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1 answer

How to spontaneously swap numerous iterations of two different strings with Notepad++?

I have a .txt file that I need to edit by swapping out two strings: XENON_A XENON_Y I need to replace all iterations of the string XENON_A with XENON_Y, and all iterations of the string XENON_Y with ...
Kalamalka Kid's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Easily navigating through text file, using table of contents?

I have a long-winded text file with thousands of lines which makes it very difficult to jump from lines to lines to find what I need. This document is categorized into dozens of different subjects. So ...
medukia's user avatar
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Windows 11: Issues with opening a text file containing accented characters

I'm having some issues in the way in Windows 11 Pro is handling text files. I live in a two language environment - English and French. For several years I have been using a number of Excel VBA macros ...
RDK45's user avatar
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Notepad++ mysteriously rolled itself back, lost preferences and unsaved documents

I opened notepad++ today to find it reset to default settings, all custom preferences are reset (which is not such a problem) and dozens of unsaved tabs with important information are gone. I ...
MushyShaman's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

how to remove all zero width space from the text?

I know how to use regular expressions to do the mass search and replace task in editing program But I don't have or can't find the entire list of zero width space unicode. I quick searched the google ...
towner's user avatar
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1 answer

I need the proper formatting for a regex find for this -aword-

This is my first time writing code, so give me a break. It is a project I conceived of, I am doing for humanity. And could use a little help! It will assemble clips, combine clips into videos, with ...
HHH-Messenger's user avatar
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Copying from notepad++ also copies the name of the file at a random location

This one's weird: (notepad++): ### Init mongo-express docker run -d \ --network mongo-network \ --name mongo-express \ -p 8081:8081 \ -e ME_CONFIG_OPTIONS_EDITORTHEME="ambiance&...
Sebi's user avatar
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1 answer

How to hide all files of a certain extension?

I'm using Notepad++, and the way it does auto backups without saving is through creating backup files whose extension is .bak. Fine and dandy, except if I have lots of files, my desktop gets cluttered ...
biscuitscranberrycow's user avatar
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In Notepad++ I'm doing a lot of editing..with ADHD. Is there an app or setting or box that will list for me the edits I have made?

I think the title covers all - basically I'm after a "this is the changes you've made" box. I guess kind of a compare tool, except I no longer have the original to compare to! I have really ...
Andy T's user avatar
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1 answer

Ctrl X Replaces Text with Cancel Character CAN Notepad++

So I just realized this on a Laptop I recently started using. When I try a simple cut and paste in notepad++ it doesn't work. When I select a given text and press Ctrl+X, it simple replaces the text ...
Gideon's user avatar
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1 answer

Regex: Add .dot at every 8 words

I need to put a dot after every 8 words. My regex is not so good: SEARCH: ((\w+){8}) REPLACE BY: \1.
Just Me's user avatar
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Open all unknown extensions with notepad++

I want to make all unknown files open using notepad++ by default (without having to select notepad after windows asks). I found this thread, but the answers were not very helpful. How do I associate ...
berala's user avatar
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2 answers

Notepad++ open and start monitoring

I've looked into --help from notepad++ but there is not mention of this, so I'm asking here, is there a way to open a file and to automatically start monitoring the file? Normally what I do is I open ...
AntonioCS's user avatar
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3 answers

Regex: Cannot find a line that contain a string in one place, but it finds the line if the string is in other place on the same line

I have this regex, it finds only the meta html tag that contain at least 3 of this words. <meta name="description" content=.*(( the | that | of ).*){3,}.*> The problem: I have this 2 ...
Just Me's user avatar
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2 votes
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Restore background color of laptop Windows 10 OS 64 bit

I am getting irritated with dark theme as background in my windows laptop. Which ever app I opened, I am seeing dark mode(Black color) . I never got this before. I am not sure how it happened without ...
PavanKumar GVVS's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Set Notepad++ as the default EDIT program for '.txt' files?

