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Dark Overlay while navigate table and search in laravel fillament 3.2

i have a problem when navigating in table and searching for items in laravel filament a dark overlay appears but no modal, pop up or anything, and i cant close it, and i need to refresh the page and ...
Windy Kurniawan's user avatar
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Laravel 11 Inertia Vue making an edit that doesn't take user to another page

I'm pretty new to this and it seems there are so many pages and teachers that make the Edit function its own page, but I want to do it on the same page so the user can just edit it while seeing ...
Marianne Hartigan's user avatar
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Java Spring Multi Role Authauthentication Authorization Error For One Role

package com.codecraft.Crud_app.service; import com.codecraft.Crud_app.model.Task; import com.codecraft.Crud_app.repository.TaskRepository; import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor; import org....
Kürşat Kilitci's user avatar
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Instead of updating, a new post is being created

I'm working on a small CRUD site, and I ran into a problem: when trying to update an existing post, a new one gets created instead of modifying the existing one. The ID is being passed correctly, I’ve ...
Faer Bot's user avatar
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Page reloads instead of displaying modal for Edit, Details, and Delete actions

I’m working with an ASP.NET MVC project where I've used Entity Framework to generate CRUD actions for a Student controller. The HomeController handles the main view (Index), which displays a paginated ...
Ammar's user avatar
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Learning CRUD and ASP.Net - Parent to list Child

I do apologise if this has been asked before. I'm trying to research but I also don't know what I'm supposed to search, sorry. So I'm trying to get the Parent and Child to link together on my project. ...
C.NCB's user avatar
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How to solve Controller integer parameter could not solve problem

Language: Java Framework: Spring Boot, MyBatis, MySQL I have been trying to add like service to my board service. It succeeded it. However, I'm trying to use userNo and boardNo to establish disable ...
codenoobie's user avatar
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Update function in my CRUD with Repository-Services-Controllers architecture

I have a repository layer, service layer and controller layer for my user entity. I want to update one of my records by username. This is my repository layer for the update: public async Task<...
vida's user avatar
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1 answer

Eloquent model update method not working through web but working through tinker in Laravel 10.45.1

I have had this problem many times now and I really wonder why this is happening. Here is its latest occurrence: public function updateBirthDate(Request $request) { try { $request->...
Adem Tepe's user avatar
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Node.js - [CRUD] update

I created a menu-edit.pug to show my edit form, hopefully users click the menu link, jumping to this edit page, and make some updates, when submit the form, the updated value will be stored and ...
Flora Jiang's user avatar
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How to map rest resource, domain model and entity

I have a shop object where one area can only contain only one open shop. Entity model @Entity Public class Shop{ @Id @GeneratedValue Long id; String Name; String Area; String closed; } Domain ...
Jaanu's user avatar
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3 answers

Laravel CRUD application returning null for individual items

I am trying to make a Laravel crud application following a tutorial but unable to get my items to show with data individually. I can output all items in the database but unable to output a single item ...
RandomPerson5443's user avatar
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How to debug/trace Spring PreAuthorize annotation

I have spring boot application. I am trying to follow the official spring tutorial from here or specifically this class: https://github....
Zlelik's user avatar
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Express CRUD operations "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'comment')"

I am building a simple app that displays an index of comments, allows posting of new comments, and editing+deleting of existing comments. I do this following Colt Steele's course section 371. At a ...
Eyas's user avatar
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Salesforce Case Object Updates Not Visible in UI Despite Successful CDC Event Capture

I'm experiencing an issue with our Salesforce integration that I hope someone can help with. We have a system that writes back several fields to Salesforce Case objects using the simple-salesforce ...
Egehan's user avatar
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Is it common practice to re-create database coupling rows when updating an aggregate?

