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Against the backdrop of increasing hostility targeting sexual and gender minorities in Indonesia, this study analyzes the conterminous relationships between safe spaces and risks of violence within the lives of Indonesian Muslim queers as... more
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      Psychological AnthropologyAffectsLGBT and Safe Space
There is a long history of the uses of the term 'catharsis'. Nowadays the term usually designates a process by which the production of strong emotions by adequate representations (literature, cinema, videogames, etc.) or by real events... more
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      PsychoanalysisComparative LiteratureAestheticsClassics
The rediscovery of the one-keyed flute in contemporary performance and composition allows renewed use of a wide spectrum of Baroque palettes, techniques, embellishments, and genres - keenly illustrated by recent works by Finnish composer... more
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      PostmodernismContemporary MusicFlute MusicEffects of Facebook on the Academic Performance of Freshmen Students
W artykule autorka dyskutuje nowe zjawisko kulturowe, znane jako ASMR, w szczególności jego zainteresowanie multizmysłowością, w perspektywie posthumanistycznej, związanej z niehierarchicznością ludzkich zmysłów. Tekst analizuje wybrane... more
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      PosthumanismCritical PosthumanismHapticsSensuality
Plus encore que le plaisir, la douleur représente chez Descartes une indication naturelle fondamentalement fiable de notre nature sensible et de ce qui est bon ou néfaste à notre survie. La plupart des successeurs de Descartes ont... more
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      Baruch SpinozaDescartesAffectsEarly Modern theories of the passions
Ethica Sexualis -Spinoza et l'amour Présentation L'Éthique de Spinoza est communément appréhendée comme un ouvrage dans lequel est développée une philosophie dont la conséquence est de combattre les passions tristes, c'est-àdire les... more
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      Baruch SpinozaÉthiqueAmourAffects
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      Critical TheoryFeminist TheoryPhilosophy of the EmotionsFeminism
Early 20th century birthed a radical phenomenon across several cultures and nations- the demarcating of certain public space for primarily leisure purposes. From India to the United States, urban parks became a symbol of democracy,... more
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      Human GeographyCultural GeographyWeb 2.0Digital Humanities
Resumo: De certo que compreender mais profundamente o ser humano é um empreendimento inacabado e por isso marcado pela provisoriedade teórica advinda dos diferentes saberes. No entanto, ainda que provisório, o entendimento antropológico... more
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      Theological AnthropologyPolitical TheologyBrazilian PoliticsAffects
den ganzen Beitrag gibts auf der Seite der RLS stelle die These auf, dass an der Herstellung von kollektiver Handlungsfähigkeit in queeren Räumen... more
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      SpaceQueer spacesAgencyNorms
There is a long way between the usual modern understandings of catharsis and the original meaning Aristotle gave to the term in his ‘Poetics’. According to Aristotle, the catharsis produced by tragedy is linked to the emotions of pity and... more
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      Comparative LiteratureAestheticsClassicsGreek Literature
Deleuze's interpretation of Spinozan philosophy is intrinsically related to the concept of intensity. Attributes are defined as intensive qualities, modal essences as intensive quantities or degrees of power; the life of affects... more
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      Gilles DeleuzeSpinozaAffectsIntensity
Online interactions are a recent setting for intimacy and courtship since the introduction of new media of communication in the 1990s. Omani youth constantly uses this medium, particularly for dating. It brings a reformulation of gender... more
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      AnthropologyNew MediaOnline MediaAffects
Further to my previous article in the last issues of ÍMPAR-Online Journal for Artistic Research, on the flattement and glissandos, I deepened my exploration of the post-modernist use of other extended techniques on the traverso with the... more
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      Media effectsContemporary MusicFlute MusicFlute
Syliane Malinowski-Charles, Historia Philosophica, Vol. 8, 2010, p. 11-26: Ce texte utilise l’explication que donne Spinoza du plaisir et de la douleur, considérées dans l’Éthique – certes non sans ambiguïté – comme des affects relevant... more
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      Baruch SpinozaAffectsDouleurPlaisir
This collection embraces the increasing interest in the material world of the Renaissance and the early modern period, which has both fascinated contemporaries and initiated in recent years a distinguished historiography. The scholarship... more
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      SociologyIdentity (Culture)Early Modern EuropeVisual and Material Culture
