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appfuse configuring

I have created a project in appfuse. I've changed the data in my file and when I run the command jetty:run, it created my database and appfuse tables like app_user but after that it ...
Dandelion's user avatar
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does JHipster come with in build signup/login/logout feature

I have used AppFuse. It has in build signup/login/logout feature. But I have not use JHipster, can I know whether above in build feature available with JHipster also?
tech share's user avatar
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artifacts are not in local repository error

I am trying to create a appfuse project using netbeans. I have added to following to the pom file: mvn archetype:create -DarchetypeGroupId=org.appfuse.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=appfuse-modular-...
kittu's user avatar
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Dont validate Input number HTML on Spring (appfuse)

I have an input as: <form:input id="appetizerQuantity" type="number" path="appetizerQuantity" max='999' pattern="\d*" autocomplete="off" oncopy="return false;" onpaste="return false;" oncut="...
Lets Smile's user avatar
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Perhaps you are running on JRE rather than JDK

I made a project by appfuse.The command is: mvn archetype:generate -B -DarchetypeGroupId=org.appfuse.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=appfuse-light-spring-security-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=3.5....
B.king's user avatar
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IBM WebSphere + Spring Security 3.1.3.RELEASE

We have a sample web application built on appfuse starter kit version 2.2.1 which uses Spring security 3.1.3.RELEASE. We are going to deploy it on WAS 7 and we are testing it on IBM WebSphere
Kayvan Tehrani's user avatar
3 votes
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jQgrid filterToolbar fails with searchOnEnter

I have an exposed web service that returns data in either JSON or XML. I've set up a JSP page and added in jQgrid. The data displays just fine, however when I try to filter the results with ...
Bobby King's user avatar
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AppFuse + wicket: No qualifying bean of type [org.hibernate.SessionFactory]

I have a small application written in AppFuse (multi-modular project). I want to try to use the Apache Wicket to make some kind of UI. Since AppFuse is based on Spring I found a tutorial for using ...
Cajova_Houba's user avatar
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AppFuse: mvn jetty:run cannot find symbol

I'm trying to do some basic application in AppFuse (multi-modular) and I'm stuck with this error. I have an DailyRecord entity, DailyRecordDao interface, DailyRecordDaoHibernate class, and ...
Cajova_Houba's user avatar
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Web Application for Apache Hive

I want to develop a Hive Interface, which is uploading contents a excel file to Apache Hive(Big Data) Database using Java. And also, i will get data from other sources using Restful Api and data will ...
chandra sekhar lagadapati's user avatar
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Appfuse 3.5 and DB2

I am trying to create a webapp using appfuse. By default appfuse configures the app to work with a MySQL database, however I'd like use a DB2 database. Since Appfuse uses hibernate and Spring this ...
Greg W's user avatar
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Flash Attributes are not working

I have got an Spring MVC project (AppFuse) and Flash attributes are not transmitted to the GET request. What I do: In the transmitter method: @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST) public ...
JRr's user avatar
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/struts/webconsole.html is still working after setting Struts2 devMode=false

I set the following configuration parameters in struts.xml: <constant name="struts.devMode" value="false" /> <constant name="struts.configuration.xml.reload" value="true" /> <constant ...
Parmanand's user avatar
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Unable to connect Appfuse Spring app with Heroku Postgres database

I'm trying to deploy the basic Appfuse Spring app to heroku. When I push the code to heroku it successfully builds, but when I try to open the page I get an Application Error page. I believe the ...
legionar's user avatar
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Appfuse-Maven Date picker not being shown

I have developed a webmodule using Appfuse. I had a predefined database with few tables which had Date field in it. I am able to successfully run appfuse using Jetty, However instead of showing me the ...
Vinay Jayaram's user avatar
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Maven-Jetty ERROR freemarker.runtime - freemarker.template.TemplateModelException

I am getting following error message when i run mvn appfuse:gen-model 16:52:36,198 ERROR freemarker.runtime - freemarker.template.TemplateModelException: Method public java.lang.String org.h ...
Vinay Jayaram's user avatar
-2 votes
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Trying to build project with appfuse