Imagine we have a CRUD system with products. Each Product can have Attributes that represent properties of a product, like size, color, weight, etc. It's a typical EAV database case (Entity, Attribute,...
user2190492's user avatar
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In Laravel, I want a page history not be stored in browser history. How to prevent user using "back" button to see the old page

am working with CRUD project Laravel using Modal for: create, delete, update. But there is a situation when user from Home Page go to a Room Page. In the Room Page, they will click the update button ...
Trong Tue's user avatar
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How to connect multiple lambda function to a unified api in Golang

I created a Golang hotel reservation application which uses GraphQL and dynamodb. I have a reservation module which has the CRUD functions. All the functions have their own APIs. like create has ...
Tharun Raj's user avatar
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Delete Method in CRUD operation in Spring Bo

I have been trying CRUD Operation for my spring boot. I have to delete the row by given name in delete() method. I need some guidance to get this working. I debugged the code but it returns 500 error ...
Maniverse's user avatar
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Symfony/EasyAdmin: how to access entity when rendering embedded form

I'm using Symfony 6.4 and EasyAdmin 4.10 I'm rendering a form including embedded forms for entities included in the main entity (A Client class that includes several Videos and Playlists). I'm ...
DaveFX's user avatar
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How to save decryption key in Python using sqlite during GUI lifespan?

I'm using from pysqlcipher3 import dbapi2 to work with encrypted SQLite databases in a Python application with a GUI. Every time I connect to the database and decrypt it, I use the following code: ...
JosephMoraila's user avatar
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OData Restier POST request body

I have a .NET 8 Blazor App. I want to use OData for CRUD. My database is code first, created with migrations. For the following model: public class Category { [Key] public int Id { get; set; } ...
Florin's user avatar
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Automatic translator from OData requests to GraphQL

I have an existing GraphQL endpoint, and I need to connect it to a service that understands OData for CRUD operations. Is it physically possible to write an automatic translator from OData requests to ...
alexanoid's user avatar
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Notes not showing up on Main View (Flutter App)

Ive been following freecodecamp 37 hour flutter course by Vandad. The course was running smoothly without any problem until 21:50:42, when he teaches how to show all notes in main ui. Ive wrote the ...
Mohit Mudgal's user avatar
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Failed to execute command: node @nestjs/schematics:

$ nest g resource employees ? What transport layer do you use? REST API ? Would you like to generate CRUD entry points? Yes Error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'text') Failed to ...
Luiz Fernando R. Mecias's user avatar
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2 answers

.NET / EF Core CRUD The database operation was expected to affect 1 row(s), but actually affected 0 row(s);

I'm creating a new project trying to use Generics as much as possible, but I've encountered an issue when doing HttpPut and using EF Core. I'm using SQL Server in a container to store temporary data. ...
Marcio's user avatar
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UpdateForm.js:78 PUT http://localhost:8080/api/items/4 422 (Unprocessable Content)

I was working on a Small Personal Project of mine of learning purposes. Using ReactJs as Frontend & send requests to Laravel API as Backend. The CRUD application I made is almost complete but the ...
Aarish Mughal's user avatar
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Problems with the update in CRUD PHP Codeigniter 4

I'm trying to do a CRUD with Codeigniter 4, it's my first time using this framework. I created the Database in Mysql and I have already done the register and login ( they work at the moment) So on the ...
Diseño ma's user avatar
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Can't post image file to Express server with Angular 18.0.6

I am not a native English speaker so my english might be hard to read. I am currently developing Angular(18.0.6) application and trying to implement CRUD using express and mysql. What I am trying is ...
近藤亮太's user avatar
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NextJs router to match Forms

I have a basic app that posts an object to the back end. Frontend is nextjs and backend is django, thus backend does not matter for this question I am sticking to crud/rest as much as I can. My ...
Evren Bingøl's user avatar
3 votes
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Django error: Reverse for 'user_workouts' not found. 'user_workouts' is not a valid view function or pattern name

I'm working on my project for a course and I'm totally stuck right now. I'm creating a website to manage workouts by user and the create workout do not redirect to the user's workouts page when I ...
Anass Najam's user avatar
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How to make update function in crud

i'm trying to make an edit function in crud using js and i can't make it the problem is that the row doesn't update when i click on the edit button the info appears in the input fields again but when ...
Nour's user avatar
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How to do CREATE for tables with foreign key in ASP.NET C#

{ "FacilityID":"18c9aebb-0874-4fc2-900e-48f6b192797f", "FacilityRoomNumber":102, "FacilityPurpose":"DSFDSF", "LabTypeID":"...
huh's user avatar
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2 answers

