
I would like to know if I can use notepad++ or tcl to extract all words containing "_Ori" from below

Example text:

R_yu_rfe_h2c_PSM_to_LTSV yoc_cu_h2c_PSM hrr_cti_h2c_LhSV '(R_tyoc_cfi_h2c_tsv_Ori * R_lnoc_cfi_h2c_tsv_Scaler)/(oorc_cfi_h2c_psb_Ori * yroc_cfi_h2c_psb_Scaler)'
R_eesf_sb_PSM_to_LTSV yosf_sb_PSM madser_sb_LTr '(R_ptysf_sb_tsv_Ori * R_peef_sb_tsv_Scaler)/(piy_sb_psb_Ori * yyf_sb_psb_Scaler)'
R_pttf_dfx_PSM_to_LTSV usf_dfx_PSM uiosf_dfx_LTSV '(R_piui_dfx_tsv_Ori * R_pyf_dfx_tsv_Scaler)/(ufsf_dfx_psb_Ori * lksf_dfx_psb_Scaler)'

Expected Output:

  1. R_tyoc_cfi_h2c_tsv_Ori
  2. R_ptysf_sb_tsv_Ori
  3. piy_sb_psb_Ori
  4. R_piui_dfx_tsv_Ori
  5. R_piui_dfx_tsv_Ori
  6. ufsf_dfx_psb_Ori
  • What have you tried so far?
    – DavidPostill
    Commented May 19 at 19:52
  • 1
    you can probably use both ... wouldn't you rather want to know how, instead of just if?
    – jsotola
    Commented May 20 at 2:19

1 Answer 1


Use this very basic regex:


Where \w stands for word character (i.e.: [a-zA-Z0-9_])


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