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Debugging Error with JSON de - serialization

I try to download data from my link and deserialize it. I tried to do this with JSON.Net, but i've got some error. I've created a struct which copies the struct of JSON data in my link. Help me. ...
Павел Лягушин's user avatar
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Binding Listbox in windows phone

I have 2 textblocks in a listbox datatemplate. I want to display list of names in alphabetical order. The first textblock should show the first character of names only at the start of the string with ...
user3701876's user avatar
2 votes
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how to properly install via nuget for windows phone 7.1 and Silverlight v.4,0

I need to use for json serialization and deserialization, but I have the problem with installing this package. As I saw on the website it supports wp 7.1 and silverilight. When I'm typing in ...
MyWay's user avatar
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Rectangle follow finger on canvas in scrollview

I've build view in Windows Phone 7.1 with Canvases and ScrollViewer: <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot"> <ScrollViewer x:Name="SV" Margin="0,8,0,-8" ManipulationCompleted="...
Rayet's user avatar
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WP 7.1 show route from coordinates on map

I want to be able to display a route on a map, using a list of GeoCoordinates i already have. I have looked at Microsoft.Phone.Maps.Controls, but it doesn't seem to work on WP 7.1. Instead using ...
stefan's user avatar
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foreground color not getting applied first time in radio button in windows phone 7, if radio button is disabled

Foreground color not getting applied first time in radio button in windows phone 7, if radio button is disabled. Here is my code- RadioButton1.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 0, ...
Krishan's user avatar
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RestSharp usage for sending and receiving data

I have successfully created my app and now want to connect it to a localhost to check the working of my app. I have been suggested to use restsharp for connecting to the server using php and json to ...
nik's user avatar
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Reusing PhoneApplicationPage instances

I'm developing a windows phone app, one of my pages use a panorama that loads a bunch of UIElements, taking a good share of memory. Since every time I navigate to that view the page is created all ...
DVD's user avatar
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Add/remove event subscriber in application bar item?

Why would I do that, anyway? Here it is: My application bar item respond to click like this: <shell:ApplicationBarIconButton IconUri="/Images/appbar_button1.png" Click="Customization" x:Name="...
Eric Philippe's user avatar
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How to Implement Wait function in windows Phone 7.1

I want to connect to a server using Ip address from client. To get the Ip address of server I am using below code, It detecting the server correctly but I want to perform some other function after ...
Adarsh Urs's user avatar
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Windows Phone Image Binding

I want to put images in my ListBox using Binding. Below is the object containing the URI's: _roomView.Room = new Room { Items = new List<Item> { new Item {...
Subby's user avatar
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Accessing stream data of BackgroundAudioPlayer in WP

Is it possible to access the stream data of BackgroundAudioPlayer's AudioTrack in WP while streaming from a remote server ? I tried something like using a Media Stream Source but that involved ...
Anthony's user avatar
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How to save date retrieved from datepicker into database in windows phone 7?

How do I save a date retrieved form the datepicker into the database?.I have added the toolkit and added this line in my xaml page. <toolkit:DatePicker ValueChanged="...
user1930115's user avatar
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HttpWebRequest.UserAgent is set, but not working in response

I'm developing an App for Windows Phone 7.1.1 I'm using HttpWebRequest to get HTML code of a website The problem is, it's alsway get the "Desktop" version of HTML code After google, I find out it's ...
Tuan Tran's user avatar
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How to know if the mouse or touch is released when control is on a particular ui element

I have a block of images(these images are embedded in border controls) and they are arranged in 4 rows and 4 columns. When user swipes from one image to another image from left to right or right to ...
krrishna's user avatar
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Differences between ScheduledTaskAgent for Windows Phone 8 and 7.1

I have a big problem. I wrote an app for Windows Phone 7.1+, and it's also published on Windows Phone Store: this app works well for Windows Phone 7.1 and also for Windows Phone 8, and there were no ...
MAXE's user avatar
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Scroll view in WP 7.5

This is the link for the screenshot of my page (Sorry I can't upload it directly because my reputation is not enough) page Problem in number: 1: If I scroll it up it will override my notes ...
albilaga's user avatar
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Parsing XML with Linq with multiple descendants

I have a probleme to parse multiple XML field This a the style of the XML : <students> <student> <student_id>1</student_id> <student_name>Mike</...
user1908268's user avatar
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how to manage tile usercontrols(having listbox binding) in MVVM model?

