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"El diezmo en los escritos de Elena de White"-Este trabajo explorará el concepto, práctica y fundamento teológico para el diezmo en los escritos de Elena de White. Cuando sea necesario, entrarán en discusión detalles históricos, pero el... more
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      Seventh-day Adventist historyEllen G. WhiteSeventh-day adventist theologyAdventist Studies
Views the history Adventist eschatology through the lens of victory over sin.
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      EschatologySeventh-day Adventist historySeventh-day adventist theologyAdventist Studies
Der Aufsatz geht der Frage nach, ob in Offb 12,17 mit dem "Halten der Gebote" die Zehn Gebote gemeint sind.
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      New TestamentSeventh-day Adventist historyDecalogueSeventh-day adventist theology
Recientemente la agencia ha publicado los resultados de sus estudios sobre el consumo de medios e Internet por los Franceses sobre el territorio metropolitano (Francia continental europea) así como las regiones de ultramar.... more
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      CommunicationComunicacion SocialMedios de ComunicaciónAdventist Studies
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      History of IdeasEarly Modern HistoryHistorical TheologySeventh-day adventist theology
In order to map out the extent to which the interplay between professional creationist and anti-creationist organizations in the United States determines the state of the creation/evolution debates, I shall proceed in three steps. First,... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryHistory of Science and Technology
The year 538 A.D. became the turning point in the history of the Roman Empire since so many aspects on political, administrative and economical levels were already switched off that when Justinian declared himself to be a theologian from... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyRoman HistoryArt History
Promesa: Dios promete hacerse cargo de todas tus necesidades.
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      ReligionTheologySystematic TheologyHebrew Bible
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      Missiology and Mission TheologyChurch plantingMissionsMissional Church Theology
Author: David A. Dean Publisher: CBE International Women played an important and often overlooked role in the de­velopment of the Adventist movement in the nineteenth century United States. As a reform movement that set aside established... more
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      Women's HistoryGender and religion (Women s Studies)Feminist activismEllen G. White
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      EducationAdventistAdventist Studies
Sunt oare heruvimii vizionaţi de Ezechiel (Ez 1) fiinţe inteligente cu înfăţişări animaliere, sau mai degrabă prin aceste imagini simbolice ni s-a transmis un adevăr spiritual? Dacă ele sunt imaginea exactă a heruvimilor cereşti, cum se... more
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      SanctuaryBiblical HermeneuticsAdventist Studies
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      PerfectionismSeventh-day Adventist historyEllen G. WhiteSeventh-day adventist theology
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      Book of RevelationSeventh-day Adventist historyBiblical HermeneuticsRevelation 12
Edição especial sobre os 500 anos da Reforma Protestante.
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      Seventh-day Adventist historyAdventistSeventh-day adventist theologyAdventists
This research study was conducted to explore the lived experiences of Seventh￾day Adventist students in non-Adventist institutions. The field of this study limits only on challenges, coping strategies, effects, and perceptions of 5-8... more
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      EducationTheologyCoping StrategiesPhenomenology
Desde el punto de vista histórico la noción de sabiduría transitó desde ser considerada el bien último del hombre a ser vista como un bien privado, siendo actualmente relegada por los conocimientos y descubrimientos científicos de los... more
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      WisdomPrivate Higher EducationAdventist Studies
"En este articulo se ve de manera muy breve algunas de la características de la creación del hombre según lo que pensaba Elena G. de White.

Esta es una sección de una tesis de licenciatura .
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      Seventh-day Adventist historyAdventist StudiesPlan De SalvaciónElena G. De White
Las residencias estudiantiles han evolucionado en el enfoque y visión que tienen de sí mismas en la educación. Los internados de los colegios adventistas no están excentos de esta evolución y deben mantener su propósito, misión y métodos,... more
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      Seventh-day Adventist historyStudent HousingBoarding SchoolsStudent Residences
The names adopted by Christian denominations customarily express elements deemed crucial for their identity. This article uses the Seventh-day Adventist Church as a case study: it traces the initial debate over the necessity of a name,... more
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      EcclesiologySeventh-day Adventist historySeventh-day adventist theologyAdventist Studies
Funciones de un secretario de Iglesia - IASD.


Functions of a Church Secretary - SDA..
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      AdventistSeventh-Day AdventismAdventist StudiesAdventistas
En la actualidad la juventud cristiana en general ha disminuido la lectura de la Biblia, lo cual afecta directamente al proceso del estudio de esta, individualmente en cada ser humano, se cuenta con un proceso sugerente publicado por la... more
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      ChristianitySoftware EngineeringBibleBPM‐Business Process Management, Information System Implementation, Performance Analysis, Quality
O descriere critică şi apologetică a doctrinei AZS istorice întemeiate pe Daniel 8:14.
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      Eschatology and ApocalypticismAdventist Studies
Ellen White’s writings have often been appreciated for their beauty and insight in expressing spiritual truths and in touching the heart. Modern readers of her books might be surprised that one of her books, as first published, had a... more
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      PoetryLiterary CriticismLiterary studiesSeventh-day Adventist history
Abstract. The purpose of the workis to reveal the peculiarities of the Seventh-day Adventist military service under the condition of the historical context analysis (the religious confession/denomination emergence, formation, and... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistorySociology of ReligionEastern European Studies
This paper was originally published in Adventist Review, April 17, 2014 issue. It describes the views of Ellen G. White (1827-1915), one of the founders of Adventism, concerning prenatal influence of the parents upon the children. Ellen... more
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      TheologyHistorical TheologyPrenatal and Perinatal PsychologyChild and adolescent mental health
Ellen White's educational perspective has contributed significantly to shaping the Adventist educational system and its philosophy of education. However, the assumptions underlying her educational perspective have not been studied in... more
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      Systematic TheologySeventh-day Adventist historyEllen G. WhiteAdventist Studies
Die Frage ist, welche Textgrundlage für moderne Bibelübersetzungen vertrauenswürdig ist. Anhänger des Textus Receptus sehen nicht immer, welche Schwächen hinter diesem Text stehen.
