It appears Spring has been hijacked by Winter,
and is refusing to leave.
Fresh snow continues to fall
discouraging the tulips that have optimistically
poked their heads out of the cold, hard ground.
The forest remains bare-branched and empty.
The only things out to greet me on my walks
are last year's weathered flowers
And the joyous sound of birdsong welcoming
a Spring that has yet to arrive.
The sun assures us it is doing it's best
to move things along,
Casting the most lovely glow on anything
brave or hardy enough to make it through the winter.
And so I admire what fall has left behind;
A gift given once but appreciated twice.
"Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Yes, patience...
And so I will continue to admire
the longer days and (slightly) warmer temperatures.
While I wait for Spring to truly arrive.