krzysztof M. Bednarski, Olivier de Sagazan, Agnieszka Zgirska, Tomasz Adamczuk, Arkadiusz Drawc, Emilia Grubba, Martyna Jastrzębska, Mateusz... more
The paper swivels around Albert Giacometti's stage design for Samuel Beckett's drama "Waiting for Godot". It outlines their long-term friendship, their seeming perceptions of each other's work, points of thematic overlap, different... more
*(2010). Fitch, S. Following Giacometti: Copying as a Basis for Studio Based Research. Canadian Review of Art Education, Volume 37, 73-89. The act of copying has a long history of polemic within the discipline of art education; a debate... more
Lucrezia Caliani pag. 06 "Mi fermo a Firenze" Chiara Lotti pag. 08 Le ramificazioni dell'arte Massimo Innocenti pag. 10 Il sole basso e...
While the intersection of Samuel Beckett and Jean Genet has typically been explored in relation to the absurd,
Alberto Đakometi (Alberto Giacometti) je umetnik koji zahvaljujući radu istoimene fondacije iz Pariza, koja je formirana posthumno – od strane njegove supruge, postaje najtraženiji skulptor na današnjem tržištu. Njegova tri dela nalaze se... more
Nadie ignora que Pablo Picasso estuvo en el centro del panorama artístico del siglo XX y que ejerció una influencia enorme en las vanguardias. Si bien esta premisa es universalmente aceptada, aún existen reservas al evaluar su papel como... more
It seems that nothing is more certain or incontestable, at least to me, than the assertion that I have a body -but which is the 'I' that has, and which is the 'body'? Should I make any distinction between the two? Should I not say I am a... more
Araştırmada güzel ve estetik kavramlarını ilk sorgulayan Antikçağ düşünürlerinden Platon’un duyulur ve düşünülür dünya olarak ayrım yaptığı gerçek ve idea kavramları ile Aristoteles’in duyular ve düşünceyi ortak bir gerçeklikte bir araya... more
Temple University is committed to a policy of equal opportunity for all in every aspect of its operations, including employment, service, and educational programs. The University has pledged not to discriminate on the basis of age, color,... more
Фонд Маг – первый во Франции частный фонд, посвящённый модернизму и современному искусству. Вместе с каталонским архитектором Жозепом Луисом Сертом над проектом работали крупнейшие мастера международного модернизма – Жорж Брак, Жоан Миро,... more
The Swiss artist Alberto Giacometti participated in Parisian literary and cultural circles from the early meetings of the Surrealists to existentialism and the diverse currents in art and poetry that followed. Numerous writers were... more
Alberto es un hombre tranquilo, con cierta pausa a la hora de hacerse notar y siempre con la cabeza en muchos lugares, incluido el que experimenta en cada momento. Hace poco le propuse dar una vuelta y conversar sobre algunos temas que... more
È la lunga autobiografia, raccontata “in terza persona” sotto lo pseudonimo di Silvio, di un celebre editore e critico d’arte, nonché gallerista, uno spaccato della sua vita parigina vista da un’angolazione particolare, in cui le ragioni... more