Searching all over, I could not get Windows 10 file manager to open Notepad++ on the right-click > Edit option. There are quite a few answers on how to get the right-click > Open, and also ...
steve cosner's user avatar
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3 answers

How do I remove the blank spaces before a certain character using notepad++

I want to remove the spaces before the ".V" if posible. How do I do that with the replace feature in Notepad ++ For Example, I want this: A .V Armor Minerals Inc AAC-P .V Anacott ...
user1432914's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Regex: Select and delete numbers from html tag

I have a little problem. I need to select and delete all numbers and _ from the html tag <p class="BEST"><em>a Создание всего, что только когда человек __2_2160_____</em>&...
Just Me's user avatar
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Parsing with regular expression: Copy link from one html tag to other html tag

I need to copy the link from canonical html tag to the other tags below <link rel="canonical" href="" /> and <div class="somers"...
user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Regex: find repeating tags <em> and </em>

I have this 3 situation in which I have <em> and </em> html tags framed by <p class="TATA"></p> class First case: (1 <em> and 1 </em> anywhere in the tag) ...
user avatar
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Regex parsing: Replace all links from tag <!DOCTYPE html> to tag <body>

I want to add a solution for a problem. About a parsing. For example I want to change the section en with br from as to become for all the links ...
Just Me's user avatar
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Regex: Parsing html tag links

I want to make a PARSING by replacing pagina-EN with aborde.html . I want this replace to be make with Regex, not the normal find/replace way. So I have: <link rel="canonical" href="...
Just Me's user avatar
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Windows 10: Tool Window Title Bar is Too High

I've tested some custom Windows 10 themes, and returned now to Windows default theme. Notepad++ Search dialog's title (a tool window) has become higher and its Close button is not vertically centered. ...
Yaron's user avatar
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1 answer

Regex: Copy a word/string below in a line above

I want to copy a word/string below in a line above. For example I want to copy TWO-2 from the second line into the first line, replacing the word ONE-1 BEBE ONE-1 NERO text text OANA TWO-2 BOGDAN ...
Just Me's user avatar
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Regex: Add hyphen dash at the beginning of the line, where it does not exist hyphen dash

good-afternoon. I want to add hyphen (dash) at the beginning of the line, where doesn't exist hyphen dash. For example I have this text: I love books. I want some money. I need help. - I want to ask ...
Just Me's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

Does txt file not support hyperlink to jump to a specific page like pdf?

I want to make table of contents in txt file each line of which contains hyperlink to jump right to the desired contents for easier navigation, like pdf bookmark Is this viable option for txt file in ...
takfa's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I save my Windows 10 hosts file?

Before someone goes and marks this as a duplicate, please understand that I have tried all of the following: Running notepad as an administrator, editing the file and attempting to save. No luck. ...
jlavallet's user avatar
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1 answer

Regex: Select everything (the whole line) to the dot but not more dots

I have this 2 cases: 1. I love you. 2. I love you... I want to select with regex only the first line to the dot, but not the second that has more dots. I made this regex, but is not to good: ^(.+?\.)...
Just Me's user avatar
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2 answers

Regex: Select everything on a line before the round parentheses from a html tag

I have this 3 html tags, I want to select everything on a line before the round parentheses: <li><a href="page-1.html" title="Page 1">Page 1 (22)</a></li> &...
Just Me's user avatar
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2 answers

Regex: Select lines that do not contain the tag

I don't know why is not working this regex. Suppose I have this 2 lines: 1. A Refined Form Of Exercising power</a></h1></td> 2. A Refined Form Of Exercising power</h1></td&...
Just Me's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Regex: Replace a number (or can be a word) in a particular line

I have this number 2002 on multiple lines, from multiples files. `On March 02, 2002, in Performance Management, by Michael London` `On December 14, 2002, in Performance Management, by Michael London` ...
Just Me's user avatar
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Regex: Search and replace words between <!-- comments --> tag/field

I need to replace all the <a href="/ with <a href=" , but only between COMMENTS tag/field. Can I do this with a regex? <!-- COMMENTS --> <div class="...
Just Me's user avatar
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5 votes
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Notepad++ stuck in Administrator mode, no solution but found a clue

I've notepad++ stuck in Administrator mode: stuck in Administrator Debug info: Notepad++ v7.9.1 (64-bit) Build time : Nov 2 2020 - 01:07:46 Path : C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe Admin ...
Zenigata's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Regex: Delete all operators/punctuation marks after the last word on a line

I have this sentence: knowledge and spread of metaphysics - can become famous for cures and treatments : -= , * I want to delete all operators/punctuation marks after the last word on a line, so the ...
Just Me's user avatar
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Regex: How to change/replace lowercase and uppercase letters of the html TAG content:

I want to change/replace lowercase and uppercase letters into a html TAG <meta name="keywords" content="Mother's, Sacrifice"/>
Just Me's user avatar
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How to print code in two columns per page?

