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2 answers

table or view does not exist in Hibernate

I am getting below error while application is start ERROR org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter - ORA-00942: table or view does not exist ERROR org.apache.wicket.RequestCycle - Can't instantiate ...
Nitin's user avatar
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2 answers

Wicket - form components losing reference when PropertyModel is updated

I have a form with some fields and DropdownChoices. One of them is filled dynamically: when the State is filled, City dropdown is updated, and that's ok until here. Dropdowns filled dynamically (I'm ...
tomrlh's user avatar
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Wicket - Getting broken pipe exception when accessing DB

In my wicket application I have this service class: import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org....
Otis Ottington's user avatar
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IllegalArgumentException - Parameter with that name [name] did not exist

I have a this query on my code: return Long.parseLong(getEntityManager().createQuery( "SELECT COUNT(a) FROM ApartmentExtraType a WHERE = :idacc AND (LOWER( LIKE :name)", ...
Matteo Pezzanera's user avatar
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Displaying mysql crud table in wicket

I'm trying to find a way to create a table with CRUD functionality within a wicket page. I've never worked with anything like this. I was able to create a a Master Detail form using spring gui ...
MatthewC's user avatar
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Lazy loading dependent on Database?

we're facing a very confusing issue in our application which is designed as 3 tier application using * Spring-Data JPA (1.8.2.RELEASE), Hibernate (4.3.10.Final) in data layer * Spring managed Pojos (@...
Ansgar Schulte's user avatar
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AppFuse + wicket: No qualifying bean of type [org.hibernate.SessionFactory]

I have a small application written in AppFuse (multi-modular project). I want to try to use the Apache Wicket to make some kind of UI. Since AppFuse is based on Spring I found a tutorial for using ...
Cajova_Houba's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

ShieldUI Wicket Editable Grid

Hi I currently have a project which has been completed but based on new requirements some changes need to be made. My project currently uses Wicket and also Hibernate and displays data in a table ...
Vincent Fugnitto's user avatar
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2 answers

Sorting with SortableDataProvider and Hibernate

I have the following code: @Repository @Transactional public class PersonDao implements PersonDaoIface { Object property; String order; @Autowired private SessionFactory ...
user1383163's user avatar
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Autowiring of SessionFactory not happening

I have a project with: Spring : 4.1.7 Hibernate : 4.3.10 Wicket: 6.20.0 I am trying to get Hibernate and spring and wicket playing nicely I have the following code: init in ? extends ...
user1383163's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Wicket SortableDataProvider sorting with hibernate

I am using wicket 6.19.0 and Hibernate 4 I am using a sortable data provider, i have the iterator and paging methods sorted. Sorting is now on the agenda, does anyone have a good pattern in order to ...
user1383163's user avatar
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Wicket multiple checkbox Issue

I'm new to wicket-hibernate development. I have the following scenario but I'm not sure how to achieve it through wicket. I have a role table which contains following values Role ID ...
Sahaya Sangeetha's user avatar
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org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException when I try to open hibernate get session from sessionFactory

I created basic wicket-spring-hibernate application. I think, that spring is integrated into wicket correctly. When I start my application hibernate creates table from my model class, but when I try ...
Eleer's user avatar
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2 answers

Configure wicket with spring without xml

Is it possible to configure wicket with spring without using any xml files like web.xml??? Here is my already made and working configuration for spring+hibernate. I would llike to go with this ...
masterdany88's user avatar
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Wicket/Hibernate: get duplicated records in list from db

I´m using wicket and hibernate. I got two objects category and group. A group can have several categorys and a category can have several groups. My Problem (its pretty hard for me to explain it in ...
monti's user avatar
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Wicket: set JodaDateTime from form

Im using wicket and hibernate for developing a website. I simply want to save some data of a form. My Object is like: @Entity @Table(name = "PRODUCT") @Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType....
monti's user avatar
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Hibernate Session handling

Im trying to learn hibernate and wicket. Im actually not sure when to open and close a hibernate session. I´ve searched a lot and read many things about the session factory, but I still dont get it. ...
monti's user avatar
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Autowired field remains null causing WicketRuntime Exception

