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Wicket Datepicker Timezone 'ui-datepicker-today' and 'ui-datepicker-current-day'

In my application, we are using Wicket and for Date picker I want to apply the following css class ‘ui-datepicker-today’, to a 'td' tag that already has a css class ‘ui-datepicker-current-day’ i.e. ...
Saad Ali's user avatar
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Can't run wicket maven command from homepage

I'm trying to build a wicket project on a mac using the generated command from the wicket homepage: mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.wicket -DarchetypeArtifactId=wicket-archetype-...
Rune Stilling's user avatar
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I'm running an older version of Wicket with a Jetty web server. I'm migrating the application to a new server, and simply copied the entire Jetty folder to the new server. I configured Jetty, Java, ...
StockTsi's user avatar
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RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException http 500

When a exception is throw, I intercept the exception to display in webpage (ExceptionPage.class) like this : WicketApplication.class : getRequestCycleListeners().add( new IRequestCycleListener() { ...
Olivier Dutrieux's user avatar
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In Apache Isis 1.14.0 I need to overwrite the LogoutLink in the TertiaryActionsPanel HOW?

I need to implement a different authentication strategy for Apache Isis 1.14.0 (i can not update to a newer version currently) also i am forced to use Java 8. I implemented oauth2 with Microsoft Entra ...
Leroy Jenkins's user avatar
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Weld not detecting @Inject with Jetty 12, Java 21 and Apache Wicket

I am trying to setup a small application with Jetty, Apache Wicket and Java 21 but it seems like my Weld DI is not picking up on the injection decorators (@Inject and @RequestScoped): My setup is a ...
Itsyaboi's user avatar
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How to resize table in HTML after clicking a button?

I have a table where I can hide some stuff with a click of a button "Ocultar Informacao Adicional", but when I hide these labels, textfields, etc I can´t resize the table and it stays with a ...
Diogo Cruz's user avatar
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Properly Signing Out of Apache Wicket Application

We are looking for the correct Wicket APIs to call in order to properly sign out of an application. Throughout the years / going through Wicket upgrades, we've called a number of different org.apache....
Imperious's user avatar
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Wicket 1.6 Enabling a Link Component on a disabled panel

We are currently struggling with getting a single AjaxLink or Link component to enable on a panel that is disabled. When using either the AjaxLink or the Link component the onClick() event never ...
Infinitesimal_Loop's user avatar
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Java Apache Wicket AjaxSelfUpdatingTimerBehavior - avoiding web browser memory bloat/leak?

I am using the Apache Java WicketStuff InMethod grid and wanted the grid to automatically refresh its contents at 1-second intervals - the window can stay open for several hours at a time. So I ...
S D's user avatar
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How to get AjaxRequestTarget from inside AbstractAjaxBehavior?

I'm in Wicket 6 (client won't approve upgrade, we've asked, it's a whole thing). I have an AbstractAjaxBehavior that I wish to modify the page from. Normally, I'd drop the components to update into ...
Entropy's user avatar
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Wicket ajaxbutton works fine normally, but when triggered with, a javascript error occurs

Trying to help a colleague with a problem, and I'm kind of lost in the black box. We have some javascript activity that can happen, and at the end of it, we want to effectively check some checkboxes ...
Entropy's user avatar
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Why wicket autoconfiguration with Spring Boot not working?

I am trying to use this library I included the maven library. I copied @SpringBootApplication class, HomePage class and HomePage html. As far as I ...
Tihamer's user avatar
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Issues migrating Wicket 1.4 to wicket 9

In wicket 1.4.x I have custom Container + panel for my pages: example: public class MyPage extends WebPage { public MyPage(){ add(new CustContainer, "custContainer")...
eman's user avatar
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WicketRuntimeException by navbar with wicket:enclosure

We operate a Wicket application which, among other things, has a navbar - implemented as an enclosure. When navigating through the applications, we frequently receive a WicketRuntimeException, which ...
Karada's user avatar
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ECMAScript in Apache Wicket

Is Apache Wicket supported for ECMAScript 6, or is Ajax or jQuery always required to be integrated? Can this be found in a document? I am writing my master thesis and I try to compare TypeScript with ...
Romina Schelhorn's user avatar
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How to prevent StalePageException when using AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior triggered from other javascript components