In an old computer in my previous job (talking about 2012), I used Notepad++ and I could print my code neatly in two columns per page. Since then I haven't been able to replicate that. I don't know if ...
KansaiRobot's user avatar
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Regex: Change the order of the lines from the last one to first one (multiple files)

I have this lines (sentences) that must be changed in the opposite direction, from 40 to 1 (and vice versa) (into 125 files, that is why I need a regex solution) for multiple files. 1. I go home. 2. ...
Just Me's user avatar
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Regex: Select all the words/strings that begins with .dot

I want to select with regex all the words that begins with .dot for example: .myself or .I go home or .5 a clock Can you help me?
Just Me's user avatar
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Regex: Find those particular html tags that contain these words (strings)

I have this tags: <span class="text_obisnuit2">* Not&#259;:</span>John Wells - <em>My Dreams</em>, Albatros Books, 1986.</p> and this one: <span class=&...
Just Me's user avatar
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Regex: Put comma in its place after replacing the content of one html tag with the content of another html tag

I have these 2 html tags: <title>The Secret Is Elsewhere</title> <meta name="keywords" content="love, find, car, diamond"/> With the regex below I can replace the ...
Just Me's user avatar
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Regex: Find/Delete all these specific words from one specific html tag

I have this html tag <p class="text_obisnuit2"></p> In this tag there are some words (other tags) such as <strong> or </strong>. Also <em> or </em> ...
Just Me's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Regex: Select text/string between symbols that contains another symbol (tags that contains specific string)

I want to select all text between => and => only if contains [ or ] I love you => predici-video [date] => between myself and her. so, only this => predici-video [date] =>
Just Me's user avatar
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Regex: Select the particular html tag that contains this word, and that has nothing left after it

I have these two tags: <p class="text_obisnuit2">Leadership: Do you love me?</p> and this one: <p class="text_obisnuit2">Leadership: </p> So, I have more ...
Just Me's user avatar
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windows 10 - how to associate "edit" for .cmd files to notepad++ in context menu?

I would like to be able to right-click on a .cmd file in win10 (or windows server 2019), choose edit and have notepad++ open the file. I have a mixture of file types (as in 'nix text files) that are ...
BISI's user avatar
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Files with long filenames appear as empty

I'm not too familiar with Windows, so please bear with me. I have a folder with several files with very long filenames, that can be listed normally, but if I try to open them with any Windows ...
lhpcw's user avatar
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Some applications in full screen leave an invisible gap between top of window and the top border of the screen. (win 10, multiple monitors)

I notice this problem with emacs, notepad++, and WinRAR. When their window is maximized to full screen, there's actually an invisible gap between the top of the window to the top edge of the screen. ...
Alex's user avatar
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1 answer

Regex: Find those html pages which does not contain this particular word on a link

I have these 2 lines on more than 3000 HTML pages: <link rel="canonical" href="" /> and <link rel="canonical" href="" /&...
Just Me's user avatar
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Maximized window of Notepad++ overflows onto second display

I am using an external monitor with my laptop. When I am maximizing notepad++ on laptop, the window of notepad++ overflows to the other display. It is hard to show the pixels that overflow. You can ...
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Colon in filename creates pseudo folder. How do I see what's inside?

I can create a file with a colon : in the name. I am given to understand this should not be possible in Windows. I originally did it by copying text with a colon : into the filename to save a text ...
jbreving's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Force Windows 10 to always open hosts file with Notepad++

The Windows hosts file does not have an extension so Windows 10 by default does not allow creating a permanent association with a program. How can I open the hosts file with Notepad++ without Windows ...
John's user avatar
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