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Questions tagged [text-editing]

Text editing is the process of selecting and preparing text [files].

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Ctrl+Shift+Right to select the word only (no whitespace)

It drives me crazy trying to select whole words without whitespace. Ctrl+Shift+Left, when at the end of a word, will select the full word. But Ctrl+Shift+Right, at the beginning of a word, will select ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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2 answers

How to Merge Text Files avoiding Redundancy

I have open two instances of notepad.exe on Win11 opening the same text file but differing in input, while still having similarities and common data. Here is an example of what it looks like, as Hannu ...
Nick's user avatar
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How can I type 🧞 on Windows?

I tried: hold down Alt, press +, press the Unicode hex value 1F9DE, release Alt. This does not work because when I press the F key, it triggers the File menu (Alt+F hotkey) of the browser. In Notepad ...
William's user avatar
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How can I make notepad++ display the tab stops as specified in the language settings?

The vertical lines shown in notepad++ every 4 spaces, when I select python as the language they change to every 8 spaces, the tab ley actually inserts 4 spaces but the vertical lines do not show every ...
arana's user avatar
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Unlock all handwritten notes in a pdf document

I wrote a word document and got it back from a reviewer as an annotated pdf file with handwritten notes (I guess they were made on a tablet or sth.) To finalize my document, I would like to include ...
Jan T.'s user avatar
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Word: White highlight behind text on coloured background

I can't get rid of the white shading on a title in Word. The background is a picture, so I need to remove it. The rest of the text also had it, but selecting character per character, I could turn it ...
Vanessa's user avatar
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How to sort lines in files by custom order?

How can we sort content within a large number of files based on the first word encountered on a line before a separator? In a custom sort order. I will explain this with examples. Say I have hundreds ...
kerstoff0mega's user avatar
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In Track Changes mode, Find is finding matches including in text which has been "deleted"

NB this is Word 2007. So hopefully the question is fairly self-explanatory. I'm editing a document with Track Changes on, but I'm hoping to do quite a lot of Find-and-Replace. However, these efforts ...
mike rodent's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Overriding The Notepad++ File Size Limit

I had a text file I was working with in Notepad++, which I accidentally closed and now I can't open it again because it says "File is too big to be opened by Notepad++". I was editing it ...
azoundria's user avatar
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Photoshop Text Texture

I wanted to add this "spray effect" to the text but I can't figure out how I can apply it only on the text so the image is not dark. Basically I would like to know how I can use the layer &...
rxtr's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Reader for .txt file

I want to read .txt files but not editing them. Not in the command line, so not more and similar utilities. I would like to open like if it were a .pdf file, but without converting to a PDF, so not ...
ranemirusG's user avatar
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Removing Text Of A Certain Colour From A Long PDF

I am preparing for exams and have found some very good resources for myself but they have one issue. All the answers are written right under each question in red ink. I'd like to print these out and ...
Musa Khattak's user avatar
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2 answers

When using the Find and Replace window in Excel, the Ctrl-Backspace adds a weird character

Normally, inside a textbox, the shortcut Ctrl+Backspace deletes the previous word, but in the Excel Find and Replace window, it doesn't work and it inserts a character with a rectangular shape. Is ...
DecimalTurn's user avatar
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Why are there blanks when selecting multiple lines in a text file?

When selecting mutiple lines on an IDE / Notepad on Windows, there are blank characters at the end of each line. You can't move the cursor through them when using the arrow keys, they only appear ...
diogeek's user avatar
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4 answers

How to remove all newlines from a file?

I have the command cat file.txt | gawk '{print $2}' > test which displays: 1 1 0 0 1 1 Afterwards: vi test :%s/\n// Which outputs: 110011 My question is I don't know how I could incorporate this ...
Antonio De Angelis's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How do I delete every ocurrence of a word that is followed by another, without altering the whitespace?

Suppose my file looks like this: foo bar foo bar bar foo foo bar foo What I want to do is delete every foo that is followed by a bar (i.e. there is only whitespace between them), without ...
vim_overlord's user avatar
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How to combine multiple text file names and contents into one file via terminal on macOS?

