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ListBox scrolling event in MVVM WPF

Is there a way to hook to scroll event in WPF (Windows Phone7), in a MVVM manner? I'd like to detect when the list is scrolled to the bottom, and then do something. I tried something like this, but ...
Marek M.'s user avatar
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property changes doesn't take effect, MVVM

I have a ViewModel like this: public class ColorViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged { private SolidColorBrush colorBrush; public SolidColorBrush ColorBrush { get { ...
user3129221's user avatar
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Windows Phone 7.1 Two Way Binding doesn't seem to work

First of all I feel really bad to ask this but I hope you can help me. I have a windows phone 7.1 one application with a progressbar. I would like to bind the progressbar TwoWay mode but I have tried ...
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WPF How to access a control from ViewModel

In new to windows phone development. Can someone help me to learn how can I access a certain control on ViewModel. Example Scenario: I have a listbox and I want to access the listbox from my View ...
JennyJane's user avatar
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Accessing variables from XAML and object from ViewModel using Code Behind

I'm a newbie in windows phone development. I would like to ask if it is possible to do this scenario. I need to access a variable in XAML using my code behind, then I will add it as an item to my ...
JennyJane's user avatar
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How to set ViewModel's property from View without explicit type conversion

I'm newbie in mvvm so I really need your help. In my wp7 application I'm trying to use MVVM Light toolkit. I have two views: "Main" and 2-mode "New", which is intended for addiing some item and ...
Alekstim's user avatar
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Send Details via sms

Detail page: // When page is navigated to set data context to selected item in list protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { string selectedIndex = ""; if (...
Adnan's user avatar
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Listbox data binding with Viewmodel not showing up windows phone

I am working on a windows phone application that uses a local database and MVVM. My listbox is not showing the WeatherList that it is binded to. I am adding a single WeatherItem to the local database ...
dannyp32's user avatar
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How to use progressbar in an async webclient call from a viewmodel

I am trying to use performance progressbar in a WP7 project but I have trouble with the async webclient call. My code is as follows: Update public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); ...
user1004994's user avatar
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unable to bind map geocoordinate center on to map on windows phone through mvvm using bing maps

I am trying to set the center property of map control dynamically based on the various routes that I display on the map at a given instance. I am using startpoint for the route as a geocoordinate ...
user1105705's user avatar
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unable to bind data to listbox in windows phone using mvvm architecture

Am trying to bind the data collection from json object from async callback response to the listbox in windows phone through implementing mvvm pattern...I am able to get the data collection to the ...
user1105705's user avatar
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methodAccessException when passing variables from ViewModel to ViewModel on WP7 using anonymous object (MVVMCross)

I've created an app using MVVMCross, the IOS and Android versions are working but when I tried to "port" to WP7 and I ran into the following problem: throw methodAccessException.MvxWrap("Problem ...
David's user avatar
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UnauthorizedAccessException (Invalid cross-thread access) thrown in WP7 project with MVVM Light

I am using MVVM light toolkit's Messenger class to communicate the different parts of my WP7 application. I am trying to make a view go to a different state when receiving a message from a class of ...
tomurillo's user avatar
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PerformanceProgressBar "Invalid cross-thread access" exception

I am developing WP7 app. I met some unexpected behavior. I use PerformanceProgressBar from the SilverLight toolktit in my app in several pages. These PerformanceProgressBars are binded to ViewModel ...
Martin Majoroš's user avatar
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How to manage the creation of instances when navigating

I am programming WP7 application adhering the MVVM pattern. I have ViewModelLocator which ensures that each instance of ViewModel is only one. These ViewModels are created when application is ...
Martin Majoroš's user avatar
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MVVM and NavigationService

One of the many benefits of implementing any pattern is to have a separation of concerns between the different layers in an application. In the case of Silverlight and MVVM it is my opinion that the ...
Jonas Stawski's user avatar
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How to bind view's loaded event to a method in the view model in WP7.1

I want to process a Page_Loaded event of my View (PhoneApplicationPage) in a view model. This used to be accomplished by the following: <i:Interaction.Triggers> <i:EventTrigger ...
Maxim V. Pavlov's user avatar
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Is MVVM suitable for WP7 app development?

I am developing an app using Windows Phone 7. I have used MVVM for WPF app development before but was wondering if MVVM is suitable for WP7 app development too. If not can you please suggest some ...
Souvik Basu's user avatar
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Agfx and caliburn.micro example

I am currently using caliburn.micro in my WP7 project and I am quite happy with it. My application is very data-heavy, so I took a look at Agfx (, seems it can save me a lot ...
Peng Wang's user avatar
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MVVM use of INotifyPropertyChanged Model not notifying ViewModel

I'm trying to use MVVM for the first time. I have a Windows Phone app (Mango), which has a model class, a view model class, and a view xaml page. I have controls (textboxes) bound to the VM, and the ...
Rich Hopkins's user avatar
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