There are tons of these questions but suggested solutions doesnt seem to work for me. Im useing wicket along with hibernate and spring. Im trying simple form with one textfield but wicket keeps ...
Ziker's user avatar
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EJB Injection Apache Wicket

So my question is more a "why does this work" kind of question rather than "this is broken, help me fix it". One of the things I find I don't like about the Java enterprise stack is there are so many ...
deusprogrammer's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Wicket and Hibernate optimal place for sorting and filtering

my name is Hen and I'm working on an Apache Wicket Web App that has of course a page with some data as table that is grabbed from a database through hibernate and a DAO using a wicket dataprovider. ...
MrHenHan's user avatar
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Saving large text in CLOB with Wicket

I want to store a large Text in my Database. For that I created the CLOB field description in my table and added it to hibernate like: @Column private byte[] description; In Wicket I added a ...
Markus's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Strange Lazy initialization exception

I am getting a lazy initialization exception that I don't understand... I work with Java, Hibernate, Spring and Wicket. So, from the save method of the Form (extends wicket Form) I get a ...
diminuta's user avatar
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LDAP Auth for Wicket

I'm trying to get an LDAP Login Page working with Wicket. I have an working LDAP Class which responds with a true / false statement if the given user credentials were confirmed by the LDAP Server. ...
Dwarfex's user avatar
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How can i use Apache Wicket to process multiple model instances on a single form?

I am using Wicket to generate a form to allow users to set values for several model objects. Each model object has two fields, operNam and slaNam. The list of operNam values is taken from a ...
user3661128's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Wasn't possible to check the object xxx possible due an problematic implementation of equals method [closed]

I am getting this exception and I don't know what else to check, as everything I have tried was useless... The exception is: 2014-05-20 16:05:25,284 WARN [20812305@qtp-19256634-0 ...
diminuta's user avatar
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Tomcat but not Jetty: NoSuchMethodError: javax.persistence.JoinColumn.foreignKey()Ljavax/persistence/ForeignKey

I have recently upgraded my Wicket 6 application from Spring 3 to Spring 4. When I run the application locally on Jetty 7, it runs fine. When I deploy it to Tomcat 7, I get the following error: [...
Lucas T's user avatar
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Wicket & Hibernate entity with a Blob

i'm trying to change my File entity from byte[] model to Blob. Original code: @Entity @Table(name="raw_data") public class RawDataEntity extends DomainObject { @Lob private byte[] data; New ...
cbob's user avatar
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wicket,spring jpa repository - nullpointer on @Autowire

Im trying to build an application based on wicket, Spring jpa repositories, and Mysql. The problem is, my Service classes just don't want to autowire. I got a nullpointer exception if i want to use ...
Westy's user avatar
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2 answers

Using Wicket to display an image stored as BLOB in MYSQL db

I currently have a blob in my mysql db that contains an image. What i want is to display this image to the user. I cannot place it in a directory structure as the blob may be anything from an image ...
user1383163's user avatar
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Remove time portion when display date model by Wicket Label

I am new to wicket. I want to display a date which I get from database by hibernate, and display it by a simple Label. Label("nextCallDate",new PropertyModel(contact, "nextCallDate")) But the ...
Drizzle's user avatar
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Wicket authorization: Grant access based on page model

I'm developing a fairly standard web application with Wicket, Spring & Hibernate. I've been using wicket-auth-roles and spring-security to authenticate users, and now want to add more fine grained ...
Tim's user avatar
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Integrate hibernate-validator with wicket

I have some entities with some fields annotated with hibernate-validator annotations like: @Entity public class MyEntity { @Pattern(regexp = "[A-Z,0-9]{3,}") @Column private String key; ...
t777's user avatar
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3 answers

Could not find datasource in hibernate

I am trying to solve this issue from quit sometime now, i am using OSUSER api for simple user and group access. It works fine with JDBC providers(in OsUser.xml and PropertySet.xml) Now when i am ...
Ashish's user avatar
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NullPointerException in HibernateDaoSupport.getSession()

I'm using Wicket-1.5.x, Spring-3.2, and Hibernate-3.6. My application successfully starts and reads from the database, however when I try to actually load a page I get the exception pasted below. ...
Raystorm's user avatar
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Accessing DB via JPA in Wicket IResource?