I'd like to combine multiple text files, all ending in .txt, into the same document with the filename of each separating the contents of each. I've found ways to combine the contents, I've found ways ...
Brett's user avatar
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4 answers

Which Notepad++ plugin sets the text's background color to orange?

I installed about two dozens of plugins in a new Notepad++ installation and the result is: I checked all plugins. None of them gives a hint to the background color. I also checked Settings → ...
Gerold Broser's user avatar
2 votes
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Copy text into Excel, Fixed Width, where data starts every 40 rows

I have data from a text file I want to import into Excel. The text data is grouped in blocks of 40 rows with headings. After about 12 rows the new set of data starts again with headings. There are ...
Nathan Schofield's user avatar
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How can I disable changing view to cursor upon typing in VS Code?

Typing while the cursor is not on screen causes the view to scroll back to the cursor, I could not find anything in VS Code's settings nor could I find any information online on how to change this ...
SptQ's user avatar
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Text Selection: Change in double-click behavior

When double-clicking the beginning of an email like [email protected], I could easily get the local-part (i.e. 'foo'). However, now when I double-click it also includes the domain (i.e. 'foo@example'). ...
Bill Reardon's user avatar
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Is it possible to delete selection using mouse in vscode?

Like we can select part of text and then copy/cut/paste using Edit menu or Right Click context menu. Is it possible to delete selected text similar way in visual studio code? Please do not suggest ...
vuxig's user avatar
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My word document have a line separation of half page. How can I solve it?

In the document: I have a huge line space, how can I fix ...
JuanMuñoz's user avatar
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Is it possible to manually edit the bookmarks in a PDF document? [duplicate]

I recently found in this answer that it's fairly simple to edit the code in a PDF document, using a text editor, to alter how page numbers are displayed in a viewer. This solved a key problem for me. ...
Daniel R. Collins's user avatar
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3 answers

Excel: split cell in rows by new line

Is there a way, in Excel, to split cell in rows by new line, like in the picture PS. Emily suggested me to copy to Word, however, when I copy it, it copies me like this: 6 A B 7 "7A 7B&...
serge's user avatar
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Custom keyboard shortcut to paste a pre-defined text?

I am finding myself with a lot of need to frequently type one of several specific short strings of text, and i'm growing very tired of the repetitive motions needed to do each. What I would like to be ...
Nanako's user avatar
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How can I, as a noob to advanced text editing, write a script to automate converion from one enum to another?

The title is pretty poor, sorry about that. I am using two assembler/disassembler libraries and both have separate register enums. The libraries are Zydis and Capstone. In capstone the register enum ...
EatingTechnobladesRemainsAt3am's user avatar
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Replacing double new-line in multiple files

I do a lot of text cleanup with (example) perl -p -i -e 's:old:new:g;' *.txt but when old is \n\n and new is \n</p><p>\n, nothing changes.  Tried escaping the angle brackets, but that didn'...
WGroleau's user avatar
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How to copy first line of text file to start or end of all another lines?

I am currently editing down multiple large text files (maybe 500 different text files) , and need to copy first line of text files to start or end of all another lines For example this is one of my ...
alex leiy's user avatar
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How to fold text files?

I am currently editing down multiple large text files (maybe 500 text list files) , and need to fold this files For example this is one of my text files: 1966 Q3 Fort COB LGL Asse AP BAS Lis 46.81 11....
alex leiy's user avatar
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How can I delete everything before and after text that selected by regex? [Notepad++]

I am currently editing down multiple large text files , and need to delete everything before and after text that selected by this Regex ^NewPage.+?NewPage$ For example i have this text: V.prototype.Jb=...
alex leiy's user avatar
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Is it possible to write the Lovecraftian Sigil of the Gateway in unicode?

It isn't technically copyrighted and doesn't seem to be subject to trademark, and is kind of a cultural symbol, so for all I know there's a hidden symbol assignment for it somewhere... but the Sigil ...
Michael Macha's user avatar
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Awk regex: how to remove all punctuation except when in the middle of a word?

Following information gathered on this thread, I wanted to use this code to fill my needs, however the code provided wasn't working for more than one punctuation character (e.g. '...'). I thus wanted ...
Michael Gauthier's user avatar
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Looking for a simple automated way or program to reformat a list of proxies

I have a long list of SOCKS5 proxies that I want to import into another program. Currently the way I have them formatted is: (Socks5)serveraddress:port:username:password The program I'm importing ...
WFMP's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I delete everything after the first space Notepad++?

