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Monday, March 26, 2012

DIY Club Projects and Info

I am perpetually behind...well, I got busy and did
a little cluster of DIY Club projects.
They are simple and FUN!
If you want to check them out click on the link below the photo.

How do you organize your recipes and cooking notes?
Isn't that Canvas Corp paper fabulous!


No doubt this is my office!

Also, you might want to check out the Top 10
(and get your project ready for the April Project Party!)
DIY Club

The theme for the April Project Pinterest Party
will be announced on 4/2/12!
Project Pinterest at the DIY Club

You can see the featured board for the
Spring Fling on Monday afternoon too!

Follow Me on Pinterest
disclosure: some items have been provided to me through the DIY Club

1 comment:

  1. I love the No. 504! That's so cute! Can't wait to hear the theme for the Pinterest Party! Whatever it is... I bet I have already pinned something for it!


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