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Push Notification in Windows Phone 7.1

I am trying to implement Toast notification in my Windows Phone 7.1 app.Using this code i'm sending the notification from server to windows phone: string toastMessage = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" ...
Amit_T's user avatar
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3 answers

Pinch To Zoom functionality in windows phone 8

From this post i came to know that there exist some platform improvements for implementing pinch and zoom functionality. By using this new method(ManipulationDeltaEventArgs.PinchManipulation) how i ...
StezPet's user avatar
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Developing Polyframe image editing app for windows phone

Hi last week i started developing a polyframe application for windows phone 8. So for development i am using IOS PolyFrame app as a reference: ...
StezPet's user avatar
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Animated Gifs with Imagetools, in WP7 c#

Well, This has been solved. I don't know if it was a glitch on my end or if ImageTools was just a pain to set up accordingly. Thank you for the answers everyone, and they very likely all work. The ...
user1011807's user avatar
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Get the first and last visible element of widows phone listbox

How i can get the first and last visible element of windows phone listbox.My requirement is to load the list items based on scrolling. More detail : I am using a longlist selector for displaying items....
StezPet's user avatar
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Zooming on a particular image inside a stackpanel consits of ten images

I have a scrollviewer with horizontal stackpanel having 10 images as children. I need to perform zooming on a particular image which is in view when start the pinch gesture. Is it possible to achieve ...
SENTHIL KUMAR's user avatar
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Event should happen only in the last flick

I am using a scrollviewer having stackpanel with 10 low quality images .When flick once the image moves to the next and load the high resolution image of the viewed image in that view. The problem is ...
SENTHIL KUMAR's user avatar
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Windows Phone: Performance issues using xml to load my page data?

WP7.5/ Silverlight app. This is a story book type app. I am in a process to refactor my code. So I created a base storypage class. The core story pages are almost similar with back/next/home buttons ...
oms's user avatar
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Code restructuring and Base Page

I have a Windows Phone 7.5/Silverlight app. I have some code that I duplicate in some sense on most of my pages. e.g. of Code duplication: 1: OnNavigatedTo - I Stop animations, clear BackStack, add ...
oms's user avatar
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Search function for Windows Phone app

I am kind of a newbie at programming (have worked a bit with Delphi years back) but have started to build an application for Windows Phone 7.5 Mango, as I have a great idea for an app :D In the ...
ssn's user avatar
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Any libraries for parsing HTML in Windows phone 7?

I am looking for a good HTML parser for Windows Phone 7 in C#. HTMLAgilityPack is giving some problems with Windows Phone 7. Please reply.
Vignesh PT's user avatar
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Load data to a list collection from isolated storage fails

I have stored nearly 150 high resolution images into isolated storage with 789x 1299 resolution. MY problem is when I load 60 - 70 images into the list collection it works fine but when it more than ...
SENTHIL KUMAR's user avatar
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Why my WP emulator stops on splashscreen

I created a WP Class Library BusinessLogic project which is composed by these three class 1) Bottle Class namespace BusinessLogic { public class Bottle : INotifyPropertyChanged { // ...
LarAnto's user avatar
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Evenly Spaced Dashes with StrokeDashArray

I'm trying to create a poker chip like the one here: using Expression Blend 4 for a WP7.1 Silverlight 4 app. I'm ...
Jeff's user avatar
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MemoryLeak in Windows Phone 7.5 / Silverlight app

I have a Windows Phone 7.5 / Silverlight App. Each page has 4-5 images, 4-5 storyboard animations and 2 textblocks. It also has 2-3 soundEffects. User can navigate from page1 to page 15. As soon as I ...
oms's user avatar
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Windows phone7 ListPicker

In my windows phone7 application I have to Use a control something similar to a dropdown list control. So I came across the ListPicker that come up with the WP7 toolkit assembly. The problem I've got ...
JibW's user avatar
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Want to implement delay in scroll to scroll smoothly in Scrolltohorizontal offset method

I need to scroll smoothly when scrolltohorizontal offset value sets. From 1000 offset, if i scroll to 5000, it suddenly moves with a blink and fix the view in 5000. I need to scroll slow and smooth ...
SENTHIL KUMAR's user avatar
2 votes
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Is there any bumbers or snapinto view concept in wp7?