I have a page that is mostly wicket, but there's a third party grid component on the page. It loads it's data via a URL I give it to an AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior. We also invoke a 2nd ...
Entropy's user avatar
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wicket/Jetty: avoid creation of new Http Sessions for liveness requests

I'm developing a Wicket application (wicket 8) and for containerizing it, I'm adding a liveness endpoint like GET /probe/ which I handle in a dummy ProbeApplication (non-authenticating Application) ...
Andrei Kazarov's user avatar
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Missing form-action csp directive in CSPDirective

I don't see the CSP directive form-action in the CSPDirective enums in any of the wicket versions? Is it possible to update the api. I am using wicket 9.15.0 version.
Lavanya Gopisetty's user avatar
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Wicket 8: How to start a download and switch page/replace panel at the same time?

I have a form which, onSubmit, requests some input-dependent data from a server and creates a file and a ResourceStream of it. The file is rather important, so the download should start immediately. ...
Michael Burgardt's user avatar
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Apache Wicket : How to do the mapping between checkbox and backend values right?

I use CompoundPropertyModel to map the backend values to model on a Map used in my Form. It's OK for text who doesn't change between the 2 steps. But for a CheckBox, i need to map True<->"1&...
Seazor's user avatar
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Change CSS on AJAX request in Wicket throws exception in dev mode

This is a follow-up of Change CSS on AJAX request in Wicket. I implemented the possibility to change CSS on an AJAX request by making the <style> a proper Wicket component. This is used inside ...
Seb's user avatar
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ApacheWicket Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make protected final java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClas

I am following Spring Boot + Apache Wicket tutorials: and have below code. When I add below line to ...
PAA's user avatar
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How to load Wicket CSS and Icon resources correctly?

I am looking for a best practice way on how to load a CSS file and an icon spritesheet with Wicket (version 9). I have several Java projects and the CSS and icon spritesheet is part contained in my-...
Seb's user avatar
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Working through examples, I don't see a MyBorder class in Navomatic Example

Working through examples, I don't see a MyBorder class in the "Navomatic" Example. Without this class the example doesn't work, and I don't see (or may have missed) an explanation of what ...
BelaOxmyx's user avatar
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Configure content security policy according to office uri scheme

I am trying to configure a content security policy for a Java web application. I am currently overriding the init method of Webapplication like this: final CSPHeaderConfiguration ...
Alexander Holland's user avatar
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Wicket setResponsePage calls constructor multiple times

Trying to pass a model from one page to another. Application.init getRequestCycleSettings().setRenderStrategy(RequestCycleSettings.RenderStrategy.ONE_PASS_RENDER) I have two pages, both defined with 3 ...
Jack Sparrow's user avatar
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How can I return different values in a FormComponent method?

I have this method that is going to create 2 textfields and a combobox. But I have a problem returning the different values because it gives me an error that "Type mismatch: cannot convert from ...
Diogo Cruz's user avatar
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Accessing @ConfigurationProperties from Wicket

I am using Spring Boot with Wicket and I would like to use Spring Boot's ability to read yaml application properties for configuration of my Wicket Web Application. I can get the configuration ...
Peter's user avatar
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Formatting of flash feedback messages in Apache Wicket

Is it possible to format (internationalized) flash feedback messages in Apache Wicket? Specifically, I need to break a longer error message to separate lines but can not find a way to do it...? (html ...
krenkz's user avatar
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Apache Wicket doesn't work when I add Link

This is my html page: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns:wicket=""> <head> <...
asgarov1's user avatar
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Add ExternalLink column to DefaultDataTable in Wicket

I have a DefaultDataTable to display entities and in one of its columns I'd like to have links (ExternalLink) for those entities. But doing the following does not really give me links, it shows only ...
jmizv's user avatar
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Apache wicket 7: how to add a behavior to a label inside enclosure?

