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Questions tagged [notepad++]

Notepad++ is a free source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages. Running in the MS Windows environment, its use is governed by GPL License.

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1 answer

Find words with numbers but replace only number

In Notepad++, how to find all words with alloy and replace only the number after it with 0? Although there are cases they need be replaced with 1. The replacement is on per file basis so 0 and 1 will ...
SuperDngBzz's user avatar
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Notepad++ can open folder in ubuntu 22.04, and sudo notepad-plus-plus cannot open notepad++

I install notepad++ on my ubuntu VM following this link then when I open notepad++ by notepad-plus-plus and select File > Open, I ...
user1169587's user avatar
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1 answer

Extract number between XML tags and adding some numbers as single text line

I am trying to extract number between the two tags. Here its <startSample>somenumber</startSample> and <pitch>number with dot</pitch> then adding 10000 and 10200 sample text : &...
Fajar Zulianto's user avatar
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Adding leading zeros and reduce decimal place in Notepad++

Add leading zero for values to the 4th column. I need them to be exactly 5. Also I need the 5th column to be a whole number with no decimals And I need the 6th column to be 2 digits after the decimal. ...
Eronsele Ehiametalor's user avatar
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Linebreak on Different Control Codes: Notepad++

I have a file that uses ASCII control code 30, Record Separator, to separate records. Control codes 10, 12, and 13--Line Feed, Form Feed, and Carriage Return--are used in the contained data. I cannot ...
UpTide's user avatar
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Find appears in opposite pane?

Is it possible NPP has a plugin or method of making a plugin easily to force popup windows to appear NOT on-the-code? Problem: Desired outcome:
Wolfpack'08's user avatar
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How to replace first two fixed digits of a 4 digit number in Notepad++?

Let’s say I have these, and wish to replace 11 with 34 but only the first two digits of the 4 digits numbers: defc 111 1211) (def6t 1155 (defdt 1143 defa 113 1144) To this: defc 111 1211) (def6t 3455 ...
Aei's user avatar
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1 answer

Move Certain Lines To the Top of the List

Please can someone help me with the the regular expression for the following. I would like to move lines which has the word blue to the top of the list. Paul has a red BMW i7 Tina has black Mercedes A-...
Frank's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Highlight characters between asterisk using Regular Expression

I have following sentence: I need to highlight/bold the characters between ** as shown in the sample text below: My sample text: **Uses:** Use shredded mushrooms in **crab, cakes, lobster rolls, or ...
Shahid's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Separate 3 translations to individual files in Notepad++ using Regular Expression

I have a document with following format: In Line 1 there is English language text. In Line 2 there is translation of English language in French. In Line 3 there is translation of English language in ...
Shahid's user avatar
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1 answer

Clean the html from API response which includes /n and / characters in notepad++

I receive html response from the API {"translations":[{"detected_source_language":"EN","text":"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang=\"en\">\n\...
Shad's user avatar
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Notepad++ How to bind column selection mode to the right mouse + hold down button?

I would like to enter vertical editing/selection mode by clicking the right mouse, holding it down, and dragging the mouse. How would I do this in notepad++
user787832's user avatar
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How to search and replace for more than one possible term in Notepad++?

I have the following text in the document and I want to search and replace all instances of Foo and Bar Foo spot Bar see Tar bum top Foo Ipsum gum Bar stop Using one line in find/replace I'd like the ...
Flotsam N. Jetsam's user avatar
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Notepad++ How can I copy multiple lines in a pattern and insert a new copy with some edited content

I want to duplicate multiple lines of code <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" --> <title>Page Title</title> <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> I want to change the ...
Michael B's user avatar
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1 answer

How to spontaneously swap numerous iterations of two different strings with Notepad++?

I have a .txt file that I need to edit by swapping out two strings: XENON_A XENON_Y I need to replace all iterations of the string XENON_A with XENON_Y, and all iterations of the string XENON_Y with ...
Kalamalka Kid's user avatar
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2 answers

Easily navigating through text file, using table of contents?

I have a long-winded text file with thousands of lines which makes it very difficult to jump from lines to lines to find what I need. This document is categorized into dozens of different subjects. So ...
medukia's user avatar
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1 answer

How to add a word after every EVEN line and after every selected text using regular expression in Notepad++

I have a m3u file in the following format: #EXTM3U url-tvg="" #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="Loksabha TV" tvg- logo="https://static.wikia....
ls_milkyway's user avatar
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How to format XML in Notepad++ without a plugin?