Visualité vidéoludique : le jeu des affects Video Game Visuality: A Game of Affects À mesure des avancées technologiques de ces dernières décennies et de l'approfondissement des réflexions sur le game design, nombre de productions... more
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      Game TheoryVideo GamesVisual ArtsEmotions
This essay focuses on Spinoza’s claim that ideas of reason are necessary. While Spinoza understands necessity to imply that something cannot be otherwise, the author shows that Spinoza employs a narrower notion of necessity that applies... more
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyBaruch SpinozaSpinozaEarly Modern Philosophy
Qu'elle soit tournée vers ses collègues, vers un patient ou vers l'institution, sa propre colère n'est pas un affect aisé à aborder pour un soignant. Ou plus exactement : elle est l'expression d'un complexe affectif rarement adressé à qui... more
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      RepresentationsBaruch SpinozaTemporalitéAffects
Cours d'agrégation sur les parties III et IV de l'Ethique de Spinoza, dispensé à l'ENS de Lyon en 2015-2016
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      Baruch SpinozaÉthiqueTemporalitéAction
Cet article propose une relecture du cheminement éthique dans la connaissance chez Spinoza sous l’angle de l’affectivité qui l’accompagne. Il entend montrer que seuls les affects peuvent être à la source de la dynamique du... more
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      Baruch SpinozaAffects
This paper is part of a research project, in which secondary teachers were invited to generate cartographies, and participate in conversations about the scenarios and where they learn and the movements they make, inside and outside... more
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      GesturesNomadologyAffectsSecondary School Teachers
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      Queer TheorySpaceQueer spacesAgency
Partir des hommes tels qu’ils sont, pour penser une éthique de vie à la mesure des soignants et des patients. C’est l’exigence que nous nous sommes fixée pour mettre en place une anthropologie éthique. Cela revient ainsi à porter une... more
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      RepresentationsPediatric OncologyTelepresenceBaruch Spinoza
Catálogo de la muestra 'Poéticas de la emoción', que recorre algunas maneras de representar las emociones en las artes visuales a partir de obras de épocas y contextos diversos, incidiendo en piezas contemporáneas y en las similitudes que... more
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtHistory Of EmotionsPolitical Art
Die Faust als Symbol des Widerstands ist zum Klischee erstarrt. Wie kann und sollte es reaktiviert werden? Welcher Umgang mit Geschichte und Gesellschaft ist möglich und wünschenswert? Und was genau steht einer Öffnung zum sozialen... more
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      Information ScienceCommunicationDigital MediaNeoliberalism
This article explores the meaning of " resistance " and suggests a new path for " resistance studies, " which is an emerging and interdisciplinary field of the social sciences that is still relatively fragmented and heterogeneous.... more
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      Social MovementsEmotionSelf and IdentitySocial Research Methods and Methodology
"On pourrait penser que les questions abordées par Tschirnhaus dans sa correspondance avec Spinoza sont à tel point disparates (elles abordent successivement la question de l’erreur, celle du libre arbitre, des enjeux éthiques puis une... more
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Love was not born in the West during the twelfth century: the pre-Islamic Arabic poetry of the sixth century testifies to its existence in the ancient Arab world. These poems are well-known among Moors-the population in Mauritania who... more
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      EmotionArabic PoetryPoetrySexuality and chivalry/courtly love
RIPS / IRSP, 25 (3/4), 91-90 © 2012, Presses universitaires de Grenoble Predicting prosocial behavior in the workplace: Links with organizational justice, commitment, affectivity, and personality
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      Organizational JusticeAffectAffects
Partir des hommes tels qu’ils sont, pour penser une éthique de vie à la mesure des soignants et des patients. C’est l’exigence que nous nous sommes fixée pour mettre en place une anthropologie éthique. Cela revient ainsi à porter une... more
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      RepresentationsPaul RicoeurBaruch SpinozaAffects
Since 2015, the reintroduction of controls at northern Italian borders forced asylum seekers to take risky routes to reach their destinations in the European Union (EU). While several deaths have been registered since 2015 along the whole... more
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      MigrationBordersSearch and RescueAffects
Partir des hommes tels qu’ils sont, pour penser une éthique de vie à la mesure des soignants et des patients. C’est l’exigence que nous nous sommes fixée, pour mettre progressivement en place une anthropologie éthique. Cela revient à... more
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      RepresentationsBaruch SpinozaTemporalitéAffects
eds.) El lenguaje de las emociones. Afecto y cultura en América Latina. Madrid: Iberoamericana. Vervuert, 2012.
