Showing posts with label Seagull. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Seagull. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

And So It Begins

Winter is playing a game of peek-a-boo with us,
you know how it likes to keep things fun.

A little frost here to decorate the flowers that remain,
a dusting of snow there that disappears by mid-day...

It knows how downright unenthusiastic we can be
when it first arrives so it likes to keep us guessing,
is it here or is it not?

We become increasingly grumpy and morose
as everything around us shrivels up and dies
once the cold temperatures set in.

Our colourful landscape is stripped bare,
reduced to black and white.

And the plants that once brought us such happiness and joy?
They've turned into scary-looking monsters
that shiver in place and haunt our garden.

But, this does happen every year.
Don't lose heart.

In no time, once our eyes lose all memory
of what vibrant spring, summer and fall colours look like,
all that white fluffy stuff
will appear more and more beautiful.

Of course, there are also winter survival strategies:

You can always pretend it's just not happening.
This liar seagull is splashing around
in -1 C sun-dappled water,
but you'd never know it.
Because it's swimming in the balmy waters
of Lake Denial!

Dreaming of warmer temperatures
and soft, flower-scented breezes works well too.

If you do it right
by the time you wake up
it'll be Spring again!

But, probably the best strategy of all
is to find your inner glow,
(we all have one.)

Surround yourself with the warmth and light
of family and friends.

Laugh, complain,
be daring and go outside.

There's plenty to enjoy about every season.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Autumn Rays

Is there such a thing as a solemn autumn?

How can that be
When trees decorate themselves with baubles

And colourful clouds
Swirl among their branches

When water glows with lights
From somewhere
Deep within

And lemon-yellow leaves wave to us
from crisp blue skies

The forest may darken earlier in the day

But lights are left on for us to find our way as the sun

Wishes us goodnight

And the Autumn winds play a song

Only the heavy-headed grasses can hear

There is no time for solemn days
When the world is painted gold.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

How High Will You Fly?

Nature provides the perfect inspiration
for understanding, accepting and dealing with
life's gifts
and challenges.

Often, when I take a photo
the inspiration
or, what it means to me
just jumps right out.

Here's the original picture:

Quote by: Coco Chanel

Friday, April 12, 2013

Ice-Tipped Wings

The day is cold and grey.

In the sky,
Playing with the currents of air
Like an untethered kite,
This seagull soars above it all...

Until it spots something more attractive than flying:

Potential food!

It stands by this hole in the ice
ready to pounce should
something swim by
or jump out.

After five LONG minutes of waiting

It throws back its head
and lets loose a wailful cry,

Followed by a disgruntled stomp
to a new location.

With each step, its feet sink deeper into the icy slush.

It stares out morosely at the cold dark water.

"Oh, if only I wasn't trapped here
in this hellish land of ice and snow!" it complains.

And then it remembers its wings!

Lucky bird :)

All that to say: Fresh snow and ice pellets arrived in Montreal today.
Where are my wings!
