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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Thanks Mom!

I promised myself I was not
going to do a Mother's Day post...
I have no will power.
I was not a bad kid.
In fact I was a good kid.
I was forced to be.
I let my brother be the troublemaker.
But since I have grown and had my own kids,
I have apologized to my mom over and over...
for the stupid things...

*For throwing a fit because the new Barbie outfit was not the new Barbie outfit I wanted.
*For slamming my brothers head in the car we fought for shotgun. She only wanted to take us to the beach.
*For sneaking into Poltergeist and then not sleeping for the next 2 {or 3} years because of the tree outside my window. {Oh, don't you worry...I am getting paid back for that one!}
*For daring my brother to play Spiderman and jump from the bench in the dugout to see if he could grab the chain link fence...and the hours in the ER that ensued.
*For dating a man as old as she and my dad were {Oh yeah...they L-O-V-E-D that!}
*For still complaining about the cellphone they gave me on my 21st b'day. They thought it was the perfect gift {back then few people had cellphones, and I believe it cost about $100/month for 20 minutes of calls}. I called it "the gift that kept on giving" {me a bill}.

I have also thanked my mom...
*For being home with us.
*For always being at my performances, sporting events, and activities.
*For always volunteering at school, girl scouts...anything!
*For stuffing 8 of my friends into a car {A VW bug} to take and pick us up for a football game {that was sort of legal then}.
*For letting us have squirt gun fights in the house.
*For letting us play hall hockey.
*For letting us decorate our rooms the way we wanted to {Better Homes was not knocking on my bedroom door.}
*For being fun!

But mostly, I thank my mom...
*For being kind.
*For being patient.
*For supporting all my endeavors {other than piano lessons}.
*For indulging my whims and ideas.
*For always giving her all and being the best mom she knew how to be.
*For teaching me and reassuring me as I mother my own two little people.

I never expected or fully fancied being a mother myself,
but when it happened it was and still is
the most amazing thing on the planet.
I really had no idea how profound and
how life altering this experience could be.
I have given birth twice
{that design room is now closed}
and am blessed and mystified and enthralled
by these little people.
I am also blessed, mystified, and enthralled
by all those mothers who do the same
for their children no matter what their age.
Happy Mother's Day!


  1. I'm glad you caved to the pressure. Beautiful, Holly. Happy Mother's Day!

  2. I'm so glad your higher self won on this. Lovely post to your mom.

  3. Happy Mother's Day Holly!

  4. Great post. You had me laughing, thinking and saying `oh know you didn't` (how is your brother's head now?) :)


    Thank you for stopping by and wishing me a happy one.

  5. Happy mothers day to you and your mom!

  6. I'm glad you did it! What a lovely tribute. We can all probably say, been there, done that!
    Happy Mother's Day!

  7. This is really nice. As a daughter and as a mother, I know it's important to tell the people you love these kinds of things.

    Happy Mothers Day.

  8. why didn't you want to do a post for mother's day , I liked it and the picture is priceless, Hope your family is doing something nice for you. Have you made anything on your cricket???? My man is making stuffed french toast for me today. Have a great sunday Holly

  9. What a beautiful post!

    Happy Mother's Day!

  10. I love this post! It brings back memories of my own experiences with my mom! Have a great day!

  11. Awwww...make sure to send this link to your Mom. It was sweet! And I'm so happy you have these lovely memories. It sounds like they really make the day sweet for you!

  12. Great Post!!

    Happy Mother's Day!

  13. Holly that was beautiful and I can relate to many of those antics of your childhood. Funny how our moms are never viewed as anything other than a mom. They are wives, sisters, daughters, friends but when we see them all we see is mom, the most safe and caring place to fall in the entire world.

    I'm so blessed to have the privilege of being that for my own daughter. I was 45 when she was born and then within 2 years POST menopausal. I nearly missed out but more importantly, she nearly missed out on being here at all.

    We are so lucky and I have never lost sight of that no matter how challenging being a mom is.

  14. Wow! She sounds like a great mom! Beautiful post!

  15. What a great Momma you got=0) We were all crazy as kids, don't feel too bad, LOL! As you know....what goes around, comes around, LOL!


  16. Glad you caved! Great post!
    xoxo Beth
    Happy Mother's Day to you!

  17. It's amazing the things we think of, that we did as children, once we have our own children :)
    Happy Mother's Day!