I building my project with app fuse but unable to create it. Can any one help me to build appfuse spring project.
Qasim's user avatar
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Maven compilation error : Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3. 0

I am getting following error while running mvn compile [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.0:compile (default-compile) on project fitnessAdmin: Compilation ...
Vinay Jayaram's user avatar
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Appfuse spring security hasRole() not working

I'm trying appfuse and I have added some custom menus in menu.jsp (no doing in menu-config.xml because I would like to add some glyphicon, and struts menu can't do it) so for hide/show menus I wanted ...
Yichz's user avatar
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Appfuse Tutorial troubles - BeanCreationException

I'm working through the Appfuse tutorial for version 3.5 (as previously advised by Matt Raible in response to another question). I'm on this step:
Armon Inez's user avatar
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The archetype for appfuse is not configured and the build fails

I am running AppFuse from the command line. I have Maven 3.2.1 and Java 1.7 installed. I am getting the error: archtype not configured. I am a bit surprised because I am using the commands from the ...
Dave's user avatar
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appfuse 3.5 hbm2ddl schema export fail

I tried appfuse 3.5(basic+springMVC) a few days ago,I plan to use oracle so I edit pom.xml's properties: <dbunit.schema>TEST</dbunit.schema> <jdbc.driverClassName>oracle.jdbc....
yuxh's user avatar
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Appfuse bootstrap glyphicons not showing

Glyphicons are not showing in my appfuse app. As much as I could see, appfuse includes bootstrap as jar file. I tried to fix the problem by manualy including bootstrap by adding: <link rel="...
legionar's user avatar
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Ajax4jsf in JSF 2.1 myfaces

Our team is upgrading my very big Webapplication from Myfaces-1.1.5 to Myfaces-2.1.9 and from Tomahawk-1.1.3 to Tomahawk-1.1.14. Problem is my current application using ajax4jsf filter.. <context-...
Amit Aggarwal's user avatar
1 vote
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Defining userDao in AppFuse 3.5

I am following the tutorials on and I am confused on the "Register a personDao bean definition" section. If it is necessary to register dao beans in the ...
Armon Inez's user avatar
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Hibernate Persist Object Hieararchy Not Working- AppFuse

It is been a long time I hung up in the following issue. I have a one to many relationship and I am generating the database according to the model using Hibernate. It gives the following error. But it ...
diyoda_'s user avatar
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AppFuse 3 does not deploy to Tomcat 8

I have downloaded AppFuse version 3.0 following the quick start guide here: my set up string is this: mvn archetype:generate -B -DarchetypeGroupId=...
Armon Inez's user avatar
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JAX-WS: Assembling the enunciate app using CXF

I am customizing an appfuse 3.0.0 Web Service Only artifact. I have faced this stacktrace when trying to add a checked exception to my Web Service: [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus....
Kayvan Tehrani's user avatar
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Failed to convert property value of type java.lang.String to required type java.util.Date for property fromDate;

I need to save Date type in this Format(dd/mm/yyyy) and currently this format works for me(mm/dd/yyyy) My jsp Code <form:input path="fromDate" id="fromDate" /> <form:errors path="fromDate"/&...
Aravinthan K's user avatar
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Check whether user is Logged In to Application (Appfuse Project)

How can I check whether a certain user is already signed into my application? I want to do this so I can redirect someone that tries to login using the same username to logout. FYI: I use appfuse ...
idzi's user avatar
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Call simple action before login

I'm working with Appfuse - Spring security,Struts and urlrewrite and I'm trying to call an action before login the app (I forgot my password functionality). The problem is I can only access the ...
JDavid's user avatar
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Restrict the access of REST URL's in browser

How to restrict the access of REST urls in browser, can any one please guide me what are the necessary changes to made in security.xml. My web app runs on spring MVC framework. <?xml version="1.0" ...
rsr's user avatar
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Deploy Appfuse SpringMCV in Tomcat

I want to ask how to deploy application in application server such as tomcat, Im using SpringMVC and run in idea using jetty, when I run in localhost:8080, it works, but when deploy using war in ...
Imam Baihaqi's user avatar
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Can I use HttpSession objects with anonymous user in AppFuse Spring MVC project?