I am designing an application which shows 10 images with width and height 1400 x 800 in portrait mode with horizontal orientation. i have added the images in scrollviewer using stack panel. when i ...
SENTHIL KUMAR's user avatar
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Getting the completed image to view in scrollview

Hi this is the extension of the question which i have ask earlier stop the stackpanel items inside scroll viewer to be at the display left side when scroll to-be-at-the-display-left-side-wh I can ...
SENTHIL KUMAR's user avatar
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stop the stackpanel items inside scroll viewer to be at the display left side when scroll

I have added 10 images in a stackpanel horizontally which is inside a scrollviewer. When user swipe the page ,the scrollviewer stops at certain position, if the scroll stops in the middle of 2 images ...
SENTHIL KUMAR's user avatar
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Get the item index which is on focus inside a stackpanel

I have added 10 images in a stackpanel horizontally which is inside a scrollviewer. When user swipe the page the scrollviewer stops at certain position, if the scroll stops at &th image i want to ...
SENTHIL KUMAR's user avatar
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Want to set storyboard target property as horizontal offset of a scrollviewer

I am using scroll viewer in my app which shows images in a horizontal view. I need to use animation while scrolling like in this video how to acheive this ...
SENTHIL KUMAR's user avatar
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want to trigger an event when the user touch the left part of the display

I have used the scrollviewer in my app to show images. i need to move the stackpanel inside the scrollviewer right side when the user touches the right side of the display,and to move on left when ...
SENTHIL KUMAR's user avatar
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Formatting DateTime to be Human Readable (Eg Messaging App)

How can I format a DateTime binding to look exactly (or as similar as possible) like the Messaging Hub. The following block is the code I'd ideally use to display it, or will I just need to give up ...
Adam Casey's user avatar
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How to add 5 buttons into the applicationbar WP7.?

I am working WP7 and I wanted to add 5 buttons into the ApplicationBar but it say too many list into the applicationbar so is there any workaround for that so that I can go ahead.! Note : I dont want ...
Jitendra Jadav's user avatar
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Want loading symbol until the storage process is completed in isolated storage

I have downloaded 200 images from absolute URL and stored in isolated storage. I want to display in my list or stackpanel one by one.I want the stack panel to show loading symbol until the download ...
SENTHIL KUMAR's user avatar
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Passing values between 2 pages in Wp7 havig scrollviewer

I have 2 pages in my app each page has one scrollviewer having image as an item added dynamically form URL. The first contain the first image.When I scroll to the end of first page the second page ...
SENTHIL KUMAR's user avatar
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Add panorama item in selected index

I need to add a panorama item in a selected index like remove ,instead of adding in the last by default.Is it possible to do that
SENTHIL KUMAR's user avatar
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Application crashes when lots of images are displayed

In my WP7 application I have downloaded 200 images from Web and saved in isolated storage .When debug all the images are loaded in panorama view by queue method and I can view when it is connected to ...
SENTHIL KUMAR's user avatar
1 vote
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Isolated storage and cache memory in wp7

I have read a lot and bit confused that isolated storage and cache memory are it right or can anyone explain me or give a link to know the exact difference or its the same..
SENTHIL KUMAR's user avatar
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2 answers

How to capture "@" and "#" key pressed - Silverlight Textbox Keyup Event

I wrote below code for capturing "@" and "#" pressed or not. And working perfectly fine on Emulator and Samsung Focus. But when deploy to Nokia Lumia 800 and pressed "@" it wont resulted in Key.D2 and ...
Nilay Shah's user avatar
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Windows Phone 7 Web Browser Updating Too Slowly

I have a Windows Phone 7 Silverlight with XNA application. I'm also using a service which uses javascript to render dynamic images to the screen. On the PC, the javascript is fluid and smooth, I ...
Dragonseer's user avatar
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MVVM and NavigationService

One of the many benefits of implementing any pattern is to have a separation of concerns between the different layers in an application. In the case of Silverlight and MVVM it is my opinion that the ...
Jonas Stawski's user avatar
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How to give the option to change the Textbloack foreground-color,size in Windowsphone7

I am completely new in Windowsphone7.i have develop sample application in that i want give the option to change the font-color,Size,style(Italic/Bold) as Dynamically(like RadEditor) .please help me ...
Victor's user avatar
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How to get the isolated storage path for accessing the files and folders in windows phone7 application?

