Ellen G. White
Recent papers in Ellen G. White
"El diezmo en los escritos de Elena de White"-Este trabajo explorará el concepto, práctica y fundamento teológico para el diezmo en los escritos de Elena de White. Cuando sea necesario, entrarán en discusión detalles históricos, pero el... more
Throughout history there have been two major understandings of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The first is the indwelling of the transcendent timeless God within the timeless soul of a body/soul, dualistic anthropology. The second is... more
This essay explores the spiritual journey of Ellen White, a Seventh-day Adventist Church pioneer. It concludes that the depth of the journey “illustrates the sincerity, integrity, sensitivity to social injustice and boldness to confront... more
This document is made available for those interested in Ellen G. White’s literary process. The document was compiled during the course of study of the Life of Christ Research Project, conducted from 1980 to 1988. The document was given to... more
La Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día posee varias creencias y doctrinas únicas y distintivas comparadas con las del resto del cristianismo. La más conocida es la Doctrina del Santuario Celestial, aunque también poseemos la creencia de... more
Secretary of the Ellen G. White Estate Robert W. Olson presented evidence regarding inaccuracies in inspired writings. I updated this presentation with attached notes. (Must download to read.)
Author: David A. Dean Publisher: CBE International Women played an important and often overlooked role in the development of the Adventist movement in the nineteenth century United States. As a reform movement that set aside established... more
wonderful Bible study written in the style of the Rabbi's commentary for each verse.
Very informative.
Said to be prophetic, the book renumbers to 12,200 verses
Very informative.
Said to be prophetic, the book renumbers to 12,200 verses
(Updated July 23, 2019) Since the time of Dr. Fred Veltman's eight-year study, "The Life of Christ Research Project," questions have remained regarding Ellen White's denial of literary use. Dr. Veltman's voicing of these questions in the... more
En este estudio se analizarán elementos de los capítulos 7 y 14 del libro de Apocalipsis, lugar en donde Juan describe a los 144.000 y la gran multitud. El previo análisis se hará con la finalidad de presentar la relación que existe entre... more
Uncorrected proof from Oxford University Press for chapter in Ellen Harmon White: American Prophet.
Jesus Christus wird der "Sohn Gottes", oder der "Erstgeborene", oder der "Eingeborene" genannt. Außerdem wird Psalm 2,7 "Heute habe ich dich gezeugt" mit Christus in Verbindung gebracht. Heißt dies, dass Jesus Christus einen Anfang hatte?... more
El presente artículo trata del tema del "fuego que cae del cielo" en Apocalipsis 13:13, intentando encontrar bases teológicas en la Biblia y en los escritos de Elena White. La investigación presenta la relación simbólica del espiritismo... more
Malphurs is an excellent guide to help you in this process. An additional strength of the book is the numerous resources available as appendices.
El plan de salvación es analizado desde la perspectiva de Elena G. de White, para llevarnos a encontrar la razón por la cual Cristo se encarnó. (Este articulo es parte de una tesis).
A nebulosa de Órion ocupa um lugar especial no coração Adventista. Desde 1848, quando Ellen White mencionou Órion no livro Primeiros Escritos, os Adventistas têm ansiosamente focado seus olhos, binóculos e telescópios para esse lugar no... more
Temperance has been a household term among the Seventh-day Adventists in the nineteenth century. This term carries with it a significant history and impact to the society. This paper argues that the rich nineteenth-century temperance... more
Троица и другие вопросы
No geral, o livro de Daily é bem escrito e tem o apoio de mais de trezentas referências. No fundo, no entanto, ele oferece poucos insights originais sobre o perfil psicológico de Ellen G. White e, em minha opinião, falha em sua proposta... more
LITERARY BEAUTY OF ELLEN G. WHITE'S WRITINGS has been a largely forgotten study of the literary elements in Ellen White’s Conflict of the Ages series that have helped to make the volumes impressive to readers for the past one hundred... more
Ellen White’s writings have often been appreciated for their beauty and insight in expressing spiritual truths and in touching the heart. Modern readers of her books might be surprised that one of her books, as first published, had a... more
Recibido: 08 de marzo 2021 Aceptado: 26 de junio de 2021 Resumen La educación religiosa de los antiguos israelitas dependía en gran manera de las así llamadas escuelas de los profetas, cuyo establecimiento era considerado de origen... more
This paper was originally published in Adventist Review, April 17, 2014 issue. It describes the views of Ellen G. White (1827-1915), one of the founders of Adventism, concerning prenatal influence of the parents upon the children. Ellen... more
The text of Ellen White’s devotional book on the Sermon on the Mount including all the poems from the various editions with their attribution A companion paper is at... more
El objetivo de este estudio es analizar aquellas declaraciones en los escritos de Elena G. de White en los que ella sugeriría la existencia de esclavos en el tiempo del fin. Se propone primero examinar estos pasajes en virtud del contexto... more
Ellen White’s opposition to fugitive slave laws, her support of the abolition of slavery, as well as her promotion of prohibition and temperance legislation is well known. What is less explored is her underlying philosophy of law and... more
Ce travail a pour objet l'étude et la critique des arguments bibliques représentatifs de la pensée d'Ellen White en ce qui concerne les notions d’hygiène de vie, et particulièrement d'abstinence alimentaire. Il s'agit d'un travail de... more
Many people have a mistaken idea about what it means for the Seventh-day Adventist Church to call itself a Bible-based church while believing in the prophetic gift. In this three-part series, we investigate Ellen White's view of... more
Os centros urbanos e as grandes cidades têm se tornado uma preocupação e grande interesse da Igreja Adventista do Sétimo Dia (IASD) nos últimos anos devido ao rápido crescimento populacional nas áreas urbanas 1 e do tímido avanço da... more
Ellen White's educational perspective has contributed significantly to shaping the Adventist educational system and its philosophy of education. However, the assumptions underlying her educational perspective have not been studied in... more
Throughout history there have been two major understandings of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The first is the indwelling of the transcendent timeless God within the timeless soul of a body/soul, dualistic anthropology. The second is... more
In preparation for a book that rebutted the thesis of Walter Rea's book, The White Lie, the author responded directly to materials sent him by Walter Rea regarding the evidence for his charging Ellen White with plagiary and his dismissal... more
Around 1904, Ellen G. White, co-founder and prophetic voice of the early Seventh-Day-Adventist church, pointed to a crisis commencing very soon within the church. This article briefly develops the historical circumstances and focuses on... more
In 1979, Walter F. Specht compared William Hanna's The Life of Christ (1871) with Ellen G. White's last chapters (46-87) of The Desire of Ages (1898) for literary dependency in the latter work. I have edited and reformatted his original... more
This document, which has newly been updated, provides the latest research on the fascinating background behind Ellen White's first book, A SKETCH OF THE EXPERIENCES AND VIEWS OF ELLEN G. WHITE, which was published in 1851. Her first book... more
The Holy Spirit worked in the revelation-inspiration process in the experience of biblical writers and in that of Ellen White. Her concept of the dynamic influence of the Holy Spirit in the inspiration process does not conflict with the... more
Questions have been raised about Ellen G. White’s originality and use of sources in The Great Controversy between Christ and Satan and in Sketches from the Life of Paul. These books were part of her literary exposition on the spiritual... more