I would like to know if there is a way to format an XML without the plugin? I know how to do it with the XML tools plugin but I usually don't have admin rights to install it so I would be very helpful ...
zpontikas's user avatar
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Replace on autocomplete selected

Is it possible to configure Notepad++ to replace certain words after we select them from the autocomplete dropdown. For instance, I have made a user defined language and in that xml file have entered ...
Mercurial's user avatar
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How to Replace Integers and Decimals in Notepad++

The following series of numbers need to be replaced: 1 10 12.34 10.000 08 And get the following result: {'1'} {'10'} {'12.34'} {'10.000'} {'08'} The search pattern (\d+\.\d+) only works with ...
ayr's user avatar
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1 answer

How to delete all text after the 8th comma with Notepad++?

I have a TXT file with a lot of rows. Each row has several pieces of data, separated by commas. Is there a way of deleting all the data after, say, the 8th comma?
user2159450's user avatar
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My Goal is to replace "Start > Run > "notepad" with launching VSCode instead of notepad. I want the same behaviour for Powershell > "notepad FILE1" [closed]

This is a tricky question. Notepad3.exe comes with a commandline option called /z Notepad++.exe comes with a commandline option called -notepadStyleCmdline -z VSCode does not come with this option. ...
PythonWubiUser's user avatar
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Is there a way to search lines of text for specific words, select all lines the word is on, and copy them all

So if I have a list like (1.The_CAT_and_the_DOG_are_friends. 2.The_CAT_is_named_Purr. 3.The_DOG_is_named_Bark. 4.It_is_raining_CATs_and_DOGs.) so if I search for the word named only lines: (2....
R Medrano's user avatar
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Moving line to previous line if meets condition

I have a file with various rows but in some cases my data breaks one row into two. I would like to move from this. 815    =   Other motor vehicle traffic accident involving collision on the highway ...
Sean_C's user avatar
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How to compare between two text files to find a missing word that we want with Notepad++?

How to compare between two text files to find a missing word that we want with Notepad++? In my case, I'd translated txt from English to Thai but sometimes \n is missing from many lines. So I want to ...
Girat Pikulgaen's user avatar
-2 votes
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Regex Generic Formulas: Find something between two entities (two strings)

I have this case: <p class="text_obisnuit">2. And you can customize the vision according to the meaning that people give to it. their lives?<br> </p> I want to find any &...
Just Me's user avatar
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Notepad++ Tab key makes cursor jump to end of whitespace-only line

If I have a line that contains just tab characters, and the cursor is in column 1, hitting the Tab key moves the cursor to the end of the line, and appends another tab character. Can this behaviour be ...
StuartN's user avatar
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Regex: Replace all empty spaces between

Replace all empty spaces between and first word, from the paragraph: <p class="text_obisnuit"> Lorem Ipsum is simply.</p> I try this, but isn't working: FIND: <p ...
Just Me's user avatar
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Notepad++ : modify document on Save

How would I do this? Whenever I save a file, I would like Notepad++ to: Find a line in my header near the top of the file that looks like "DateTime: ${stuff}$" and insert the current date/...
mnemotronic's user avatar
-1 votes
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Remove spaces between quotes

I would like to remove the unnecessary space given after the opening quote and before the closing quote. I have huge data with this kind of text in Notepad++ Sample Text The is the start of a ...
Shahid's user avatar
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Can Notepad++ be made to respect virtual desktops?

Notepad++ is my preferred text editor for all types of plain text work, but it has a problem that is interfering with my ability to use it at all. I often need to use Windows 11's virtual desktop ...
Jonathan Sachs's user avatar
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How to correct punctuation with a regex in Notepad++?

My sample text is this: This is a demo . Of all the places you want to go here! Superb work ! Is your name John ? Or is it that you are hiding your name? Seems to be a good work.But as you know this ...
Shahid's user avatar
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Notepad++ Match pattern across lines [closed]

I have a file with pairs of variables separated by other text: THING_1 Number_Of_Thing = 7 Other lines Type_Of_Thing = 1 THING_2 ... I want to find each pair of Number_Of_Thing = 7 and Type_Of_Thing = ...
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How do I remove a specific character from a text where it is the first character in the line, using Notepad++?

