Showing posts with label colorful. Show all posts
Showing posts with label colorful. Show all posts

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Softly Into Spring

Spring calls softly from the darkness
She bathes the land in light

To lure us from our slumber
At the end of Winter's night

It's in the whisper of the wind
Her perfume scents the air

Colours appear overnight
Full of dash and dare

Hot and cold play hide and seek
In league with sun and shade

The flowers carry on as planned
Their costumes have been made

Leaves unfurl and petals twirl
Birds trill their serenade

No one can resist the lure
Of a Spring parade

What started as a whisper
Soon becomes a roar

The flowers dance, the music plays
A Spring song I adore.

Friday, April 29, 2016


A simple bouquet of flowers,
plastic-wrapped, propped up in a grocery-store bin,
$5.00 for the dozen.

Like a shimmering mirage
their colours stopped me in my tracks.

After a long Winter
and an even longer wait for Spring
to truly begin,

I was beginning to feel as if I
was trapped in a colourless desert.

I had no idea how much I needed them.

As usual,
it took my camera,
and my all-seeing macro lens,

To reveal the magnitude
of their magic and beauty.

$5.00 a dozen,
it seems incredible...

Because what these flowers have to offer is

- Priceless!
