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Isolated Storage Operation Not Permitted Error

I have a directory and I'm using a compression tool to compress directory into a zip file but after I finished the zipping operation I get an error saying: isolated storage operation not permitted. ...
gayan1991's user avatar
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How to make IsolatedStorageSettings persist even after the device is turned off?

First page of the my application requests the login ID and password which I store using isolated storage. I want my application to remember the login credentials even if the device is switched off i.e ...
user2090226's user avatar
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Byte array written to isolated storage area file in C# Windows Phone 7 app is invalid

I have a C# Windows Phone 7.1 app that downloads a PDF file from a foreign web server and then (tries) to save it to the isolated storage area as a file. I have tried several different ways to get ...
Robert Oschler's user avatar
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IsolatedStorageFileStream throwing "IsolatedStorageExeption was unhandled"

Basically I'm writing code that creates a new file in the IsolatedStorage, I'm sure that I'm closing the streams correctly but there must be something that's missing, could you have a look at it to ...
TotalJargon's user avatar
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Is it possible to create sdf file and copy it to isolated storage

I want to create one sdf file using SDFViewer and then copy it to isolated storage because I don't want add data manually in the code. Is that possible? If yes how I can do that? Do I need to add as ...
a1204773's user avatar
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How to store DateTime in isolated storage in Windows Phone?

I developing an application for Windows Phone. And, here I have a requirement to store DateTime variable in isolated storage. Is this possible? I know basic types like strings and ints etc can be ...
DeveloperLove's user avatar
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Value does not fall within the expected range, IsolatedStorage

I have a class that I wrote that saves and retrieves any objects to a windows phone isolated storage system. Have a look... public class DataCache { // Method to store an object to phone *********...
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Invalid Cross Exception on Schedule Agent when working on isolated storage

I am working with a Windows Phone Schedule Agent and I am trying to update the picture name after sync the problem is that I am getting an invalid cross exception when on this function at line "...
Christopher Cabezudo Rodriguez's user avatar
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how can i delete a image from isolatedstorage

i have a listbox which is binded to images it gets from isolated storage here is how i get those images... foreach (string fileName in fileStorage.GetFileNames("images//*.*")) { ...
goldsmit409's user avatar
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How to Delete a Target Folder with it's All Files in Windows Phone 7

I want to delete a folder with it's all files in windows phone. In the wp7.1 SDK, I just found follow APIs: public void DeleteDirectory(string dir); public void DeleteFile(string file); If a folder ...
飞 陈's user avatar
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Loading an Image in Local HTML

In my Windows Phone 7 Application I am loading a HTML file on a web browser.The HTML file contains Photo in which the Image have to be loaded from Isolated storage (already stored).Can any one plz ...
Mini-Con's user avatar
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an error occurred when accessing the isolotedstorage WP7

I'm trying load image from Picture Hub through this... void photoChooser_Completed(object sender, PhotoResult e) { try { var imageVar = new BitmapImage(); ...
Mushfiq's user avatar
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Can IsolatedStorage of Windows phone be hacked?

I use my app to download file then I save into IsolatedStorage. Can someone hack and get my files or folders from my app? I do not know how IsolatedStorage protects its data? Do we have another ways ...
user1413933's user avatar
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Is a .mp4 video file recorded in the WP Emulator ready for outside storage?

MS have released some code examples where a video is recorded in the WP Emulator and then saved in isolated storage. Is this .mp4 file ready to export away from the WP Emulator and play in other ...
Rune Hansen's user avatar
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Backup Isolated Storage as whole and recover

I am developing a Windows Phone 7.1 application. The app serializes objects to JSON and saves them to the IsolatedStorageSettings file. The objects also have images that the user may capture with a ...
wpcode8345's user avatar
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issues with File exists command windows phone

i was found this code on internet to check file exists using (var store = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication()) { if (store.FileExists("Setting.xml")) ...
user1259366's user avatar
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WP7 IsolatedStorage XML file empty after app update

I submitted an update for my WP7 app and I've had users complain that their data was erased after the update. I am storing my data by serializing my ViewModel class as an XML file in IsolatedStorage. ...
Brent Keller's user avatar
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Want loading symbol until the storage process is completed in isolated storage

I have downloaded 200 images from absolute URL and stored in isolated storage. I want to display in my list or stackpanel one by one.I want the stack panel to show loading symbol until the download ...
SENTHIL KUMAR's user avatar
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Application crashes when lots of images are displayed

In my WP7 application I have downloaded 200 images from Web and saved in isolated storage .When debug all the images are loaded in panorama view by queue method and I can view when it is connected to ...
SENTHIL KUMAR's user avatar
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Isolated storage and cache memory in wp7

I have read a lot and bit confused that isolated storage and cache memory are it right or can anyone explain me or give a link to know the exact difference or its the same..
SENTHIL KUMAR's user avatar
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Error "Operation not permitted on IsolatedStorageFileStream." wp7

I am trying to read a text file from IsolatedStorage and check it contains a string. If not, the string is added to the end of the file. But When I am trying to write the string into file I got an ...
Nelson T Joseph's user avatar
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How do I save a specific number of text files in Isolated Storage..?

In my WP7 app the users are able send mesage to some server connected. For this I have a textbox named "msgBox". And a button "sendBtn" which sends the text written in msgBox to the server. I want ...
Kunal Verma's user avatar
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Isolated Storage Behaving weird

I have a page named addFavorites in my window phone 7 application. It Displays a list of of people with a check box and a button at the bottom of the page. On the checked and unchecked events of the ...
Mohit's user avatar
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Persist current data stored in isolated storage through a Windows Phone 7 Marketplace update?

In my experience, releasing a Windows Phone 7 app/game update will erase the isolated storage of the app. If my user has already saved a lot of preferences (and I'm using isolated storage on the ...
Chris Ching's user avatar
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IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication().AvailableFreeSpace is wrong?

I have recently come across a problem downloading large amounts of data to isolated storage on a WP7 device, when significant amounts of free space are lost during download. More specifically, I ...
vlad.strugaru's user avatar
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Choosing Windows Phone IsolatedStorage

My web service returns some data. I want to cache it. Do I use this and serialize it to a file? IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication() Or do I use this and stick it into the Dictionary? ...
Jerry Nixon's user avatar
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wp7, select music from device library to put into app

I was wondering if there was a way to create an app where a user is able to take a song from their wp7 music library and have the app copy it to put into isolated storage. I have an idea for a music ...
user1011807's user avatar
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Windows phone 7- Loading an existing Database into isolated storage

How do I load an existing database with lots of data in it, to isolated storage. I have read little of how to use database in phone 7 but they don't load any predefined data. Instead they create a ...
Abhay Kumar's user avatar
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Automatically add and delete images in WP7 app storage

I want to make a "recent pages" section in my WP7 app which will show thumbnails of 6 recent browsed pages. How to make a method which saves only 6 image files in the storage and when new ones come ...
Kunal Verma's user avatar
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Using Isolated Storage Images in the HubTiles

I let the users take images in my app and save the images in the Isolated Storage. I also use HubTiles in my app but the HubTiles use a Uri in their Source property but it can't recognize the isostore:...
Seif Apps's user avatar
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IsolatedStorageException on first cache access

I am having an issue where I am getting an IsolatedStorageException ('Operation not permitted on IsolatedFileStorageStream') every first time I run an app. Consequent times of running the app, it ...
Daniel's user avatar
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