//this is usercontrol code <ListBox Name="OvernightAverageListBox" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=OvernightAverageCollections}" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" > <...
aviral's user avatar
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Common Language Runtime exceptions trapping

I hope someone on StackOverflow would help me out with the following problem: I have a WP7.1 project, that I open using VS2012. Also, I have enable Common Language Runtime Exceptions. By doing this I ...
Mike's user avatar
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DateTime.Now issue in Windows phone 7

I am developing a windows phone 7 application. In my application user can make purchases. After purchasing we send the purchase details to our database server for future reference. The purchase ...
Arun's user avatar
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Why am I losing the navigation back entry when I navigate from one of the pages to another page in my application?

I have two pages: Page1.xaml and Page2.xaml. Page1.xaml has a listbox in which, when a user selects an item, I do a NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/Page2.xaml", UriKind.Relative));. But from ...
Salil's user avatar
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Remove last draw line on Canvas in Windows Phone 7.1

I am want to remove last draw line on Canvas in button click event. this.ContentPanelCanvas.Children.Clear(); Above line remove a all draw line on canvas.I just want to remove last draw line. Any ...
sejal patel's user avatar
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VideoBrush Suddenly Freezes and do not know why, wp7

Found out what was going on -- Accelerometers and VideoBrushes running at the same time will freeze the VideoBrush. To fix this, stop the accelerometer before starting the VideoBrush With minimal ...
Shaun Doty's user avatar
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Expiration localstorage + windows phone

I'm using localstorage like a cache to persist data: public void AddtoFavorite(Flight FavoriteFlight) { try { XmlWriterSettings xmlWriterSettings = new ...
user1428798's user avatar
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Using XamlReader.Load fails with my implemented TriggerAction, but succeeds with built-in one

My app loads XAML dynamically - the XAML can come from my server and thus I cannot just instantiate a control. I use XamlReader.Load() for this, and have been for a while now. I am having issues of ...
Shahar Prish's user avatar
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How to save the original image by replacing proxy?

I am doing an photo editor apllication.. i came to know that we can create jpeg using canvas(any UIElement) i am taking a proxy(smaller size) image while in editing mode. i am not getting how to save ...
Yashavantha's user avatar
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How to record accelerometer readings in a persistent storage file on a windows phone

``I am trying to develop a Windows phone application which can record accelerometer readings after every 10 secs or so to a persistent file storage area. For that, I have written a program code which ...
BajajG's user avatar
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Photo Gallery in Windows Phone

do you know how I can make a photo gallery like that default used by smartphone? For example in my project I add 10 images. I want to make 2 photo gallery, one by a topic, so for example I must put 5 ...
Develobeer's user avatar
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Programatically zoom out webpage in webbrowser

In my application I have created a webbrowser in which the page loads in Zoomed view.I need the page in zoomout position in default.Is it possible.Please help me.
Mini-Con's user avatar
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Loading an Image in Local HTML

In my Windows Phone 7 Application I am loading a HTML file on a web browser.The HTML file contains Photo in which the Image have to be loaded from Isolated storage (already stored).Can any one plz ...
Mini-Con's user avatar
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Windows Phone Keyboard Back-key press event?

