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1969, American Journal of Philology
3 pages
1 file
Il romanzo di Longo combina efficacemente i tropi dell'elemento bucolico con quelli della narrativa erotica eterosessuale. L'articolo esamina l'impatto di questa ibridazione su di un elemento importante e persistente nel testo di Longo, cioè il concetto di piacere e le sue combinazioni. Vi viene argomentato che il piacere bucolico e il piacere erotico possono essere distinti, e che il piacere erotico trova un più grande potenziale diegetico in quanto comporta di frequente movimento e cambiamento. Il contrasto tra il più statico piacere bucolico e la sua più mobile controparte contribuisce al senso di frustazione conosciuto dai potenziali innamorati, Dafni e Cloe, che è così importante nella storia. La conclusione del romanzo può essere vista nel senso di offrire una riconciliazione tra i due tipi di piacere, grazie alla soddisfazione consistente nel godimento sessuale combinato all'appagamento in uno stile di vita davvero bucolico. Parole chiave. Longo Sofista, piacere, eros, elemento bucolico, romanzo antico. abStract. Longus' novel successfully combines the tropes of bucolic with those of heterosexual erotic prose narrative. This paper investigates the impact of this hybridity on the treatment of a prominent and persistent element in the text, the concept and associations of pleasure. It is argued that bucolic pleasure and erotic pleasure can be distinguished, and that erotic pleasure has greater diegetic potential since it frequently entails movement and change. The contrast between the more static bucolic pleasure and its more mobile counterpart contributes to the frustration experienced by the potential lovers, Daphnis and Chloe, which is so important to the story. The conclusion of the novel can be seen to offer a reconciliation of the two types of pleasure, through the satisfaction located in sexual enjoyment combined with indulgence in an artful bucolic lifestyle.
Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society, 1996
Theocritus' treatment of myth has been discussed many times in the last few decades, particularly in connection with the non-bucolic ‘epyllia’. In this paper I will consider whether anything like what has been called the ‘Destruktion der Tradition’ applies to the bucolic idylls as well; my litmus test will be above all Theocritus' exploitation of mythological paradigms, because almost all the mythological stories which enter the shepherds' world are exempla. All these exempla will turn out to display either a certain or a possible ‘collapse of exemplarity’, because Theocritus more or less expressly focuses both on their exemplary and their opposite, non-exemplary aspects, which complicate and destroy the univocality usually typical of paradigms.
Virgilian studies : a miscellany dedicated to the memory of Mario Geymonat (26.1.1941-17.2.2012), 2015
Recounts some stages in the gradual process of learning to read eclogues as operative & integral to the making of a book: so that late may dawn awareness that pastoral dramas codify metapoetic information
Philologus , 2019
This article is a contribution to our understanding of how Archilochean poetics may be situated in the longer poetic tradition. In examining two fragments that have received little attention, I hope to illustrate how Archilochus’ poetry both engaged with its predecessors and was in turn engaged by its successors. Fragment 222W employs a theme that was perhaps already conventional for Hesiod, in which the incompatibility of the sexes is implicated in the cycle of seasons, an idea that also seems relevant to Archilochus’ quarrel with the daughters of Lycambes. Light is shed on 39W by comparing it to later words for skinning that serve as metaphors for cheating someone, the best known example of which is found in Catullus. In the first fragment the text can be elucidated by a look to Archilochus’ forerunners, and in the second by looking to his heirs.
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