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invalid casting exception from datacontract json serializer

I am working on a project for Windows Phone 7.1 in Visual Studio 2010. I am trying to download JSON data and deserialize it into a list of objects. The following is the code I am using to build the ...
Matt's user avatar
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2 answers

Multiple formatting of parts of text in a textblock

When using chat app like WhatsApp text can be made bold, italics, underline among other text formatting features. For instance: This is a boy who can sing very well if you only allow him to do so. ...
Jack Siro's user avatar
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Motorola MC55A0 upgrade device window phone 6.5 to 7.5 [closed]

I have a Motorola MC55A0 Mobile device. It's running Windows mobile 6.5 and I'm trying to find a way to update it to Windows Phone 7.5. I've look around and the usual answer is that upgrades come ...
Arsalan Munir's user avatar
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Cant launch my program for Windows Phone 7.1 with Emulator on Windows Phone SDK

I'm trying to load my program with with buided in emulator in Windows phone SDK. But when emulator starts loading program it just show me a splash screen with no progress. I tried to debug it. But i ...
Stuckie's user avatar
-2 votes
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Timeout httpClient on windows phone 7

i have a problem about timeout in http client windows phone, i already read on microsoft forum and know about default timeout was 100 seconds. is has a way to change default timeout? i already modify ...
Rex Satrio Pinandito's user avatar
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Binding code data to XAML pivot listbox

I´m struggling with data binding here for Windows Phone 7.1. I've got a DataLoader class with an OnservableCollection of ItemList (custom class) as an attribute. Therefore, each pivot item has its own ...
Teno Gonzalez Dos Santos's user avatar
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C# JSON Requests and Responses for Windows Phone 7.1 app

I'm trying to implement I have already posted my question there, could you please help me to get a result? The problem is that in private void Button_Click(...
magefi's user avatar
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AppointmentManager.RequestStoreAsync throws system.unauthorizedaccessexception in Windows Phone

I am trying to access the appointments from the Windows Phone calendar public async Task <AppointmentStore> getAppointments() { AppointmentStore appointmentStore = await ...
Rahmath's user avatar
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Bluetooth Printer is not working in windows phone 8.1

string command = "Welcome To Solutions.... "; Byte[] buffer = new ...
Pradip's user avatar
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Launch PDF Windows Phone 7.1 without Component One

I have PDF file in my assets folder in Windows Phone 7.1. I want to open that pdf file. Uptil now i have found many examples but all are using component one controls. I dont want to use component one....
Bilal Ahmed's user avatar
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Windows Phone 8.1 : Add remote Image to BottomAppBar or AppBarButton

I want to add remote Image into app bar button. My image is this url and I want to bind it to ...
Shanky's user avatar
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Nuget Package Manager Error

I can not install NuGet Package Manager - after downloading and doubleclicking it writes: This extension is not installable on any currently installed products please help me I want to instal ...
Shailee's user avatar
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Error in sending HTTP requests in Windows Phone 7.1

I am trying to send a HTTP request in Windows Phone using Visual Studio 2010 Express, but I am getting this error: The type or namespace name 'HttpClient' could not be found (are you missing a ...
Shailee's user avatar
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Data Binding in Xaml from modal

I am not able to bind data to xaml... i have json, class and Xaml then also i am not able to bind the data to the xaml...i can see data the backend that data is getting stored into the Class...but is ...
shashank jaiswal's user avatar
-1 votes
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Upgrading an Windows Phone 7.1 App to Windows Phone 8.1 App Certification Fails?

We are unbale to Pass Windows App Certification Kit test (WACK Test) for windows phone 8.1 application. It is producing below error in Debug configuration test, The debug configuration test ...
Harish Kinthali's user avatar
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Error while unlocking windows phone 7.1 device(Lumia 800). Windows Phone Developer Registration

1)unable to connect to phone. please check that the zune software is running and that Zune's sync partnership with your phone has been established. 2)Error communicating with the Windows Phone Dev ...
Harish Kinthali's user avatar
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Can a windows phone app read Message from USSD request?

