I tried to follow the procedure here Code length limiter in Notepad++ but I have version 8.6.8 and the menu settings > preferences looks different:

enter image description here

Neither in Editing 1 or Editing 2, I can find the option to change the column width or enabling the optional "show vertical edge".

Where can I change this?

2 Answers 2


For newer version of Notepad++:

  1. Go to Settings -> Preferences -> Margins/Borders/Edge.
  2. On the Vertical Edge Settings box, set the number of characters per column.

This is how the page will appear after settings the vertical edges per column.


I can't find the option to enable "show vertical edge".

In the latest version of Notepad++ (8.6.8) you need to go to Preferences > Margins/Border/Edge and change "Vertical Edge Settings:

enter image description here

I have set it to 80:

enter image description here

Further Reading

  • Is there also a way to automatically do a line break once the 80 characters are reached? Commented Jun 20 at 20:59

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