I have a text looking like this name_123 name 2022-6-1 abc I want this name_123 How can I do that?
Tobi's user avatar
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How can I efficiently select a text prediction given by Windows' text suggestions feature?

I currently select a text prediction given by Windows' text suggestions feature via the mouse, or with the arrow key followed by ENTER. This is very inefficient. How can I efficiently (= by pressing ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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2 answers

sed replace every character in match with single character like █████ redaction

Is there a sed replace function (or other Regex) that will replace every character caught by the match pattern with a single character that is meant to overlay or REDACT the matches? For instance the ...
irishwristwatch's user avatar
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Add copy-append and cut-append to Notepad++

Is it possible to do a 'copy-append' or 'cut-append' operation in Notepad++? (means, copy/cut current selection or line if nothing selected, and append it to the copy/paste buffer instead of replacing ...
theonetruepath's user avatar
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what is the equivalent of ctrl+h (find and replace) in cmd command line

I need instructions specific to the command line (Windows 10) to modify a text file, by replacing a word with another word I thought of the for loop but I did not find a command to modify a file text? ...
مريم غريب's user avatar
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How to convert an excel file to a text file without corruption in columns?

I want to convert a bunch of data from excel to text file. But as you can see in the screenshot, numbers are not correctly in their columns. I've tried copying and pasting data into notepad and saving ...
Reza Asharian's user avatar
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Excel to Text-editor Copying Time-saving method

I have an excel file with multiple columns and rows. I wish to copy the contents of this excel file column-wise to a word file. As the number of rows and columns are more than 100, I find it time-...
Anil's user avatar
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How to remove this codes/keys from lines?

Hello everyone i hope you all have a good day. I want to know how to remove/delete the following codes/keys from lines. Example List: m-1407-m-00 64582e-2bd9-4b06-a9a1-78bfd42a7e6d SimpleHere123 ...
user677589's user avatar
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Find and delete near duplicate lines with certain punctuation

I have a text file with millions of lines. Some lines contain the same alphanumeric sequence, but differ in case and punctuation. I consider these lines duplicates. I want to remove any duplicate line ...
Priora's user avatar
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How to remove duplicates usernames before a splitter in lines?

I want to remove duplicated usernames in lines before the splitter : and keep only the first line of these usernames. Lines Example: zzzz:000000zl zzzz:000000zl! zzzz:000000zl1 zzzz:000000zl123 zzzz:...
user677589's user avatar
2 votes
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Cannot use Ctrl+Backspace/Del when renaming file on Windows

The question regards Windows OS and I don't know about other OS. Since I learned that Ctrl + Backspace or Ctrl + Delete could delete whole words, I have been using extensively. But it works "...
Michał Turczyn's user avatar
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Remove empty lines or other editing features in Visual Studio

In order to use column mode in Notepad++, you press the ALT button and start dragging. In order to use column mode in Visual Studio, you press the ALT button and start dragging. To my humble opinion, ...
Dominique's user avatar
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How to get the proper output?

I am working with an algorithm that produces outputs like these: ... 2 3 0 & :instance & :|V| & :|A| & :T & :model & :rootLP & :maxFlowCuts & :maxFlowCutsTime & :...
Matheus Diógenes Andrade's user avatar
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Notepad++ How to copy the last x characters of every line to the end of the same line?

Example- This: Example/Images/1234567 Needs to become this: Example/Images/12345671234567 1234567 is a random string of 7 alphanumeric characters on each line.
PJS1987's user avatar
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2 answers

Change a keyboard layout for already typed text

I have 2 keyboard layouts (Russian and English) on my Windows laptop. It often happens that I start printing some symbols using the wrong layout. And typically what I do is delete already entered ...
Артур Гудиев's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Find and replace text in a file after match of pattern only for first occurrence using sed

Let's say I have the following input file: Server 'Test AB' option type 'ss' option port '1234' option timeout '60' Server 'Test CD' option type 'ss' option port '1234' option ...
Asiaexplorer12's user avatar

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