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      New TestamentNew Testament Textual CriticismSeventh-day AdventistsAdventist Studies
The Seventh day Adventist higher education has been growing at an exponential rate during the last three decades, boasting more than 110 tertiary institutions in all continents. Such a growth is really unbelievable when one considers the... more
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      Higher EducationSeventh-day Adventist historyPrivate Higher EducationAdventist Studies
El pensamiento y la práctica de la Iglesia Adventista en relación a la libertad religiosa, al igual que cualquier otro tema, debería ser congruente con la teología adventista. Sin embargo, la iglesia está expuesta a la influencia de una... more
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      AdventistLibertad ReligiosaReligious FreedomAdventist Studies
Primary Source Examination of Joseph Bates’ Studies on the Atonement From Published Writings and the marginalia from his personal Bible circa 1850-1867
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      The AtonementSeventh-day Adventist historyMarginaliaSeventh Day Adventists
Cultura general
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      TeologiaBibliaAdventist StudiesAdventistas
The year 538 A.D. became the turning point in the history of the Roman Empire since so many aspects on political, administrative and economical levels were already switched off that when Justinian declared himself to be a theologian from... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyRoman HistoryArt History
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      Epistle to the HebrewsSeventh-day Adventist historySanctuarySeventh-day adventist theology
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      Seventh-day Adventist historySeventh Day Adventist dogma methodologies and structureAdventistSeventh-day adventist theology
The paper deals with the motivation that led the Seventh-day Adventist Church to engage in human rights and social work and reflects some of the practical implications of this motivation. It shows that the Adventists of the 19th century... more
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      Seventh-day Adventist historySeventh-day adventist theologyAdventist Studies
基督復臨安息日會 莊祖鯤 (摘錄自《真道辯─論異端、別異教派與異教》 安息日會的正式全名是「基督復臨安息日會」(The Seventh-day Adventist),是 1863 年正式創立的。目前全球有超過兩千萬信徒,是基督教(更正宗)的各宗派之外, 最大的教派,人數超越摩門教與耶和華見證人會。安息日會早期曾被多數基督教正統 宗派列為異端,但是近年來,研究異端最為權威的馬丁(Walter R. Martin)在詳細而深入... more
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      Seventh-day Adventist historyAdventist Studies
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      Doctrine of GodTrinitarian TheologyBiblical InterpretationTrinity (Theology)
The year 538 A.D. became the turning point in the history of the Roman Empire since so many aspects on political, administrative and economical levels were already switched off that when Justinian declared himself to be a theologian from... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyRoman HistoryArt History
La presente investigación hace un estudio de la frase “los entendidos” en Daniel 12: 3 y 10, armonizando su interpretación, vínculos e implicancias teológicas frente a todo el marco del capítulo 12, la visión que la contiene y en... more
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      Old Testament ProphecyBook of DanielThe Book of DanielBook of Revelation
An article exploring original research on the 1919 Bible Conference and how it sheds light on both perceptions of Ellen White and her own views. It presents evidence that Mrs. White may have believed in a dual fulfillment model of... more
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      Apocrypha/PseudepigraphaSeventh-day Adventist historyEllen G. WhiteAdventist
Overall, Daily’s book is well-written, and supported by over three hun-dred endnotes. At bottom, however, it offers little original insight into Ellen G. White’s psychological profile, and, in my opinion, fails in its proposed task to be... more
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      ReligionPsychology of ReligionAmerican ReligionPsychology of Women
The chapter summarizes Fernando Canale’s remarks on the philosophical conceptions concerning a heavenly sanctuary and outlines the theological and exegetical ideas of Christian thinkers on the sanctuary motif throughout Christian history... more
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      Seventh-day Adventist historySanctuarySeventh-day adventist theologySanctuary/Temple and Cult
Resumen: El presente trabajo analiza los documentos publicados por Thomas M. Preble y Joseph Bates entre 1845-1849. Son los primeros escritos a favor del séptimo día entre los adventistas norteamericanos del siglo XIX. Pretende descubrir... more
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      Seventh-day Adventist historySabbathSeventh-day adventist theologySabado
Las personas recluidas en centros penitenciarios y carcelarios hacen parte de la población a ser alcanzada con el evangelio para salvación. La gran preocupación actual respecto al tema, es el impactante y rápido crecimiento de la... more
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      ChaplaincySeventh Day AdventistsAdventist StudiesCare of Prisoners Family
Algunos textos del Espíritu de Profecía sobre el Fuerte Pregón.
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      EvangelismSeventh-day Adventist historySeventh Day Adventist dogma methodologies and structureAdventist
"The greatest want of the world is the want of men,—men who will not be bought or sold ..." So begins a thought gem familiar to readers of Ellen G. White's book "Education." For some time people have known that Ellen White adapted this... more
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      Seventh-day Adventist historyEllen G. WhitePlagiarismMillerites
Ellen White's 1846 vision of planets affirmed Joseph Bates' acceptance of the divine nature of her prophetic gift. This event was reported in J. N. Loughborough's early history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church as an evidence of Ellen... more
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      Seventh-day Adventist historyEllen G. WhiteSeventh Day AdventistsSeventh-day Adventists