I want to implement an DynamicImageResource which will be mounted in a Wicket 6.7/Spring 3.2/JPA 2 application. This DynamicImageResource shall retrieve information based on input parameters and ...
lajuette's user avatar
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Wicket Link automatically Persist Object while AjaxLink do not

I am using Wicket, JPA+Hibernate in a project I have the persistence class like this @Entity @Table(name = "document", uniqueConstraints = { @UniqueConstraint(columnNames = { "name"}) }) public ...
Seid.M's user avatar
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OpenSessionInViewFilter and Wicket and still running into LazyInitializationExceptions

I'm using Spring's OpenSessionInViewFilter in combination with Wicket and I kept running into LazyInitializationExceptions, which I couldn't get resolved. I could see in the logging that the hibernate ...
insert_name_here's user avatar
4 votes
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Is there some fully configured Spring Wicket Hibernate archetype including Annotations?

I guess tons of people asked this questions, but as of now, I haven't found a sufficient answer: I'm a newbie to Java-WebApp-Development. I'm quite used to work with a fully configured Spring-Wicket-...
Herr Ferdinand's user avatar
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Maven dependency conflict (Wicket + Spring + Hibernate / ASM)

I am currently upgrading a Wicket project from wicket version 1.4.2 to 6.4.0. The migration for wicket components/page went well, but I encounter an issue with projet's dependencies. This is a old ...
ssssteffff's user avatar
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AspectJ and Wicket throws nullpointer for Injector

I have wicket aspectj application which uses hibernate annotated classes and uses a DAO service layer. I have developed an updatetask that does not run in an applicationcontext. Therefor i created a ...
Niels Van Haren's user avatar
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Error when I try to use hibernate with wicket

I'm using this tutorial about simple hibernate implementation, and everything works great just from the console, but when i try to use this example with wicket by the button click on the web, i have ...
fen1ksss's user avatar
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wicket spring hibernate getting started

I am looking for an archtype to create a Maven project based on Wicket 6.0.0 Spring 3.2 Hibernate 4 (annotation based) All the examples I have seen (I have been looking for the last 4 hr) are with ...
yoav.str's user avatar
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RuntimeException handling in java web application

I've faced an interesting aim, this aim targets the exception handling in existing web application written with wicket and hibernate frameworks, suppose we have web app which is deployed in server ...
ilya.stmn's user avatar
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Hibernate OpenSessionInViewFilter Prematurely Closing Sessions?

I have a Spring, Hibernate, and Wicket application set up to read internationalized json content items from a database and pass them out via a request on an api url. The codebase responsible for ...
Wertible's user avatar
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databinder for wicket concept & status

Seems like Wicket + DataBinder( is good solution if you know only plain java and need to write data-driven web app, as i am. But when i use auth ...
cynepnaxa's user avatar
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Spring Dependency for Wicket 1.5.3

I am developing an application with Wicket-Hibernate-Spring, where I am using Wicket 1.5.5. <repositories> <repository> <id>googlecode</id> <url>http:...
Tapas Bose's user avatar
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Wicket "no application attached" when trying to access Hibernate entities

I have just started working on an existing Wicket application that uses Hibernate. I am adding a RESTful interface to the Hibernate data (in the same web app) using JAX-RS. The JAX-RS servlets don't ...
Garret Wilson's user avatar
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Hibernate: No session after save of new entity

I create a new entity, store it the first time and then want to access the collections of the related classes: @Override protected void onSubmit(final AjaxRequestTarget target, final Form<?> ...
Yashima's user avatar
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how to delete multiple row of table which generated through listview by using checkbox

I am working on wicket. I used a checkbox for every row in a table which is generated through Listview. I want to delete a particular row by using checkbox selection. This table can be generated by ...
user1263633's user avatar
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Data comes from list but does not seen onto the page

I am trying to take data & display that data by using component Label but that data does not seen onto page all labels are in table-row & row increses here but row doesnt get label package ...
user1263633's user avatar