When I'm logged in everything works like a charm, but when anonymous user hits the page with session I get the following error: SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of ...
legionar's user avatar
1 vote
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POM.xml Shows errors - Beginner

I created a project using the following command mvn archetype:generate -B -DarchetypeGroupId=org.appfuse.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=appfuse-light-spring-security-archetype -...
Illep's user avatar
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How to access the REST service url in the REST Client

I have developed web-service application using app-fuse frame work But I couldn't reach the service url admin authentication username :admin and password :admin and here no any Oauth configuration ...
Shan007's user avatar
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Generating CRUD with Appfuse Maven Plugin(AMP)

A few Days Ago I Used the Command mvn appfuse:gen to generate CRUD with the Appfuse. But it Generated the folllowing files/classes for a given class (say, Category): 1) Category-validation.xml 2) ...
saeid's user avatar
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running "mvn appfuse:gen" does nothing

I'm Using Oracle db alongside the Appfuse ,but it does nothing when using command above (mvn appfuse:gen).for example, it's expected to generate a PersonDao/PersonDaoHibernate class in the dao folder ...
saeid's user avatar
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Appfuse user management from administrator end - setting password vs password hint

On appfuse (, an Administrator can add users. When adding a new user, the administrator can set "Password Hint" for the user being added, but not the user's actual ...
Rajeev's user avatar
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Errors in Stuts2 appfuse app in Eclipse

I have build a Stuts2 multimodule app using Appfuse archetype from Eclipse Juno. It works fine when ran through MVN Jetty:run. But When I try to validate the project in Eclipse , it is giving me ...
Mohamed's user avatar
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Java PrintWriter not flushing full String

Im using AJAX to retrieve a JSONP response of an external system, however the response is being (for the lack of a better work) truncated. My front-end page will make the AJAX call to the URL, my ...
CodeNameGrant's user avatar
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File upload with advanced mode not working

I'm trying to add advanced mode of FileUpload in Appfuse project and i followed this link: I add it but when in choose my files, ...
yaityaich's user avatar
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confirm password missing on Appfuse with Spring MVC + Spring + Hibernate

All the online demos for Appfuse on, apart from the Spring MVC + Spring + Hibernate version, have a Confirm Password form element on the signup page. Is there a reason for the Spring MVC +...
Interition's user avatar
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Appfuse app velocity error while deploying on cloudbees

I have appfuse stuts app when I deploy it on cloudbees I get below errors. I have bound database to the application in cloudbees. Are following errors due to JPA annotations or not getting connected ...
user3339592's user avatar
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Why is appfuse not sending emails? (SMTPSendFailedException)

I used the appfuse quickstart to create a basic Spring MVC project. mvn archetype:generate -B -DarchetypeGroupId=org.appfuse.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=appfuse-basic-spring-archetype -...
Mike R's user avatar
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Deploying AppFuse app on cloudbees

I have searched a lot for this but have not found any documentation or blog post on how to deploy Appfuse app on cloudbees. I am kind of new to all this. Does anyone have any documentation or blog ...
user3339592's user avatar
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spring-webflow jars not available

I have wasted a 4 hours on finding a reason for not adding of webflow jars tp the reference library of my my modular maven project which is generated from appfuse.I want to add a webflow to this ...
diyoda_'s user avatar
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Errors in Spring MVC appfuse app in Eclipse

I have build a Spring MVC multimodule app using Appfuse. It works fine when ran through MVN Jetty:run. I am able to build and run the app very well through maven. But When I imported all the modules ...
user3339592's user avatar
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Issue in removing value in tooltip dynamically

I want to load the values in in jsp dynamically. would be like this. message=Message for invalid password. i did like the following ...
Pravin's user avatar
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Where to add dependencies in MAVEN multi-module project

I am trying to make sense of all the dependency thing in maven multiple module projects. As a starting point I used appfuse to create a new spring mvc multi-module project. It initially has web and ...
diyoda_'s user avatar
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