I have a list of numbers that will start with 1 and +1 so I need to remove the number 1 and +1 from all lines that start with these specific characters. Example: 19178741551 +19178741551 19178741551 ...
Jay's user avatar
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1 answer

Add an underscore after numbers in Notepad++

I have a scenario where I have list with some numbers in Notepad++. Here is the sample text: 1-This is item one 2_This is item two 3This is item three 4_This is item five 5This is item six 6 This is ...
Shahid's user avatar
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How can one close all non-existing files at once in Notepad++?

When closing a non-existing file in Notepad++, one gets this window: How can one close all non-existing files at once in Notepad++? I use Windows.
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Searching for "part" of a word/line in Notepad++

I have a large list of movies I have the filename in a text doc. I'd like to be able to type part of a name of a movie to search and see if I have that movie. The problem is, some movies are names ...
jeff clapp's user avatar
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fixed number of columns (characters) per line in notepad++

I tried to follow the procedure here Code length limiter in Notepad++ but I have version 8.6.8 and the menu settings > preferences looks different: Neither in Editing 1 or Editing 2, I can find ...
SolidMechanicsFan's user avatar
4 votes
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Dark mode in Notepad++ doesn't work with user defined language

I have a User Defined Language like this in my Notepad++ v8.5.8 In a light mode, the display looked fine However, when I used Dark Mode, all the text was highlighted in white, making the display ...
Nemo's user avatar
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Notepad++ mode for git commit messages

I want to use Notepad++ to help formatting git commit messages. NOTE: this is NOT a question about setting up git to open Notepad++ as its editor, I know about git config. This is NOT about running ...
Gauthier's user avatar
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How to style syntax only on delimiter close?

[Menu bar > Language > User Defined Language (v2.1.0.12)] In the custom language I defined, I'm changing the style of the text based on if something is enclosed between asterisks (*). It works ...
bobcat's user avatar
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How to delete both original and duplicate values in different lines a notepad++

How to delete both original and duplicate values in different lines a notepad++ Example 2 3 2 2 2 2 Desired 3
Ariyo Eledamasun's user avatar
-1 votes
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Extract all strings having a common substring in notepad++ [closed]

I would like to know if I can use notepad++ or tcl to extract all words containing "_Ori" from below Example text: R_yu_rfe_h2c_PSM_to_LTSV yoc_cu_h2c_PSM hrr_cti_h2c_LhSV '(...
krishnaganth gunasegran's user avatar
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Why are font sizes different across notepad++ panes? How do I make them the same?

I already have "Enable global font" and "Enable global font size" checked in the Style Configurator. But the font sizes are clearly different.
AdamC's user avatar
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How can I jump to the parent node of a JSON object in Notepad++?

Let's say my cursor in Notepad++ is here: How can I easily jump to the parent node? E.g., is there a keyboard shortcut for that? Full JSON used in the example: { "boats": [ { ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Cascade formatting Excel formula

I use Excel and Smartsheet a lot and make some very complex nested formulas. Because these are written in sheets rather than in any kind of IDE, there is little or no formatting to them for legibility,...
Spencer Barnes's user avatar
-1 votes
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Rename the tag in the XML file

Please tell me how you can rename replace a tag using Notepad++: <offer id="124439" name="Alchimia Olive 7,5x30"> Replace by <offer>Alchimia Olive 7,5x30</offer> ...
prokesha's user avatar
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Notepad++ Regex search with characters before and after IP address

I have a huge file with text before and after many IP addresses. I'm trying to extract just the IP addresses that fall within x.x.x.x. The unique characters in the line look something like this: |SIP=...
AxelKong's user avatar
2 votes
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Notepad++: Search and replace/delete timestamps in brackets []

I have a transcript that starts each line with a timestamp followed by 2 spaces and text, like this: [00:00:00] Line 1 [00:00:02] Line 2 How can I search and replace(delete) all those timestamps and ...
Poldi's user avatar
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How can I make notepad++ display the tab stops as specified in the language settings?

The vertical lines shown in notepad++ every 4 spaces, when I select python as the language they change to every 8 spaces, the tab ley actually inserts 4 spaces but the vertical lines do not show every ...
arana's user avatar
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