I have a scenario where I have list with some numbers in Notepad++. Here is the sample text:
1-This is item one
2_This is item two
3This is item three
4_This is item five
5This is item six
6 This is item seven
I want to put an underscore after the numbers so the output is like:
1_This is item one
2_This is item two
3_This is item three
4_This is item five
5_This is item six
6_This is item seven
Here is the code which I have written (\d+)(?!_).(.+?)
and replace \1_\2
It is deleting the first character of point 3 and 5, "T" in this case.
is only used to find, not to replace. Please, review your tags. I guess you are talking about Adobe-Indesing, aren't you? What are “n-space” and “m-space”?(\x{602}\d+)(?!~>)\h*(?=[Range of characters you want])
and Replace:$1~>