Friday, August 6, 2021

Friday Thoughts...

 Just a few Friday thoughts that have turned into a Currently Post...darn it, bad OCD or whatever its called; gotta' turn the thoughts into some sort of sense ((grin)).

Weather: currently 85-87*. It should start calming down soon-like in a few weeks.

Thankful: for each of you and your kind thoughts.

-no, it was not a big deal to empty all that water. I actually enjoyed it, it was quite relaxing and it literally killed 2 hours. It was sorta' like doing nothing, LOL.

--I do read all your comments and I have every intention of mind is elsewhere.

Work: Graciously I have a job. It might be "not what my husband thinks I should be doing with my education"--but its ok. Right now, there is extra money and its being put away. 

-Last night fellow co worker Paul and I were cleaning up and getting ready to leave at 8 (7:30 cleaning up) when a truck came in...umm...only it wasn't one truck, it was 4! 4 trucks that are 2 weeks behind. In 30 min. we had one emptied out, the other 3 had to wait until the overnight crew came in. Boy did we hustle like there was no tomorrow.

-Walked in at 9 am to the trucks getting unloaded and a mess. Before I could go over to Bulk, had to empty 2 pallets of paper. Later, I finished in Bulk and was cleaning/wiping down shelves when I heard my name on the intercom. Funny...truly...anyways, was called back to the warehouse, another truck came in; had a pallet of Bulk/ candy to take care of before leaving at 1 (this was 11:30). Ok then...yep, got it done. Also, got a laughable talking too by my boss about stacking those paper products;  laughable because no one has showed me how to stack paper towels and I tripled stacked it, ha! He wasn't mad,  just the attitude was like, "Ok, so let's talk about how you stacked them so high! Did you use your stool?" (another laughable thing, they make fun of me because I have to use a stool to stand on, but noooooooo didn't use the stool, I threw them up there, LOLOL) he thought that was pretty funny. Ok, then moving along...

---At 1 I was literally running down the hall to the time clock and the guys were like, "Whoa someone is outta here!" The boss man asked, "Where you going in such a hurry?" Yeah, if you  must know, I must go to the bathroom (never ask a girl that by the way, I said as well) and my husband is here to have lunch. They must think I am cuckoo for coca puffs, prob. grin.

I'm watching: Parisienne Farmgirl during lockdown. She keeps it real and I like it. I just needed some reality aka back to Earth...

Politics: Which brings me to why I was watching Angela. I have this deep seeded thought that all of this pandemic is planned. NJ is the latest to issue mask mandates for school. I am just going to say this; if your vaccinated, then why worry about others? Enough of this madness. Get over it, grow up people. With that said, I am NOT saying this virus isn't real, but you gotta really do some research.

Changing things up: So, since starting back to work (ok a demanding job), the old facial skin has has my routine(s). I ran out of my Clinique products and I was going to reorder. 
Decided not to spend 100's of dollars. Went back to my old routine. 3 weeks in and the facial skin is looking better, brighter, youthful. $13, loving it. Oh and a little Witch Hazel, amazing. Oh drinking tons of water with sometimes a packet of Lemonaid in it.

What's for Dinner? We are having sandwiches aka subs. Mine is Turkey, Ham, Roast Beef with banana peppers, onions, olives and horseradish. I don't like lettuce or tomatoes on my subs/sandwiches. No thanks.

This is really way too much info. LOL---well, I have to work tomorrow 11:30-8pm, longgggggg day. I shall check in on Sunday. Again, thank you so much for your kind thoughts.


  1. Your sub sounds delicious! I'm over here chuckling at your work experience like it's an episode of I Love Lucy. So glad your boss seems to have a sense of humor.

    1. I think its safe to say we are a bunch of crackedheads, LOLOLOLOL.

  2. Weather: We're actually cooler than y'all. Maybe it's 'cause of the ocean being "only" 50 miles away? Guess that makes a difference. Or maybe it's because we live in the Country away from that hot asphalt.
    Thankful ... for you too. Hope you know that. :)
    Work: I'm so glad you're happy there. That makes me smile too.
    Politics: It must be like living in a Communist dictatorship up there. All the Southern and Mid-western States moved on last year during the PLANdemic. No more masking. No more distancing. No more shutdowns. No more acting like frightened ninnies. Still having 98% of people infected survive, like always.
    Changing: The Clinique sounds wonderful. I wash with lightly salted water and then put Vaseline all around the eyes, etc. at night. In the morning, during my shower, I put a dab of baking soda in my hand and gently rub it all over my face. It exfoliates and feels so good afterwards. No more ache too. I wish I had learned about this sooner.
    Dinner: I knew we were kindred spirits! I also can not STAND lettuce or tomatoes on my subs or sandwiches. Steve does. Ewwww ... LOL
    Love xx

    1. I am really awaiting for the fall season, then winter. As you know, I am no summer chick a dee. LOL

  3. Ha! I love tomatoes and lettuce on my sandwiches. But no way to olives and horseradish!
    I enjoyed reading about your day! Busy, busy, busy! And the guys may laugh at and with you, but I can tell they love you! :)

    1. Its always busy...honestly, I try to make it sound fun...but prob. it isn't. My boss has been there for 40 years and honestly, he prob. doesn't know how to handle a strong willed person or a girl for that matter, LOL.

  4. Hi Linda. I love your stories from the warehouse. Sometimes, I tell my son about what you post, because, working in a warehouse too - he can relate. Have a good weekend. I hope you get some time off.

    1. I am sure he can relate...always busy, busy, busy. smiles

  5. Cetaphil is great and so is CereVe. Linda, you are a wonder woman!! xo

    1. CereVe, that's the other one...I couldn't think of it, lol. Naw, no wonder woman. smiles

  6. I use cetaphil hand lotion. I have never used the facial cleanser. Personally, I think that in the future, we may find proof that Covid was a Chinese bioweapon all along. Would love to hear your thoughts on your NY governor. What a guy. (Not). See you again soon.

    1. I'll go furthur and state that Covid was a bioweapon from us as well...all these experiments and such, America is not innocent of this. Cuomo is a naughty naughty elitist boy who should be ...well...never mind. I'll say that about his brother too.

  7. This was all so much fun. Thank you for sharing all your little ins and outs and thoughts and stories and such. I love hearing all about your life there, and keep you in my thoughts and prayers so often. You are amazing! Have a blessed weekend and try to have some fun when you can!

    1. Thanks Pamela...I am not so sure about being amazing. grin


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