  18. awww Holly, you almost brought tears ...

    LOVE the picture of you & your mom - it is easy to see where your beauty comes from (both external & internal)

    Have a very HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!
    xo MJ

  19. What a beautiful post about motherhood.

  20. What a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.

  21. wonderful blog from awonderful Mum

  22. I love your Mother's Day post, and I'm glad you did it. So you liked to date older men too eh? I once dated a 30 yr old when I was 19, but I'm pretty much taking that to my grave. :)

    I want two kids like you! It sounds like the perfect number. The part about your birth (design room) being closed.... LOL. You are hilarious!

    Sounds like you had an amazing Mama. You obviously followed in her footsteps!

    Happy Mother's Day Holly!!!!

  23. What a sweet post! There had been times where I too had to apologize for things I did, but in the end moms forgive us!! They're the best!!

    Hope you have a lovely Mother's Day!!

  24. What a sweet post! There had been times where I too had to apologize for things I did, but in the end moms forgive us!! They're the best!!

    Hope you have a lovely Mother's Day!!

  25. Such a beautiful post to your Mom dear Holly...

    Happy Mother's Day!

    Cheers: Evi

  26. Payback's a bitch as they say. My mother always told me I'd be dealing with my own ornery kids one day. yup.

  27. I am so glad you wrote a Mother's Day post! It was beautiful!!

  28. Great mother's day post! Here from SITS! Have a wonderful day!

  29. I just love all the old photos with Mom. Hope you enjoyed your day.

  30. That was sweet. Happy Mothers Day. Sounds a bit like my childhood but mines would be the uncut version. Thank God we grow up.

  31. Happy Mother's Day, Holly!

  32. aww Holly, this was a beautiful Mother's Day post, glad you did it!!!

  33. omgosh, and Happy Mother's Day!!

  34. I love the honesty in this post. Sounds like your family was pretty normal. My oh my, looking back....the things I put my parents through. I could write a book. I hope your mother's day was a special one.

  35. Hi Holly, Hope you enjoyed the day too!~ You are funny...I have had a few apologies to my Mom as well...a few thousand lol!!~ I turned out to be a pretty good adult in spite of it all...and I thank God for the Mom I have who supported me and guided me along the way.

  36. Sweet post, Holly. Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!
    Kelli @ SustainingCreativity

  37. That was so sweet... somehow we can never thank mom enough for all they do for us.

  38. What a beautiful and moving tribute to your mom, Holly! I love it! I'm happy you decided to go ahead with it.


  39. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Awe sweet memories! And that's what brothers are for...for the sister to instigate him to do things that he'd get in trouble for...and now they know. Don't you have a boy and a girl? So you're on to those tricks?!

  40. Holly-this was hands down my favorite Mommy's Day post. Well done. Your mom raised an amazing woman.

  41. I have enjoyed my journey through your blog. Happy Mothers Day a day late, and thank you for letting me visit.

  42. That's so sweet, Holly. I don't have kids and, yes, I think it's safe to say that there's a lot I don't understand!!

  43. What a beautiful post! You have a wonderful mother and you're a wonderful mother yourself!


  44. OMG, I totally did the poltergeist thing too! And we had the freakin' tree outside as well, and of course lived not far from the neighborhood they shot in, and I'm still scared of clowns!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  45. Glad you have no willpower. Great post. Happy belated Mother's Day! Thanks for the comment about my green door. When we built the house I had a purple door too. Great minds think alike at different times!

  46. Your mom sounds awesome! And you are awesome too! Happy (late) Mother's Day, Holly.

  47. A happy belated Mothers' Day to you! Beautiful post to you mom. :)

  48. That was speak for many of us! Thank you.

  49. Yup, I love it. Very cute little sentiments- I have to say I like the "for letting us decorate our rooms the way we want" the best. When you're little that really does mean a lot, doesn't it?? I remember the excitement of that. Your mom is pretty as are you!

  50. ohhh my i had a huge giggle at the poltergist one! haha

    that is such a terrific classic! they don't make them like that anymore!

    (it came on tv the other week and we dvr'd it...spooks me every time)

  51. Anonymous1:24 AM

    Aw, how sweet! I love it.

    Poltergeist was scary huh??


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