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      Cultural StudiesLatin American StudiesGlobalizationLatin American politics
During the Second World War, about 70 000 Finnish children were evacuated to Sweden and other Nordic countries to stay in foster homes in order to ease the situation of Finnish families. In this article, I analyze narratives of a former... more
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      Memory and materialityAffectsDisplacementPersonal Narratives
, the Augsburg merchant Hans Fugger was busy. He excitedly received two hundred loose, black ostrich feathers alongside two bound feather panaches in the "current Saxon manner" from Nuremberg and returned feathers to Munich as they were... more
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      Identity (Culture)Early Modern EuropeMaterial CultureMaterial Culture & Materiality
In the province of Quebec (Canada) like in many other secular settings, the visibility of the religious practices of newcomers as well as their claims for public recognition triggered lively debates that dramatically shifted the issue of... more
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      GenderPolitics of SecularismQuebecCatholicism
I. Du rapport entre éthique et affect ! a) La question que je voudrais poser aujourd'hui pourrait être formulée de la façon suivante : comment en vient-on à parler des affects dans une recherche portant sur l'éthique ? Un premier élément... more
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Objectives Tendency toward substance use is influenced by a range of individual, familial, and social factors. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between family emotional atmosphere, sense of coherence, and affects with... more
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      PsychologySubstance UseUniversity StudentsAffects
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      PerformanceCultural MemoryAffectsFalklands/Malvinas
In works previous to Thousand Plateaus (2005), such as Logic of Sense (1990), Gilles Deleuze stresses the importance of the impersonal as the dimension one must reach in order to counter-effectuate the Event. Impersonal, or neutrality, is... more
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      The BodyGilles DeleuzeAesthetics and EthicsBody Art
Turn to Film: Film in the Business School offers creative and powerful uses of film in the business school classroom and surveys the pedagogical and performative value of watching films with students. This volume examines not only how... more
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      PedagogyCinemaAffectsBusiness School
Affects, flux, fluides. Représentations, histoires et politiques des émotions en arts Colloque international – 10 au 12 avril 2019 - Université de Strasbourg Organisation : Université de Strasbourg (EA 3402) / Université Lille (CEAC)... more
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      Gender StudiesQueer StudiesPerforming ArtsHistory Of Emotions
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The main research question concerns the nature of tactile experience, and why it has largely been ignored in the humanities and social sciences. Throughout the book I argue towards a ‘felt phenomenology’, a way of writing and thinking... more
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      EngineeringHistoryIdentity (Culture)Early Modern Europe
What is power, what is the relationship between power and art? To be more precise the question should be asked differently: “How is it [power] practiced?” This is undoubtedly a difficult if not impossible question. By it we do not mean... more
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      Gilles Deleuze and Felix GuattariAffects
PhD Thesis, Ioannina 2006. If the objective of Spinoza’s philosophy, as it is formulated in his central work, the Ethics, is to lead man to happiness as if taking him by the hand, then he should define what this happiness consists of... more
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      Benedict de SpinozaAffectsSpinoza's EthicsSpinoza's Epistemology