Ignoring request for not matching predefined routes

I have some Sanic Python app code where following routes are defined: def create_inspector(app): inspector = Sanic(configure_logging=False) inspector.config['KEEP_ALIVE'] = False ...
vector8188's user avatar
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Woocommerce Schedule Sale Start Date Issue

I am trying programmatically set a sale start date. I am using: function mysalesdates( $product, $sale_start,$sale_end ) { if ( ! is_a( $product, 'WC_Product' ) ) { $product = wc_get_product(...
Steve's user avatar
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How to implement separate databases for each user in a CRUD web app?

I am currently building a simple crud web app for companies (user) to store their employee details. The problem is about "how do I implement so that each user can would have their own database ...
Malcolm's user avatar
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disable pagination crud generator nest js data/ui

I tried everything I could to turn off pagination and exclude limit page and override the getManyBase method via override, but I still can’t turn it off and at the end of the request I get http://...
Slow Storm's user avatar
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In Nestjs, How to dynamic create controller, module, schema by one service

I want to create dynamic service by user from frontend; For example, I create a form with moduleName, moduleUrl, schema options, and then save with createModule service to let nestjs to dynamic create ...
M.H's user avatar
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How to validate same name category creation that already exits in database while creating crud REST API?

I am creating CRUD API for category and products, each category may have many products, but I want to validate that if for example category name "Grocery", I already added (exist in database)...
Ashar Ul Haq's user avatar
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ListView builder with data from API

i have data from API that contains 400++K data, when I search some data, it works but only shows the data that is on page 1this API contain 10 data per page this is my controller, i want to search ...
Keroppiiiii's user avatar
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SwiftData updating a Model's property which is a list

I have following problem, please refer to the code below. In the app I can create an Artist (@Model) and add some Albums (@Model) to it. These are stored and displayed as supposed. When I'm launching ...
Bakira's user avatar
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add hours to a datetime field in mongodb

How do I add hours to a timestamp in a filtered set of documents in mongodb? A few documents were entered into a collection with a timestamp of 13:00 Pacific Time (PDT) in error, rather than the ...
fip's user avatar
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Issues regarding Updating values using CRUD operations in angular 17 with JSON Server

When I want to update the records stored in an API, the route is passed via ActivatedRoute and is available in the file, but the records are not showing up in the HTML where I want the user to update ...
makarandrtx's user avatar
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Order custom field added via checkout is lost after WooCommerce HPOS sync

My website have custom field in /checkout page in Woocommerce is: Link (Facebook/Zalo/Telegram), but I have problem when active HPOS, when click button Sync and active Compatibility mode of HPOS, it ...
Ave's user avatar
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How can I make newly added rows instantly editable?

I'm using prime react table to render dynamic data in react. I built my component with the help of the datatable docs. When I click the add row button, I would like that the new added row to be ...
Alex K's user avatar
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How to find objects using JpaRepository with multiple non-requiered request parameters?

I need to find some objects for all 3 non-required parameters from request with pagination: @GetMapping public ResponseEntity<List<Book>> getBooks(@RequestParam(value = "name", ...
indie's user avatar
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Can't Auto Fill Form When Trying To Edit - CRUD

Hello I was trying to use the Edit function from Laravel CRUD with resource. The problem that I got is that the form is not filling any of the old data that I already created using the value="{{ ...
NyK's user avatar
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Many one-to-one relationships pointing to the same model Django

I'm designing an application in Django where I have an Item model with numerous attributes for each item. I'm experiencing very poor performance in my application and I'm wondering if there are flaws ...
Josh's user avatar
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Why is my PHP code not correctly updating my CRUD application?

I am trying to make a CRUD app for my business, I have little knowledge with PHP. I followed a guide that has proven to be successful until I got to the update portion. <?php $servername = "...
Jakkber's user avatar
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Fetching multiple channel Id's using an array of channel names with youtube api v3

I am trying to fetch multiple channel id's using a array of different channel names in order to use 100 search quota units for a max of 50 channel names and 1 unit per channel id fetched instead of a ...
Quantum Coder's user avatar

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