Can a windows phone app read the message from USSD request? For example, my app dial *126# USSD code to request balance check, then it will pop out a message with balance. Here, I would like to read/...
Chong Han's user avatar
-1 votes
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visual studio 2010 for windows phone

please any one help me to develop windows phone app in m windows 7 ultimate operating system. please I have tried more than three days but not succeeded. I am having vs 2010,2008 also. please i think ...
pandy pandiyan's user avatar
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Windows Phone 7.x does not show content to all screen size

I've found the problem. The same xaml does not shown for all screen size in W.P. 7.1 but does in W.P. 8. There is standard project template with red border to see difference: <phone:...
Lubch's user avatar
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Resize image and change background Color

I finish from resizing image but how can I change Background Color (Change black Color)? Like this image: BitmapImage img = new BitmapImage(); img.SetSource(e....
mohammad's user avatar
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Many-to-Many relationship Database in Windows Phone 8.1

I have a simple task: To build notepad with hashtags. So user will be able to add a note and to add a list of #hashtags to it. Basically I will have 2 objects: Note Hashtag I want to be able to ...
EvZ's user avatar
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Debugging Error with JSON de - serialization

I try to download data from my link and deserialize it. I tried to do this with JSON.Net, but i've got some error. I've created a struct which copies the struct of JSON data in my link. Help me. ...
Павел Лягушин's user avatar
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i've tried doing this query but haven't been able to get the expected (or desired) result

i've tried doing this query but haven't been able to get the expected (or desired) result using (ModelDBDataContext dataContext = new ModelDBDataContext("Data Source='isostore:/PueblosDB.sdf'"...
David Neira's user avatar
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How to add System.Data.SqlserverCe.dll into my Windows Mobile 7.1 project in VS2010

I've installed SQL server compact 3.5 and I created database sdf. However, when I try to add System.Data.SqlServerCe.dll into reference. I see following error. there is no sqlservece.dll in .NET ...
casper's user avatar
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How to prevent going back after the user pressed the GoBack hardware button?

I have a page that runs an asynchronous operation. Wnen the user press the H/W back button on the phone, I would like the application to be asked the user if he "really" wants to exit that page? If ...
eitan barazani's user avatar
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how to give border to checkbox in xaml ? windows phone 7.1

I try to add border of checkbox but it's painful for me. This fragment of code <CheckBox BorderBrush="Black" Background="White" BorderThickness="...
MyWay's user avatar
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Optimising Pivot Control windows phone 8

case 1: I have a Pivot Control with 3 Pivot Items, and each pivot item will be filled with data(from server) once it gets focus for the first time. Now, It makes lot of delay when I navigate back ...
Pradeep AJ- Msft MVP's user avatar
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Retrieving Nearby Tweets, Windows Phone 7.1

I was trying to find if I could be able to get tweets around my current geo location using Twitter API or any other API using Windows Phone 7.1 and C#? For example all the Tweets with radios range 2 ...
fadd's user avatar
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Twitter Integration In windows Phone 7

I want to get the user information from the twitter and show in windows phone 7. I found some examples for twitter integration. Link 1 Link 2 But in this examples i can only login to the twitter. I ...
Vijay's user avatar
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Google AdMob interstitial ads in windows phone 7

I want to add google ads in my project but my project is for windows phone 7 . how can I implement GoogleAdMob to my windows phone 7 application. also I want to implement google interstitial ads in ...
sohan vanani's user avatar
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Random animation of object in windows phone

I'm working on random animation of object similar to the mole and hammer game for phones but not using thirds in C#, i'm trying to work only using animation but random. I have used 9 Ellipse in a ...
AaoIi's user avatar
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Find out which method consumes less memory on Windows Phone 8

I have two libraries which do exactly the same thing - generate a PNG file from a WriteableBitmap. How do I know which one consumes less memory?
Jessica's user avatar
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Is it possible to Install keyboard language on windows phone 7 Emulator

Is it possible to install different languages keyboards like Urdu, Hindi or Persian on Windows phone 7 emulator. I have an app which has all these languages and I want to test it on different inputs ...
Hamza's user avatar
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windows phone 7.1 application hangs in windows phone 8

