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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Molten Marshmallow Fudge Cake in a Mug!

You can make cookies and cakes in a cup/mug/whatever!
I remember doing this in Girl Scouts (or something like that),
but had forgotten about it until recently.

Molten Marshmallow Fudge Cake in a Mug

I could not find the "old" recipe
(and if you know me...I save that is pretty unbelievable!)
...nor did my mom have the magic trick...
I was dying to try my hand at this...
so I set out to Google my way into a "baking cakes in a mug frenzy."
I did some experimenting...
and eventually ended up recreating one of our family's favorite birthday desserts
in a amazing single serving, hot and fresh when I want it size!

Molten Marshmallow Fudge Cake in a Mug

Now that I have discovered this, I think I may be in BIG trouble!
And doing a lot of 30 Day Shredding!  
Molten Marshmallow Fudge Cake in a Mug

Microwave safe mug or mason jar (or bowl)
1 Tablespoon butter
1 Tablespoon Granulated Sugar
1/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 egg yolk (although I have seen recipes that call for beating the egg and using 1-2 Tablespoons of the egg mix. I saved the whites to be a part of a quiche)
3 Tablespoons All-Purpose Flour 
2 Tablespoon chocolate chips - I used mini chocolate chips. You can use regular size chips too.
1 Marshmallow

Ingredients to microwave a fudge cake in a mug
  • Place butter in a cup and melt it in the microwave, about 30 seconds.
  • Add chocolate chips; stir to melt. If the chips do not melt (I stirred for about 30 seconds) cook in microwave for about 10 seconds, and stir again, until melted. Watch out so you do not burn the chocolate.
microwave a fudge cake in a mug
  • Add granulated sugar; mix.
  • Add vanilla; mix.
  • Add egg yolk; mix.
  • Add flour; mix. It will be thick!
microwave a fudge cake in a mug

  • Place in the microwave and cook for 40 seconds. Then remove the mug and place (stick) the marshmallow right in the center of the cake.
microwave a fudge cake with a marshmallow in a mug

  • Cook it for 10 more seconds; checked my marshmallow; and then cooked for another 10 seconds...for a total of about 60 my microwave. Cooking times vary with microwaves.
  • DO NOT OVERCOOK - play with the time when you first make this. If you overcook it the marshmallow, it will be sticky and tough.
Of course you can skip the marshmallow...but why would you?
The first few times you make this...just check as it cooks until you  know your microwave. 

When it is is a hot molten fudgey cake prepared just for you! YUM!
A bite of molten marshmallow fudge cake

Have you ever tried this?
Watch out you will be hooked!

Molten marshamllow fudge cake

This post is written and created at 504 Main by Holly Lefevre



  1. Mouth is watering! You know I'm totally going to expect one of these next time I'm over for coffee, right?

  2. You said molten, marshmallow, and chocolate all in the same sentence...not fair!!! This looks divine!!!

  3. Ok, Holley, this looks so scrumptious and just too easy, because I will want to be making me one of these every day or so and that will not do. No, I haven't tried it before, though I saw something similar on t v once. I'm printing it out right away.


  4. This would be just perfect for me! I would make it and finishing by myself! :)

  5. OMG...I should NOT be reading this first thing in the looks fantastic and so wonderfully chocolate!!

  6. You are now my online best friend.


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