In windows mobile 6 applications, I use code like Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase) to get the application path. Likewise in windows phone7 ...
dineshthamburu's user avatar
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Using Obscure and UnObscure...Am I doing this right?

WP 7.5 app. I have two Storyboard animations - one on image and another on Text. Issue1: When I move to next page and go back, the image and text blinks. Solution1: So I added OnNavigateFrom and ...
oms's user avatar
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Memory issue in Windows Phone Page Transition

In order to implement page transition in my application i added the toolkit turnstile animation, Before adding the transition the app was stable and i didn’t face any memory issues. After implementing ...
Nitha Paul's user avatar
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Silverlight AutoSize and Visual Studio 2010 for Windows Phone

I have designer using Blend to desing windows phone pages. It has d:DesignHeight and d:DesignWidth set. I use Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone. Now if I open any .xaml file in DesignMode,...
oms's user avatar
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Animation on Page getting stuck upon back navigation

Windows Phone 7.5 app. Designer has created Home.xaml in Blend that has 3 images(menu item) with storyboard animation. The animation is very simple. Each image enlarges a little and returns to its ...
oms's user avatar
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How to rotate an image to a particular angle in Windows Phone 7 Silverlight Application?

I am a beginner in Windows Phone 7 Development, i am building an app in which i want to rotate an image to a particular angle, for example I have an image of an arrow pointing straight upwards, I ...
Umer Altaf's user avatar
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FillRate and setting background image via UserControl in Window Phone Mango

I'm developing a Silverlight app for Window Phone 7.5 (Mango). I am a total newbie and this is my first app. When I run it in emulator, I see that the FillRate counter is like 4.5 or 5 and red. So it ...
oms's user avatar
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How to make static and scrolling elements in silverlight for windows phone 7?

How to make static and scrolling elements in silverlight for windows phone 7 . I use the following code but some issue with static component ,ie static component also scroll my code: <Grid x:...
user964888's user avatar
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wp7, listbox of ~80 items not populating when navigating back to it [duplicate]

I think this has a lot to do with how I'm structuring my listbox in XAML and the data virtualization happening with the box itself, but I need some help being pointed in the correct direction. I ...
Shaun Doty's user avatar
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Getting System.Windows.Controls.Layout.Toolkit in windows Phone 7

From where i will get "System.Windows.Controls.Layout.Toolkit" for windows phone 7. From a blog i read that by using this library i can leverage many existing characters of silverlight. Especially ...
Nitha Paul's user avatar
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Silverlight toolkit animation not working properly

I added the below code for implement toolkit animation in my application. But it works on the emulator perfectly but in the device nothing is happening, I think the animation happens very fastly or ...
StezPet's user avatar
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Referencing silverlight assembly within a XNA project in windows phone mango

I am currently working on a silverlight based project, which in pre windows phone mango era, could not be integrated with a XNA project as per the following clause in microsoft certification ...
Ashish's user avatar
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Start/Stop DispatcherTimer from a different thread

Here is my code.. public DispatcherTimer tmr = new DispatcherTimer(); void somefunction (parameters){ if (something) tmr.Start(); if (something else) tmr.Stop(); } My problem is that I can'...
Gowtham's user avatar
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WP7 dragging a pushpin on a map

Does anyone have any insight into how to implement a draggable pushpin on a map on a WP7 client running Mango? I have a pushpin bound to a geo-location on a map and I want the user to be able to drag ...
TeeZee's user avatar
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Implementing Database in WP7 Mango

I had many doubts regarding Database in windows Phone Mango. In WP7 mango how i can enter/Insert a list of objects or observable collection to a table I had a database (*.sdf) with me that contains ...
Stephan Ronald's user avatar