I am a newbie for WP.My windows phone 7.1 application works in windows phone 7 but the application hangs when I open it in windows phone 8. I also want to know how to test the application for ...
user2148609's user avatar
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Isolated Storage Operation Not Permitted Error

I have a directory and I'm using a compression tool to compress directory into a zip file but after I finished the zipping operation I get an error saying: isolated storage operation not permitted. ...
gayan1991's user avatar
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Windows phone style updation not working

I have applied style to textblocks in my windows phone 7.1 app, and this is reflected in VS designer. But when I run it, changes are not visible at all. Code runs without error, except that changes ...
AnjumSKhan's user avatar
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Formatting of text in a textblock in windows phone 7

I am have a text which is has bold, underline and italic html characters. For example <b> hello<b> how are <i>you</i>. I am <u>fine</u> I have to show it in ...
Hamza's user avatar
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Windows Phone 7.1 add shadows for text in a text block

I am trying to add shadows for text in the text block. I am using Windows phone 7.1 <TextBlock Text="Shadow Text" Foreground="Teal"> <TextBlock.Effect> <DropShadowEffect ...
Prathibha Chiranthana's user avatar
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ScheduledTaskAgent not working for updating tiles in Windows Phone

I am working on a Windows Phone 7 app and trying to implement the features of a Windows Phone 8 like wide tiles into it. I achieved it using reflection but when i wanted to update the tile using a ...
Allen Savio's user avatar
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DownloadStringAsync to get a text string?

I am trying to create a Windows Phone 7.1 application, basically a currency converter. I am using DownloadStringAsync method to get a short string containing the exchange rate from a specific website. ...
jmahood's user avatar
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HttpWebRequest(GET) works on emulator, doesn't work on device

I'm writing a little game for windows phone. It puts scores of everyone to mysql database(using php) and gets the best score. Everything works fine on the emulator, unfortunately it does not work on ...
Michał Żołnieruk's user avatar
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WP8.0 and WP7.1 project namespace issue C#

I have a problem with namespaces. I wrote four Windows Phone 7.1 project (XNA game) and after that I added a Windows Phone 8.0 project (XAML) to the solution. I would like to start the game after the ...
user3820164's user avatar
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Is It Possible To Run the windows 7.1 apps in windows phone 8

i have windows 7(OS), visual studio 2010, windows sdk 7.1, my phone is Nokia Lumia 525 could you please tell me whether my apps run in my device or not?. and also is it possible to install windows sdk ...
user3728511's user avatar
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How To Fetch Image From Flickr to Windows Phone 7.1

I used This code for fetching images in windows phone 7.1 i am a fresher, now only enter into this development. i need help, so plese help me my advance thanks.... C# code is here using System; ...
user3728511's user avatar
4 votes
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how to launch windows phone app via browser url

I am new to windows phone app development. Is it possible to open windows phone app via browser url. If possible, please someone help me. How to implement my very own URI scheme on Android please ...
user3796642's user avatar
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How to select a ListBoxItem which is already selected OR to highlight previous selected ListBoxItem after setting SelectedIndex to -1?

I'm programming a simple listbox in windows phone 7. The listbox has some items and when I click any of items the app navigates to a new page. From beginning to here, everything is good. But I ...
sertsedat's user avatar
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How detect screen rotation locked in windows phone?

How to find screen rotation locked off in windows phone and I'll try to post something legible through my seething anger. I've seen a couple of posts on here on how to check if the screen rotation is ...
Attif's user avatar
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Displayimg youtube videos in windowsphone

I have dispalyed videosongs in list box.And when i click on a particular videosong it should be navigated to other page and play. My code for playing is Xaml code: <StackPanel VerticalAlignment="...
Naga's user avatar
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Binding Listbox in windows phone

I have 2 textblocks in a listbox datatemplate. I want to display list of names in alphabetical order. The first textblock should show the first character of names only at the start of the string with ...
user3701876's user avatar
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Keyword in windows phone application submission [closed]

My app has been successfully published in the Windows Phone App Store. But my question is, when I was filling up my submission form like description, version, keywords, images etc. I had misspelled 2 ...
Basanta Matia's user avatar

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