I have a legacy block of code as shown: <wicket:enclosure > <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-sm-4 control-label">Vorlage</label> &...
Gamal Elsawy's user avatar
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Implementing Cancel button for Wicket form and enforcing navigation

I have a form to add an entity to the database. This form has a Save and Cancel button and also two input fields which are marked with required. While the save functionality works fine, the cancel ...
jmizv's user avatar
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Wicket Behavior is working in some cases, and is not in others

I have implemented a wicket behavior as shown below: @Priority(100) public class MouseOverTextBehavior extends Behavior { private final String description; public MouseOverTextBehavior(...
Gamal Elsawy's user avatar
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AJAX clicks are "eaten" when session is timed out

We have a Wicket web app with lots of AJAX buttons that change state etc., without doing a whole of page refresh - all typical stuff. What we've noticed is that, after the session has timed out, if on ...
Volksman's user avatar
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Can I open multiple tabs with a single button in Wicket 9.6?

I have a ListMultipleChoice object that I'm using on my homePage. I want to click the "Search" button and open a tab for each element in the LMC. What I have I'm able to Log each element ...
farmerbenny's user avatar
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Spring security role hierarchy with Wicket

I would like to take advantage of using role hierarchies feature from Spring Security in Apache Wicket framework. Namely to authorize access to individual web pages. Wicket is set up to get roles from ...
pogurek's user avatar
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Is it possible to integrate React.js with Apache wicket?

I have a legacy web application developed by Apache Wicket, and would like to know the possibility of implementing a new feature in this app using React.js, is that doable? I started my research about ...
Gamal Elsawy's user avatar
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Redirecting to an ErrorPage via IRequestCycleListener Wicket

In the project I use Wicket 9.12.0. If I use a ErrorPage without parameters: "getApplicationSettings().setInternalErrorPage(ErrorPage.class);" Then with the exception everything works fine. ...
IlHam13's user avatar
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ConcurrentModificationException when serializing a page in Wicket

In my application, a ConcurrentModificationException is sporadically thrown by Wicket when serializing a page. Unfortunately, I can't see what is causing it. Does anyone have an idea or how can I find ...
Cengiz's user avatar
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Don't know how to redirect to url from mail after login in Wicket

so I have this application. It has newly got sso via kerberos but is also running ldap as a fallback option. There is a routingpage that directs people to the homepage if authenticated by kerberos or ...
clatadia's user avatar
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Apache wicket Base64 encode the Ajax form data before submission

Our application(based on Apache Wicket framework) actively uses Ajax in the form of AjaxButton, AjaxLinks etc. We want to encode the form data request in Base64 format before form submission and later ...
Ruchi Kumari's user avatar
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CSP issue, strict policy applied but cannot find where it is defined

I wrote a Java WebApp using Tomcat Version 9.0.69 and Wicket 9.12.0 plus Chrome Version 109.0.5414.75 for display, but CSP (Content-Security-Policy) totally messes up the display with a bunch of "...
Eric Lemaitre's user avatar
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Get model object from another component in same form in WIcket 9.2

I have one panel in Wicket. Inside i have 2 separates forms. In the second form i have 2 dropdowns, the second is dependant the forst one, indeed once selected a value in second i can lokk in the ...
cyril's user avatar
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Wicket - Localizing date input field

I am working on an application whose target will be the greek market. My problem is that I want the date input fields to have the greek date format (which is dd-mm-yyyy) and the calendar to be in ...
chadouhoney's user avatar
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Apache Wicket 9.7.0 resource bundle naming issue

I'm aggregating JavaScript resources like this getResourceBundles().addJavaScriptBundle(MyWicketApplication.class, "js_bundle.js", wicketJQuery, ...
treo's user avatar
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Get a URL of the current page in Wicket for an OAuth redirect

I need to forward my user to an OAuth provider for login, and then pass a redirect URL to the OAuth provider. I'd like for the user to return to the same stateful page that they were currently on. In ...
Jesse Barnum's user avatar
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Apache wicket - page store - error while using AsynchronousPageStore

I am trying to use AsynchronousPageStore for our Application, by doing the following First I created an asynchronous DiskPageStore public class McAsynchronousDiskPageStore extends DiskPageStore { ...
Farabi Abdelwahed's user avatar
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Is possible to add a javascript library from backend multiple time using wicket framework without refreshing the page?

I want to add a javascript library in my page each time when we click on a AjaxLink in apache wicket without refreshing the page. Is it possible to add Javascript library without refreshing the page ...
Sahil Bhardwaj's user avatar

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