I am working on a windows phone application. I noticed that after I show up a textbox and a keyboard, if I press physical "back" key, the keyboard will hide, and press again it will go back to ...
Allan Jiang's user avatar
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Binding data in a listbox in user control in windows phone

public class Emp { public string Id { get; set; } } I declared the class like this, but property i didnt set. I set the dependency property for textblock public static readonly ...
SENTHIL KUMAR's user avatar
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Adding datatemplate to listbox and panorama items form program in windows phone 7

I am adding panorama items to panorama controls dynamically, they are adding successfully without any issues but when i try to add the listbox to panorama item its giving error. I am not able to see ...
Raghuveer's user avatar
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Disable device idle detection in wp7

How I can disable Device Idle detection. So my app keep running and its not goes to idle mode or in lock screen.
Arslan Pervaiz's user avatar
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Need to know webclient download method run in UI thread

I have used the web client method to download images using a background worker in my wp7 app. I came to know the webclient method usually run in the UI thread by default. So now there is a confusion ...
SENTHIL KUMAR's user avatar
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PivotItem control windows phone 7 set color of disabled header

Is there a way to set the state of the header color in XAML when the PivotItem control is not the current selected one. This is the header code i am using for the pivot item control <controls:...
bragboy's user avatar
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Can WP7 Silver Light Gesture Listener be added to a StackPanel?

I'm working on a small Windows Phone 7 Silver Light app. I simply want a context menu to pop up over an item in a Listbox when the user taps and holds on the respective entry. I've read through ...
bergermeister's user avatar
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Is the Silverlight Application class constructor called on the UI thread?

In Silverlight for WP7, all UI elements are constructed on the UI Thread, and I've noticed that the Application class constructor also runs on the same thread. And the first UI element to be ...
tdlamey's user avatar
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How to Convert Desktop app to Windows Phone app

i have a desktop app which is created for image i want to convert it to a windows phone application, where picture will be taken and send to a server and image processing part will be ...
Zeus's user avatar
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How did WindowsPhone projects to load resource by default?

I like the way that Windows Phone projects load the default resources like these ones: <phone:PhoneApplicationPage x:Class="PhoneApp4.MainPage" xmlns="
Darf Zon's user avatar
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play audio in background - windows mango

I am working on wondows mango app and I have two XAML pages(say page1 and page2). On page1 I have a playlist and on page2 I have a media element that plays the song selected on page1, now what I want ...
TechnicalSmile's user avatar
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Standard way dynamically set theme based Images for Windows Phone

I am currently setting the images for theme like this in the MainPage.xaml.cs public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); setThemeIcons(); } private void setThemedIcons() { Uri u; if (...
bragboy's user avatar
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SOAP for Windows Phone

can anyone guide me how to build a SOAP service and hosting it in a server and calling back it in to a windows phone application
Zeus's user avatar
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Align text vertical and horizontal center in stack panel?

I am trying to align a textblock vertically and horizontally center in a stack panel which is there in Listview but i am only able to get text vetically center but not horizontally. Plus the text is ...
Balraj Singh's user avatar
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WriteableBitmapEx error in windows phone

hi im trying to use WriteableBitmapEx in windows phone but the code is not working...what am i doing wrong in this? double height = image1.ActualHeight; double width = image1....
Zeus's user avatar
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How to get Image height and width issue in windows phone 7

I am trying to get the height and width of an image in windows phone...but there are few syntax errors how should i do this? int hight = image1.ActualHeight; int width = image1....
Zeus's user avatar
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WP7 - Navigaton stops working after the application is deactivated and reactivated

I have recently upgraded the app from WP7 7.0 to 7.1. Now every time the application gets deactivated and reactivated (I press the Home button and then the back button) the navigation will stop ...
Dejan Pelzel's user avatar
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Is it possible to send Calendar invite in Windows Phone?

Is it possible to send a calendar invite through Windows Phone 7 programatically. I currently am able to open the email composer with some default text. But I need to include a schedule in it so that ...
bragboy's user avatar
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How to save a list of recent text entries in isolated storage.?

In my app I have a textbox named "msgBox" and a button named "sendBtn". When the user taps the Button, the text typed in the msgBox is sent to a server. I want to save and display the last 15-...
Kunal Verma's user avatar

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