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Questions tagged [text-processing]

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How to correct punctuation with a regex in Notepad++?

My sample text is this: This is a demo . Of all the places you want to go here! Superb work ! Is your name John ? Or is it that you are hiding your name? Seems to be a good work.But as you know this ...
Shahid's user avatar
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In Notepad++/Sublime Text 3, how do I make all text lowercase by regex, but only if specific phrase occured in the line?

Say I have text like that: models/players/clonespac/CloneTorsoLieutenant { q3map_nolightmap q3map_onlyvertexlighting { map models/players/clonespac/CloneTorsoLieutenant ...
kerstoff0mega's user avatar
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How to use wildcards to delete all text between two characters in Word?

I've been able to figure out some simpler wildcard searches before but this one is kicking my butt and I'd love some help. Here's some of the text in my MS Word document: decidere v1 (v11) decido, is,...
Joel Derfner's user avatar
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How to remove duplicated text on every line using Notepad++?

I want to remove duplicated words in each line using Notepad++. Example: Flooring Services, Carpet, Flooring Services, Tile, Flooring Services In the above, Flooring Services is repeated 3x. I only ...
Matt Lance's user avatar
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4 answers

Select all lines of maximum 12 words that end that do not have any punctuation at the end

I want to select all lines of maximum 12 words that end that do not have any punctuation at the end. Example: Love's Equal On Earth In a moving "in" and "out of focus" image, what ...
Hellena Crainicu's user avatar
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2 answers

How to isolate portion of string and remove excess in Notepad++ using regex?

I am attempting to isolate a particular section of a line, and delete everything else after it. Below are some example strings on what the general formatting of the file looks like. Each one of these ...
Grant Hood's user avatar
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How do I automate tasks in EmEditor?

Does EmEditor have a way to automate a workflow? My workflow involves a sequence of commands that could easily be automated if there was a way to do so.
MakotoE's user avatar
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2 answers

Convert wrapped lines to single lines

I have a large file with wrapped lines: 0 0.000 1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4 5.5 6.6 7.7 8.8 9.9 10.10 11.11 5 0.000 1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4 5.5 ...
Julio's user avatar
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Increment numbers for matching text in Notepad++ [duplicate]

In Notepad++, is it possible to find a particular tag in the file and increase the value by 1 for each successive tags, once the value in the first tag is entered? For example: <p id="pg-1&...
Rajat Karir's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Visual Studio Code shortcut to wrap HTML element into container tag

When you have an HTML tag and you want to wrap it into another HTML tag, what is the fastest/easiest way to do so? Since it happens quite often, I'm looking for a way to optimize it. Currently, it ...
Simon Ferndriger's user avatar
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2 answers

In Notepad++ How can I identify/count records that don't meet a certain length requirement?

I have a file in Notepad++ that has 200,000 rows and each row needs to be a certain length (2500). However I know some rows are shorter or longer than that. How can I find out how many rows are ...
MIGUEL's user avatar
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Use PCRE2 Regex to group phrase before colon AND group comma separated values

I have what seems to be a simple task but isn't working for me. Using only PCRE2 Regex (nothing else), I am trying to collect a phrase before the first colon at the beginning of a line, then separate ...
Tushar Bhutt's user avatar
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"Pattern not found" message on found and highlighted pattern in vim

I have a fair number of PHP classes source files that I can list using the command grep -r "class " * with each file containing the class <MyClass> pattern. For example, one such file ...
Stephane's user avatar
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Regex to filter the value and show less than required version number

We have docker tags with below versions, please help to share the regex pattern to filter the records that are older than below values. For example, should show old tags - and older, 23.0.0....
hare krshn's user avatar
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PowerShell: In a text file, make this line part of the previous line

The circumstances that lead to this request are not hugely important (read: please don't give me pointers on how to avoid this situation, I have tried them) but I have an engine producing text files. ...
seagull's user avatar
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I want to find one user using regex from the text file which is in json like format. Find the user with regex and remove it with surrounding text

Find the user from the below text (highlighted testUser) define name{ name **testUser** aliasName Test User emailID ...
Cdarji's user avatar
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